source: sasview/src/sas/models/c_extension/c_models @ 8d302cd

Name Size Rev Age Author Last Change
vesicle.cpp 5.9 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
TwoYukawa.cpp 3.0 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
triaxialellipsoid.cpp 14.4 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
teubner_strey.cpp 2.0 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
surfacefractal.cpp 3.1 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
StickyHS.cpp 2.9 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
starpolymer.cpp 1.2 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
stackeddisks.cpp 12.2 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
SquareWell.cpp 2.8 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
spheroidXT.cpp 14.7 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
spheroid.cpp 12.9 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
spheresld.cpp 17.8 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
sphere.cpp 7.8 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
sld_cal.cpp 2.4 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
schulz.cpp 2.5 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
sc.cpp 9.4 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
rpa.cpp 12.0 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
refl_adv.cpp 9.9 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
refl.cpp 7.5 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
RectangularPrism.cpp 4.6 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
RectangularHollowPrismInfThinWalls.cpp 4.9 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
RectangularHollowPrism.cpp 5.4 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
raspberry.cpp 6.5 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
pringles.cpp 8.2 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
polygausscoil.cpp 3.5 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
pearlnecklace.cpp 8.4 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
parameters.hh 4.6 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
parameters.cpp 11.5 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
parallelepiped.cpp 16.2 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
onion.cpp 21.0 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
multishell.cpp 6.1 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
micelleSphCore.cpp 4.7 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
masssurfacefractal.cpp 3.8 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
massfractal.cpp 3.1 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
lorentzian.cpp 1.8 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
logNormal.cpp 2.2 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
linearpearls.cpp 6.5 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
librefl.c 6.2 KB a6d2e3b   10 years pkienzle allow build using msvc
libfunc.c 7.0 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
lamellarPS_HG.cpp 3.7 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
lamellarPS.cpp 5.1 KB 37649847   10 years richardh fix polydisp in lamellarPS; fix S(Q) in that and also lamellarPS_HG
lamellarPC.cpp 3.4 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
lamellarFF_HG.cpp 3.2 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
lamellar.cpp 3.4 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
hollowcylinder.cpp 12.7 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
HayterMSA.cpp 3.0 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
Hardsphere.cpp 2.7 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
GelFit.cpp 2.7 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
gaussian.cpp 2.2 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
gamma_win.h 329 bytes 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
gamma_win.c 3.8 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
fuzzysphere.cpp 4.9 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
FractalQtoN.cpp 3.7 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
fractal.cpp 3.1 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
flexiblecylinder.cpp 5.3 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
flexcyl_ellipX.cpp 6.4 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
fcc.cpp 9.4 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
ellipticalcylinder.cpp 13.5 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
ellipsoid.cpp 9.6 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
dispersion_visitor.hh 1.1 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
dispersion_visitor.cpp 5.2 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
disperser.c 13.4 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
DiamEllip.cpp 2.9 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
DiamCyl.cpp 2.9 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
dabmodel.cpp 1.1 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
cylinder.cpp 12.1 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
csparallelepiped.cpp 16.4 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
coreshellsphere.cpp 10.5 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
coreshellcylinder.cpp 11.5 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
coreshellbicelle.cpp 12.6 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
coresecondmoment.cpp 3.2 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
corefourshell.cpp 17.2 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
capcyl.cpp 11.2 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
c_models.cpp.template 5.3 KB fd5ac0d   10 years krzywon I have completed the removal of all SANS references. I will build, run, …
binaryHS_PSF11.cpp 3.7 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
binaryHS.cpp 3.3 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
bcc.cpp 9.4 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
barbell.cpp 10.0 KB 79492222   10 years krzywon Changed the file and folder names to remove all SANS references.
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