Changes in sasmodels/models/ [db1d9d5:0507e09] in sasmodels

1 edited


  • sasmodels/models/

    rdb1d9d5 r0507e09  
    3030    These case numbers are different from those in the NIST SANS package! 
    32 The models are based on the papers by Akcasu *et al.* [1] and by 
    33 Hammouda [2] assuming the polymer follows Gaussian statistics such 
     32The models are based on the papers by Akcasu *et al.* and by 
     33Hammouda assuming the polymer follows Gaussian statistics such 
    3434that $R_g^2 = n b^2/6$ where $b$ is the statistical segment length and $n$ is 
    3535the number of statistical segment lengths. A nice tutorial on how these are 
    36 constructed and implemented can be found in chapters 28, 31 and 34, and Part H, 
    37 of Hammouda's 'SANS Toolbox' [3]. 
     36constructed and implemented can be found in chapters 28 and 39 of Boualem 
     37Hammouda's 'SANS Toolbox'. 
    39 In brief, the macroscopic cross sections are derived from the general forms 
    40 for homopolymer scattering and the multiblock cross-terms while the inter, 
     39In brief the macroscopic cross sections are derived from the general forms 
     40for homopolymer scattering and the multiblock cross-terms while the inter 
    4141polymer cross terms are described in the usual way by the $\chi$ parameter. 
    4848* **Component D is assumed to be the "background" component (ie, all contrasts 
    4949  are calculated with respect to component D).** So the scattering contrast 
    50   for a C/D blend $\rho_{C/D} = [\rho_C - \rho_D]$\ :sup:`2`. 
     50  for a C/D blend = [SLD(component C) - SLD(component D)]\ :sup:`2`. 
    5151* Depending on which case is being used, the number of fitting parameters can 
    5252  vary. 
    8080* **Converted to sasmodels by:** Paul Kienzle **Date:** July 18, 2016 
    8181* **Last Modified by:** Paul Butler **Date:** March 12, 2017 
    82 * **Last Reviewed by:** Steve King **Date:** March 27, 2019 
     82* **Last Reviewed by:** Paul Butler **Date:** March 12, 2017 
    8383* **Source added by :** Steve King **Date:** March 25, 2019 
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