1 edited


  • doc/developer/overview.rst

    r0d5a655 r3d40839  
    185185jitter applied before particle orientation. 
    187 When computing the orientation dispersity integral, the weights for 
    188 the individual points depends on the map projection used to translate jitter 
    189 angles into latitude/longitude.  The choice of projection is set by 
    190 *sasmodels.generate.PROJECTION*, with the default *PROJECTION=1* for 
    191 equirectangular and *PROJECTION=2* for sinusoidal.  The more complicated 
    192 Guyou and Postel projections are not implemented. See jitter.draw_mesh 
    193 for details. 
    195187For numerical integration within form factors etc. sasmodels is mostly using 
    196188Gaussian quadrature with 20, 76 or 150 points depending on the model. It also 
    207199Useful testing routines include: 
    209 The *sascomp* utility is used to view and compare models with different 
    210 parameters and calculation engines. The usual case is to simply plot a 
    211 model that you are developing:: 
    213     python sascomp path/to/model.py 
    215 Once the obvious problems are addressed, check the numerical precision 
    216 across a variety of randomly generated inputs:: 
    218     python sascomp -engine=single,double path/to/model.py -sets=10 
    220 You can compare different parameter values for the same or different models. 
    221 For example when looking along the long axis of a cylinder ($\theta=0$), 
    222 dispersity in $\theta$ should be equivalent to dispersity in $\phi$ 
    223 when $\phi=90$:: 
    225     python sascomp -2d cylinder theta=0 phi=0,90 theta_pd_type=rectangle \\ 
    226     phi_pd_type=rectangle phi_pd=10,1 theta_pd=1,10 length=500 radius=10 
    228 It turns out that they are not because the equirectangular map projection 
    229 weights the points by $\cos(\theta)$ so $\Delta\theta$ is not identical 
    230 to $\Delta\phi$.  Setting *PROJECTION=2* in :mod:`sasmodels.generate` helps 
    231 somewhat.  Postel would help even more in this case, though leading 
    232 to distortions elsewhere.  See :mod:`sasmodels.compare` for many more details. 
    234 *sascomp -ngauss=n* allows you to set the number of quadrature points used 
    235 for the 1D integration for any model.  For example, a carbon nanotube with 
    236 length 10 $\mu$\ m and radius 1 nm is not computed correctly at high $q$:: 
    238     python sascomp cylinder length=100000 radius=10 -ngauss=76,500 -double -highq 
    240 Note: ticket 702 gives some forms for long rods and thin disks that may 
    241 be used in place of the integration, depending on $q$, radius and length; if 
    242 the cylinder model is updated with these corrections then above call will show 
    243 no difference. 
    245 *explore/check1d.py* uses sasmodels 1D integration and compares that with a 
     201:mod:`asymint` a direct implementation of the surface integral for certain 
     202models to get a more trusted value for the 1D integral using a 
     203reimplementation of the 2D kernel in python and mpmath (which computes math 
     204functions to arbitrary precision). It uses $\theta$ ranging from 0 to $\pi$ 
     205and $\phi$ ranging from 0 to $2\pi$. It perhaps would benefit from including 
     206the U-substitution for $\theta$. 
     208:mod:`check1d` uses sasmodels 1D integration and compares that with a 
    246209rectangle distribution in $\theta$ and $\phi$, with $\theta$ limits set to 
    247210$\pm 90/\sqrt(3)$ and $\phi$ limits set to $\pm 180/\sqrt(3)$ [The rectangle 
    251214similar reasoning.] This should rotate the sample through the entire 
    252215$\theta$-$\phi$ surface according to the pattern that you see in jitter.py when 
    253 you use 'rectangle' rather than 'gaussian' for its distribution without 
    254 changing the viewing angle. In order to match the 1-D pattern for an arbitrary 
    255 viewing angle on triaxial shapes, we need to integrate 
     216you modify it to use 'rectangle' rather than 'gaussian' for its distribution 
     217without changing the viewing angle. In order to match the 1-D pattern for 
     218an arbitrary viewing angle on triaxial shapes, we need to integrate 
    256219over $\theta$, $\phi$ and $\Psi$. 
    258 *sascomp -sphere=n* uses the same rectangular distribution as check1d to 
    259 compute the pattern of the $q_x$-$q_y$ grid.  This ought to produce a 
    260 spherically symmetric pattern. 
    262 *explore/precision.py* investigates the accuracy of individual functions 
    263 on the different execution platforms.  This includes the basic special 
    264 functions as well as more complex expressions used in scattering.  In many 
    265 cases the OpenCL function in sasmodels will use a polynomial approximation 
    266 over part of the range to improve accuracy, as shown in:: 
    268     python explore/precision.py 3j1/x 
    270 *explore/realspace.py* allows you to set up a Monte Carlo simulation of your 
    271 model by sampling random points within and computing the 1D and 2D scattering 
    272 patterns.  This was used to check the core shell parallelepiped example.  This 
    273 is similar to the general sas calculator in sasview, though it uses different 
    274 code. 
    276 *sasmodels/jitter.py* is for exploring different options for handling 
    277 orientation and orientation dispersity.  It uses *sasmodels/guyou.py* to 
    278 generate the Guyou projection. 
    280 *explore/asymint.py* is a direct implementation of the 1D integration for 
    281 a number of different models.  It calculates the integral for a particular 
    282 $q$ using several different integration schemes, including mpmath with 100 
    283 bits of precision (33 digits), so you can use it to check the target values 
    284 for the 1D model tests.  This is not a general purpose tool; you will need to 
    285 edit the file to change the model parameters. It does not currently 
    286 apply the $u=cos(\theta)$ substitution that many models are using 
    287 internally so the 76-point gaussian quadrature may not match the value 
    288 produced by the eqivalent model from sasmodels. 
    290 *explore/symint.py* is for rotationally symmetric models (just cylinder for 
    291 now), so it can compute an entire curve rather than a single $q$ point.  It 
    292 includes code to compare the long cylinder approximation to cylinder. 
    294 *explore/rpa.py* is for checking different implementations of the RPA model 
    295 against calculations for specific blends.  This is a work in (suspended) 
    296 progress. 
    298 There are a few modules left over in *explore* that can probably be removed. 
    299 *angular_pd.py* was an early version of *jitter.py*.  *sc.py* and *sc.c* 
    300 was used to explore different calculations for paracrystal models; it has 
    301 been absorbed into *asymint.py*. *transform_angles.py* translates orientation 
    302 parameters from the SasView 3.x definition to sasmodels. 
    304 *explore/angles.py* generates code for the view and jitter transformations. 
    305 Keep this around since it may be needed if we add new projections. 
     221When computing the dispersity integral, weights are scaled by 
     222$|\cos(\delta \theta)|$ to account for the points in $\phi$ getting closer 
     223together as $\delta \theta$ increases. 
     224[This will probably change so that instead of adjusting the weights, we will 
     225adjust $\delta\theta$-$\delta\phi$ mesh so that the point density in 
     226$\delta\phi$ is lower at larger $\delta\theta$. The flag USE_SCALED_PHI in 
     227*kernel_iq.c* selects an alternative algorithm.] 
     229The integrated dispersion is computed at a set of $(qx, qy)$ points $(q 
     230\cos(\alpha), q \sin(\alpha))$ at some angle $\alpha$ (currently angle=0) for 
     231each $q$ used in the 1-D integration. The individual $q$ points should be 
     232equivalent to asymint rect-n when the viewing angle is set to 
     233$(\theta,\phi,\Psi) = (90, 0, 0)$. Such tests can help to validate that 2d 
     234models are consistent with 1d models. 
     236:mod:`sascomp -sphere=n` uses the same rectangular distribution as check1d to 
     237compute the pattern of the $q_x$-$q_y$ grid. 
     239The :mod:`sascomp` utility can be used for 2d as well as 1d calculations to 
     240compare results for two sets of parameters or processor types, for example 
     241these two oriented cylinders here should be equivalent. 
     243:mod:`\./sascomp -2d cylinder theta=0 phi=0,90 theta_pd_type=rectangle phi_pd_type=rectangle phi_pd=10,1 theta_pd=1,10 length=500 radius=10` 
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