Changeset 5d63ea0 in sasview for src/sas/guiframe

Feb 17, 2015 8:45:34 AM (10 years ago)
master, ESS_GUI, ESS_GUI_Docs, ESS_GUI_batch_fitting, ESS_GUI_bumps_abstraction, ESS_GUI_iss1116, ESS_GUI_iss879, ESS_GUI_iss959, ESS_GUI_opencl, ESS_GUI_ordering, ESS_GUI_sync_sascalc, costrafo411, magnetic_scatt, release-4.1.1, release-4.1.2, release-4.2.2, release_4.0.1, ticket-1009, ticket-1094-headless, ticket-1242-2d-resolution, ticket-1243, ticket-1249, ticket885, unittest-saveload
66e579f (diff), 400155b (diff)
Note: this is a merge changeset, the changes displayed below correspond to the merge itself.
Use the (diff) links above to see all the changes relative to each parent.

Merge branch 'master' of

4 edited
5 moved


  • src/sas/guiframe/local_perspectives/data_loader/

    rb3efb7d rb45cde3  
    233233                error_message += "Make sure the content of your file" 
    234234                error_message += " is properly formatted.\n\n" 
    235                 error_message += "When contacting the DANSE team, mention the" 
     235                error_message += "When contacting the SasView team, mention the" 
    236236                error_message += " following:\n%s" % str(error) 
    237237            elif data_error: 
  • src/sas/guiframe/local_perspectives/plotting/

    r79492222 r400155b  
    3636        ## Number of points on the plot 
    37         self.nbins = 20 
     37        self.nbins = 36 
    3838        #Cursor position of Rings (Left(-1) or Right(1)) 
    3939        self.xmaxd = self.base.data2D.xmax 
    131131                   math.fabs(self.outer_circle.get_radius())) 
    132132        #if the user does not specify the numbers of points to plot  
    133         # the default number will be nbins= 20 
     133        # the default number will be nbins= 36 
    134134        if nbins == None: 
    135             self.nbins = 20 
     135            self.nbins = 36 
    136136        else: 
    137137            self.nbins = nbins 
  • src/sas/guiframe/media/data_explorer_help.rst

    r0d66541 r23a9beb  
    1 ..data_explorer_help.rst 
     1.. data_explorer_help.rst 
    3 Placeholder for data explorer help 
     3.. This is a port of the original SasView html help file to ReSTructured text 
     4.. by S King, ISIS, during SasView CodeCamp-III in Feb 2015. 
     6Loading Data 
     29.. _Introduction: 
     34*Data Explorer* is a panel that allows the user more interactions with data.  
     35Some functionalities provided by the Data Explorer are also available through  
     36the context menu of plot panels or other menus of the applications.Under menu  
     37*View*  of the menubar, Data explorer can be toggled between Show and Hide by  
     38clicking the menu *Show/Hide Data Explorer* . 
     40*IMPORTANT!*  When Data explorer is hidden, all the data loaded will be sent  
     41directly to the current active application, if possible. When data Explorer is  
     42shown data go first to the Data Explorer for the user to handle them later. 
     46.. _Load_Data: 
     48Load Data 
     51To Load data, click the button *Load Data* , then select one or more (holding  
     52Ctrl key) files to load into the application. In the list, the *Data*  will be  
     53displayed as the name of each selected file. Expending this data by clicking  
     54the *+*  symbol will display available information about the data such as data  
     55title if exists. 
     59.. _Handy_Menu: 
     61Handy Menu 
     64For a quick Data-info/Save/Plot/3d-plot(2d only)/Edit-mask(2d only),  
     65high-light the data/theory, right-click, and select a proper item from the  
     66context menu. 
     68.. image:: hand_menu.png 
     72.. _Activate_Data: 
     74Activate Data 
     77To interact with data, check a data label and click on a button. Checking Data  
     78make them active for the button operation. Unchecking Data labels will  
     79deactivate them. 
     81There is a combo box labeled *Selection Options*  that allows to activate or  
     82select multiple data simultaneously. 
     86.. _Remove_Data: 
     88Remove Data 
     91Remove data button remove all reference of this data into the application. 
     93*WARNING!* Remove data will stop any jobs currently using the selected data. 
     97.. _Append_Plot_to_Graph: 
     99Append Plot to Graph 
     102Click on the button *Append To*  to append selected Data to a plot panel on  
     103focus. Next to this button is a combo box containing available panels names.  
     104Selecting a name from this combo box will set the corresponding lot panel on  
     105focus. If not plot panel is available, the combo box and button will be  
     106disable. 2D Data cannot be appended to any plot panels . This operation can  
     107only be performed on 1D data and plot panels currently containing 1D data. 
     111.. _Create_New_Plot: 
     113Create New Plot 
     116Click on *New Plot*  button to create a new plot panel where selected data  
     117will be plotted. 
     121.. _Freeze_Theory: 
     123Freeze Theory 
     126*Freeze Theory*  button generate Data from selected theory. This operation can  
     127only be performed when theory labels are selected. 
     131.. _Send_Data_to_Applications: 
     133Send to Application 
     136Click on the button *Send To*  to send Data to the current active control  
     137page. One of the single/batch mode can be selected only for Fitting. The batch  
     138mode provides serial (batch) fitting with one model, i.e., fitting one data by  
     139another data. Note that only the Fitting allows more that one data to be sent. 
  • src/sas/guiframe/media/graph_help.rst

    r0d66541 r98b30b4  
    1 ..graph_help.rst 
    3 Placeholder for graph help 
     1.. graph_help.rst 
     3.. This is a port of the original SasView html help file to ReSTructured text 
     4.. by S King, ISIS, during SasView CodeCamp-III in Feb 2015. 
     6Plotting Data/Models 
     17.. _Graph_Menu: 
     19Graph Menu 
     46.. _Invoking_the_Graph_Menu: 
     51Locating the pointer and right-clicking on a data/theory plot will bring a  
     52context menu. On the menu, select a menu item. 
     54.. _Reset_Graph: 
     56Reset Graph 
     59To reset the graph's axis range, right click on the plot and the context menu  
     60pops-up. Select *Reset Graph*  and the plot will take its initial range. Also  
     61the 'home' icon in tool bar will do the same. 
     63.. _Hide_Show_Delete_Graph: 
     65Hide/Show/Delete Graph 
     68To Hide, click the Hide (bar) button in the tool bar.To Show, select the the  
     69'Show' menu item in the 'Graph' menu in the menu bar.To Delete, click the 'x'  
     70button in the title bar. 
     72Note: If a residuals graph (in Fitting) is hidden, it will not show up after  
     75.. _Data_Info: 
     77Data Info 
     80From the context menu, select 'Data Info' to see the data information dialog 
     83.. _Save_Plot_Image: 
     85Save Plot Image 
     88Right click on plot. Context menu will pop-up select save image [file name]. 
     89A dialog window opens and write a the name of the file to save and click on  
     90*Save Image.* 
     92.. _Save_Data: 
     94Save Data 
     97From the context menu, select 'Save points as a file' for 1D, or 'Save as a  
     98file(DAT)' for 2D. Note that two formats, txt and xml, are available in 1D  
     101.. _Drag_Plot: 
     103Drag Plot 
     106Select the *crossed arrows*  button on the plot panel *toolbar*  to drag the  
     107plot. To disable dragging mode, unselect the same button on the toolbar. 
     109.. _Zoom_In_Out: 
     111Zoom In/Out 
     114Select the *rectangle*  button on the plot panel *toolbar*  to zoom in a 
     115region of the plot. 
     117To disable zoom mode, unselect the same button on the toolbar. After zoom in 
     118a region, select *left arrow*  or *right arrow*  button on the toolbar to set 
     119the graph the the previous size. If a mouse wheel button is available, 
     120*zoom in/out*  by scrolling the mouse wheel (see Key_Sequences_ help for 
     123.. _Remove_Data_from_Plot: 
     125Remove Data from Plot 
     128Highlight the plot and the context menu appears.Select *remove [file name]*. 
     129The plot selected will disappear. 
     131.. _Change_Scale: 
     133Change Scale 
     136If the loaded data is a 1-D data changing scale or data representation will  
     137work as follows. *Right click* on the plot window. A context menu pops-up and  
     138select *Change Scale* . A dialog window titled *select the scale of the graph*  
     139will pop-up then change the *x* , the *y*  and the *view*  values as wish. 
     141The 'view' option includes the axis scale short-cuts such as Linear, Guinier,  
     142Cross-sectional (XC) Guinier, and Porod plot scale. For a proper data set,  
     143these axis scales can be used to estimate Rg, Rod diameter, or Background of  
     144neutron scattering data respectively (via 'Linear Fit'; see below). For a 2D  
     145image, *Right click*  on the image to pop-up the context menu. Select to  
     146switch from linear to log scale. The scale selected is printed on the status  
     149If the loaded data is an image. *Right click*  on the image to pop-up the 
     150context menu. Select to switch from linear to log scale. The scale selected is 
     151printed on the status bar. 
     153.. _Linear_Fit: 
     155Linear Fit 
     158Linear fit is to perform a line model fitting keeping the scale of the plot. 
     159Highlight data to fit. From the context menu select *Linear Fit* . A dialog 
     160window appears. Change model initial parameters, data limits and hit *fit* 
     161button. New parameters values are displayed and the line with the new 
     162parameters is added to the plot. Especially for Guinier, XC Guinier, and 
     163Porod plot scale, this 'Linear Fit' will provides Rg, Rod diameter, and 
     164background, respectively. The following figure shows an example for the 
     165Guinier scale. 
     167.. image:: guinier_fit.png 
     169.. _Other_Graph_Modifications: 
     171Other Graph Modifications 
     174Some custom modifications of the symbols, text, axis, etc of the graph are  
     179.. _2D_Data_Averaging: 
     1812D Data Averaging 
     206.. Principle:  
     211This feature allows you to perform different types of averages on your data,  
     212and allows you to see what regions of the detector will contribute to the  
     213average. The region to be averaged will be drown and can be modified by  
     214dragging the lines around. 
     216.. _How_to_Average: 
     218How to Average 
     221Right click on 2D data for the context menu to appear. Select one type of  
     222averages among *"sector [Q view]", "Annulus [Phi view]", "Box sum", "Box  
     223averaging in Qx ", "box averaging on Qy","Perform circular Average".* 
     225A slicer will appear except for *"Perform circular Average"*  that you can  
     226drag by clicking on a slicer 's marker. When the marker is highlighted in red,  
     227it means that the slicer can change size.You can also move some of the slicer  
     228by simply drag its side when highlighted in red. the slicer size will be reset  
     229to its previous size if the user try to select a region greater than the size  
     230of the data. 
     232The user can also select a region to average when a slicer has been selected  
     233already by *right clicking*  on the context menu and selecting *Edit Slicer  
     234Parameters* . The dialog window will appears and the user can enter values to  
     235selected a region or selected numbers of points to plot *nbins* . 
     237For *Box sum* , when the user selects this option, a new panel is created  
     238containing the result of average of the sum of every pixels contains on that  
     239data.The user can also enter values to select a region. 
     241.. _Available_Averagings: 
     243Available Averagings 
     246Some different types of averaging are provided for. 
     248.. _Unmasked_Circular_Average: 
     250Unmasked Circular Average 
     253This operation will perform and average in constant q-rings around the (x,y) pixel 
     254location of the beam center. 
     256.. _Masked_Circular_Average: 
     258Masked Circular Average 
     261This operation is same as 'Masked Circular Average' except that the masked 
     262region is excluded if masked. 
     264.. _Sector_Average: 
     266Sector Average [Q View] 
     269This operation averages in constant q-arcs. The width of the sector is specified in 
     270degrees (+/- delta phi) each side of the central angle (phi). 
     272.. _Annular_Average: 
     274Annular Average [Phi View] 
     277It performs an average between two q-values centered in (0,0), and averaged  
     278over a width of a specified number of pixels. The data is returned as a  
     279function of angle (phi) in degrees. Moving one circle of this slicer to  
     280radius of zero corresponding to a circular averaging on radius qmax , the  
     281outer circle. The angle zero starts from the positive x-axis direction. 
     283.. _Box_Sum: 
     285Box Sum 
     288Perform the sum of counts in a 2D region of interest.When editing the slicer,  
     289the user can enter the length and the width the rectangle slicer and the  
     290coordinates of the center of this rectangle. 
     292.. _Box_Averaging_in_Qx: 
     294Box Averaging in Qx 
     297Computes average I(Qx) for a region of interest. When editing the slicer, the  
     298user can control the length and the width the rectangle slicer. The averaged  
     299output is calculated from the constant bins with rectangular shape. The  
     300resultant q values are nominal values, i.e., the central values of each bins  
     301on the x-axis. 
     303.. _Box_Averaging_in_Qy: 
     305Box Averaging in Qy 
     308Computes average I(Qy) for a region of interest.When editing the slicer, the  
     309user can control the length and the width the rectangle slicer. The averaged  
     310output is calculated from the constant bins with rectangular shape. The  
     311resultant q values are nominal values, i.e., the central values of each bins  
     312on the y-axis. 
     316.. _Key_Sequences: 
     318Key Sequences 
     329.. _Floating_Panel: 
     331Floating Panel 
     334For a graph panel to float on the top of the SV window: 
     336Press the *Ctrl(Cmd on MAC) key*  on dragging and placing a panel. Or if you  
     337want to make all plot panels float, select 'Float' from Graph/Preperences in  
     338the menu bar. Otherwise choose 'Dock'. 
     340.. _Context_Menu: 
     342Graph Context Menu 
     345To get the graph context menu to print, copy, save data, (2D)average, etc,  
     346*locate the mouse point on the plot to highlight and *(Mouse) Right Click*  
     347to bring up the full menu. 
     349.. _Zoom: 
     351Zoom In/Out 
     354To Zoom in or out the full plot, *locate the mouse point inside the graph  
     355which will be the center of the zooming, then *rotate MouseWheel*. 
     357*To Zoom in or out the plot in x or y direction, *locate (and click) the  
     358mouse point near x (or y) axis just outside of the graph and then *rotate  
     359MouseWheel* .* Note that this works only on the 1D plots. 
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.