Changeset bc873053 in sasview for src/sas/models

Nov 10, 2015 5:39:44 PM (9 years ago)
Paul Kienzle <pkienzle@…>
master, ESS_GUI, ESS_GUI_Docs, ESS_GUI_batch_fitting, ESS_GUI_bumps_abstraction, ESS_GUI_iss1116, ESS_GUI_iss879, ESS_GUI_iss959, ESS_GUI_opencl, ESS_GUI_ordering, ESS_GUI_sync_sascalc, costrafo411, magnetic_scatt, release-4.1.1, release-4.1.2, release-4.2.2, release_4.0.1, ticket-1009, ticket-1094-headless, ticket-1242-2d-resolution, ticket-1243, ticket-1249, ticket885, unittest-saveload

Fix slit height resolution problem. Still issues with slit width. Refs #472

1 edited


  • src/sas/models/

    rbe0c318 rbc873053  
    1111MINIMUM_RESOLUTION = 1e-8 
    13 class Resolution1D(object): 
     13class Resolution(object): 
    1414    """ 
    1515    Abstract base class defining a 1D resolution function. 
    34 class Perfect1D(Resolution1D): 
     34class Perfect1D(Resolution): 
    3535    """ 
    3636    Resolution function to use when there is no actual resolution smearing 
    47 class Pinhole1D(Resolution1D): 
     47class Pinhole1D(Resolution): 
    4848    r""" 
    4949    Pinhole aperture with q-dependent gaussian resolution. 
    79 class Slit1D(Resolution1D): 
     79class Slit1D(Resolution): 
    8080    """ 
    8181    Slit aperture with a complicated resolution function. 
    9292    The *weight_matrix* is computed by :func:`slit1d_resolution` 
    9393    """ 
    94     def __init__(self, q, width, height, q_calc=None): 
    95         # TODO: maybe issue warnings rather than raising errors 
    96         if not np.isscalar(width): 
    97             if np.any(np.diff(width) > 0.0): 
    98                 raise ValueError("Slit resolution requires fixed width slits") 
    99             width = width[0] 
    100         if not np.isscalar(height): 
    101             if np.any(np.diff(height) > 0.0): 
    102                 raise ValueError("Slit resolution requires fixed height slits") 
    103             height = height[0] 
     94    def __init__(self, q, width, height=0., q_calc=None): 
    10595        # Remember what width/height was used even though we won't need them 
    10696        # after the weight matrix is constructed 
    10797        self.width, self.height = width, height 
     99        # Allow independent resolution on each point even though it is not 
     100        # needed in practice. 
     101        if np.isscalar(width): 
     102            width = np.ones(len(q))*width 
     103        else: 
     104            width = np.asarray(width) 
     105        if np.isscalar(height): 
     106            height = np.ones(len(q))*height 
     107        else: 
     108            height = np.asarray(height) 
    109110        self.q = q.flatten() 
    169170            \int_{-\Delta q_v}^{\Delta q_v} I(u) du 
    170171    """ 
    171     if width == 0.0 and height == 0.0: 
    172         #print "condition zero" 
    173         return 1 
     172    #np.set_printoptions(precision=6, linewidth=10000) 
     174    # The current algorithm is a midpoint rectangle rule. 
    175175    q_edges = bin_edges(q_calc) # Note: requires q > 0 
    176176    q_edges[q_edges<0.0] = 0.0 # clip edges below zero 
    178     #np.set_printoptions(linewidth=10000) 
    179     if width <= 100.0 * height or height == 0: 
    180         # The current algorithm is a midpoint rectangle rule.  In the test case, 
    181         # neither trapezoid nor Simpson's rule improved the accuracy. 
    182         #print "condition h", q_edges.shape, q.shape, q_calc.shape 
    183         weights = np.zeros((len(q), len(q_calc)), 'd') 
    184         for i, qi in enumerate(q): 
    185             weights[i, :] = np.diff(q_to_u(q_edges, qi)) 
    186         weights /= width 
    187         weights = weights.T 
    188     else: 
    189         #print "condition w" 
    190         # Make q_calc into a row vector, and q into a column vector 
    191         q, q_calc = q[None,:], q_calc[:,None] 
    192         in_x = (q_calc >= q-width) * (q_calc <= q+width) 
    193         weights = np.diff(q_edges)[:,None] * in_x 
    195     return weights 
     177    weights = np.zeros((len(q), len(q_calc)), 'd') 
     179    for i, (qi, w, h) in enumerate(zip(q, width, height)): 
     180        if w == 0. and h == 0.: 
     181            # Perfect resolution, so return the theory value directly. 
     182            # Note: assumes that q is a subset of q_calc.  If qi need not be 
     183            # in q_calc, then we can do a weighted interpolation by looking 
     184            # up qi in q_calc, then weighting the result by the relative 
     185            # distance to the neighbouring points. 
     186            weights[i, :] = (q_calc == qi) 
     187        elif h == 0 or w > 100.0 * h: 
     188            # Convert bin edges from q to u 
     189            u_limit = np.sqrt(qi**2 + w**2) 
     190            u_edges = q_edges**2 - qi**2 
     191            u_edges[q_edges < qi] = 0. 
     192            u_edges[q_edges > u_limit] = u_limit**2 - qi**2 
     193            weights[i, :] = np.diff(np.sqrt(u_edges))/w 
     194            #print "i, qi",i,qi,qi+width 
     195            #print q_calc 
     196            #print weights[i,:] 
     197        elif w == 0: 
     198            in_x = (q_calc >= qi-h) * (q_calc <= qi+h) 
     199            weights[i,:] = in_x * np.diff(q_edges) / (2*h) 
     201    return weights.T 
    212218    function. 
    213219    """ 
    214     height # keep lint happy 
    215220    q_min, q_max = np.min(q), np.max(np.sqrt(q**2 + width**2)) 
    216221    return geometric_extrapolation(q, q_min, q_max) 
    233238        ]) 
    234239    return edges 
    237 def q_to_u(q, q0): 
    238     """ 
    239     Convert *q* values to *u* values for the integral computed at *q0*. 
    240     """ 
    241     # array([value])**2 - value**2 is not always zero 
    242     qpsq = q**2 - q0**2 
    243     qpsq[qpsq<0] = 0 
    244     return sqrt(qpsq) 
    297292    *points_per_decade* sets the ratio between consecutive steps such 
    298293    that there will be $n$ points used for every factor of 10 increase 
    299     in $q$. 
     294    in *q*. 
    301296    If *points_per_decade* is not given, it will be estimated as follows. 
    316311    Substituting: 
    318     .. math:: 
    320313        n_\text{extend} = (n-1) (\log q_\text{max} - \log q_n) 
    321             / (\log q_n - \log q_1) 
     314            / (\log q_n - log q_1) 
    322315    """ 
    323316    q = np.sort(q) 
    361 def romberg_slit_1d(q, delta_qv, form, pars): 
     354def romberg_slit_1d(q, width, height, form, pars): 
    362355    """ 
    363356    Romberg integration for slit resolution. 
    366359    that make it slow to evaluate but give it good accuracy. 
    367360    """ 
    368     from scipy.integrate import romberg 
     361    from scipy.integrate import romberg, dblquad 
    370363    if any(k not in['defaults'] for k in pars.keys()): 
    374367                         (", ".join(sorted(extra)), ", ".join(sorted(keys)))) 
    376     _fn = lambda u, q0: eval_form(sqrt(q0**2 + u**2), form, pars) 
    377     r = [romberg(_fn, 0, delta_qv[0], args=(qi,), 
    378                  divmax=100, vec_func=True, tol=0, rtol=1e-8) 
    379          for qi in q] 
     369    if np.isscalar(width): 
     370        width = [width]*len(q) 
     371    if np.isscalar(height): 
     372        height = [height]*len(q) 
     373    _int_w = lambda w, qi: eval_form(sqrt(qi**2 + w**2), form, pars) 
     374    _int_h = lambda h, qi: eval_form(abs(qi+h), form, pars) 
     375    _int_wh = lambda w, h, qi: eval_form(sqrt((qi+h)**2 + w**2), form, pars) 
     376    result = np.empty(len(q)) 
     377    for i, (qi, w, h) in enumerate(zip(q, width, height)): 
     378        if h == 0.: 
     379            r = romberg(_int_w, 0, w, args=(qi,), 
     380                        divmax=100, vec_func=True, tol=0, rtol=1e-8) 
     381            result[i] = r/w 
     382        elif w == 0.: 
     383            r = romberg(_int_h, -h, h, args=(qi,), 
     384                        divmax=100, vec_func=True, tol=0, rtol=1e-8) 
     385            result[i] = r/(2*h) 
     386        else: 
     387            r, err = dblquad(_int_wh, -h, h, lambda h: 0., lambda h: width, 
     388                             args=(qi,)) 
     389            result[i] = r/(w*2*h) 
    380391    # r should be [float, ...], but it is [array([float]), array([float]),...] 
    381     return np.asarray(r).flatten()/delta_qv[0] 
     392    return result 
    521532    def compare(self, q, output, answer, tolerance): 
    522         err = (output - answer)/answer 
    523         idx = abs(err) >= tolerance 
    524         problem = zip(q[idx], output[idx], answer[idx], err[idx]) 
    525         print "\n".join(str(v) for v in problem) 
     533        #err = (output - answer)/answer 
     534        #idx = abs(err) >= tolerance 
     535        #problem = zip(q[idx], output[idx], answer[idx], err[idx]) 
     536        #print "\n".join(str(v) for v in problem) 
    526537        np.testing.assert_allclose(output, answer, rtol=tolerance) 
    609620        data = np.loadtxt(data_string.split('\n')).T 
    610621        q, delta_qv, _, answer = data 
    611         answer = romberg_slit_1d(q, delta_qv, self.model, pars) 
     622        answer = romberg_slit_1d(q, delta_qv, 0., self.model, pars) 
    612623        q_calc = slit_extend_q(interpolate(q, 2*np.pi/radius/20), 
    613                                delta_qv[0], delta_qv[0]) 
     624                               delta_qv[0], 0.) 
    614625        resolution = Slit1D(q, width=delta_qv, height=0, q_calc=q_calc) 
    615626        output = self.Iq_sphere(pars, resolution) 
    629640        form = load_model('ellipsoid', dtype='double') 
    630641        q = np.logspace(log10(4e-5),log10(2.5e-2), 68) 
    631         delta_qv = [0.117] 
    632         resolution = Slit1D(q, width=delta_qv, height=0) 
    633         answer = romberg_slit_1d(q, delta_qv, form, pars) 
     642        width, height = 0.117, 0. 
     643        resolution = Slit1D(q, width=width, height=height) 
     644        answer = romberg_slit_1d(q, width, height, form, pars) 
    634645        output = resolution.apply(eval_form(resolution.q_calc, form, pars)) 
    635646        # TODO: 10% is too much error; use better algorithm 
     647        #print np.max(abs(answer-output)/answer) 
    636648, output, answer, 0.1) 
    861873def _eval_demo_1d(resolution, title): 
     874    import sys 
    862875    from sasmodels import core 
    863     from sasmodels.models import cylinder 
    864     ## or alternatively: 
    865     # cylinder = core.load_model_definition('cylinder') 
    866     model = core.load_model(cylinder) 
     876    name = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else 'cylinder' 
     878    if name == 'cylinder': 
     879        pars = {'length':210, 'radius':500} 
     880    elif name == 'teubner_strey': 
     881        pars = {'a2':0.003, 'c1':-1e4, 'c2':1e10, 'background':0.312643} 
     882    elif name == 'sphere' or name == 'spherepy': 
     883        pars = TEST_PARS_SLIT_SPHERE 
     884    elif name == 'ellipsoid': 
     885        pars = { 
     886            'scale':0.05, 
     887            'rpolar':500, 'requatorial':15000, 
     888            'sld':6, 'solvent_sld': 1, 
     889            } 
     890    else: 
     891        pars = {} 
     892    defn = core.load_model_definition(name) 
     893    model = core.load_model(defn) 
    868895    kernel = core.make_kernel(model, [resolution.q_calc]) 
    869     theory = core.call_kernel(kernel, {'length':210, 'radius':500}) 
     896    theory = core.call_kernel(kernel, pars) 
    870897    Iq = resolution.apply(theory) 
     899    if isinstance(resolution, Slit1D): 
     900        width, height = resolution.width, resolution.height 
     901        Iq_romb = romberg_slit_1d(resolution.q, width, height, model, pars) 
     902    else: 
     903        dq = resolution.q_width 
     904        Iq_romb = romberg_pinhole_1d(resolution.q, dq, model, pars) 
    872906    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
    873907    plt.loglog(resolution.q_calc, theory, label='unsmeared') 
    874908    plt.loglog(resolution.q, Iq, label='smeared', hold=True) 
     909    plt.loglog(resolution.q, Iq_romb, label='romberg smeared', hold=True) 
    875910    plt.legend() 
    876911    plt.title(title) 
    880915def demo_pinhole_1d(): 
    881     q = np.logspace(-3, -1, 400) 
     916    q = np.logspace(-4, np.log10(0.2), 400) 
    882917    q_width = 0.1*q 
    883918    resolution = Pinhole1D(q, q_width) 
    886921def demo_slit_1d(): 
    887     q = np.logspace(-3, -1, 400) 
    888     qx_width = 0.005 
    889     qy_width = 0.0 
    890     resolution = Slit1D(q, qx_width, qy_width) 
    891     _eval_demo_1d(resolution, title="0.005 Qx Slit Resolution") 
     922    q = np.logspace(-4, np.log10(0.2), 400) 
     923    w = h = 0. 
     924    #w = 0.005 
     925    w = 0.0277790 
     926    #h = 0.00277790 
     927    resolution = Slit1D(q, w, h) 
     928    _eval_demo_1d(resolution, title="(%g,%g) Slit Resolution"%(w,h)) 
    893930def demo(): 
    895932    plt.subplot(121) 
    896933    demo_pinhole_1d() 
     934    #plt.yscale('linear') 
    897935    plt.subplot(122) 
    898936    demo_slit_1d() 
     937    #plt.yscale('linear') 
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