Changeset 7d3aa9a in sasview for installers/RELEASE.txt

Sep 18, 2018 8:48:05 AM (6 years ago)
master, magnetic_scatt, release-4.2.2, ticket-1009, ticket-1094-headless, ticket-1242-2d-resolution, ticket-1243, ticket-1249, unittest-saveload
5e88e27c (diff), 9319cb0 (diff)
Note: this is a merge changeset, the changes displayed below correspond to the merge itself.
Use the (diff) links above to see all the changes relative to each parent.

Merge branch 'master' of into Ticket1176

1 moved


  • installers/RELEASE.txt

    rfde3042 r9319cb0  
    11Release Notes 
    441- Features 
    66    - New in Version 4.2.0 
    77      -------------------- 
    8       This point release heralds many improvements and a host of bug fixes. But there are also some significant changes from previous versions. 
     8      This release heralds many improvements and a host of bug fixes, along with 
     9      some significant changes from previous versions. Further, as promised, it 
     10      marks the end of support for 32 bit operating systems and is only 
     11      available for 64 bit operating systems. 
     13      With this version the change to the new model API and plugins infrastructure 
     14      begun with 4.0 is essentially complete (though extensions are in the works 
     15      and more are likely they should remain backwardly compatible with previous 
     16      versions of SasView). 
     18      NOTE: Old-style plugin models, including old sum|multiply models will continue 
     19      to be supported (i.e. SasView will be able to run them) in 4.x. However, 
     20      the expectation is that such support will be removed in 5.0 and everyone 
     21      is strongly encouraged to convert their custom models to the new API. 
     23      Finally, the changes to orientation angles and orientational distribution 
     24      definitions are now also complete. 
    1026      - Changes 
    11          - The infrastucture for calculating 2D patterns from 3D orientated objects has been totally re-factored. It is now more accurate and consistent across models. 
    12          - The way that SasView defines the orientation of anisometric and aligned objects has been completely overhauled. It now differs from previous versions. 
    13          - Plugin models, including sum/multiply models, have completely migrated to the new infrastructure. ???DO WE NEED TO SAY SOMETHING ABOUT BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY OR LEGACY SUPPORT HERE??? 
    14          - The NeXus loader has been removed (as it is superseded by the NXcanSAS loader). 
     27         - The infrastucture for calculating 2D patterns from 3D orientated objects 
     28           has been totally re-factored. It is now more accurate and consistent 
     29           across models. 
     30         - The way that SasView defines the orientation of anisometric and 
     31           aligned objects has been completely overhauled. It now differs from 
     32           previous versions. 
     33         - Plugin models, including sum|multiply models, have completely migrated 
     34           to the new infrastructure. NOTE that 3.x type models as well as early, 
     35           intermediate 4.x type models, including those generated by sum|multiply 
     36           will continue to be supported in 4.x but will likely no longer be 
     37           supported after the move to 5.0.  Users are strongly encouraged to 
     38           migrate any custom models. 
     39         - The NeXus loader has been removed as it is superseded by the NXcanSAS 
     40           standard loader and SasView does not support the treatment of raw 
     41           data. 
    1542      - Improvements 
    16          - The accuracy/speed of some numerical integrations have been improved. ???CHECK WITH PAULK??? 
    17          - An orientation viewer tool has been introduced (to assist in understanding the new orientation framework). 
    18          - Problems with the computation of magnetic scattering from some objects have been rectified. 
     43         - The accuracy/speed of some numerical integrations have been improved. 
     44         - An orientation viewer tool has been introduced to assist in 
     45           understanding the new orientation framework. 
     46         - Problems with the computation of magnetic scattering from some 
     47           objects have been rectified. Some questions remain however. 
    1948         - The known issue with the core_shell_parallelepiped model is now fixed. 
    20          - A number of issues and inconsistencies with the creation of sum|product models have been rectified (and more work is in progress). 
    21          - A Boltzmann distribution has been added for polydispersity/orientational distributions. 
     49         - A number of issues and inconsistencies with the creation of 
     50           sum|multiply models have been rectified. 
     51         - A Boltzmann distribution has been added for polydispersity/orientational 
     52           distributions. 
    2253         - Some batch slicing options have been introduced. 
    2354         - Correlation function analysis now computes both the 1D and 3D functions. 
    2455         - There are several data loading improvements. 
    25          - There are several improvements to Save/Load Project (with more to come). 
     56         - There are several improvements to Save/Load Project. 
    2657         - There have been numerous other bug fixes. 
    2758      - Documentation 
    28          Several sections of the help documentation have undergone significant checking and updating, particularly those relating to orientation, magnetic scattering, and polydispersity distributions. 
     59           Several sections of the help documentation have undergone significant 
     60           checking and updating, particularly those relating to orientation, 
     61           magnetic scattering, and polydispersity distributions. Detailed 
     62           advanced instructions for plugin writing and some scripting 
     63           instructions have been added. 
    2964      - Other work 
    30          - A Third-Party initiative has recently succeeded in getting SasView to run on Debian. More details at 
    31          - With this release we have started to prepare for the inevitable move to Python 3. 
    32          - SasView 5.0 is already in development. The two most significant features of this version will be (i) a move away from the present WxPython GUIs to new Qt5 GUIs, and (ii) implementation of the Beta-approximation for S(Q). Subject to resources, the latter functionality may be released (in a non-GUI form) in an interim SasView 4.3.0. 
     65         - A Third-Party initiative has recently succeeded in getting SasView to 
     66           run on Debian. More details at 
     68         - With this release we have started to prepare for the inevitable move 
     69           to Python 3, which will occur with the release of 5.0 
     70         - SasView 5.0 is currently in development. The two most significant 
     71           features of this version will be (i) a move away from the present 
     72           WxPython GUIs to new, completely rewritten, Qt5 GUIs, and 
     73           (ii)implementation of the Beta-approximation for S(Q). Subject to 
     74           resources, some limited access to the latter functionality may be 
     75           available in a future SasView 4.x release. 
    3376      - Bug Fixes 
    34          Fixes #  14: Loading a saved project is really really slow   
    35          Fixes # 260: Box integration does not update when entering values in dialog   
    36          Fixes # 379: Need to make the BUMPS output page more more obvious   
    37          Fixes # 446: Saving plot as PGF (not PDF!) format throws error   
    38          Fixes # 467: Extend batch functionality to slicer   
    39          Fixes # 489: ABS reader (NIST 1D) does not handle negative dx properly (USANS slit smearing)   
    40          Fixes # 499: create sin(x)/x, 2*J1(x)/x and 3*j1(x)/x functions   
    41          Fixes # 510: Build PDF documentation along with HTML   
    42          Fixes # 525: Add GUI category defaults to models in sasmodels   
    43          Fixes # 579: clean up sasview directory   
    44          Fixes # 597: Need to document Combine Batch Fit   
    45          Fixes # 645: GUI logic problem in Batch vs single fit mode   
    46          Fixes # 648: Need to allow user input background value in Pr perspective   
    47          Fixes # 685: Fix data upload to marketplace   
    48          Fixes # 695: linear slope in onion model   
    49          Fixes # 735: Review new Corfunc documentation   
    50          Fixes # 741: Recalculate P(Q) and S(Q) components on model update.   
    51          Fixes # 767: Sum/Product Models don't do what they should   
    52          Fixes # 776: angular dispersity   
    53          Fixes # 784: Add 3D integral to Correlation Function analysis   
    54          Fixes # 786: core_shell_parallelepiped 1-D model is incorrect   
    55          Fixes # 818: “report button” followed by “save” makes an empty pdf file???   
    56          Fixes # 830: Check compliance of loader against NXcanSAS-1.0 release   
    57          Fixes # 838: Fix model download from marketplace   
    58          Fixes # 848: can't save analysis when only one fit page   
    59          Fixes # 849: Load Folder should ignore files starting with .   
    60          Fixes # 852: More unit tests, especially for oriented or 2d models   
    61          Fixes # 854: remove unnecessary sleep() in fitting perspective   
    62          Fixes # 856: Reading SAS_OPENCL from custom_config sometimes raises an ERROR   
    63          Fixes # 861: cannot defined a structure factor plugin   
    64          Fixes # 864: New Model Editor (simple plugin editor) error parsing parameter line   
    65          Fixes # 865: Plugin live discovery issues   
    66          Fixes # 866: inform user when NaN is returned from compute   
    67          Fixes # 869: fit page computation thread cleanup   
    68          Fixes # 875: Possible weirdness with 1D NXcanSAS data   
    69          Fixes # 876: Add check for HDF5 format in dataloader   
    70          Fixes # 887: reorganize tree, separating the installed source from the build source   
    71          Fixes # 889: Refactor dataloader error handling infrastructure   
    72          Fixes # 890: use new orientation definition for asymmetric shapes   
    73          Fixes # 891: update docs for oriented shapes with new orientation definition   
    74          Fixes # 896: equations in core shell parallelepiped docs do not match code   
    75          Fixes # 898: Image Viewer Tool file selector issue   
    76          Fixes # 899: Igor Reader q calculation   
    77          Fixes # 902: IgorReader Q calculation needs fixing/improving   
    78          Fixes # 903: sasview - all non-gui tests should be converted to run in Python 3   
    79          Fixes # 906: polydispersity not showing up in tabulated results   
    80          Fixes # 912: About box points to misleading contributors page on Github   
    81          Fixes # 913: Need to add Diamond developer and logo in relevant places   
    82          Fixes # 915: load project issues   
    83          Fixes # 916: Proper Logging   
    84          Fixes # 920: Logarithmic binning option in the slice viewer   
    85          Fixes # 921: Improve developer communication methods   
    86          Fixes # 922: Remove support for all data formats that are not in q space   
    87          Fixes # 923: Add CI and trac integrations to Slack   
    88          Fixes # 930: fitting help says chisq is normalized to number of points   
    89          Fixes # 931: Allow admins to edit all models and upload data etc on marketplace   
    90          Fixes # 932: Need to fix upload of data files to marketplace   
    91          Fixes # 934: Slurp tutorial repo for tutorials   
    92          Fixes # 935: Build new tutorials as PDF   
    93          Fixes # 943: Deep copy error on setting model after data is selected   
    94          Fixes # 950: Most of the readers don't close files properly.   
    95          Fixes # 954: cross check dll/opencl/python polydispersity and orientation results   
    96          Fixes # 956: Possible problem with new doc build process   
    97          Fixes # 961: sasmodels tests should fail if the parameter name does not exist   
    98          Fixes # 962: star polymer typo in docs   
    99          Fixes # 966: Inconsistent chi2 reporting   
    100          Fixes # 967: no uncertainties errors on fitting parameters   
    101          Fixes # 969: About Box not picking up dls_logo.png   
    102          Fixes # 970: ASCII loader doesn't handle ISIS 2D ASCII   
    103          Fixes # 974: blacklist Intel HD 620/630 for double precision   
    104          Fixes # 978: load project fails for pages which have not been defined   
    105          Fixes # 980: Inconsistent results between Igor & SasView using Fractal Core-Shell model   
    106          Fixes # 983: Remove Nexus Loader   
    107          Fixes # 984: PDF reports are not being properly generated on Windows   
    108          Fixes # 985: Saving Project Fails   
    109          Fixes # 986: Send to fitting overwrites theory page even if blank FitPage has focus   
    110          Fixes # 990: giving different results than   
    111          Fixes # 993: Windows x64 versions not installing to correct folder   
    112          Fixes # 994: Error changing fit engine   
    113          Fixes # 995: OpenCL required on Linux even if turned off in GUI   
    114          Fixes #1006: multiplicity models don't work with SQ   
    115          Fixes #1007: spherical_sld model freezes SasView   
    116          Fixes #1008: plugin model scaling not working? S  
    117          Fixes #1010: Win64 build script not creating working executable   
    118          Fixes #1011: sld_test failing on ubuntu   
    119          Fixes #1012: ESS GUI not updating after fitting   
    120          Fixes #1013: FileReaderBaseClass output[] not reset - same file loaded multiple times   
    121          Fixes #1018: add Boltzmann distribution   
    122          Fixes #1021: add PDF documentation to website and document in wiki release process   
    123          Fixes #1024: Update version numbers in master   
    124          Fixes #1025: Sum/multiply editor hangs   
    125          Fixes #1032: convert C++ modules to C   
    126          Fixes #1035: Order of combining P(Q) and S(Q) in Plugins seems to matter   
    127          Fixes #1037: data loader crop not working? & all fits crashing   
    128          Fixes #1043: problem compiling marketplace models   
    129          Fixes #1050: fix appveyor test for sasmodels win 64 python 3   
    130          Fixes #1052: Can't use a user-created plugin model in a plugin model   
    131          Fixes #1054: Check plugin & orientation descriptions in full docs once SasModels PR #57 is merged   
    132          Fixes #1057: phi rotation issue for elliptical cylinder   
    133          Fixes #1060: incorrect default for rectangle dispersion   
    134          Fixes #1062: win32 build not installing correctly   
    135          Fixes #1064: Fitting did not converge!!! error with a Sum|Multi plugin model   
    136          Fixes #1068: 2d data (from NG7) not loadiing - strange format?   
    137          Fixes #1069: GUI problem when using polydispersity/orientation distributions   
    138          Fixes #1070: Parameter error boxes should not be editable   
    139          Fixes #1072: Orientation distributions seem to depend on initial angle   
    140          Fixes #1079: Remove save button in report dialog on Mac   
    141          Fixes #1081: GUI problem with new orientation distribution   
    142          Fixes #1083: Magnetic models not being computed   
    143          Fixes #1099: Erratic behaviour of Sum|Multi model in 4.1.2   
    144          Fixes #1101: Batch results page not displaying polydispersity values   
    145          Fixes #1103: Problem with plugin models on mac when using ER   
    146          Fixes #1134: sum/multi scale factor in 4.2 seems incorrect?   
    147          Fixes #1139: Missing Docs and Help for new Batch Slicing   
    148          Fixes #1145: Update models in model marketplace to 4.2 when 4.2 is released.   
    149          Fixes #1146: Need to add Release notes for 4.2  
    150       - Current Known Issues 
    151          Listed here are known issues that users should be aware of. A full list of known bugs and feature requests is available at 
    152       - Blocker 
    153          Ticket #1131: OpencCl dialog does not open                                              assigned wojciech defect blocker 
    154          Ticket #1132: Slit Size Calculator Tool not working                                     assigned krzywon defect blocker 
    155          Ticket #1133: Reference in Acknowledging SasView box will need updating for release     assigned ajj task blocker 
    156          Ticket #1142: Plugin framework is broken                                                reopened pkienzle defect blocker 
    157       - Critical 
    158          Ticket #1148: Documentation for S(Q) models need updating SasView 4.2.0                 assigned butler defect critical 
    159       - Other Significant 
    160          Ticket #1046: convert non builtin models in the marketplace to new API                  assigned butler task major 
    161          Ticket #1128: AutoPlot generation for model documentation does not include background   assigned pkienzle defect major 
    162          Ticket #1140: Batch Slicer requires plotting of all 2D data sets to use in batch        assigned krzywon enhancement major 
    163          Ticket #1141: Intro to scripting.rst needs improvement                                  new pkienzle enhancement major 
    164          Ticket #1143: Validate new orientation distribution                                     assigned butler task major 
    165          Ticket #1144: Redundant MultiplicationModel class                                       new pkienzle defect major 
    166       - Model Issues 
    167          Corrections will be posted to Marketplace as available (and fixed in following release) 
    168          Ticket #1044: Unable to upload c file to marketplace                                    assigned tim defect major 
    170       It is recommended that all users upgrade to this version, but your attention is drawn to the Changes section above. 
     77         Fixes # 260: Box integration does not update when entering values in dialog 
     78         Fixes # 446: Saving plot as PGF (not PDF!) format throws error 
     79         Fixes # 467: Extend batch functionality to slicer 
     80         Fixes # 489: ABS reader (NIST 1D) does not handle negative dx properly 
     81                      (USANS slit smearing) 
     82         Fixes # 499: create sin(x)/x, 2*J1(x)/x and 3*j1(x)/x functions 
     83         Fixes # 510: Build PDF documentation along with HTML 
     84         Fixes # 525: Add GUI category defaults to models in sasmodels 
     85         Fixes # 579: clean up sasview directory 
     86         Fixes # 597: Need to document Combine Batch Fit 
     87         Fixes # 645: GUI logic problem in Batch vs single fit mode 
     88         Fixes # 648: Need to allow user input background value in Pr perspective 
     89         Fixes # 685: Fix data upload to marketplace 
     90         Fixes # 695: linear slope in onion model 
     91         Fixes # 735: Review new Corfunc documentation 
     92         Fixes # 741: Recalculate P(Q) and S(Q) components on model update. 
     93         Fixes # 767: Sum/Product Models don't do what they should 
     94         Fixes # 776: angular dispersity 
     95         Fixes # 784: Add 3D integral to Correlation Function analysis 
     96         Fixes # 786: core_shell_parallelepiped 1-D model is incorrect 
     97         Fixes # 818: "report button" followed by "save" makes an empty pdf file 
     98         Fixes # 838: Fix model download from marketplace 
     99         Fixes # 848: can't save analysis when only one fit page 
     100         Fixes # 849: Load Folder should ignore files starting with "." 
     101         Fixes # 852: More unit tests, especially for oriented or 2d models 
     102         Fixes # 854: remove unnecessary sleep() in fitting perspective 
     103         Fixes # 856: Reading SAS_OPENCL from custom_config sometimes raises an ERROR 
     104         Fixes # 861: cannot defined a structure factor plugin 
     105         Fixes # 864: New Model Editor (simple plugin editor) error parsing 
     106                      parameter line 
     107         Fixes # 865: Plugin live discovery issues 
     108         Fixes # 866: inform user when NaN is returned from compute 
     109         Fixes # 869: fit page computation thread cleanup 
     110         Fixes # 875: Possible weirdness with 1D NXcanSAS data 
     111         Fixes # 876: Add check for HDF5 format in dataloader 
     112         Fixes # 887: reorganize tree, separating the installed source from the 
     113                      build source 
     114         Fixes # 889: Refactor dataloader error handling infrastructure 
     115         Fixes # 890: use new orientation definition for asymmetric shapes 
     116         Fixes # 891: update docs for oriented shapes with new orientation definition 
     117         Fixes # 896: equations in core shell parallelepiped docs do not match code 
     118         Fixes # 898: Image Viewer Tool file selector issue 
     119         Fixes # 899: Igor Reader q calculation 
     120         Fixes # 902: IgorReader Q calculation needs fixing/improving 
     121         Fixes # 903: sasview - all non-gui tests should be converted to run in Python 3 
     122         Fixes # 906: polydispersity not showing up in tabulated results 
     123         Fixes # 912: About box points to misleading contributors page on Github 
     124         Fixes # 915: load project issues 
     125         Fixes # 916: Proper Logging 
     126         Fixes # 920: Logarithmic binning option in the slice viewer 
     127         Fixes # 921: Improve developer communication methods 
     128         Fixes # 922: Remove support for all data formats that are not in q space 
     129         Fixes # 923: Add CI and trac integrations to Slack 
     130         Fixes # 930: fitting help says chisq is normalized to number of points 
     131         Fixes # 931: Allow admins to edit all models and upload data etc on 
     132                      marketplace 
     133         Fixes # 932: Need to fix upload of data files to marketplace 
     134         Fixes # 934: Slurp tutorial repo for tutorials 
     135         Fixes # 935: Build new tutorials as PDF 
     136         Fixes # 943: Deep copy error on setting model after data is selected 
     137         Fixes # 950: Most of the readers don't close files properly. 
     138         Fixes # 954: cross check dll/opencl/python polydispersity and 
     139                      orientation results 
     140         Fixes # 956: Possible problem with new doc build process 
     141         Fixes # 961: sasmodels tests should fail if the parameter name does not exist 
     142         Fixes # 962: star polymer typo in docs 
     143         Fixes # 967: no uncertainties errors on fitting parameters 
     144         Fixes # 969: About Box not picking up dls_logo.png 
     145         Fixes # 970: ASCII loader doesn't handle ISIS 2D ASCII 
     146         Fixes # 974: blacklist Intel HD 620/630 for double precision 
     147         Fixes # 978: load project fails for pages which have not been defined 
     148         Fixes # 983: Remove Nexus Loader 
     149         Fixes # 984: PDF reports are not being properly generated on Windows 
     150         Fixes # 985: Saving Project Fails 
     151         Fixes # 986: Send to fitting overwrites theory page even if blank 
     152                      FitPage has focus 
     153         Fixes # 990: giving different results than 
     154         Fixes # 993: Windows x64 versions not installing to correct folder 
     155         Fixes # 994: Error changing fit engine 
     156         Fixes # 995: OpenCL required on Linux even if turned off in GUI 
     157         Fixes #1006: multiplicity models don't work with SQ 
     158         Fixes #1007: spherical_sld model freezes SasView 
     159         Fixes #1008: plugin model scaling not working? S 
     160         Fixes #1010: Win64 build script not creating working executable 
     161         Fixes #1011: sld_test failing on ubuntu 
     162         Fixes #1013: FileReaderBaseClass output[] not reset - same file loaded 
     163                      multiple times 
     164         Fixes #1018: add Boltzmann distribution 
     165         Fixes #1021: add PDF documentation to website and document in wiki 
     166                      release process 
     167         Fixes #1024: Update version numbers in master 
     168         Fixes #1025: Sum/multiply editor hangs 
     169         Fixes #1032: convert C++ modules to C 
     170         Fixes #1035: Order of combining P(Q) and S(Q) in Plugins seems to matter 
     171         Fixes #1037: data loader crop not working? & all fits crashing 
     172         Fixes #1043: problem compiling marketplace models 
     173         Fixes #1050: fix appveyor test for sasmodels win 64 python 3 
     174         Fixes #1052: Can't use a user-created plugin model in a plugin model 
     175         Fixes #1057: phi rotation issue for elliptical cylinder 
     176         Fixes #1060: incorrect default for rectangle dispersion 
     177         Fixes #1062: win32 build not installing correctly 
     178         Fixes #1064: Fitting did not converge!!! error with a Sum|Multi plugin model 
     179         Fixes #1069: GUI problem when using polydispersity/orientation distributions 
     180         Fixes #1070: Parameter error boxes should not be editable 
     181         Fixes #1079: Remove save button in report dialog on Mac 
     182         Fixes #1081: GUI problem with new orientation distribution 
     183         Fixes #1083: Magnetic models not being computed 
     184         Fixes #1099: Erratic behaviour of Sum|Multi model in 4.1.2 
     185         Fixes #1101: Batch results page not displaying polydispersity values 
     186         Fixes #1131: OpencCl dialog does not open 
     187         Fixes #1132: Slit Size Calculator Tool not working 
     188         Fixes #1139: Missing Docs and Help for new Batch Slicing 
     189         Fixes #1141: Intro to scripting.rst needs improvement 
     190         Fixes #1142: Plugin framework is broken 
     191         Fixes #1044: Unable to upload c file to marketplace 
     192         Fixes #1145: Update models in model marketplace to 4.2 when 4.2 is released. 
     193         Fixes #1148: Documentation for S(Q) models need updating 
     194         Fixes #1128: AutoPlot generation for model documentation does not 
     195                      include background 
     197      It is recommended that all users upgrade to this version, but your 
     198      attention is drawn to the Changes section above. 
     201    - New in Version 4.2.0-Beta 
     202      ------------------------- 
     203      This is a beta pre-release version of 4.2.0.  A number of fixes and changes 
     204      have been made in the year since the previous release. Full release notes 
     205      will be compiled prior to the full release 4.2.0. 
     207      Highlights are: 
     208        - Infrastucture for calculating 2D patterns from 3D orientated objects 
     209          has now been totally refactored 
     210        - Plugins have completely migrated to the new infrastructure now, 
     211          including sum/multiply models 
     212        - Some batch slicing options have been introduced 
     213        - The known issue with the core_shell_parallelepiped is now fixed 
     214        - Several data loading improvements 
     215        - Several save Project improvements (though there are more to come) 
     216        - Numerous bug fixes 
     217        - Lots of documentation enhancement 
     219      In the meantime please report any bugs or issues found while using this beta 
    200249      This incremental release brings a series of new features and improvements, 
    201250      and a host of bug fixes. Of particular note are: 
    203252      - Correlation Function Analysis (Corfunc) 
    204         This performs a correlation function analysis of one-dimensional SAXS/SANS data,  
    205             or generates a model-independent volume fraction profile from the SANS from an  
    206             adsorbed polymer/surfactant layer. 
    208             A correlation function may be interpreted in terms of an imaginary rod moving  
    209             through the structure of the material. Γ1D(R) is the probability that a rod of  
    210             length R moving through the material has equal electron/neutron scattering  
    211             length density at either end. Hence a frequently occurring spacing within a  
    212             structure manifests itself as a peak. 
    214             A volume fraction profile \Phi(z) describes how the density of polymer  
    215             segments/surfactant molecules varies with distance from an (assumed locally flat) 
    216             interface. 
     253        This performs a correlation function analysis of one-dimensional SAXS/SANS data, 
     254        or generates a model-independent volume fraction profile from the SANS from an 
     255        adsorbed polymer/surfactant layer. 
     257        A correlation function may be interpreted in terms of an imaginary rod moving 
     258        through the structure of the material. G1(R) is the probability that a rod of 
     259        length R moving through the material has equal electron/neutron scattering 
     260        length density at either end. Hence a frequently occurring spacing within a 
     261        structure manifests itself as a peak. 
     263        A volume fraction profile \Phi(z) describes how the density of polymer 
     264        segments/surfactant molecules varies with distance from an (assumed locally flat) 
     265        interface. 
    218267      - Fitting of SESANS Data 
    219         Data from Spin-Echo SANS measurements can now be loaded and fitted. The data will  
    220             be plotted against the correct axes and models will automatically perform a Hankel  
    221             transform in order to calculate SESANS from a SANS model. 
     268        Data from Spin-Echo SANS measurements can now be loaded and fitted. The data will 
     269        be plotted against the correct axes and models will automatically perform a Hankel 
     270        transform in order to calculate SESANS from a SANS model. 
    223272      - Documentation 
    224         The documentation has undergone significant checking and updating. 
     273        The documentation has undergone significant checking and updating. 
    226275      - Improvements 
    282331         - Old custom models should now still work 
    283332            - '''NOTE:''' These will be deprecated in a future version. Old 
    284             custom models should be converted to the new model format which 
    285             is now the same as the built in models and offers much better 
    286             support. 
     333              custom models should be converted to the new model format which 
     334              is now the same as the built in models and offers much better 
     335              support. 
    287336         - Custom model editor now creates new style models 
    288337         - Custom model editor supports better error checking 
    295344         - The active optimizer is now listed on the top of the fit panel. 
    296345         - Linear fits now update qmin and max when the x scale limits are 
    297          changed.  Also the plot range no longer resets after a fit. 
     346           changed.  Also the plot range no longer resets after a fit. 
    298347      - Bug fixes 
    299348         - Fixes bug #511 Errors in linearized fits and clean up of interface 
    300          including Kratky representation 
     349           including Kratky representation 
    301350         - Fixes bug #186 Data operation Tool now executes when something is 
    302          entered in the text box and does not wait for the user to hit enter 
     351           entered in the text box and does not wait for the user to hit enter 
    303352         - Fixes bug #459 plot context menu bug 
    304353         - Fixes bug #559 copy to clipboard in graph menu broken 
    493542       - Tools: provides a number of useful supplementary tools such as SLD 
    494543         calculation 
    496544     - Fitting 
    497545       - Includes a large number of model functions, both form factors and structure factors. 
    534582         or plotting the evolution of the fit parameters with error bars (from within 
    535583         the application). 
    537584     - Tools 
    538585       - A scattering length density calculator,including some X-ray information 
    544591       - A slit size calculator optimized for Anton Paar Saxess is provided. 
    545592       - A kiessig fringe thickness calculator is provided 
    547593     - Plots and plot management 
    548594       - A 3D graphing option (for 2d data/results) is provided with the view 
    558604       - Extensive context sensitive plot/fitting/manipulation options are available 
    559605         through a right mouse click pop-up menu on plots. 
    561606     - Data management 
    562607       - Supports 2 + column 1D ASCII data, NIST 1D and 2D data, and canSAS data 
    573618         right click menus and the toolbar.  The data explorer can be re-started 
    574619         from the menu bar. 
    576620     - Data manipulation 
    577621       - Support various 2D averaging methods : Circular, sectors, annular, 
    579623       - A 2D data maks editor is provided 
    580624       - 2D mask can be applied to the circular averaging. 
    582625     - Miscellaneous features 
    583626       - limited reports can be generated in pdf format 
    603    *** Note 1:  Much more information is available at under links. 
    604                     Look in the 'For Developers' section and particularly the wiki at 
    606    *** Note 2:  If you have EXE or ZIP SasView installer, you won't need any of 
    607                 the following.  However it is highly recommended that any 
    608                 previous versions be un-installed prior to installing the 
    609                 new version. 
     646   *** Note 1:  If you have a SasView installer (.EXE or .MSI), you do not need to  
     647                worry about any of the following.  However, it is highly recommended  
     648                that any previous versions of SasView are uninstalled prior to  
     649                installing the new version UNLESS you are installing SasView to  
     650                versioned folders. 
     652   *** Note 2:  The easiest approach to setting up the proper environment to 
     653                build from source is to use Conda.  Instructions for setting up 
     654                and using Conda can be found at: 
     657   *** Note 3:  Much more information is available at under  
     658                links/downloads. In particular, look in the 'For Developers' section.  
     659                Also have a look at 
    611661   2.1- System Requirements 
    613663        - We currently use Python 2.7 
    615    2.2- Installing from source 
     665   2.2- Package Dependencies 
     666        - Ensure the required dependencies are installed 
     667          - For the latest list of dependencies see the appropriate yml file in 
     668            the SasView repo at sasview/build_tools/conda/ymls 
     670   2.3- Installing from Source 
    616671        - Get the source code 
    617           - to follow the current development version from source control use 
    618               git clone 
    619               git clone 
    620           - to install a specific version 
    622         - Build, install and run a specific release 
    623           - make sure the requirements below are already installed 
    624           - retrieve the source from 
    625           - open a command line window in the 'sasview-x.x.x' directory 
    626           - run 'python install' 
    627           - run 'python' under the 'sasview' folder. 
    629         - Build, install and run the current development version 
    630           - clone the source from git; also clone bumps, which is developed in parallel 
    631               git clone 
    632               git clone 
    633           - open a command line window in the 'sasview' directory 
    634           - run 'python build' 
    635           - run 'python'; this runs from the source directories, so you 
     672          - create a folder to contain the source code; if working with 
     673            multiple versions you might want to use versioned folder names 
     674            like 'sasview-x.x.x' 
     675          - open a command line window in the source code folder 
     676          - to get the CURRENT DEVELOPMENT VERSION from source control use 
     677              git clone sasview 
     678              git clone sasmodels 
     679              git clone bumps 
     680          - to get a SPECIFIC RELEASE VERSION from source control go to 
     682            and download the required zip or tar.gz file. Unzip/untar it 
     683            to the source code folder. 
     685   2.4- Building and Installing          
     686        - To build the code 
     687            use 'python build' 
     688        - To build the documentation 
     689            use'python docs' 
     691   2.5- Running SasView 
     692          - use 'python'; this runs from the source directories, so you 
    636693            don't have to rebuild every time you make a change, unless you are 
    637             changing the C++ model files 
    639         - The following modules are required (version numbers are what are used 
    640           in the windows release build): 
    642           - Common Packages 
    643             - reportlab 3.1.44 
    644             - lxml (MAC 
    645             - PIL 1.1.7 
    646             - xhtml2pdf 3.0.33 (MAC = not installed on build server) 
    647             - unittest-xml-reporting 1.12.0 (MAC 1.10.0) 
    648             - matplotlib Version Installed: 1.4.3 (MAC 1.1.1) 
    649             - bumps Version Installed: 
    650             - scipy Version Installed: 0.16.0b2 (MAC 0.11.0) 
    651             - periodictable Version Installed: 1.4.1 
    652             - setuptools Version Installed: 7.0 (MAC 12.0.5) 
    653             - sphinx Version Installed: 1.3.1 (MAC 1.3b2) 
    654             - pyparsing Version Installed: 2.0.3 
    655             - numpy Version Installed: 1.9.2 (MAC 1.6.2) 
    656             - html5lib Version Installed: 0.99999 
    657             - wx Version Installed: 
    659           - Windows Specific Packages 
    660             - pywin 219 
    661             - py2exe 0.6.9 
    662             - comtypes 1.1.1 
    663             - MinGW w/ gcc version 4.6.1 (WIN) 
    664             - vcredist_x86.exe (version 9.0.21022.8  -microsoft visual C 2008 
    665               re-distributable) 
    666             - Innosetup (WIN - isetup 5.4.2-unicode) - used to create distributable 
    668             *** Note: Windows build dependencies can be set up using anaconda. Instructions 
    669                 can be found at 
    671           - MAC Specifc Packages 
    672             - py2app 0.7.1 
     694            changing the C model files. 
     695          - if using Conda the above command will also build SasView, but you  
     696            must issue 'activate sasview' first. 
    6756993- Known Issues 
     702   4.2.0 - All systems 
     703      There are currently no major known issues. A full list of known bugs and 
     704      feature requests by release version that users may wish to be aware of 
     705      can be viewed at 
     706      NOTE: Any corrections to models that may become known/available will be 
     707      posted to Marketplace as available (and fixed in the following release) 
    678709   4.1- All systems: 
    681712      issues: 
    682713        - The way that orientation is defined is being refactored to address 
    683         long standing issues and comments.  In release 4.1 however only models 
    684         with symmetry (e.g. a=b) have been converted to the new definitions. 
    685         The rest (a <> b <> c - e.g. parellelepiped) maintain the same 
    686         definition as before and will be converted in 4.2.  Note that 
    687         orientational distribution also makes much more sense in the new 
    688         framework.  The documentation should indicate which definition is being 
    689         used for a given model. 
     714          long standing issues and comments.  In release 4.1 however only models 
     715          with symmetry (e.g. a=b) have been converted to the new definitions. 
     716          The rest (a <> b <> c - e.g. parellelepiped) maintain the same 
     717          definition as before and will be converted in 4.2.  Note that 
     718          orientational distribution also makes much more sense in the new 
     719          framework.  The documentation should indicate which definition is being 
     720          used for a given model. 
    690721        - The infrastructure currently handles internal conversion of old style 
    691         models so that user created models in previous versions should continue 
    692         to work for now. At some point in the future such support will go away. 
    693         Everyone is encouraged to convert to the new structure which should be 
    694         relatively straight forward and provides a number of benefits.  
     722          models so that user created models in previous versions should continue 
     723          to work for now. At some point in the future such support will go away. 
     724          Everyone is encouraged to convert to the new structure which should be 
     725          relatively straight forward and provides a number of benefits. 
    695726        - In that vein, the distributed models and those generated by the new 
    696         plugin model editor are in the new format, however those generated by 
    697         sum|multiply models are the old style sum|multiply models. This should 
    698         also disappear in the near future  
     727          plugin model editor are in the new format, however those generated by 
     728          sum|multiply models are the old style sum|multiply models. This should 
     729          also disappear in the near future 
    699730        - The on the fly discovery of plugin models and changes thereto behave 
    700         inconsistently.  If a change to a plugin model does not seem to 
    701         register, the Load Plugin Models (under fitting -> Plugin Model 
    702         Operations) can be used.  However, after calling Load Plugin Models, the 
    703         active plugin will no longer be loaded (even though the GUI looks like 
    704         it is) unless it is a sum|multiply model which works properly.  All 
    705         others will need to be recalled from the model dropdown menu to reload 
    706         the model into the calculation engine.  While it might be annoying it 
    707         does not appear to prevent SasView from working.. 
     731          inconsistently.  If a change to a plugin model does not seem to 
     732          register, the Load Plugin Models (under fitting -> Plugin Model 
     733          Operations) can be used.  However, after calling Load Plugin Models, the 
     734          active plugin will no longer be loaded (even though the GUI looks like 
     735          it is) unless it is a sum|multiply model which works properly.  All 
     736          others will need to be recalled from the model dropdown menu to reload 
     737          the model into the calculation engine.  While it might be annoying it 
     738          does not appear to prevent SasView from working.. 
    708739        - The model code and documentation review is ongoing. At this time the 
    709         core shell parellelepiped is known to have the C shell effectively fixed 
    710         at 0 (noted in documentation) while the triaxial ellipsoid does not seem 
    711         to reproduce the limit of the oblate or prolate ellipsoid. If errors are 
    712         found and corrected, corrected versions will be uploaded to the 
    713         marketplace.  
     740          core shell parellelepiped is known to have the C shell effectively fixed 
     741          at 0 (noted in documentation) while the triaxial ellipsoid does not seem 
     742          to reproduce the limit of the oblate or prolate ellipsoid. If errors are 
     743          found and corrected, corrected versions will be uploaded to the 
     744          marketplace. 
    715746   3.1- All systems: 
    716747        - The documentation window may take a few seconds to load the first time 
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.