Changeset e82a901 in sasview for src/sas/perspectives/fitting
- Timestamp:
- Jun 10, 2015 2:17:59 AM (10 years ago)
- Branches:
- master, ESS_GUI, ESS_GUI_Docs, ESS_GUI_batch_fitting, ESS_GUI_bumps_abstraction, ESS_GUI_iss1116, ESS_GUI_iss879, ESS_GUI_iss959, ESS_GUI_opencl, ESS_GUI_ordering, ESS_GUI_sync_sascalc, costrafo411, magnetic_scatt, release-4.1.1, release-4.1.2, release-4.2.2, release_4.0.1, ticket-1009, ticket-1094-headless, ticket-1242-2d-resolution, ticket-1243, ticket-1249, ticket885, unittest-saveload
- Children:
- 56e99f9
- Parents:
- 7801df8 (diff), f202138 (diff)
Note: this is a merge changeset, the changes displayed below correspond to the merge itself.
Use the (diff) links above to see all the changes relative to each parent. - Location:
- src/sas/perspectives/fitting
- Files:
- 1 added
- 4 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
re3b9001 rb404a3de 8 8 9 9 Fitting Data <fitting_help> 10 11 Assessing Fit Quality <residuals_help> 10 12 11 13 Polydispersity Distributions <pd_help> -
r5ac0a7a rff42a26 351 351 window, and a second graph window will appear displaying the residuals (the 352 352 difference between the experimental data and the theory) at the same X-data values. 353 See :ref:`Assessing_Fit_Quality`. 353 354 354 355 The objective of model-fitting is to find a *physically-plausible* model, and set … … 373 374 fit of the theory to the experimental data improves the value of 'chi2/Npts' will 374 375 decrease. A good model fit should easily produce values of 'chi2/Npts' that are 375 close to zero, and certainly <100. 376 close to zero, and certainly <100. See :ref:`Assessing_Fit_Quality`. 376 377 377 378 SasView has a number of different optimisers (see the section :ref:`Fitting_Options`). … … 397 398 *Send To Fitting*. Either way, the result should be that for *n* data sets you have 398 399 2\ *n* graphs (*n* of the data and model fit, and *n* of the resulting residuals). But 399 it may be helpful to minimise the residuals plots for clarity. 400 it may be helpful to minimise the residuals plots for clarity. Also see 401 :ref:`Assessing_Fit_Quality`. 400 402 401 403 *NB: If you need to use a customized model, you must ensure that model is available* … … 439 441 Note that the chi2/Npts value returned is the SUM of the chi2/Npts of each fit. To 440 442 see the chi2/Npts value for a specific *FitPage*, click the *Compute* button at the 441 bottom of that *FitPage* to recalculate. 443 bottom of that *FitPage* to recalculate. Also see :ref:`Assessing_Fit_Quality`. 442 444 443 445 Simultaneous Fits with Constraints … … 465 467 Note that the chi2/Npts value returned is the SUM of the chi2/Npts of each fit. To 466 468 see the chi2/Npts value for a specific *FitPage*, click the *Compute* button at the 467 bottom of that *FitPage* to recalculate. 469 bottom of that *FitPage* to recalculate. Also see :ref:`Assessing_Fit_Quality`. 468 470 469 471 .. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ … … 525 527 If you select a 'Chi2' value and click the *View Fits* button a graph of the 526 528 residuals for that data set is displayed. Again, if you select multiple 'Chi2' 527 values then all the residuals data will appear on one graph. 529 values then all the residuals data will appear on one graph. Also see 530 :ref:`Assessing_Fit_Quality`. 528 531 529 532 Chain Fitting -
r373d4ee r7801df8 2847 2847 """ 2848 2848 2849 if self.model == None: 2850 name = 'index.html' 2849 _TreeLocation = 'user/models/model_functions.html' 2850 if self.model != None: 2851 name = self.formfactorbox.GetValue() 2852 _PageAnchor = '#' + name 2853 _doc_viewer = DocumentationWindow(self, -1, _TreeLocation, 2854 _PageAnchor, name + "Help") 2851 2855 else: 2852 name = self.formfactorbox.GetValue() 2853 2854 if self.model != None: 2855 _docspath = 'user/models/model_functions.html#' + name 2856 _doc_viewer = DocumentationWindow(self, -1, _docspath, name + "Help") 2857 else: 2858 _doc_viewer = DocumentationWindow(self, -1, "index.html", \ 2859 "General Help") 2856 _doc_viewer = DocumentationWindow(self, -1, _TreeLocation, "", 2857 "General Model Help") 2860 2858 2861 2859 … … 2908 2906 2909 2907 _TreeLocation = "_images/M_angles_pic.bmp" 2910 _doc_viewer = DocumentationWindow(self, -1, \2911 _TreeLocation,"Magnetic Angle Defintions")2908 _doc_viewer = DocumentationWindow(self, -1, _TreeLocation, "", 2909 "Magnetic Angle Defintions") 2912 2910 2913 2911 def _on_mag_on(self, event): … … 2953 2951 """ 2954 2952 2955 _TreeLocation = "user/perspectives/fitting/ fitting_help.html"2956 _ TreeLocation += "#polydispersity-distributions"2957 _doc_viewer = DocumentationWindow(self, -1, \2958 _TreeLocation, "Polydispersity Help")2953 _TreeLocation = "user/perspectives/fitting/pd_help.html" 2954 _PageAnchor = "" 2955 _doc_viewer = DocumentationWindow(self, -1, _TreeLocation, 2956 _PageAnchor, "Polydispersity Help") 2959 2957 2960 2958 def on_left_down(self, event): -
r5265420 r7801df8 16 16 from sas.guiframe.utils import format_number 17 17 from sas.guiframe.utils import check_float 18 from sas.guiframe.documentation_window import DocumentationWindow 18 19 19 20 (Chi2UpdateEvent, EVT_CHI2_UPDATE) = wx.lib.newevent.NewEvent() … … 188 189 def _fill_range_sizer(self): 189 190 """ 190 Fill the sizer containing the plotting range 191 add access to npts 191 Fill the Fitting sizer on the fit panel which contains: the smearing 192 information (dq), the weighting information (dI or other), the plotting 193 range, access to the 2D mask editor, the compute, fit, and help 194 buttons, xi^2, number of points etc. 192 195 """ 193 196 is_2Ddata = False … … 265 268 weighting_box.Add(sizer_weighting) 266 269 267 sizer_fit = wx.GridSizer(2, 4, 2, 6)270 sizer_fit = wx.GridSizer(2, 5, 2, 6) 268 271 269 272 # combobox for smear2d accuracy selection … … 284 287 self.btFit.SetToolTipString("Start fitting.") 285 288 289 #General Help button 290 self.btFitHelp = wx.Button(self, -1, 'HELP') 291 self.btFitHelp.SetToolTipString("General Fitting Help.") 292 self.btFitHelp.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self._onFitHelp) 293 294 #Resolution Smearing Help button 295 self.btSmearHelp = wx.Button(self, -1, '?') 296 self.btSmearHelp.SetToolTipString("Resolution Smearing Help.") 297 self.btSmearHelp.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self._onSmearHelp) 298 286 299 #textcntrl for custom resolution 287 300 self.smear_pinhole_max = ModelTextCtrl(self, -1, … … 391 404 #sizer_fit.Add(box_description_3, 0, 0) 392 405 sizer_fit.Add(self.draw_button, 0, 0) 406 sizer_fit.Add((-1,5)) 393 407 sizer_fit.Add(self.tcChi, 0, 0) 394 408 sizer_fit.Add(self.Npts_fit, 0, 0) 395 409 sizer_fit.Add(self.Npts_total, 0, 0) 396 410 sizer_fit.Add(self.btFit, 0, 0) 411 sizer_fit.Add(self.btFitHelp, 0, 0) 397 412 398 413 # StaticText for smear … … 1046 1061 self.fit_started = self._manager.onFit(uid=self.uid) 1047 1062 wx.CallAfter(self.set_fitbutton) 1063 1064 def _onFitHelp(self, event): 1065 """ 1066 Bring up the Full Fitting Documentation whenever the HELP button is 1067 clicked. 1068 1069 Calls DocumentationWindow with the path of the location within the 1070 documentation tree (after /doc/ ....". Note that when using old 1071 versions of Wx (before 2.9) and thus not the release version of 1072 installers, the help comes up at the top level of the file as 1073 webbrowser does not pass anything past the # to the browser when it is 1074 running "file:///...." 1075 1076 :param evt: Triggers on clicking the help button 1077 """ 1078 1079 _TreeLocation = "user/perspectives/fitting/fitting_help.html" 1080 _doc_viewer = DocumentationWindow(self, -1, _TreeLocation, "", 1081 "General Fitting Help") 1082 1083 def _onSmearHelp(self, event): 1084 """ 1085 Bring up the instrumental resolution smearing Documentation whenever 1086 the ? button in the smearing box is clicked. 1087 1088 Calls DocumentationWindow with the path of the location within the 1089 documentation tree (after /doc/ ....". Note that when using old 1090 versions of Wx (before 2.9) and thus not the release version of 1091 installers, the help comes up at the top level of the file as 1092 webbrowser does not pass anything past the # to the browser when it is 1093 running "file:///...." 1094 1095 :param evt: Triggers on clicking the help button 1096 """ 1097 1098 _TreeLocation = "user/perspectives/fitting/sm_help.html" 1099 _doc_viewer = DocumentationWindow(self, -1, _TreeLocation, "", 1100 "Instrumental Resolution Smearing \ 1101 Help") 1048 1102 1049 1103 def set_fitbutton(self):
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