Changeset cbaa2f4 in sasview

Nov 17, 2010 5:40:17 AM (14 years ago)
Gervaise Alina <gervyh@…>
master, ESS_GUI, ESS_GUI_Docs, ESS_GUI_batch_fitting, ESS_GUI_bumps_abstraction, ESS_GUI_iss1116, ESS_GUI_iss879, ESS_GUI_iss959, ESS_GUI_opencl, ESS_GUI_ordering, ESS_GUI_sync_sascalc, costrafo411, magnetic_scatt, release-4.1.1, release-4.1.2, release-4.2.2, release_4.0.1, ticket-1009, ticket-1094-headless, ticket-1242-2d-resolution, ticket-1243, ticket-1249, ticket885, unittest-saveload

working on pylint

1 edited


  • Invariant/

    r16f60cb rcbaa2f4  
    5656        output_points = [(self.linearize_q_value(p[0]), 
    5757                          math.log(p[1]), 
    58                           p[2]/p[1]) for p in data_points if p[0]>0 and p[1]>0 and p[2]>0] 
     58                          p[2]/p[1]) for p in data_points if p[0]>0 and \ 
     59                          p[1]>0 and p[2]>0] 
    6061        x_out, y_out, dy_out = zip(*output_points) 
    7576        :param data: Data1D object 
    7677        """ 
    77         return [p[0]>0 and p[1]>0 and p[2]>0 for p in zip(data.x, data.y, data.dy)] 
     78        return [p[0]>0 and p[1]>0 and p[2]>0 for p in zip(data.x, data.y, 
     79                                                           data.dy)] 
    7981    def linearize_q_value(self, value): 
    150152        :param x: array of q-values 
    151153        """ 
    152         p1 = numpy.array([self.dscale * math.exp(-((self.radius * q)**2/3)) for q in x]) 
    153         p2 = numpy.array([self.scale * math.exp(-((self.radius * q)**2/3)) * (-(q**2/3)) * 2 * self.radius * self.dradius for q in x]) 
     154        p1 = numpy.array([self.dscale * math.exp(-((self.radius * q)**2/3)) \ 
     155                          for q in x]) 
     156        p2 = numpy.array([self.scale * math.exp(-((self.radius * q)**2/3))\ 
     157                     * (-(q**2/3)) * 2 * self.radius * self.dradius for q in x]) 
    154158        diq2 = p1*p1 + p2*p2         
    155159        return numpy.array( [math.sqrt(err) for err in diq2] ) 
    170174        # a radius of a guinier function 
    171175        if self.radius <= 0: 
    172             raise ValueError("Rg expected positive value, but got %s"%self.radius)   
     176            msg = "Rg expected positive value, but got %s"%self.radius 
     177            raise ValueError(msg)   
    173178        value = numpy.array([math.exp(-((self.radius * i)**2/3)) for i in x ])  
    174179        return self.scale * value 
    220225        """ 
    221226        p1 = numpy.array([self.dscale * math.pow(q, -self.power) for q in x]) 
    222         p2 = numpy.array([self.scale * self.power * math.pow(q, -self.power-1) * self.dpower for q in x]) 
     227        p2 = numpy.array([self.scale * self.power * math.pow(q, -self.power-1)\ 
     228                           * self.dpower for q in x]) 
    223229        diq2 = p1*p1 + p2*p2         
    224230        return numpy.array( [math.sqrt(err) for err in diq2] ) 
    238244        """ 
    239245        if self.power <= 0: 
    240             raise ValueError("Power_law function expected positive power, but got %s"%self.power) 
     246            msg = "Power_law function expected positive power," 
     247            msg += " but got %s"%self.power 
     248            raise ValueError(msg) 
    241249        if self.scale <= 0: 
    242             raise ValueError("scale expected positive value, but got %s"%self.scale)  
     250            msg = "scale expected positive value, but got %s"%self.scale 
     251            raise ValueError(msg)  
    244253        value = numpy.array([ math.pow(i, -self.power) for i in x ])   
    255264        If a model is given, it will be used to linearize the data before  
    256         the extrapolation is performed. If None, a simple linear fit will be done. 
     265        the extrapolation is performed. If None, 
     266        a simple linear fit will be done. 
    258268        :param data: data containing x and y  such as  y = ax + b  
    290300        # Uncertainty 
    291         if type( and len( 
     301        if type( and \ 
     302            len( 
    292303            sigma = 
    293304        else: 
    299310        # Linearize the data 
    300311        if self.model is not None: 
    301             linearized_data = self.model.linearize_data(LoaderData1D([idx], 
     312            linearized_data = self.model.linearize_data(\ 
     313                                            LoaderData1D([idx], 
    302314                                                                fx[idx], 
    303                                                                 dy = sigma[idx])) 
     315                                                            dy = sigma[idx])) 
    304316        else: 
    305317            linearized_data = LoaderData1D([idx], 
    317             deltas = linearized_data.x*a+numpy.ones(len(linearized_data.x))*b-linearized_data.y 
     329            deltas = linearized_data.x*a + \ 
     330                    numpy.ones(len(linearized_data.x))*b-linearized_data.y 
    318331            residuals = numpy.sum(deltas*deltas/sigma2) 
    323336            A = numpy.vstack([ linearized_data.x/linearized_data.dy, 
    324337                               1.0/linearized_data.dy]).T         
    325             (p, residuals, rank, s) = numpy.linalg.lstsq(A, linearized_data.y/linearized_data.dy) 
     338            (p, residuals, rank, s) = numpy.linalg.lstsq(A, 
     339                                        linearized_data.y/linearized_data.dy) 
    327341            # Get the covariance matrix, defined as inv_cov = a_transposed * a 
    355369        :param data: data must be of type DataLoader.Data1D 
    356         :param background: Background value. The data will be corrected before processing 
    357         :param scale: Scaling factor for I(q). The data will be corrected before processing 
     370        :param background: Background value. The data will be corrected  
     371            before processing 
     372        :param scale: Scaling factor for I(q). The data will be corrected 
     373            before processing 
    358374        """ 
    359375        # Background and scale should be private data member if the only way to 
    434450        p, dp =, qmin=qmin, qmax=qmax)  
    436         return model.extract_model_parameters(constant=p[1], slope=p[0], dconstant=dp[1], dslope=dp[0]) 
     452        return model.extract_model_parameters(constant=p[1], slope=p[0], 
     453                                              dconstant=dp[1], dslope=dp[0]) 
    438455    def _get_qstar(self, data): 
    459476        if len(data.x) <= 1 or len(data.y) <= 1 or len(data.x)!= len(data.y): 
    460477            msg =  "Length x and y must be equal" 
    461             msg += " and greater than 1; got x=%s, y=%s"%(len(data.x), len(data.y)) 
     478            msg += " and greater than 1; got x=%s, y=%s"%(len(data.x), 
     479                                                          len(data.y)) 
    462480            raise ValueError, msg 
    463481        else: 
    481499                return sum 
    482500            else: 
    483                 #iterate between for element different from the first and the last 
     501                #iterate between for element different 
     502                #from the first and the last 
    484503                for i in xrange(1, n-1): 
    485504                    dxi = (data.x[i+1] - data.x[i-1])/2 
    534553                return math.sqrt(sum) 
    535554            else: 
    536                 #iterate between for element different from the first and the last 
     555                #iterate between for element different 
     556                #from the first and the last 
    537557                for i in xrange(1, n-1): 
    538558                    dxi = (data.x[i+1] - data.x[i-1])/2 
    566586    def get_extrapolation_power(self, range='high'): 
    567587        """ 
    568         :return: the fitted power for power law function for a given extrapolation range 
     588        :return: the fitted power for power law function for a given 
     589            extrapolation range 
    569590        """ 
    570591        if range == 'low': 
    598619            self._low_q_limit = qmin/10 
    600         data = self._get_extrapolated_data(model=self._low_extrapolation_function, 
    601                                                npts=INTEGRATION_NSTEPS, 
    602                                                q_start=self._low_q_limit, q_end=qmin) 
     621        data = self._get_extrapolated_data(\ 
     622                                    model=self._low_extrapolation_function, 
     623                                            npts=INTEGRATION_NSTEPS, 
     624                                        q_start=self._low_q_limit, q_end=qmin) 
    604626        # Systematic error 
    606628        # may not be a Guinier or simple power law. The following is a conservative 
    607629        # estimation for the systematic error. 
    608         err = qmin*qmin*math.fabs((qmin-self._low_q_limit)*(data.y[0] - data.y[INTEGRATION_NSTEPS-1])) 
     630        err = qmin*qmin*math.fabs((qmin-self._low_q_limit)*\ 
     631                                  (data.y[0] - data.y[INTEGRATION_NSTEPS-1])) 
    609632        return self._get_qstar(data), self._get_qstar_uncertainty(data)+err 
    633656        #create new Data1D to compute the invariant 
    634         data = self._get_extrapolated_data(model=self._high_extrapolation_function, 
     657        data = self._get_extrapolated_data(\ 
     658                                    model=self._high_extrapolation_function, 
    635659                                           npts=INTEGRATION_NSTEPS, 
    636660                                           q_start=qmax, q_end=Q_MAXIMUM)         
    647671        invariant calculation.  
    649         :param npts_in: number of data points for which the extrapolated data overlap 
     673        :param npts_in: number of data points for which 
     674            the extrapolated data overlap 
    650675        :param q_start: is the minimum value to uses for extrapolated data 
    651676        :param npts: the number of points in the extrapolated distribution 
    663688            return numpy.zeros(0), numpy.zeros(0) 
    665         return self._get_extrapolated_data(model=self._low_extrapolation_function, 
     690        return self._get_extrapolated_data(\ 
     691                                    model=self._low_extrapolation_function, 
    666692                                           npts=npts, 
    667693                                           q_start=q_start, q_end=q_end) 
    676702        invariant calculation.  
    678         :param npts_in: number of data points for which the extrapolated data overlap 
     704        :param npts_in: number of data points for which the 
     705            extrapolated data overlap 
    679706        :param q_end: is the maximum value to uses for extrapolated data 
    680707        :param npts: the number of points in the extrapolated distribution 
    689716            return numpy.zeros(0), numpy.zeros(0) 
    691         return self._get_extrapolated_data(model=self._high_extrapolation_function, 
     718        return self._get_extrapolated_data(\ 
     719                                model=self._high_extrapolation_function, 
    692720                                           npts=npts, 
    693721                                           q_start=q_start, q_end=q_end) 
    700728        :param range: a keyword set the type of extrapolation . type string 
    701         :param npts: the numbers of q points of data to consider for extrapolation 
    702         :param function: a keyword to select the function to use for extrapolation. 
     729        :param npts: the numbers of q points of data to consider 
     730            for extrapolation 
     731        :param function: a keyword to select the function to use 
     732            for extrapolation. 
    703733            of type string. 
    704734        :param power: an power to apply power_low function 
    710740        function = function.lower() 
    711741        if function not in ['power_law', 'guinier']: 
    712             raise ValueError, "Extrapolation function should be 'guinier' or 'power_law'" 
     742            msg = "Extrapolation function should be 'guinier' or 'power_law'" 
     743            raise ValueError, msg 
    714745        if range == 'high': 
    715746            if function != 'power_law': 
    716                 raise ValueError, "Extrapolation only allows a power law at high Q" 
     747                msg = "Extrapolation only allows a power law at high Q" 
     748                raise ValueError, msg 
    717749            self._high_extrapolation_npts  = npts 
    718750            self._high_extrapolation_power = power 
    735767        :return q_star: invariant of the data within data's q range 
    737         :warning: When using setting data to Data1D , the user is responsible of 
    738             checking that the scale and the background are properly apply to the data 
     769        :warning: When using setting data to Data1D , 
     770            the user is responsible of 
     771            checking that the scale and the background are 
     772            properly apply to the data 
    740774        """ 
    784818        # Compute the volume 
    785819        volume = self.get_volume_fraction(contrast, extrapolation) 
    786         return 2 * math.pi * volume *(1 - volume) * float(porod_const)/self._qstar 
     820        return 2 * math.pi * volume *(1 - volume) * \ 
     821            float(porod_const)/self._qstar 
    788823    def get_volume_fraction(self, contrast, extrapolation=None): 
    819854        if self._qstar <= 0: 
    820             raise RuntimeError, "Invalid invariant: Invariant Q* must be greater than zero" 
     855            msg = "Invalid invariant: Invariant Q* must be greater than zero" 
     856            raise RuntimeError, msg 
    822858        # Compute intermediate constant 
    827863        # Compute volume fraction 
    828864        if discrim < 0: 
    829             raise RuntimeError, "Could not compute the volume fraction: negative discriminant" 
     865            msg = "Could not compute the volume fraction: negative discriminant" 
     866            raise RuntimeError, msg 
    830867        elif discrim == 0: 
    831868            return 1/2 
    838875            elif 0 <= volume2 and volume2 <= 1:  
    839876                return volume2  
    840             raise RuntimeError, "Could not compute the volume fraction: inconsistent results" 
     877            msg = "Could not compute the volume fraction: inconsistent results" 
     878            raise RuntimeError, msg 
    842880    def get_qstar_with_error(self, extrapolation=None): 
    882920            uncertainty = -1 
    883921        # Compute uncertainty 
    884         uncertainty = math.fabs((0.5 * 4 * k * self._qstar_err)/(2 * math.sqrt(1 - k * self._qstar))) 
     922        uncertainty = math.fabs((0.5 * 4 * k * \ 
     923                        self._qstar_err)/(2 * math.sqrt(1 - k * self._qstar))) 
    886925        return volume, uncertainty 
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