1 edited


  • src/sas/sascalc/data_util/qsmearing.py

    rf8aa738 r392056d  
    55#This software was developed by the University of Tennessee as part of the 
    66#Distributed Data Analysis of Neutron Scattering Experiments (DANSE) 
    7 #project funded by the US National Science Foundation.  
     7#project funded by the US National Science Foundation. 
    88#See the license text in license.txt 
    99#copyright 2008, University of Tennessee 
    1313import logging 
    1414import sys 
     15from sasmodels import sesans 
    16 from sasmodels.resolution import Slit1D, Pinhole1D 
     17from sasmodels.resolution import Slit1D, Pinhole1D, SESANS1D 
    1718from sasmodels.resolution2d import Pinhole2D 
    4950    # Look for resolution smearing data 
     51    _found_sesans = False 
     52    if data.dx is not None and data.meta_data['loader']=='SESANS': 
     53        if data.dx[0] > 0.0: 
     54            _found_sesans = True 
     56    if _found_sesans == True: 
     57        return sesans_smear(data, model) 
    5059    _found_resolution = False 
    5160    if data.dx is not None and len(data.dx) == len(data.x): 
    92101        self.model = model 
    93102        self.resolution = resolution 
    94         self.offset = numpy.searchsorted(self.resolution.q_calc, self.resolution.q[0]) 
     103        if hasattr(self.resolution, 'data'): 
     104            if self.resolution.data.meta_data['loader'] == 'SESANS': 
     105                self.offset = 0 
     106            # This is default behaviour, for future resolution/transform functions this needs to be revisited. 
     107            else: 
     108                self.offset = numpy.searchsorted(self.resolution.q_calc, self.resolution.q[0]) 
     109        else: 
     110            self.offset = numpy.searchsorted(self.resolution.q_calc, self.resolution.q[0]) 
     112        #self.offset = numpy.searchsorted(self.resolution.q_calc, self.resolution.q[0]) 
    96114    def apply(self, iq_in, first_bin=0, last_bin=None): 
    126144        q[first:last+1]. 
    127145        """ 
    128147        q = self.resolution.q 
    129148        first = numpy.searchsorted(q, q_min) 
    142161    width = data.dx if data.dx is not None else 0 
    143162    return PySmear(Pinhole1D(q, width), model) 
     164def sesans_smear(data, model=None): 
     165    #This should be calculated characteristic length scale 
     166    #Probably not a data prameter either 
     167    #Need function to calculate this based on model 
     168    #Here assume a number 
     169    Rmax = 1000000 
     170    q_calc = sesans.make_q(data.sample.zacceptance, Rmax) 
     171    return PySmear(SESANS1D(data,q_calc),model) 
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