Changeset 0ba3b08 in sasview for sansmodels/src/c_models
- Timestamp:
- Jan 5, 2012 12:16:29 PM (13 years ago)
- Branches:
- master, ESS_GUI, ESS_GUI_Docs, ESS_GUI_batch_fitting, ESS_GUI_bumps_abstraction, ESS_GUI_iss1116, ESS_GUI_iss879, ESS_GUI_iss959, ESS_GUI_opencl, ESS_GUI_ordering, ESS_GUI_sync_sascalc, costrafo411, magnetic_scatt, release-4.1.1, release-4.1.2, release-4.2.2, release_4.0.1, ticket-1009, ticket-1094-headless, ticket-1242-2d-resolution, ticket-1243, ticket-1249, ticket885, unittest-saveload
- Children:
- 011e0e4
- Parents:
- bbbed8c
- Location:
- sansmodels/src/c_models
- Files:
- 12 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r67424cd r0ba3b08 18 18 * sansmodels/src/libigor 19 19 * 20 * TODO: refactor so that we pull in the old sansmodels.c_extensions21 20 */ 22 21 23 22 #include <math.h> 24 #include "models.hh"25 23 #include "parameters.hh" 26 24 #include <stdio.h> 27 25 using namespace std; 26 #include "DiamCyl.h" 28 27 29 28 extern "C" { 30 29 #include "libStructureFactor.h" 31 #include "DiamCyl.h"32 30 } 33 31 … … 112 110 return 0.0; 113 111 } 114 // Testing code115 116 /**117 int main(void)118 {119 DiamCylFunc c = DiamCylFunc();120 121 printf("I(Qx=%g,Qy=%g) = %g\n", 0.001, 0.001, c(0.001, 0.001));122 printf("I(Q=%g) = %g\n", 0.001, c(0.001));123 c.radius.dispersion = new GaussianDispersion();124 c.radius.dispersion->npts = 100;125 c.radius.dispersion->width = 20;126 127 //c.length.dispersion = GaussianDispersion();128 //c.length.dispersion.npts = 20;129 //c.length.dispersion.width = 65;130 131 //printf("I(Q=%g) = %g\n", 0.001, c(0.001));132 //printf("I(Q=%g) = %g\n", 0.001, c(0.001));133 //printf("I(Qx=%g, Qy=%g) = %g\n", 0.001, 0.001, c(0.001, 0.001));134 //printf("I(Q=%g, Phi=%g) = %g\n", 0.00447, .7854, c.evaluate_rphi(sqrt(0.00002), .7854));135 136 137 138 double i_avg = c(0.01, 0.01);139 double i_1d = c(sqrt(0.0002));140 141 printf("\nI(Qx=%g, Qy=%g) = %g\n", 0.01, 0.01, i_avg);142 printf("I(Q=%g) = %g\n", sqrt(0.0002), i_1d);143 printf("ratio %g %g\n", i_avg/i_1d, i_1d/i_avg);144 145 146 return 0;147 }148 **/ -
r67424cd r0ba3b08 21 21 22 22 #include <math.h> 23 #include "models.hh"24 23 #include "parameters.hh" 25 24 #include <stdio.h> 26 25 using namespace std; 26 #include "DiamEllip.h" 27 27 28 28 extern "C" { 29 29 #include "libStructureFactor.h" 30 #include "DiamEllip.h"31 30 } 32 31 … … 109 108 return 0.0; 110 109 } 111 // Testing code112 /*113 int main(void)114 {115 SquareWellModel c = SquareWellModel();116 117 printf("I(Qx=%g,Qy=%g) = %g\n", 0.001, 0.001, c(0.001, 0.001));118 printf("I(Q=%g) = %g\n", 0.001, c(0.001));119 c.radius.dispersion = new GaussianDispersion();120 c.radius.dispersion->npts = 100;121 c.radius.dispersion->width = 5;122 123 //c.length.dispersion = GaussianDispersion();124 //c.length.dispersion.npts = 20;125 //c.length.dispersion.width = 65;126 127 printf("I(Q=%g) = %g\n", 0.001, c(0.001));128 printf("I(Q=%g) = %g\n", 0.001, c(0.001));129 printf("I(Qx=%g, Qy=%g) = %g\n", 0.001, 0.001, c(0.001, 0.001));130 printf("I(Q=%g, Phi=%g) = %g\n", 0.00447, .7854, c.evaluate_rphi(sqrt(0.00002), .7854));131 132 133 134 double i_avg = c(0.01, 0.01);135 double i_1d = c(sqrt(0.0002));136 137 printf("\nI(Qx=%g, Qy=%g) = %g\n", 0.01, 0.01, i_avg);138 printf("I(Q=%g) = %g\n", sqrt(0.0002), i_1d);139 printf("ratio %g %g\n", i_avg/i_1d, i_1d/i_avg);140 141 142 return 0;143 }144 */ -
r67424cd r0ba3b08 22 22 23 23 #include <math.h> 24 #include "models.hh"25 24 #include "parameters.hh" 26 25 #include <stdio.h> 27 26 using namespace std; 27 #include "Hardsphere.h" 28 28 29 29 extern "C" { 30 #include "libStructureFactor.h" 31 #include "Hardsphere.h" 30 #include "libStructureFactor.h" 32 31 } 33 32 34 33 HardsphereStructure :: HardsphereStructure() { 35 36 37 38 34 effect_radius = Parameter(50.0, true); 35 effect_radius.set_min(0.0); 36 volfraction = Parameter(0.20, true); 37 volfraction.set_min(0.0); 39 38 } 40 39 … … 46 45 */ 47 46 double HardsphereStructure :: operator()(double q) { 48 47 double dp[2]; 49 48 50 51 52 53 49 // Fill parameter array for IGOR library 50 // Add the background after averaging 51 dp[0] = effect_radius(); 52 dp[1] = volfraction(); 54 53 55 56 57 54 // Get the dispersion points for the radius 55 vector<WeightPoint> weights_rad; 56 effect_radius.get_weights(weights_rad); 58 57 59 60 61 58 // Perform the computation, with all weight points 59 double sum = 0.0; 60 double norm = 0.0; 62 61 63 64 65 62 // Loop over radius weight points 63 for(size_t i=0; i<weights_rad.size(); i++) { 64 dp[0] = weights_rad[i].value; 66 65 67 68 69 70 71 66 sum += weights_rad[i].weight 67 * HardSphereStruct(dp, q); 68 norm += weights_rad[i].weight; 69 } 70 return sum/norm ; 72 71 } 73 72 … … 79 78 */ 80 79 double HardsphereStructure :: operator()(double qx, double qy) { 81 82 80 double q = sqrt(qx*qx + qy*qy); 81 return (*this).operator()(q); 83 82 } 84 83 … … 91 90 */ 92 91 double HardsphereStructure :: evaluate_rphi(double q, double phi) { 93 94 95 92 double qx = q*cos(phi); 93 double qy = q*sin(phi); 94 return (*this).operator()(qx, qy); 96 95 } 97 96 /** … … 100 99 */ 101 100 double HardsphereStructure :: calculate_ER() { 102 //NOT implemented yet!!!101 //NOT implemented yet!!! 103 102 return 0.0; 104 103 } -
r67424cd r0ba3b08 22 22 23 23 #include <math.h> 24 #include "models.hh"25 24 #include "parameters.hh" 26 25 #include <stdio.h> 27 26 using namespace std; 27 #include "HayterMSA.h" 28 28 29 29 extern "C" { 30 #include "libStructureFactor.h" 31 #include "HayterMSA.h" 30 #include "libStructureFactor.h" 32 31 } 33 32 34 33 HayterMSAStructure :: HayterMSAStructure() { 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 34 effect_radius = Parameter(20.75, true); 35 effect_radius.set_min(0.0); 36 charge = Parameter(19.0, true); 37 volfraction = Parameter(0.0192, true); 38 volfraction.set_min(0.0); 39 temperature = Parameter(318.16, true); 40 temperature.set_min(0.0); 41 saltconc = Parameter(0.0); 42 dielectconst = Parameter(71.08); 44 43 } 45 44 … … 51 50 */ 52 51 double HayterMSAStructure :: operator()(double q) { 53 52 double dp[6]; 54 53 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 54 // Fill parameter array for IGOR library 55 // Add the background after averaging 56 dp[0] = 2.0*effect_radius(); 57 dp[1] = fabs(charge()); 58 dp[2] = volfraction(); 59 dp[3] = temperature(); 60 dp[4] = saltconc(); 61 dp[5] = dielectconst(); 63 62 64 65 66 63 // Get the dispersion points for the radius 64 vector<WeightPoint> weights_rad; 65 effect_radius.get_weights(weights_rad); 67 66 68 69 70 67 // Perform the computation, with all weight points 68 double sum = 0.0; 69 double norm = 0.0; 71 70 72 73 74 71 // Loop over radius weight points 72 for(size_t i=0; i<weights_rad.size(); i++) { 73 dp[0] = 2.0*weights_rad[i].value; 75 74 76 77 78 79 80 75 sum += weights_rad[i].weight 76 * HayterPenfoldMSA(dp, q); 77 norm += weights_rad[i].weight; 78 } 79 return sum/norm ; 81 80 } 82 81 … … 88 87 */ 89 88 double HayterMSAStructure :: operator()(double qx, double qy) { 90 91 89 double q = sqrt(qx*qx + qy*qy); 90 return (*this).operator()(q); 92 91 } 93 92 … … 100 99 */ 101 100 double HayterMSAStructure :: evaluate_rphi(double q, double phi) { 102 103 104 101 double qx = q*cos(phi); 102 double qy = q*sin(phi); 103 return (*this).operator()(qx, qy); 105 104 } 106 105 /** … … 109 108 */ 110 109 double HayterMSAStructure :: calculate_ER() { 111 //NOT implemented yet!!!110 //NOT implemented yet!!! 112 111 return 0.0; 113 112 } 114 115 // Testing code116 /*117 int main(void)118 {119 SquareWellModel c = SquareWellModel();120 121 printf("I(Qx=%g,Qy=%g) = %g\n", 0.001, 0.001, c(0.001, 0.001));122 printf("I(Q=%g) = %g\n", 0.001, c(0.001));123 c.radius.dispersion = new GaussianDispersion();124 c.radius.dispersion->npts = 100;125 c.radius.dispersion->width = 5;126 127 //c.length.dispersion = GaussianDispersion();128 //c.length.dispersion.npts = 20;129 //c.length.dispersion.width = 65;130 131 printf("I(Q=%g) = %g\n", 0.001, c(0.001));132 printf("I(Q=%g) = %g\n", 0.001, c(0.001));133 printf("I(Qx=%g, Qy=%g) = %g\n", 0.001, 0.001, c(0.001, 0.001));134 printf("I(Q=%g, Phi=%g) = %g\n", 0.00447, .7854, c.evaluate_rphi(sqrt(0.00002), .7854));135 136 137 138 double i_avg = c(0.01, 0.01);139 double i_1d = c(sqrt(0.0002));140 141 printf("\nI(Qx=%g, Qy=%g) = %g\n", 0.01, 0.01, i_avg);142 printf("I(Q=%g) = %g\n", sqrt(0.0002), i_1d);143 printf("ratio %g %g\n", i_avg/i_1d, i_1d/i_avg);144 145 146 return 0;147 }148 */ -
r67424cd r0ba3b08 18 18 * sansmodels/src/libigor 19 19 * 20 * TODO: refactor so that we pull in the old sansmodels.c_extensions21 20 */ 22 21 23 22 #include <math.h> 24 #include "models.hh"25 23 #include "parameters.hh" 26 24 #include <stdio.h> 27 25 using namespace std; 26 #include "SquareWell.h" 28 27 29 28 extern "C" { 30 #include "libStructureFactor.h" 31 #include "SquareWell.h" 29 #include "libStructureFactor.h" 32 30 } 33 31 34 32 SquareWellStructure :: SquareWellStructure() { 35 36 37 38 39 40 33 effect_radius = Parameter(50.0, true); 34 effect_radius.set_min(0.0); 35 volfraction = Parameter(0.04, true); 36 volfraction.set_min(0.0); 37 welldepth = Parameter(1.50); 38 wellwidth = Parameter(1.20); 41 39 } 42 40 … … 48 46 */ 49 47 double SquareWellStructure :: operator()(double q) { 50 48 double dp[4]; 51 49 52 53 54 55 56 57 50 // Fill parameter array for IGOR library 51 // Add the background after averaging 52 dp[0] = effect_radius(); 53 dp[1] = volfraction(); 54 dp[2] = welldepth(); 55 dp[3] = wellwidth(); 58 56 59 60 61 57 // Get the dispersion points for the radius 58 vector<WeightPoint> weights_rad; 59 effect_radius.get_weights(weights_rad); 62 60 63 64 65 61 // Perform the computation, with all weight points 62 double sum = 0.0; 63 double norm = 0.0; 66 64 67 68 69 65 // Loop over radius weight points 66 for(size_t i=0; i<weights_rad.size(); i++) { 67 dp[0] = weights_rad[i].value; 70 68 71 72 73 74 75 69 sum += weights_rad[i].weight 70 * SquareWellStruct(dp, q); 71 norm += weights_rad[i].weight; 72 } 73 return sum/norm ; 76 74 } 77 75 … … 83 81 */ 84 82 double SquareWellStructure :: operator()(double qx, double qy) { 85 86 83 double q = sqrt(qx*qx + qy*qy); 84 return (*this).operator()(q); 87 85 } 88 86 … … 95 93 */ 96 94 double SquareWellStructure :: evaluate_rphi(double q, double phi) { 97 98 99 95 double qx = q*cos(phi); 96 double qy = q*sin(phi); 97 return (*this).operator()(qx, qy); 100 98 } 101 99 /** … … 104 102 */ 105 103 double SquareWellStructure :: calculate_ER() { 106 //NOT implemented yet!!!104 //NOT implemented yet!!! 107 105 return 0.0; 108 106 } 109 // Testing code110 /*111 int main(void)112 {113 SquareWellModel c = SquareWellModel();114 115 printf("I(Qx=%g,Qy=%g) = %g\n", 0.001, 0.001, c(0.001, 0.001));116 printf("I(Q=%g) = %g\n", 0.001, c(0.001));117 c.radius.dispersion = new GaussianDispersion();118 c.radius.dispersion->npts = 100;119 c.radius.dispersion->width = 5;120 121 //c.length.dispersion = GaussianDispersion();122 //c.length.dispersion.npts = 20;123 //c.length.dispersion.width = 65;124 125 printf("I(Q=%g) = %g\n", 0.001, c(0.001));126 printf("I(Q=%g) = %g\n", 0.001, c(0.001));127 printf("I(Qx=%g, Qy=%g) = %g\n", 0.001, 0.001, c(0.001, 0.001));128 printf("I(Q=%g, Phi=%g) = %g\n", 0.00447, .7854, c.evaluate_rphi(sqrt(0.00002), .7854));129 130 131 132 double i_avg = c(0.01, 0.01);133 double i_1d = c(sqrt(0.0002));134 135 printf("\nI(Qx=%g, Qy=%g) = %g\n", 0.01, 0.01, i_avg);136 printf("I(Q=%g) = %g\n", sqrt(0.0002), i_1d);137 printf("ratio %g %g\n", i_avg/i_1d, i_1d/i_avg);138 139 140 return 0;141 }142 */ -
r67424cd r0ba3b08 22 22 23 23 #include <math.h> 24 #include "models.hh"25 24 #include "parameters.hh" 26 25 #include <stdio.h> 27 26 using namespace std; 27 #include "StickyHS.h" 28 28 29 29 extern "C" { 30 30 #include "libStructureFactor.h" 31 #include "StickyHS.h"32 31 } 33 32 -
r67424cd r0ba3b08 21 21 22 22 #include <math.h> 23 #include "models.hh"24 23 #include "parameters.hh" 25 24 #include <stdio.h> 26 25 using namespace std; 26 #include "bcc.h" 27 27 28 28 extern "C" { 29 29 #include "libSphere.h" 30 #include "bcc.h" 30 } 31 32 // Convenience structure 33 typedef struct { 34 double scale; 35 double dnn; 36 double d_factor; 37 double radius; 38 double sldSph; 39 double sldSolv; 40 double background; 41 double theta; 42 double phi; 43 double psi; 44 45 } BCParameters; 46 47 /** 48 * Function to evaluate 2D scattering function 49 * @param pars: parameters of the BCCCrystalModel 50 * @param q: q-value 51 * @param q_x: q_x / q 52 * @param q_y: q_y / q 53 * @return: function value 54 */ 55 static double bc_analytical_2D_scaled(BCParameters *pars, double q, double q_x, double q_y) { 56 double b3_x, b3_y, b3_z, b1_x, b1_y; 57 double q_z; 58 double alpha, cos_val_b3, cos_val_b2, cos_val_b1; 59 double a1_dot_q, a2_dot_q,a3_dot_q; 60 double answer; 61 double Pi = 4.0*atan(1.0); 62 double aa, Da, qDa_2, latticeScale, Zq, Fkq, Fkq_2; 63 64 //convert angle degree to radian 65 double pi = 4.0*atan(1.0); 66 double theta = pars->theta * pi/180.0; 67 double phi = pars->phi * pi/180.0; 68 double psi = pars->psi * pi/180.0; 69 70 double dp[5]; 71 dp[0] = 1.0; 72 dp[1] = pars->radius; 73 dp[2] = pars->sldSph; 74 dp[3] = pars->sldSolv; 75 dp[4] = 0.0; 76 77 aa = pars->dnn; 78 Da = pars->d_factor*aa; 79 qDa_2 = pow(q*Da,2.0); 80 81 //the occupied volume of the lattice 82 latticeScale = 2.0*(4.0/3.0)*Pi*(dp[1]*dp[1]*dp[1])/pow(aa/sqrt(3.0/4.0),3.0); 83 // q vector 84 q_z = 0.0; // for SANS; assuming qz is negligible 85 /// Angles here are respect to detector coordinate 86 /// instead of against q coordinate(PRB 36(46), 3(6), 1754(3854)) 87 // b3 axis orientation 88 b3_x = sin(theta) * cos(phi);//negative sign here??? 89 b3_y = sin(theta) * sin(phi); 90 b3_z = cos(theta); 91 cos_val_b3 = b3_x*q_x + b3_y*q_y + b3_z*q_z; 92 93 alpha = acos(cos_val_b3); 94 // b1 axis orientation 95 b1_x = sin(psi); 96 b1_y = cos(psi); 97 cos_val_b1 = (b1_x*q_x + b1_y*q_y); 98 // b2 axis orientation 99 cos_val_b2 = sin(acos(cos_val_b1)); 100 // alpha corrections 101 cos_val_b2 *= sin(alpha); 102 cos_val_b1 *= sin(alpha); 103 104 // Compute the angle btw vector q and the a3 axis 105 a3_dot_q = 0.5*aa*q*(cos_val_b2+cos_val_b1-cos_val_b3); 106 107 // a1 axis 108 a1_dot_q = 0.5*aa*q*(cos_val_b3+cos_val_b2-cos_val_b1); 109 110 // a2 axis 111 a2_dot_q = 0.5*aa*q*(cos_val_b3+cos_val_b1-cos_val_b2); 112 113 // The following test should always pass 114 if (fabs(cos_val_b3)>1.0) { 115 printf("bcc_ana_2D: Unexpected error: cos(alpha)>1\n"); 116 return 0; 117 } 118 // Get Fkq and Fkq_2 119 Fkq = exp(-0.5*pow(Da/aa,2.0)*(a1_dot_q*a1_dot_q+a2_dot_q*a2_dot_q+a3_dot_q*a3_dot_q)); 120 Fkq_2 = Fkq*Fkq; 121 // Call Zq=Z1*Z2*Z3 122 Zq = (1.0-Fkq_2)/(1.0-2.0*Fkq*cos(a1_dot_q)+Fkq_2); 123 Zq *= (1.0-Fkq_2)/(1.0-2.0*Fkq*cos(a2_dot_q)+Fkq_2); 124 Zq *= (1.0-Fkq_2)/(1.0-2.0*Fkq*cos(a3_dot_q)+Fkq_2); 125 126 // Use SphereForm directly from libigor 127 answer = SphereForm(dp,q)*Zq; 128 129 //consider scales 130 answer *= latticeScale * pars->scale; 131 132 // This FIXES a singualrity the kernel in libigor. 133 if ( answer == INFINITY || answer == NAN){ 134 answer = 0.0; 135 } 136 137 // add background 138 answer += pars->background; 139 140 return answer; 141 } 142 143 /** 144 * Function to evaluate 2D scattering function 145 * @param pars: parameters of the BCC_ParaCrystal 146 * @param q: q-value 147 * @return: function value 148 */ 149 static double bc_analytical_2DXY(BCParameters *pars, double qx, double qy){ 150 double q; 151 q = sqrt(qx*qx+qy*qy); 152 return bc_analytical_2D_scaled(pars, q, qx/q, qy/q); 31 153 } 32 154 -
r67424cd r0ba3b08 21 21 22 22 #include <math.h> 23 #include "models.hh"24 23 #include "parameters.hh" 25 24 #include <stdio.h> 26 25 using namespace std; 26 #include "fcc.h" 27 27 28 28 extern "C" { 29 #include "libSphere.h" 30 #include "fcc.h" 29 #include "libSphere.h" 30 } 31 32 // Convenience parameter structure 33 typedef struct { 34 double scale; 35 double dnn; 36 double d_factor; 37 double radius; 38 double sldSph; 39 double sldSolv; 40 double background; 41 double theta; 42 double phi; 43 double psi; 44 } FCParameters; 45 46 /** 47 * Function to evaluate 2D scattering function 48 * @param pars: parameters of the FCCCrystalModel 49 * @param q: q-value 50 * @param q_x: q_x / q 51 * @param q_y: q_y / q 52 * @return: function value 53 */ 54 static double fc_analytical_2D_scaled(FCParameters *pars, double q, double q_x, double q_y) { 55 double b3_x, b3_y, b3_z, b1_x, b1_y; 56 double q_z; 57 double alpha, cos_val_b3, cos_val_b2, cos_val_b1; 58 double a1_dot_q, a2_dot_q,a3_dot_q; 59 double answer; 60 double Pi = 4.0*atan(1.0); 61 double aa, Da, qDa_2, latticeScale, Zq, Fkq, Fkq_2; 62 63 double dp[5]; 64 //convert angle degree to radian 65 double theta = pars->theta * Pi/180.0; 66 double phi = pars->phi * Pi/180.0; 67 double psi = pars->psi * Pi/180.0; 68 dp[0] = 1.0; 69 dp[1] = pars->radius; 70 dp[2] = pars->sldSph; 71 dp[3] = pars->sldSolv; 72 dp[4] = 0.0; 73 74 aa = pars->dnn; 75 Da = pars->d_factor*aa; 76 qDa_2 = pow(q*Da,2.0); 77 //contrast = pars->sldSph - pars->sldSolv; 78 79 latticeScale = 4.0*(4.0/3.0)*Pi*(dp[1]*dp[1]*dp[1])/pow(aa*sqrt(2.0),3.0); 80 // q vector 81 q_z = 0.0; // for SANS; assuming qz is negligible 82 /// Angles here are respect to detector coordinate 83 /// instead of against q coordinate in PRB 36(46), 3(6), 1754(3854) 84 // b3 axis orientation 85 b3_x = sin(theta) * cos(phi);//negative sign here??? 86 b3_y = sin(theta) * sin(phi); 87 b3_z = cos(theta); 88 cos_val_b3 = b3_x*q_x + b3_y*q_y + b3_z*q_z; 89 alpha = acos(cos_val_b3); 90 // b1 axis orientation 91 b1_x = sin(psi); 92 b1_y = cos(psi); 93 cos_val_b1 = (b1_x*q_x + b1_y*q_y); 94 // b2 axis orientation 95 cos_val_b2 = sin(acos(cos_val_b1)); 96 // alpha correction 97 cos_val_b2 *= sin(alpha); 98 cos_val_b1 *= sin(alpha); 99 100 // Compute the angle btw vector q and the a3 axis 101 a3_dot_q = 0.5*aa*q*(cos_val_b2+cos_val_b1); 102 103 // a1 axis 104 a1_dot_q = 0.5*aa*q*(cos_val_b2+cos_val_b3); 105 106 // a2 axis 107 a2_dot_q = 0.5*aa*q*(cos_val_b3+cos_val_b1); 108 109 // The following test should always pass 110 if (fabs(cos_val_b3)>1.0) { 111 printf("fcc_ana_2D: Unexpected error: cos(alpha)>1\n"); 112 return 0; 113 } 114 // Get Fkq and Fkq_2 115 Fkq = exp(-0.5*pow(Da/aa,2.0)*(a1_dot_q*a1_dot_q+a2_dot_q*a2_dot_q+a3_dot_q*a3_dot_q)); 116 Fkq_2 = Fkq*Fkq; 117 // Call Zq=Z1*Z2*Z3 118 Zq = (1.0-Fkq_2)/(1.0-2.0*Fkq*cos(a1_dot_q)+Fkq_2); 119 Zq = Zq * (1.0-Fkq_2)/(1.0-2.0*Fkq*cos(a2_dot_q)+Fkq_2); 120 Zq = Zq * (1.0-Fkq_2)/(1.0-2.0*Fkq*cos(a3_dot_q)+Fkq_2); 121 122 // Use SphereForm directly from libigor 123 answer = SphereForm(dp,q)*Zq; 124 125 //consider scales 126 answer *= latticeScale * pars->scale; 127 128 // This FIXES a singualrity the kernel in libigor. 129 if ( answer == INFINITY || answer == NAN){ 130 answer = 0.0; 131 } 132 133 // add background 134 answer += pars->background; 135 136 return answer; 137 } 138 139 /** 140 * Function to evaluate 2D scattering function 141 * @param pars: parameters of the FCC_ParaCrystal 142 * @param q: q-value 143 * @return: function value 144 */ 145 static double fc_analytical_2DXY(FCParameters *pars, double qx, double qy){ 146 double q; 147 q = sqrt(qx*qx+qy*qy); 148 return fc_analytical_2D_scaled(pars, q, qx/q, qy/q); 31 149 } 32 150 33 151 FCCrystalModel :: FCCrystalModel() { 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 152 scale = Parameter(1.0); 153 dnn = Parameter(220.0); 154 d_factor = Parameter(0.06); 155 radius = Parameter(40.0, true); 156 radius.set_min(0.0); 157 sldSph = Parameter(3.0e-6); 158 sldSolv = Parameter(6.3e-6); 159 background = Parameter(0.0); 160 theta = Parameter(0.0, true); 161 phi = Parameter(0.0, true); 162 psi = Parameter(0.0, true); 45 163 } 46 164 … … 52 170 */ 53 171 double FCCrystalModel :: operator()(double q) { 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 172 double dp[7]; 173 174 // Fill parameter array for IGOR library 175 // Add the background after averaging 176 dp[0] = scale(); 177 dp[1] = dnn(); 178 dp[2] = d_factor(); 179 dp[3] = radius(); 180 dp[4] = sldSph(); 181 dp[5] = sldSolv(); 182 dp[6] = 0.0; 183 184 // Get the dispersion points for the radius 185 vector<WeightPoint> weights_rad; 186 radius.get_weights(weights_rad); 187 188 // Perform the computation, with all weight points 189 double sum = 0.0; 190 double norm = 0.0; 191 double vol = 0.0; 192 double result; 193 194 // Loop over radius weight points 195 for(size_t i=0; i<weights_rad.size(); i++) { 196 dp[3] = weights_rad[i].value; 197 198 //Un-normalize SphereForm by volume 199 result = FCC_ParaCrystal(dp, q) * pow(weights_rad[i].value,3); 200 // This FIXES a singualrity the kernel in libigor. 201 if ( result == INFINITY || result == NAN){ 202 result = 0.0; 203 } 204 sum += weights_rad[i].weight 205 * result; 206 //Find average volume 207 vol += weights_rad[i].weight 208 * pow(weights_rad[i].value,3); 209 210 norm += weights_rad[i].weight; 211 } 212 213 if (vol != 0.0 && norm != 0.0) { 214 //Re-normalize by avg volume 215 sum = sum/(vol/norm);} 216 return sum/norm + background(); 99 217 } 100 218 … … 106 224 */ 107 225 double FCCrystalModel :: operator()(double qx, double qy) { 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 226 FCParameters dp; 227 dp.scale = scale(); 228 dp.dnn = dnn(); 229 dp.d_factor = d_factor(); 230 dp.radius = radius(); 231 dp.sldSph = sldSph(); 232 dp.sldSolv = sldSolv(); 233 dp.background = 0.0; 234 dp.theta = theta(); 235 dp.phi = phi(); 236 dp.psi = psi(); 237 238 // Get the dispersion points for the radius 239 vector<WeightPoint> weights_rad; 240 radius.get_weights(weights_rad); 241 242 // Get angular averaging for theta 243 vector<WeightPoint> weights_theta; 244 theta.get_weights(weights_theta); 245 246 // Get angular averaging for phi 247 vector<WeightPoint> weights_phi; 248 phi.get_weights(weights_phi); 249 250 // Get angular averaging for psi 251 vector<WeightPoint> weights_psi; 252 psi.get_weights(weights_psi); 253 254 // Perform the computation, with all weight points 255 double sum = 0.0; 256 double norm = 0.0; 257 double norm_vol = 0.0; 258 double vol = 0.0; 259 double pi = 4.0*atan(1.0); 260 // Loop over radius weight points 261 for(size_t i=0; i<weights_rad.size(); i++) { 262 dp.radius = weights_rad[i].value; 263 // Average over theta distribution 264 for(size_t j=0; j< weights_theta.size(); j++) { 265 dp.theta = weights_theta[j].value; 266 // Average over phi distribution 267 for(size_t k=0; k< weights_phi.size(); k++) { 268 dp.phi = weights_phi[k].value; 269 // Average over phi distribution 270 for(size_t l=0; l< weights_psi.size(); l++) { 271 dp.psi = weights_psi[l].value; 272 //Un-normalize SphereForm by volume 273 double _ptvalue = weights_rad[i].weight 274 * weights_theta[j].weight 275 * weights_phi[k].weight 276 * weights_psi[l].weight 277 * fc_analytical_2DXY(&dp, qx, qy); 278 //* pow(weights_rad[i].value,3.0); 279 // Consider when there is infinte or nan. 280 if ( _ptvalue == INFINITY || _ptvalue == NAN){ 281 _ptvalue = 0.0; 282 } 283 if (weights_theta.size()>1) { 284 _ptvalue *= fabs(sin(weights_theta[j].value*pi/180.0)); 285 } 286 sum += _ptvalue; 287 // This model dose not need the volume of spheres correction!!! 288 norm += weights_rad[i].weight 289 * weights_theta[j].weight 290 * weights_phi[k].weight 291 * weights_psi[l].weight; 292 } 293 } 294 } 295 } 296 // Averaging in theta needs an extra normalization 297 // factor to account for the sin(theta) term in the 298 // integration (see documentation). 299 if (weights_theta.size()>1) norm = norm / asin(1.0); 300 301 if (vol != 0.0 && norm_vol != 0.0) { 302 //Re-normalize by avg volume 303 sum = sum/(vol/norm_vol);} 304 305 return sum/norm + background(); 188 306 } 189 307 … … 196 314 */ 197 315 double FCCrystalModel :: evaluate_rphi(double q, double phi) { 198 316 return (*this).operator()(q); 199 317 } 200 318 … … 204 322 */ 205 323 double FCCrystalModel :: calculate_ER() { 206 207 208 } 324 //NOT implemented yet!!! 325 return 0.0; 326 } -
r67424cd r0ba3b08 15 15 16 16 #include <math.h> 17 #include "models.hh"18 17 #include "parameters.hh" 19 18 #include <stdio.h> 19 #include <stdlib.h> 20 20 using namespace std; 21 #include "fuzzysphere.h" 21 22 22 23 extern "C" { 23 #include "fuzzysphere.h" 24 #include "libSphere.h" 25 } 26 27 // scattering from a uniform sphere w/ fuzzy surface 28 // Modified from FuzzySpheres in libigor/libSphere.c without polydispersion: JHC 29 static double fuzzysphere_kernel(double dp[], double q){ 30 double pi,x,xr; 31 double radius,sldSph,sldSolv,scale,bkg,delrho,fuzziness,f2,bes,vol,f; //my local names 32 33 pi = 4.0*atan(1.0); 34 x= q; 35 scale = dp[0]; 36 radius = dp[1]; 37 fuzziness = dp[2]; 38 sldSph = dp[3]; 39 sldSolv = dp[4]; 40 bkg = dp[5]; 41 delrho=sldSph-sldSolv; 42 43 xr = x*radius; 44 //handle xr==0 separately 45 if(xr == 0.0){ 46 bes = 1.0; 47 }else{ 48 bes = 3.0*(sin(xr)-xr*cos(xr))/(xr*xr*xr); 49 } 50 vol = 4.0*pi/3.0*radius*radius*radius; 51 f = vol*bes*delrho; // [=] A 52 f *= exp(-0.5*fuzziness*fuzziness*x*x); 53 // normalize to single particle volume, convert to 1/cm 54 f2 = f * f / vol * 1.0e8; // [=] 1/cm 55 56 f2 *= scale; 57 f2 += bkg; 58 59 return(f2); //scale, and add in the background 24 60 } 25 61 -
r6e10cff r0ba3b08 27 27 using namespace std; 28 28 29 30 31 class PearlNecklaceModel{32 public:33 // Model parameters34 Parameter scale;35 Parameter radius;36 Parameter edge_separation;37 Parameter thick_string;38 Parameter num_pearls;39 Parameter sld_pearl;40 Parameter sld_string;41 Parameter sld_solv;42 Parameter background;43 44 // Constructor45 PearlNecklaceModel();46 47 // Operators to get I(Q)48 double operator()(double q);49 double operator()(double qx, double qy);50 double calculate_ER();51 double evaluate_rphi(double q, double phi);52 };53 54 class FCCrystalModel{55 public:56 // Model parameters57 Parameter scale;58 Parameter dnn;59 Parameter d_factor;60 Parameter radius;61 Parameter sldSph;62 Parameter sldSolv;63 Parameter background;64 Parameter theta;65 Parameter phi;66 Parameter psi;67 68 // Constructor69 FCCrystalModel();70 71 // Operators to get I(Q)72 double operator()(double q);73 double operator()(double qx, double qy);74 double calculate_ER();75 double evaluate_rphi(double q, double phi);76 };77 78 79 class BCCrystalModel{80 public:81 // Model parameters82 Parameter scale;83 Parameter dnn;84 Parameter d_factor;85 Parameter radius;86 Parameter sldSph;87 Parameter sldSolv;88 Parameter background;89 Parameter theta;90 Parameter phi;91 Parameter psi;92 93 // Constructor94 BCCrystalModel();95 96 // Operators to get I(Q)97 double operator()(double q);98 double operator()(double qx, double qy);99 double calculate_ER();100 double evaluate_rphi(double q, double phi);101 };102 103 104 class FuzzySphereModel{105 public:106 // Model parameters107 Parameter radius;108 Parameter scale;109 Parameter fuzziness;110 Parameter sldSph;111 Parameter sldSolv;112 Parameter background;113 114 // Constructor115 FuzzySphereModel();116 117 // Operators to get I(Q)118 double operator()(double q);119 double operator()(double qx, double qy);120 double calculate_ER();121 double evaluate_rphi(double q, double phi);122 };123 124 class HardsphereStructure{125 public:126 // Model parameters127 Parameter effect_radius;128 Parameter volfraction;129 130 // Constructor131 HardsphereStructure();132 133 // Operators to get I(Q)134 double operator()(double q);135 double operator()(double qx, double qy);136 double calculate_ER();137 double evaluate_rphi(double q, double phi);138 };139 140 class StickyHSStructure{141 public:142 // Model parameters143 Parameter effect_radius;144 Parameter volfraction;145 Parameter perturb;146 Parameter stickiness;147 148 // Constructor149 StickyHSStructure();150 151 // Operators to get I(Q)152 double operator()(double q);153 double operator()(double qx, double qy);154 double calculate_ER();155 double evaluate_rphi(double q, double phi);156 };157 158 class SquareWellStructure{159 public:160 // Model parameters161 Parameter effect_radius;162 Parameter volfraction;163 Parameter welldepth;164 Parameter wellwidth;165 166 // Constructor167 SquareWellStructure();168 169 // Operators to get I(Q)170 double operator()(double q);171 double operator()(double qx, double qy);172 double calculate_ER();173 double evaluate_rphi(double q, double phi);174 };175 176 class HayterMSAStructure{177 public:178 // Model parameters179 Parameter effect_radius;180 Parameter charge;181 Parameter volfraction;182 Parameter temperature;183 Parameter saltconc;184 Parameter dielectconst;185 186 // Constructor187 HayterMSAStructure();188 189 // Operators to get I(Q)190 double operator()(double q);191 double operator()(double qx, double qy);192 double calculate_ER();193 double evaluate_rphi(double q, double phi);194 };195 196 class DiamEllipFunc{197 public:198 // Model parameters199 Parameter radius_a;200 Parameter radius_b;201 202 // Constructor203 DiamEllipFunc();204 205 // Operators to get I(Q)206 double operator()(double q);207 double operator()(double qx, double qy);208 double calculate_ER();209 double evaluate_rphi(double q, double phi);210 };211 212 class DiamCylFunc{213 public:214 // Model parameters215 Parameter radius;216 Parameter length;217 218 // Constructor219 DiamCylFunc();220 221 // Operators to get I(Q)222 double operator()(double q);223 double operator()(double qx, double qy);224 double calculate_ER();225 double evaluate_rphi(double q, double phi);226 };227 228 229 class SLDCalFunc{230 public:231 // Model parameters232 Parameter fun_type;233 Parameter npts_inter;234 Parameter shell_num;235 Parameter nu_inter;236 Parameter sld_left;237 Parameter sld_right;238 239 // Constructor240 SLDCalFunc();241 242 // Operators to get SLD243 double operator()(double q);244 double operator()(double qx, double qy);245 double calculate_ER();246 double evaluate_rphi(double q, double phi);247 };248 29 249 30 -
r67424cd r0ba3b08 1 1 2 2 #include <math.h> 3 #include "models.hh"4 3 #include "parameters.hh" 5 4 #include <stdio.h> 6 5 using namespace std; 6 #include "pearlnecklace.h" 7 7 8 8 extern "C" { 9 #include "pearlnecklace.h" 9 #include "libmultifunc/libfunc.h" 10 } 11 12 static double pearl_necklace_kernel(double dp[], double q) { 13 // fit parameters 14 double scale = dp[0]; 15 double radius = dp[1]; 16 double edge_separation = dp[2]; 17 double thick_string = dp[3]; 18 double num_pearls = dp[4]; 19 double sld_pearl = dp[5]; 20 double sld_string = dp[6]; 21 double sld_solv = dp[7]; 22 double background = dp[8]; 23 24 //relative slds 25 double contrast_pearl = sld_pearl - sld_solv; 26 double contrast_string = sld_string - sld_solv; 27 28 // number of string segments 29 double num_strings = num_pearls - 1.0; 30 31 //Pi 32 double pi = 4.0*atan(1.0); 33 34 // each volumes 35 double string_vol = edge_separation * pi * pow((thick_string / 2.0), 2); 36 double pearl_vol = 4.0 /3.0 * pi * pow(radius, 3); 37 38 //total volume 39 double tot_vol; 40 //each masses 41 double m_r= contrast_string * string_vol; 42 double m_s= contrast_pearl * pearl_vol; 43 double psi; 44 double gamma; 45 double beta; 46 //form factors 47 double sss; //pearls 48 double srr; //strings 49 double srs; //cross 50 double A_s; 51 double srr_1; 52 double srr_2; 53 double srr_3; 54 double form_factor; 55 56 tot_vol = num_strings * string_vol; 57 tot_vol += num_pearls * pearl_vol; 58 59 //sine functions of a pearl 60 psi = sin(q*radius); 61 psi -= q * radius * cos(q * radius); 62 psi /= pow((q * radius), 3); 63 psi *= 3.0; 64 65 // Note take only 20 terms in Si series: 10 terms may be enough though. 66 gamma = Si(q* edge_separation); 67 gamma /= (q* edge_separation); 68 beta = Si(q * (edge_separation + radius)); 69 beta -= Si(q * radius); 70 beta /= (q* edge_separation); 71 72 // center to center distance between the neighboring pearls 73 A_s = edge_separation + 2.0 * radius; 74 75 // form factor for num_pearls 76 sss = 1.0 - pow(sinc(q*A_s), num_pearls ); 77 sss /= pow((1.0-sinc(q*A_s)), 2); 78 sss *= -sinc(q*A_s); 79 sss -= num_pearls/2.0; 80 sss += num_pearls/(1.0-sinc(q*A_s)); 81 sss *= 2.0 * pow((m_s*psi), 2); 82 83 // form factor for num_strings (like thin rods) 84 srr_1 = -pow(sinc(q*edge_separation/2.0), 2); 85 86 srr_1 += 2.0 * gamma; 87 srr_1 *= num_strings; 88 srr_2 = 2.0/(1.0-sinc(q*A_s)); 89 srr_2 *= num_strings; 90 srr_2 *= pow(beta, 2); 91 srr_3 = 1.0 - pow(sinc(q*A_s), num_strings); 92 srr_3 /= pow((1.0-sinc(q*A_s)), 2); 93 srr_3 *= pow(beta, 2); 94 srr_3 *= -2.0; 95 96 // total srr 97 srr = srr_1 + srr_2 + srr_3; 98 srr *= pow(m_r, 2); 99 100 // form factor for correlations 101 srs = 1.0; 102 srs -= pow(sinc(q*A_s), num_strings); 103 srs /= pow((1.0-sinc(q*A_s)), 2); 104 srs *= -sinc(q*A_s); 105 srs += (num_strings/(1.0-sinc(q*A_s))); 106 srs *= 4.0; 107 srs *= (m_r * m_s * beta * psi); 108 109 form_factor = sss + srr + srs; 110 form_factor /= (tot_vol * 1.0e-8); // norm by volume and A^-1 to cm^-1 111 112 // scale and background 113 form_factor *= scale; 114 form_factor += background; 115 return (form_factor); 10 116 } 11 117 12 118 PearlNecklaceModel :: PearlNecklaceModel() { 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 119 scale = Parameter(1.0); 120 radius = Parameter(80.0, true); 121 radius.set_min(0.0); 122 edge_separation = Parameter(350.0, true); 123 edge_separation.set_min(0.0); 124 thick_string = Parameter(2.5, true); 125 thick_string.set_min(0.0); 126 num_pearls = Parameter(3); 127 num_pearls.set_min(0.0); 128 sld_pearl = Parameter(1.0e-06); 129 sld_string = Parameter(1.0e-06); 130 sld_solv = Parameter(6.3e-06); 131 background = Parameter(0.0); 26 132 27 133 } … … 33 139 */ 34 140 double PearlNecklaceModel :: operator()(double q) { 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 141 double dp[9]; 142 // Fill parameter array for IGOR library 143 // Add the background after averaging 144 dp[0] = scale(); 145 dp[1] = radius(); 146 dp[2] = edge_separation(); 147 dp[3] = thick_string(); 148 dp[4] = num_pearls(); 149 dp[5] = sld_pearl(); 150 dp[6] = sld_string(); 151 dp[7] = sld_solv(); 152 dp[8] = 0.0; 153 double pi = 4.0*atan(1.0); 154 // No polydispersion supported in this model. 155 // Get the dispersion points for the radius 156 vector<WeightPoint> weights_radius; 157 radius.get_weights(weights_radius); 158 vector<WeightPoint> weights_edge_separation; 159 edge_separation.get_weights(weights_edge_separation); 160 // Perform the computation, with all weight points 161 double sum = 0.0; 162 double norm = 0.0; 163 double vol = 0.0; 164 double string_vol = 0.0; 165 double pearl_vol = 0.0; 166 double tot_vol = 0.0; 167 // Loop over core weight points 168 for(size_t i=0; i<weights_radius.size(); i++) { 169 dp[1] = weights_radius[i].value; 170 // Loop over thick_inter0 weight points 171 for(size_t j=0; j<weights_edge_separation.size(); j++) { 172 dp[2] = weights_edge_separation[j].value; 173 pearl_vol = 4.0 /3.0 * pi * pow(dp[1], 3); 174 string_vol =dp[2] * pi * pow((dp[3] / 2.0), 2); 175 tot_vol = (dp[4] - 1.0) * string_vol; 176 tot_vol += dp[4] * pearl_vol; 177 //Un-normalize Sphere by volume 178 sum += weights_radius[i].weight * weights_edge_separation[j].weight 179 * pearl_necklace_kernel(dp,q) * tot_vol; 180 //Find average volume 181 vol += weights_radius[i].weight * weights_edge_separation[j].weight 182 * tot_vol; 183 norm += weights_radius[i].weight * weights_edge_separation[j].weight; 184 } 185 } 186 187 if (vol != 0.0 && norm != 0.0) { 188 //Re-normalize by avg volume 189 sum = sum/(vol/norm);} 190 191 return sum/norm + background(); 86 192 } 87 193 … … 93 199 */ 94 200 double PearlNecklaceModel :: operator()(double qx, double qy) { 95 96 201 double q = sqrt(qx*qx + qy*qy); 202 return (*this).operator()(q); 97 203 } 98 204 … … 105 211 */ 106 212 double PearlNecklaceModel :: evaluate_rphi(double q, double phi) { 107 213 return (*this).operator()(q); 108 214 } 109 215 … … 118 224 // sld of solvent. 119 225 double PearlNecklaceModel :: calculate_ER() { 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 } 226 PeralNecklaceParameters dp; 227 228 dp.scale = scale(); 229 dp.radius = radius(); 230 dp.edge_separation = edge_separation(); 231 dp.thick_string = thick_string(); 232 dp.num_pearls = num_pearls(); 233 234 double rad_out = 0.0; 235 // Perform the computation, with all weight points 236 double sum = 0.0; 237 double norm = 0.0; 238 double pi = 4.0*atan(1.0); 239 // No polydispersion supported in this model. 240 // Get the dispersion points for the radius 241 vector<WeightPoint> weights_radius; 242 radius.get_weights(weights_radius); 243 vector<WeightPoint> weights_edge_separation; 244 edge_separation.get_weights(weights_edge_separation); 245 // Perform the computation, with all weight points 246 double string_vol = 0.0; 247 double pearl_vol = 0.0; 248 double tot_vol = 0.0; 249 // Loop over core weight points 250 for(size_t i=0; i<weights_radius.size(); i++) { 251 dp.radius = weights_radius[i].value; 252 // Loop over thick_inter0 weight points 253 for(size_t j=0; j<weights_edge_separation.size(); j++) { 254 dp.edge_separation = weights_edge_separation[j].value; 255 pearl_vol = 4.0 /3.0 * pi * pow(dp.radius , 3); 256 string_vol =dp.edge_separation * pi * pow((dp.thick_string / 2.0), 2); 257 tot_vol = (dp.num_pearls - 1.0) * string_vol; 258 tot_vol += dp.num_pearls * pearl_vol; 259 //Find volume 260 // This may be a too much approximation 261 //Todo: decided whether or not we keep this calculation 262 sum += weights_radius[i].weight * weights_edge_separation[j].weight 263 * pow(3.0*tot_vol/4.0/pi,0.333333); 264 norm += weights_radius[i].weight * weights_edge_separation[j].weight; 265 } 266 } 267 268 if (norm != 0){ 269 //return the averaged value 270 rad_out = sum/norm;} 271 else{ 272 //return normal value 273 pearl_vol = 4.0 /3.0 * pi * pow(dp.radius , 3); 274 string_vol =dp.edge_separation * pi * pow((dp.thick_string / 2.0), 2); 275 tot_vol = (dp.num_pearls - 1.0) * string_vol; 276 tot_vol += dp.num_pearls * pearl_vol; 277 278 rad_out = pow((3.0*tot_vol/4.0/pi), 0.33333); 279 } 280 281 return rad_out; 282 283 } -
r67424cd r0ba3b08 6 6 7 7 #include <math.h> 8 #include "models.hh"9 8 #include "parameters.hh" 10 9 #include <stdio.h> 11 10 using namespace std; 11 #include "sld_cal.h" 12 12 13 13 extern "C" { 14 #include "sld_cal.h" 14 #include "libmultifunc/librefl.h" 15 } 16 17 // Convenience structure 18 typedef struct { 19 double fun_type; 20 double npts_inter; 21 double shell_num; 22 double nu_inter; 23 double sld_left; 24 double sld_right; 25 } SLDCalParameters; 26 27 /** 28 * Function to calculate sld 29 * @param pars: parameters 30 * @param x: independent param-value 31 * @return: sld value 32 */ 33 static double sld_cal_analytical_1D(SLDCalParameters *pars, double x) { 34 double fun, nsl, n_s, fun_coef, sld_l, sld_r, sld_out; 35 int fun_type; 36 37 fun = pars->fun_type; 38 nsl = pars->npts_inter; 39 n_s = pars->shell_num; 40 fun_coef = pars->nu_inter; 41 sld_l = pars-> sld_left; 42 sld_r = pars-> sld_right; 43 44 fun_type = floor(fun); 45 46 sld_out = intersldfunc(fun_type, nsl, n_s, fun_coef, sld_l, sld_r); 47 48 return sld_out; 15 49 } 16 50
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