Changes in / [f6fd413:13bd583] in sasmodels

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  • doc/guide/pd/polydispersity.rst

    reda8b30 r92d330fd  
    4242calculations are generally more robust with more data points or more angles. 
    44 The following five distribution functions are provided: 
     44The following distribution functions are provided: 
    4646*  *Rectangular Distribution* 
     47*  *Uniform Distribution* 
    4748*  *Gaussian Distribution* 
    4849*  *Lognormal Distribution* 
    4950*  *Schulz Distribution* 
    5051*  *Array Distribution* 
     52*  *Boltzmann Distribution* 
    5254These are all implemented as *number-average* distributions. 
    8587    Rectangular distribution. 
     91Uniform Distribution 
     94The Uniform Distribution is defined as 
     96    .. math:: 
     98        f(x) = \frac{1}{\text{Norm}} 
     99        \begin{cases} 
     100          1 & \text{for } |x - \bar x| \leq \sigma \\ 
     101          0 & \text{for } |x - \bar x| > \sigma 
     102        \end{cases} 
     104    where $\bar x$ is the mean of the distribution, $\sigma$ is the half-width, and 
     105    *Norm* is a normalization factor which is determined during the numerical 
     106    calculation. 
     108    Note that the polydispersity is given by 
     110    .. math:: \text{PD} = \sigma / \bar x 
     112    .. figure:: pd_uniform.jpg 
     114        Uniform distribution. 
     116The value $N_\sigma$ is ignored for this distribution. 
    185 This user-definable distribution should be given as as a simple ASCII text 
     216This user-definable distribution should be given as a simple ASCII text 
    186217file where the array is defined by two columns of numbers: $x$ and $f(x)$. 
    187218The $f(x)$ will be normalized to 1 during the computation. 
    202233given for the model will have no affect, and will be ignored when computing 
    203234the average.  This means that any parameter with an array distribution will 
    204 not be fittable. 
     235not be fitable. 
     239Boltzmann Distribution 
     242The Boltzmann Distribution is defined as 
     244.. math:: 
     246    f(x) = \frac{1}{\text{Norm}} 
     247           \exp\left(-\frac{ | x - \bar x | }{\sigma}\right) 
     249where $\bar x$ is the mean of the distribution and *Norm* is a normalization 
     250factor which is determined during the numerical calculation. 
     251The width is defined as 
     253.. math:: \sigma=\frac{k T}{E} 
     255which is the inverse Boltzmann factor, 
     256where $k$ is the Boltzmann constant, $T$ the temperature in Kelvin and $E$ a 
     257characteristic energy per particle. 
     259.. figure:: pd_boltzmann.jpg 
     261    Boltzmann distribution. 
  • explore/

    r8fb2a94 r032646d  
    33import time 
    44from copy import copy 
     5import os 
     6import argparse 
     7from collections import OrderedDict 
    69import numpy as np 
    710from numpy import pi, radians, sin, cos, sqrt 
    8 from numpy.random import poisson, uniform 
     11from numpy.random import poisson, uniform, randn, rand 
    912from numpy.polynomial.legendre import leggauss 
    1013from scipy.integrate import simps 
    1114from scipy.special import j1 as J1 
     17    import numba 
     18    USE_NUMBA = True 
     19except ImportError: 
     20    USE_NUMBA = False 
    1322# Definition of rotation matrices comes from wikipedia: 
    8291        raise NotImplementedError() 
     93    def dims(self): 
     94        # type: () -> float, float, float 
     95        raise NotImplementedError() 
    8497    def rotate(self, theta, phi, psi): 
    8598        self.rotation = rotation(theta, phi, psi) * self.rotation 
    116129                     for s2 in shapes] 
    117130        self.r_max = max(distances + [s.r_max for s in shapes]) 
    119     def volume(self): 
    120         return sum(shape.volume() for shape in self.shapes) 
     131        self.volume = sum(shape.volume for shape in self.shapes) 
    122133    def sample(self, density): 
    133144        self._scale = np.array([a/2, b/2, c/2])[None, :] 
    134145        self.r_max = sqrt(a**2 + b**2 + c**2) 
    136     def volume(self): 
    137         return self.a*self.b*self.c 
     146        self.dims = a, b, c 
     147        self.volume = a*b*c 
    139149    def sample(self, density): 
    140         num_points = poisson(density*self.a*self.b*self.c) 
     150        num_points = poisson(density*self.volume) 
    141151        points = self._scale*uniform(-1, 1, size=(num_points, 3)) 
    142152        values = self.value.repeat(points.shape[0]) 
    152162        self._scale = np.array([ra, rb, length/2])[None, :] 
    153163        self.r_max = sqrt(4*max(ra, rb)**2 + length**2) 
    155     def volume(self): 
    156         return pi*self.ra*self.rb*self.length 
     164        self.dims = 2*ra, 2*rb, length 
     165        self.volume = pi*ra*rb*length 
    158167    def sample(self, density): 
    159         # density of the bounding box 
     168        # randomly sample from a box of side length 2*r, excluding anything 
     169        # not in the cylinder 
    160170        num_points = poisson(density*4*self.ra*self.rb*self.length) 
    161171        points = uniform(-1, 1, size=(num_points, 3)) 
    174184        self._scale = np.array([ra, rb, rc])[None, :] 
    175185        self.r_max = 2*max(ra, rb, rc) 
    177     def volume(self): 
    178         return 4*pi/3 * self.ra * self.rb * self.rc 
     186        self.dims = 2*ra, 2*rb, 2*rc 
     187        self.volume = 4*pi/3 * ra * rb * rc 
    180189    def sample(self, density): 
    194203        self.rotate(*orientation) 
    195204        self.shift(*center) 
     205        helix_length = helix_pitch * tube_length/sqrt(helix_radius**2 + helix_pitch**2) 
     206        total_radius = self.helix_radius + self.tube_radius 
    196207        self.helix_radius, self.helix_pitch = helix_radius, helix_pitch 
    197208        self.tube_radius, self.tube_length = tube_radius, tube_length 
    198         helix_length = helix_pitch * tube_length/sqrt(helix_radius**2 + helix_pitch**2) 
    199         self.r_max = sqrt((2*helix_radius + 2*tube_radius)*2 
    200                           + (helix_length + 2*tube_radius)**2) 
    202     def volume(self): 
     209        self.r_max = sqrt(4*total_radius + (helix_length + 2*tube_radius)**2) 
     210        self.dims = 2*total_radius, 2*total_radius, helix_length 
    203211        # small tube radius approximation; for larger tubes need to account 
    204212        # for the fact that the inner length is much shorter than the outer 
    205213        # length 
    206         return pi*self.tube_radius**2*self.tube_length 
     214        self.volume = pi*self.tube_radius**2*self.tube_length 
    208216    def points(self, density): 
    244252        return values, self._adjust(points) 
    246 NUMBA = False 
    247 if NUMBA: 
     254def csbox(a=10, b=20, c=30, da=1, db=2, dc=3, slda=1, sldb=2, sldc=3, sld_core=4): 
     255    core = Box(a, b, c, sld_core) 
     256    side_a = Box(da, b, c, slda, center=((a+da)/2, 0, 0)) 
     257    side_b = Box(a, db, c, sldb, center=(0, (b+db)/2, 0)) 
     258    side_c = Box(a, b, dc, sldc, center=(0, 0, (c+dc)/2)) 
     259    side_a2 = copy(side_a).shift(-a-da, 0, 0) 
     260    side_b2 = copy(side_b).shift(0, -b-db, 0) 
     261    side_c2 = copy(side_c).shift(0, 0, -c-dc) 
     262    shape = Composite((core, side_a, side_b, side_c, side_a2, side_b2, side_c2)) 
     263    shape.dims = 2*da+a, 2*db+b, 2*dc+c 
     264    return shape 
     266def _Iqxy(values, x, y, z, qa, qb, qc): 
     267    """I(q) = |sum V(r) rho(r) e^(1j q.r)|^2 / sum V(r)""" 
     268    Iq = [abs(np.sum(values*np.exp(1j*(qa_k*x + qb_k*y + qc_k*z))))**2 
     269            for qa_k, qb_k, qc_k in zip(qa.flat, qb.flat, qc.flat)] 
     270    return Iq 
     272if USE_NUMBA: 
     273    # Override simple numpy solution with numba if available 
    248274    from numba import njit 
    249275    @njit("f8[:](f8[:],f8[:],f8[:],f8[:],f8[:],f8[:],f8[:])") 
    252278        for j in range(len(Iq)): 
    253279            total = 0. + 0j 
    254             for k in range(len(Iq)): 
     280            for k in range(len(values)): 
    255281                total += values[k]*np.exp(1j*(qa[j]*x[k] + qb[j]*y[k] + qc[j]*z[k])) 
    256282            Iq[j] = abs(total)**2 
    263289    values = rho*volume 
    264290    x, y, z = points.T 
     291    values, x, y, z, qa, qb, qc = [np.asarray(v, 'd') 
     292                                   for v in (values, x, y, z, qa, qb, qc)] 
    266294    # I(q) = |sum V(r) rho(r) e^(1j q.r)|^2 / sum V(r) 
    267     if NUMBA: 
    268         Iq = _Iqxy(values, x, y, z, qa.flatten(), qb.flatten(), qc.flatten()) 
    269     else: 
    270         Iq = [abs(np.sum(values*np.exp(1j*(qa_k*x + qb_k*y + qc_k*z))))**2 
    271               for qa_k, qb_k, qc_k in zip(qa.flat, qb.flat, qc.flat)] 
     295    Iq = _Iqxy(values, x, y, z, qa.flatten(), qb.flatten(), qc.flatten()) 
    272296    return np.asarray(Iq).reshape(qx.shape) / np.sum(volume) 
    340 if NUMBA: 
     364if USE_NUMBA: 
     365    # Override simple numpy solution with numba if available 
    341366    @njit("f8[:](f8[:], f8[:], f8[:,:])") 
    342     def _calc_Pr_uniform_jit(r, rho, points): 
     367    def _calc_Pr_uniform(r, rho, points): 
    343368        dr = r[0] 
    344369        n_max = len(r) 
    362387    # P(r) with uniform steps in r is 3x faster; check if we are uniform 
    363388    # before continuing 
     389    r, rho, points = [np.asarray(v, 'd') for v in (r, rho, points)] 
    364390    if np.max(np.abs(np.diff(r) - r[0])) > r[0]*0.01: 
    365391        Pr = _calc_Pr_nonuniform(r, rho, points) 
    366392    else: 
    367         if NUMBA: 
    368             Pr = _calc_Pr_uniform_jit(r, rho, points) 
    369         else: 
    370             Pr = _calc_Pr_uniform(r, rho, points) 
     393        Pr = _calc_Pr_uniform(r, rho, points) 
    371394    return Pr / Pr.max() 
    399422    return edges 
     424# -------------- plotters ---------------- 
    401425def plot_calc(r, Pr, q, Iq, theory=None): 
    402426    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
    410434    plt.ylabel('Iq') 
    411435    if theory is not None: 
    412         plt.loglog(theory[0], theory[1], '-', label='analytic') 
     436        plt.loglog(theory[0], theory[1]/theory[1][0], '-', label='analytic') 
    413437        plt.legend() 
    444468    ax.autoscale(True) 
    446 def check_shape(shape, fn=None): 
    447     rho_solvent = 0 
    448     q = np.logspace(-3, 0, 200) 
    449     r = shape.r_bins(q, r_step=0.01) 
    450     sampling_density = 6*5000 / shape.volume() 
    451     rho, points = shape.sample(sampling_density) 
    452     t0 = time.time() 
    453     Pr = calc_Pr(r, rho-rho_solvent, points) 
    454     print("calc Pr time", time.time() - t0) 
    455     Iq = calc_Iq(q, r, Pr) 
    456     theory = (q, fn(q)) if fn is not None else None 
    458     import pylab 
    459     #plot_points(rho, points); pylab.figure() 
    460     plot_calc(r, Pr, q, Iq, theory=theory) 
    463 def check_shape_2d(shape, fn=None, view=(0, 0, 0)): 
    464     rho_solvent = 0 
    465     nq, qmax = 100, 1.0 
    466     qx = np.linspace(0.0, qmax, nq) 
    467     qy = np.linspace(0.0, qmax, nq) 
    468     Qx, Qy = np.meshgrid(qx, qy) 
    469     sampling_density = 50000 / shape.volume() 
    470     #t0 = time.time() 
    471     rho, points = shape.sample(sampling_density) 
    472     #print("sample time", time.time() - t0) 
    473     t0 = time.time() 
    474     Iqxy = calc_Iqxy(Qx, Qy, rho, points, view=view) 
    475     print("calc time", time.time() - t0) 
    476     theory = fn(Qx, Qy) if fn is not None else None 
    477     Iqxy += 0.001 * Iqxy.max() 
    478     if theory is not None: 
    479         theory += 0.001 * theory.max() 
    481     import pylab 
    482     #plot_points(rho, points); pylab.figure() 
    483     plot_calc_2d(qx, qy, Iqxy, theory=theory) 
     470# ----------- Analytic models -------------- 
    486471def sas_sinx_x(x): 
    487472    with np.errstate(all='ignore'): 
    510495    for k, qk in enumerate(q): 
    511496        qab, qc = qk*sin_alpha, qk*cos_alpha 
    512         Fq = sas_2J1x_x(qab*radius) * j0(qc*length/2) 
     497        Fq = sas_2J1x_x(qab*radius) * sas_sinx_x(qc*length/2) 
    513498        Iq[k] = np.sum(w*Fq**2) 
    514     Iq = Iq/Iq[0] 
     499    Iq = Iq 
    515500    return Iq 
    517502def cylinder_Iqxy(qx, qy, radius, length, view=(0, 0, 0)): 
    518503    qa, qb, qc = invert_view(qx, qy, view) 
    519     qab = np.sqrt(qa**2 + qb**2) 
    520     Fq = sas_2J1x_x(qab*radius) * j0(qc*length/2) 
     504    qab = sqrt(qa**2 + qb**2) 
     505    Fq = sas_2J1x_x(qab*radius) * sas_sinx_x(qc*length/2) 
    521506    Iq = Fq**2 
    522507    return Iq.reshape(qx.shape) 
    524509def sphere_Iq(q, radius): 
    525510    Iq = sas_3j1x_x(q*radius)**2 
    526     return Iq/Iq[0] 
     511    return Iq 
     513def box_Iq(q, a, b, c): 
     514    z, w = leggauss(76) 
     515    outer_sum = np.zeros_like(q) 
     516    for cos_alpha, outer_w in zip((z+1)/2, w): 
     517        sin_alpha = sqrt(1.0-cos_alpha*cos_alpha) 
     518        qc = q*cos_alpha 
     519        siC = c*sas_sinx_x(c*qc/2) 
     520        inner_sum = np.zeros_like(q) 
     521        for beta, inner_w in zip((z + 1)*pi/4, w): 
     522            qa, qb = q*sin_alpha*sin(beta), q*sin_alpha*cos(beta) 
     523            siA = a*sas_sinx_x(a*qa/2) 
     524            siB = b*sas_sinx_x(b*qb/2) 
     525            Fq = siA*siB*siC 
     526            inner_sum += inner_w * Fq**2 
     527        outer_sum += outer_w * inner_sum 
     528    Iq = outer_sum / 4  # = outer*um*zm*8.0/(4.0*M_PI) 
     529    return Iq 
     531def box_Iqxy(qx, qy, a, b, c, view=(0, 0, 0)): 
     532    qa, qb, qc = invert_view(qx, qy, view) 
     533    sia = sas_sinx_x(qa*a/2) 
     534    sib = sas_sinx_x(qb*b/2) 
     535    sic = sas_sinx_x(qc*c/2) 
     536    Fq = sia*sib*sic 
     537    Iq = Fq**2 
     538    return Iq.reshape(qx.shape) 
    528540def csbox_Iq(q, a, b, c, da, db, dc, slda, sldb, sldc, sld_core): 
    539551        sin_alpha = sqrt(1.0-cos_alpha*cos_alpha) 
    540552        qc = q*cos_alpha 
    541         siC = c*j0(c*qc/2) 
    542         siCt = tC*j0(tC*qc/2) 
     553        siC = c*sas_sinx_x(c*qc/2) 
     554        siCt = tC*sas_sinx_x(tC*qc/2) 
    543555        inner_sum = np.zeros_like(q) 
    544556        for beta, inner_w in zip((z + 1)*pi/4, w): 
    545557            qa, qb = q*sin_alpha*sin(beta), q*sin_alpha*cos(beta) 
    546             siA = a*j0(a*qa/2) 
    547             siB = b*j0(b*qb/2) 
    548             siAt = tA*j0(tA*qa/2) 
    549             siBt = tB*j0(tB*qb/2) 
     558            siA = a*sas_sinx_x(a*qa/2) 
     559            siB = b*sas_sinx_x(b*qb/2) 
     560            siAt = tA*sas_sinx_x(tA*qa/2) 
     561            siBt = tB*sas_sinx_x(tB*qb/2) 
    550562            if overlapping: 
    551563                Fq = (dr0*siA*siB*siC 
    584596    return Iq.reshape(qx.shape) 
    586 def check_cylinder(radius=25, length=125, rho=2.): 
     598# --------- Test cases ----------- 
     600def build_cylinder(radius=25, length=125, rho=2.): 
    587601    shape = EllipticalCylinder(radius, radius, length, rho) 
    588     fn = lambda q: cylinder_Iq(q, radius, length) 
    589     check_shape(shape, fn) 
    591 def check_cylinder_2d(radius=25, length=125, rho=2., view=(0, 0, 0)): 
    592     shape = EllipticalCylinder(radius, radius, length, rho) 
    593     fn = lambda qx, qy, view=view: cylinder_Iqxy(qx, qy, radius, length, view=view) 
    594     check_shape_2d(shape, fn, view=view) 
    596 def check_cylinder_2d_lattice(radius=25, length=125, rho=2., 
    597                               view=(0, 0, 0)): 
    598     nx, dx = 1, 2*radius 
    599     ny, dy = 30, 2*radius 
    600     nz, dz = 30, length 
    601     dx, dy, dz = 2*dx, 2*dy, 2*dz 
    602     def center(*args): 
    603         sigma = 0.333 
    604         space = 2 
    605         return [(space*n+np.random.randn()*sigma)*x for n, x in args] 
    606     shapes = [EllipticalCylinder(radius, radius, length, rho, 
    607                                  #center=(ix*dx, iy*dy, iz*dz) 
    608                                  orientation=np.random.randn(3)*0, 
    609                                  center=center((ix, dx), (iy, dy), (iz, dz)) 
    610                                 ) 
     602    fn = lambda q: cylinder_Iq(q, radius, length)*rho**2 
     603    fn_xy = lambda qx, qy, view: cylinder_Iqxy(qx, qy, radius, length, view=view)*rho**2 
     604    return shape, fn, fn_xy 
     606def build_sphere(radius=125, rho=2): 
     607    shape = TriaxialEllipsoid(radius, radius, radius, rho) 
     608    fn = lambda q: sphere_Iq(q, radius)*rho**2 
     609    fn_xy = lambda qx, qy, view: sphere_Iq(np.sqrt(qx**2+qy**2), radius)*rho**2 
     610    return shape, fn, fn_xy 
     612def build_box(a=10, b=20, c=30, rho=2.): 
     613    shape = Box(a, b, c, rho) 
     614    fn = lambda q: box_Iq(q, a, b, c)*rho**2 
     615    fn_xy = lambda qx, qy, view: box_Iqxy(qx, qy, a, b, c, view=view)*rho**2 
     616    return shape, fn, fn_xy 
     618def build_csbox(a=10, b=20, c=30, da=1, db=2, dc=3, slda=1, sldb=2, sldc=3, sld_core=4): 
     619    shape = csbox(a, b, c, da, db, dc, slda, sldb, sldc, sld_core) 
     620    fn = lambda q: csbox_Iq(q, a, b, c, da, db, dc, slda, sldb, sldc, sld_core) 
     621    fn_xy = lambda qx, qy, view: csbox_Iqxy(qx, qy, a, b, c, da, db, dc, 
     622                                            slda, sldb, sldc, sld_core, view=view) 
     623    return shape, fn, fn_xy 
     625def build_cubic_lattice(shape, nx=1, ny=1, nz=1, dx=2, dy=2, dz=2, 
     626                  shuffle=0, rotate=0): 
     627    a, b, c = shape.dims 
     628    shapes = [copy(shape) 
     629              .shift((ix+(randn() if shuffle < 0.3 else rand())*shuffle)*dx*a, 
     630                     (iy+(randn() if shuffle < 0.3 else rand())*shuffle)*dy*b, 
     631                     (iz+(randn() if shuffle < 0.3 else rand())*shuffle)*dz*c) 
     632              .rotate(*((randn(3) if rotate < 30 else rand(3))*rotate)) 
    611633              for ix in range(nx) 
    612634              for iy in range(ny) 
    613635              for iz in range(nz)] 
    614     shape = Composite(shapes) 
    615     fn = lambda qx, qy, view=view: cylinder_Iqxy(qx, qy, radius, length, view=view) 
    616     check_shape_2d(shape, fn, view=view) 
    618 def check_sphere(radius=125, rho=2): 
    619     shape = TriaxialEllipsoid(radius, radius, radius, rho) 
    620     fn = lambda q: sphere_Iq(q, radius) 
    621     check_shape(shape, fn) 
    623 def check_csbox(a=10, b=20, c=30, da=1, db=2, dc=3, slda=1, sldb=2, sldc=3, sld_core=4): 
    624     core = Box(a, b, c, sld_core) 
    625     side_a = Box(da, b, c, slda, center=((a+da)/2, 0, 0)) 
    626     side_b = Box(a, db, c, sldb, center=(0, (b+db)/2, 0)) 
    627     side_c = Box(a, b, dc, sldc, center=(0, 0, (c+dc)/2)) 
    628     side_a2 = copy(side_a).shift(-a-da, 0, 0) 
    629     side_b2 = copy(side_b).shift(0, -b-db, 0) 
    630     side_c2 = copy(side_c).shift(0, 0, -c-dc) 
    631     shape = Composite((core, side_a, side_b, side_c, side_a2, side_b2, side_c2)) 
    632     def fn(q): 
    633         return csbox_Iq(q, a, b, c, da, db, dc, slda, sldb, sldc, sld_core) 
    634     #check_shape(shape, fn) 
    636     view = (20, 30, 40) 
    637     def fn_xy(qx, qy): 
    638         return csbox_Iqxy(qx, qy, a, b, c, da, db, dc, 
    639                           slda, sldb, sldc, sld_core, view=view) 
    640     check_shape_2d(shape, fn_xy, view=view) 
     636    lattice = Composite(shapes) 
     637    return lattice 
     640SHAPE_FUNCTIONS = OrderedDict([ 
     641    ("cylinder", build_cylinder), 
     642    ("sphere", build_sphere), 
     643    ("box", build_box), 
     644    ("csbox", build_csbox), 
     646SHAPES = list(SHAPE_FUNCTIONS.keys()) 
     648def check_shape(title, shape, fn=None, show_points=False, 
     649                mesh=100, qmax=1.0, r_step=0.01, samples=5000): 
     650    rho_solvent = 0 
     651    qmin = qmax/100. 
     652    q = np.logspace(np.log10(qmin), np.log10(qmax), mesh) 
     653    r = shape.r_bins(q, r_step=r_step) 
     654    sampling_density = samples / shape.volume 
     655    rho, points = shape.sample(sampling_density) 
     656    t0 = time.time() 
     657    Pr = calc_Pr(r, rho-rho_solvent, points) 
     658    print("calc Pr time", time.time() - t0) 
     659    Iq = calc_Iq(q, r, Pr) 
     660    theory = (q, fn(q)) if fn is not None else None 
     662    import pylab 
     663    if show_points: 
     664         plot_points(rho, points); pylab.figure() 
     665    plot_calc(r, Pr, q, Iq, theory=theory) 
     666    pylab.gcf().canvas.set_window_title(title) 
     669def check_shape_2d(title, shape, fn=None, view=(0, 0, 0), show_points=False, 
     670                   mesh=100, qmax=1.0, samples=5000): 
     671    rho_solvent = 0 
     672    qx = np.linspace(0.0, qmax, mesh) 
     673    qy = np.linspace(0.0, qmax, mesh) 
     674    Qx, Qy = np.meshgrid(qx, qy) 
     675    sampling_density = samples / shape.volume 
     676    t0 = time.time() 
     677    rho, points = shape.sample(sampling_density) 
     678    print("point generation time", time.time() - t0) 
     679    t0 = time.time() 
     680    Iqxy = calc_Iqxy(Qx, Qy, rho, points, view=view) 
     681    print("calc Iqxy time", time.time() - t0) 
     682    theory = fn(Qx, Qy, view) if fn is not None else None 
     683    Iqxy += 0.001 * Iqxy.max() 
     684    if theory is not None: 
     685        theory += 0.001 * theory.max() 
     687    import pylab 
     688    if show_points: 
     689        plot_points(rho, points); pylab.figure() 
     690    plot_calc_2d(qx, qy, Iqxy, theory=theory) 
     691    pylab.gcf().canvas.set_window_title(title) 
     694def main(): 
     695    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( 
     696        description="Compute scattering from realspace sampling", 
     697        formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, 
     698        ) 
     699    parser.add_argument('-d', '--dim', type=int, default=1, 
     700                        help='dimension 1 or 2') 
     701    parser.add_argument('-m', '--mesh', type=int, default=100, 
     702                        help='number of mesh points') 
     703    parser.add_argument('-s', '--samples', type=int, default=5000, 
     704                        help="number of sample points") 
     705    parser.add_argument('-q', '--qmax', type=float, default=0.5, 
     706                        help='max q') 
     707    parser.add_argument('-v', '--view', type=str, default='0,0,0', 
     708                        help='theta,phi,psi angles') 
     709    parser.add_argument('-n', '--lattice', type=str, default='1,1,1', 
     710                        help='lattice size') 
     711    parser.add_argument('-z', '--spacing', type=str, default='2,2,2', 
     712                        help='lattice spacing') 
     713    parser.add_argument('-r', '--rotate', type=float, default=0., 
     714                        help="rotation relative to lattice, gaussian < 30 degrees, uniform otherwise") 
     715    parser.add_argument('-w', '--shuffle', type=float, default=0., 
     716                        help="position relative to lattice, gaussian < 0.3, uniform otherwise") 
     717    parser.add_argument('-p', '--plot', action='store_true', 
     718                        help='plot points') 
     719    parser.add_argument('shape', choices=SHAPES, nargs='?', default=SHAPES[0], 
     720                        help='oriented shape') 
     721    parser.add_argument('pars', type=str, nargs='*', help='shape parameters') 
     722    opts = parser.parse_args() 
     723    pars = {key: float(value) for p in for key, value in [p.split('=')]} 
     724    nx, ny, nz = [int(v) for v in opts.lattice.split(',')] 
     725    dx, dy, dz = [float(v) for v in opts.spacing.split(',')] 
     726    shuffle, rotate = opts.shuffle, opts.rotate 
     727    shape, fn, fn_xy = SHAPE_FUNCTIONS[opts.shape](**pars) 
     728    if nx > 1 or ny > 1 or nz > 1: 
     729        shape = build_cubic_lattice(shape, nx, ny, nz, dx, dy, dz, shuffle, rotate) 
     730    title = "%s(%s)" % (opts.shape, " ".join( 
     731    if opts.dim == 1: 
     732        check_shape(title, shape, fn, show_points=opts.plot, 
     733                    mesh=opts.mesh, qmax=opts.qmax, samples=opts.samples) 
     734    else: 
     735        view = tuple(float(v) for v in opts.view.split(',')) 
     736        check_shape_2d(title, shape, fn_xy, view=view, show_points=opts.plot, 
     737                       mesh=opts.mesh, qmax=opts.qmax, samples=opts.samples) 
    642740if __name__ == "__main__": 
    643     check_cylinder(radius=10, length=40) 
    644     #check_cylinder_2d(radius=10, length=40, view=(90,30,0)) 
    645     #check_cylinder_2d_lattice(radius=10, length=50, view=(90,30,0)) 
    646     #check_sphere() 
    647     #check_csbox() 
    648     #check_csbox(da=100, db=200, dc=300) 
     741    main() 
  • sasmodels/kernel_iq.c

    rec8d4ac raadec17  
    9393// Compute the magnetic sld 
    9494static double mag_sld( 
    95   const int xs, // 0=dd, 1=du real, 2=ud real, 3=uu, 4=du imag, 5=up imag 
     95  const unsigned int xs, // 0=dd, 1=du real, 2=ud real, 3=uu, 4=du imag, 5=up imag 
    9696  const double qx, const double qy, 
    9797  const double px, const double py, 
    103103    const double perp = qy*mx - qx*my; 
    104104    switch (xs) { 
     105      default: // keep compiler happy; condition ensures xs in [0,1,2,3] 
    105106      case 0: // uu => sld - D M_perpx 
    106107          return sld - px*perp; 
    660661            // loop over uu, ud real, du real, dd, ud imag, du imag 
    661             for (int xs=0; xs<6; xs++) { 
     662            for (unsigned int xs=0; xs<6; xs++) { 
    662663              const double xs_weight = spins[xs]; 
    663664              if (xs_weight > 1.e-8) { 
  • sasmodels/

    r2d81cfe r3d58247  
    9797        return x, px 
     99class UniformDispersion(Dispersion): 
     100    r""" 
     101    Uniform dispersion, with width $\sigma$. 
     103    .. math:: 
     105        w = 1 
     106    """ 
     107    type = "uniform" 
     108    default = dict(npts=35, width=0, nsigmas=None) 
     109    def _weights(self, center, sigma, lb, ub): 
     110        x = np.linspace(center-sigma, center+sigma, self.npts) 
     111        x = x[(x >= lb) & (x <= ub)] 
     112        return x, np.ones_like(x) 
    100114class RectangleDispersion(Dispersion): 
    107121    """ 
    108122    type = "rectangle" 
    109     default = dict(npts=35, width=0, nsigmas=1.70325) 
    110     def _weights(self, center, sigma, lb, ub): 
    111         x = self._linspace(center, sigma, lb, ub) 
    112         x = x[np.fabs(x-center) <= np.fabs(sigma)*sqrt(3.0)] 
    113         return x, np.ones_like(x) 
     123    default = dict(npts=35, width=0, nsigmas=1.73205) 
     124    def _weights(self, center, sigma, lb, ub): 
     125         x = self._linspace(center, sigma, lb, ub) 
     126         x = x[np.fabs(x-center) <= np.fabs(sigma)*sqrt(3.0)] 
     127         return x, np.ones_like(x) 
    116129class LogNormalDispersion(Dispersion): 
    190203        return x, px 
     205class BoltzmannDispersion(Dispersion): 
     206    r""" 
     207    Boltzmann dispersion, with $\sigma=k T/E$. 
     209    .. math:: 
     211        w = \exp\left( -|x - c|/\sigma\right) 
     212    """ 
     213    type = "boltzmann" 
     214    default = dict(npts=35, width=0, nsigmas=3) 
     215    def _weights(self, center, sigma, lb, ub): 
     216        x = self._linspace(center, sigma, lb, ub) 
     217        px = np.exp(-np.abs(x-center) / np.abs(sigma)) 
     218        return x, px 
    193220# dispersion name -> disperser lookup table. 
    196223MODELS = OrderedDict((d.type, d) for d in ( 
    197224    RectangleDispersion, 
     225    UniformDispersion, 
    198226    ArrayDispersion, 
    199227    LogNormalDispersion, 
    200228    GaussianDispersion, 
    201229    SchulzDispersion, 
     230    BoltzmannDispersion 
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