Changeset 5fcb814 in sasview

Feb 2, 2019 11:19:17 PM (5 years ago)
master, magnetic_scatt, release-4.2.2, ticket-1009, ticket-1094-headless, ticket-1242-2d-resolution, ticket-1243, ticket-1249

update release notes with changes in sasmodels

Added notes from closed tickets that were not notes as 4.2.1. These
were mostly sasmodels related

1 edited


  • docs/sphinx-docs/source/user/RELEASE.rst

    r647d66b6 r5fcb814  
    1212New in Version 4.2.1 
    14 The goal of this point release is to bring the NXcanSAS reader into compliance 
    15 with the final published specification.  The orignal reader was based on a 
    16 draft version of the specification.  As an eraly adopter, interpretation and 
    17 implementation of the spec was iterated with all producers of NXcanSAS reduced 
    18 data known to the SasView team in order to ensure compatibility and verify the 
    19 implementation.  A few minor enhancements and bug fixed were also introduced 
    20 such as cleaning up the resolution section of the fitting page GUI and 
    21 increasing the max size range allowed in the corfunc analysis.  
    22 everyone's understanding of the published specification 
     14The major changes for this point release were to fix several problems with using 
     15the built in editor to create new models and to bring the NXcanSAS reader into 
     16compliance with the final published specification.  The orignal reader was 
     17based on a draft version of the specification.  As an eraly adopter, 
     18interpretation and implementation of the spec was iterated with all producers 
     19of NXcanSAS reduced data known to the SasView team in order to ensure 
     20compatibility and verify the implementation.  A few other enhancements and bug 
     21fixed were also introduced such as cleaning up the resolution section of the 
     22fitting page GUI, increasing the max size range allowed in the corfunc 
     23analysis, and adding the incomplete gamma function to the python library.  
    2425Resolved Issues 
    2627* Fixes #  976: CanSas HDF reader will not read all valid CanSas HDF (NXcanSAS) files 
    27 * Fixes # 1223: Expand permitted range of transformed data in Corfunc implementation 
     28* Fixes # 1074: Add incomplete gamma function to sasmodels 
     29* Fixes # 1111: Convert all input Q units to 1/A 
    2830* Fixes # 1129: NXcanSAS writer not writing all meta data 
    29 * Fixes # 1111: Convert all input Q units to 1/A 
     31* Fixes # 1142: Plugin framework is broken 
     32* Fixes # 1183: Test from creating new model reset all parameters to default in all open FitPages 
     33* Fixes # 1205: 4.2 set weighting choice seems to be ignored. 
    3034* Fixes # 1206: Incorrect (and confusing) presentation of dQ from data in instrumental smearing section 
    3135* Fixes # 1212: Bug in Iqxqy plotting non rectangular / square matrices? 
    3236* Fixes # 1221: ABS reader does not read in USANS data properly GitHub 
    3337* Fixes # 1222: smearing options incorrect on show2D and show1D in fitpage14: Loading a saved project is really really slow 
     38* Fixes # 1223: Expand permitted range of transformed data in Corfunc implementation 
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