source: sasview/guitools/ @ f193585

Last change on this file since f193585 was f193585, checked in by Gervaise Alina <gervyh@…>, 16 years ago

some changes

  • Property mode set to 100644
File size: 18.0 KB
[52b1f77]1import wx.lib.newevent
[2bf92f2]2import matplotlib
4#Use the WxAgg back end. The Wx one takes too long to render
6from matplotlib.backends.backend_wxagg import FigureCanvasWxAgg
7from matplotlib.figure import Figure
8import os
[52b1f77]9import fittings
[831149e]10import transform
[2bf92f2]11from canvas import FigureCanvas
[f193585]12from matplotlib.widgets import RectangleSelector
13from pylab import  gca, gcf
[2bf92f2]15#TODO: make the plottables interactive
[52b1f77]17from plottables import Graph
18#(FuncFitEvent, EVT_FUNC_FIT) = wx.lib.newevent.NewEvent()
19import math,pylab
[2bf92f2]20def show_tree(obj,d=0):
21    """Handy function for displaying a tree of graph objects"""
22    print "%s%s" % ("-"*d,obj.__class__.__name__)
23    if 'get_children' in dir(obj):
24        for a in obj.get_children(): show_tree(a,d+1)
28class PlotPanel(wx.Panel):
29    """
30    The PlotPanel has a Figure and a Canvas. OnSize events simply set a
31    flag, and the actually redrawing of the
32    figure is triggered by an Idle event.
33    """
34    def __init__(self, parent, id = -1, color = None,\
35        dpi = None, **kwargs):
36        wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, id = id, **kwargs)
[52b1f77]37        self.parent = parent
[2bf92f2]38        self.figure = Figure(None, dpi)
39        #self.figure = pylab.Figure(None, dpi)
40        #self.canvas = NoRepaintCanvas(self, -1, self.figure)
41        self.canvas = FigureCanvas(self, -1, self.figure)
42        self.SetColor(color)
43        #self.Bind(wx.EVT_IDLE, self._onIdle)
44        #self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self._onSize)
45        self._resizeflag = True
46        self._SetSize()
47        self.subplot = self.figure.add_subplot(111)
48        self.figure.subplots_adjust(left=.2, bottom=.2)
49        self.yscale = 'linear'
[52b1f77]50        self.xscale = 'linear'
[2bf92f2]51        sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
52        sizer.Add(self.canvas,1,wx.EXPAND)
53        self.SetSizer(sizer)
[057210c]55        # Graph object to manage the plottables
56        self.graph = Graph()
[52b1f77]57        #self.Bind(EVT_FUNC_FIT, self.onFitRange)
[2bf92f2]58        self.Bind(wx.EVT_CONTEXT_MENU, self.onContextMenu)
[52b1f77]59        #self.Bind(EVT_PROPERTY, self._onEVT_FUNC_PROPERTY)
[2bf92f2]60        # Define some constants
61        self.colorlist = ['b','g','r','c','m','y']
62        self.symbollist = ['o','x','^','v','<','>','+','s','d','D','h','H','p']
[52b1f77]63        #User scale
[f52bea1]64        self.xscales ="x"
[831149e]65        self.yscales ="log10(y)"
[dfca3de]66        self.viewModel ="--"
[e2914b1]67        # keep track if the previous transformation of x and y in Property dialog
68        self.prevXtrans =" "
[e2914b1]70        self.prevYtrans =" "
[f52bea1]72    def returnTrans(self):
73        return self.xscales,self.yscales
[e2914b1]75    def setTrans(self,xtrans,ytrans): 
76        """
77            @param xtrans: set x transformation on Property dialog
78            @param ytrans: set y transformation on Property dialog
79        """
80        self.prevXtrans =xtrans
81        self.prevYtrans =ytrans
[52b1f77]83    def onFitting(self, event): 
[e2914b1]84        """
85            when clicking on linear Fit on context menu , display Fitting Dialog
86        """
[52b1f77]87        list =[]
88        list = self.graph.returnPlottable()
89        from fitDialog import LinearFit
[52b1f77]91        if len(list.keys())>0:
92            first_item = list.keys()[0]
[f52bea1]93            dlg = LinearFit( None, first_item, self.onFitDisplay,self.returnTrans, -1, 'Fitting')
[52b1f77]94            dlg.ShowModal() 
96    def _onProperties(self, event):
[e2914b1]97        """
98            when clicking on Properties on context menu ,The Property dialog is displayed
99            The user selects a transformation for x or y value and a new plot is displayed
100        """
[52b1f77]101        from PropertyDialog import Properties
102        dial = Properties(self, -1, 'Properties')
[dfca3de]103        dial.setValues( self.prevXtrans, self.prevYtrans,self.viewModel )
[52b1f77]104        if dial.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
[dfca3de]105            self.xscales, self.yscales,self.viewModel = dial.getValues()
106            if self.viewModel =="Guinier lny vs x^(2)":
107                self.xscales="x^(2)"
108                self.yscales="ln(y)"
109                self.viewModel = "--"
110                dial.setValues( self.xscales, self.yscales,self.viewModel )
[52b1f77]111            self._onEVT_FUNC_PROPERTY()
112        dial.Destroy()
[2bf92f2]114    def set_yscale(self, scale='linear'):
[e2914b1]115        """
116            Set the scale on Y-axis
117            @param scale: the scale of y-axis
118        """
[2bf92f2]119        self.subplot.set_yscale(scale)
120        self.yscale = scale
122    def get_yscale(self):
[e2914b1]123        """
124             @return: Y-axis scale
125        """
[2bf92f2]126        return self.yscale
128    def set_xscale(self, scale='linear'):
[e2914b1]129        """
130            Set the scale on x-axis
131            @param scale: the scale of x-axis
132        """
[52b1f77]133        self.subplot.set_xscale(scale)
134        self.xscale = scale
[52b1f77]136    def get_xscale(self):
[e2914b1]137        """
138             @return: x-axis scale
139        """
[52b1f77]140        return self.xscale
142    def SetColor(self, rgbtuple):
143        """Set figure and canvas colours to be the same"""
144        if not rgbtuple:
145            rgbtuple = wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_BTNFACE).Get()
146        col = [c/255.0 for c in rgbtuple]
147        self.figure.set_facecolor(col)
148        self.figure.set_edgecolor(col)
149        self.canvas.SetBackgroundColour(wx.Colour(*rgbtuple))
151    def _onSize(self, event):
152        self._resizeflag = True
154    def _onIdle(self, evt):
155        if self._resizeflag:
156            self._resizeflag = False
157            self._SetSize()
158            self.draw()
160    def _SetSize(self, pixels = None):
161        """
162        This method can be called to force the Plot to be a desired size, which defaults to
163        the ClientSize of the panel
164        """
165        if not pixels:
166            pixels = self.GetClientSize()
167        self.canvas.SetSize(pixels)
168        self.figure.set_size_inches(pixels[0]/self.figure.get_dpi(),
169        pixels[1]/self.figure.get_dpi())
171    def draw(self):
172        """Where the actual drawing happens"""
173        self.figure.canvas.draw_idle()
178    def onselect(self,event1, event2):
179        print"went here"
180        from matplotlib.widgets import RectangleSelector
181        from pylab import  show, gca, gcf
[f193585]183        'event1 and event2 are the press and release events'
184        x1, y1 = event1.xdata, event1.ydata
185        x2, y2 = event2.xdata, event2.ydata
186        print "(%3.2f, %3.2f) --> (%3.2f, %3.2f)"%(x1,y1,x2,y2)
187        print " The button you used were: ",event1.button, event2.button
188        gca().set_xlim([x1,x2])
189        gca().set_ylim([y1,y2])
190        gcf().canvas.draw_idle()
192        # drawtype is 'box' or 'line' or 'none'
193        LS = RectangleSelector(self.subplot, onselect,drawtype='box',useblit=True)
194        show()
[2bf92f2]199    def onSaveImage(self, evt):
200        #figure.savefig
[7a03e65]201        #print "Save image not implemented"
[2bf92f2]202        path = None
203        dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, "Choose a file", os.getcwd(), "", "*.png", wx.SAVE)
204        if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
205            path = dlg.GetPath()
206            mypath = os.path.basename(path)
207            print path
208        dlg.Destroy()
209        if not path == None:
210            self.subplot.figure.savefig(path,dpi=300, facecolor='w', edgecolor='w',
211                                        orentation='portrait', papertype=None, format='png')
213    def onContextMenu(self, event):
214        """
215            Default context menu for a plot panel
216        """
217        # Slicer plot popup menu
218        slicerpop = wx.Menu()
219        slicerpop.Append(313,'&Save image', 'Save image as PNG')
220        wx.EVT_MENU(self, 313, self.onSaveImage)
[52b1f77]222        slicerpop.Append(316, '&Load 1D data file')
223        wx.EVT_MENU(self, 316, self._onLoad1DData)
[52b1f77]225        slicerpop.AppendSeparator()
226        slicerpop.Append(315, '&Properties')
[bceddd6]227        wx.EVT_MENU(self, 315, self._onProperties)
229        slicerpop.AppendSeparator()
230        slicerpop.Append(317, '&Linear Fit')
231        wx.EVT_MENU(self, 317, self.onFitting)
[2bf92f2]233        pos = event.GetPosition()
234        pos = self.ScreenToClient(pos)
235        self.PopupMenu(slicerpop, pos)
237    ## The following is plottable functionality
240    def properties(self,prop):
241        """Set some properties of the graph.
243        The set of properties is not yet determined.
244        """
245        # The particulars of how they are stored and manipulated (e.g., do
246        # we want an inventory internally) is not settled.  I've used a
247        # property dictionary for now.
248        #
249        # How these properties interact with a user defined style file is
250        # even less clear.
252        # Properties defined by plot
253        self.subplot.set_xlabel(r"$%s$" % prop["xlabel"])
254        self.subplot.set_ylabel(r"$%s$" % prop["ylabel"])
255        self.subplot.set_title(prop["title"])
257        # Properties defined by user
258        #self.axes.grid(True)
260    def clear(self):
261        """Reset the plot"""
263        # TODO: Redraw is brutal.  Render to a backing store and swap in
264        # TODO: rather than redrawing on the fly.
265        self.subplot.clear()
266        self.subplot.hold(True)
[2bf92f2]268    def render(self):
269        """Commit the plot after all objects are drawn"""
270        # TODO: this is when the backing store should be swapped in.
271        from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties
272        self.subplot.legend(prop=FontProperties(size=10))
273        #self.subplot.legend()
274        pass
276    def xaxis(self,label,units):
277        """xaxis label and units.
279        Axis labels know about units.
281        We need to do this so that we can detect when axes are not
282        commesurate.  Currently this is ignored other than for formatting
283        purposes.
284        """
285        if units != "": label = label + " (" + units + ")"
286        self.subplot.set_xlabel(label)
287        pass
289    def yaxis(self,label,units):
290        """yaxis label and units."""
291        if units != "": label = label + " (" + units + ")"
292        self.subplot.set_ylabel(label)
293        pass
295    def _connect_to_xlim(self,callback):
296        """Bind the xlim change notification to the callback"""
297        def process_xlim(axes):
298            lo,hi = subplot.get_xlim()
299            callback(lo,hi)
300        self.subplot.callbacks.connect('xlim_changed',process_xlim)
302    #def connect(self,trigger,callback):
303    #    print "PlotPanel.connect???"
304    #    if trigger == 'xlim': self._connect_to_xlim(callback)
306    def points(self,x,y,dx=None,dy=None,color=0,symbol=0,label=None):
307        """Draw markers with error bars"""
308        self.subplot.set_yscale('linear')
[52b1f77]309        self.subplot.set_xscale('linear')
[2bf92f2]310        # Convert tuple (lo,hi) to array [(x-lo),(hi-x)]
311        if dx != None and type(dx) == type(()):
312            dx = nx.vstack((x-dx[0],dx[1]-x)).transpose()
313        if dy != None and type(dy) == type(()):
314            dy = nx.vstack((y-dy[0],dy[1]-y)).transpose()
316        if dx==None and dy==None:
317            h = self.subplot.plot(x,y,color=self._color(color),
318                                   marker=self._symbol(symbol),linestyle='',label=label)
319        else:
320            self.subplot.errorbar(x, y, yerr=dy, xerr=None,
[52b1f77]321             ecolor=self._color(color), capsize=2,linestyle='', barsabove=False,
[2bf92f2]322             marker=self._symbol(symbol),
323             lolims=False, uplims=False,
[52b1f77]324             xlolims=False, xuplims=False,label=label)
326        self.subplot.set_yscale(self.yscale)
[52b1f77]327        self.subplot.set_xscale(self.xscale)
329    def curve(self,x,y,dy=None,color=0,symbol=0,label=None):
330        """Draw a line on a graph, possibly with confidence intervals."""
331        c = self._color(color)
332        self.subplot.set_yscale('linear')
[52b1f77]333        self.subplot.set_xscale('linear')
335        hlist = self.subplot.plot(x,y,color=c,marker='',linestyle='-',label=label)
337        self.subplot.set_yscale(self.yscale)
[52b1f77]338        self.subplot.set_xscale(self.xscale)
340    def _color(self,c):
341        """Return a particular colour"""
342        return self.colorlist[c%len(self.colorlist)]
344    def _symbol(self,s):
345        """Return a particular symbol"""
346        return self.symbollist[s%len(self.symbollist)]
348    def _onEVT_FUNC_PROPERTY(self):
349        """
[8cebf9b]350             Receive the x and y transformation from myDialog,Transforms x and y in View
351              and set the scale   
[52b1f77]352        """ 
353        list =[]
354        list = self.graph.returnPlottable()
[52b1f77]356        for item in list:
[f193585]357            item.getTransform(self.xscales,self.yscales)
[52b1f77]358            if ( self.xscales=="x" ):
[f193585]359                item.returnTransformationx(transform.toX,transform.errToX)
[52b1f77]361                self.set_xscale("linear")
[f52bea1]362                name, units = item.get_xaxis()
363                self.graph.xaxis("%s" % name,  "%s^{-1}" % units)
365            if ( self.xscales=="x^(2)" ):
[f193585]366                item.returnTransformationx(transform.toX2,transform.errToX2)
[52b1f77]367                self.set_xscale('linear')
[f52bea1]368                name, units = item.get_xaxis()
369                self.graph.xaxis("%s^{2}" % name,  "%s^{-2}" % units)
[831149e]371            if (self.xscales=="log10(x)" ):
[f193585]372                item.returnTransformationx(transform.toX,transform.errToX)
[8cebf9b]373                self.set_xscale("log")
[f193585]374                name, units = item.get_xaxis() 
[35891ce]375                self.graph.xaxis("Log10 %s" % name,  "%s^{-1}" % units)
[831149e]377            if ( self.yscales=="ln(y)" ):
[f193585]378                item.returnTransformationy(transform.toLogX,transform.errToLogX)
[831149e]379                self.set_yscale("linear")
380                name, units = item.get_yaxis()
[f193585]381                item.check_data_PlottableY() 
[35891ce]382                self.graph.yaxis("log %s" % name,  "%s^{-1}" % units)
[52b1f77]384            if ( self.yscales=="y" ):
[f193585]385                item.returnTransformationy(transform.toX,transform.errToX)
[52b1f77]386                self.set_yscale("linear")
[f52bea1]387                name, units = item.get_yaxis()
388                self.graph.yaxis("%s" % name,  "%s^{-1}" % units)
[831149e]390            if ( self.yscales=="log10(y)" ): 
[f193585]391                item.returnTransformationy(transform.toX,transform.errToX)
392                item.check_data_PlottableY() 
[52b1f77]393                self.set_yscale("log") 
[f52bea1]394                name, units = item.get_yaxis()
[35891ce]395                self.graph.yaxis("Log10 %s" % name,  "%s^{-1}" % units)
397            if ( self.yscales=="y^(2)" ):
[f193585]398                item.returnTransformationy( transform.toX2,transform.errToX2 )   
[52b1f77]399                self.set_yscale("linear")
[f52bea1]400                name, units = item.get_yaxis()
401                self.graph.yaxis("%s^2" % name,  "%s^{-2}" % units)
[3d3a0e5]403            if ( self.yscales =="1/y"):
[f193585]404                item.returnTransformationy(transform.toOneOverX,transform.errOneOverX )
[3d3a0e5]405                self.set_yscale("linear")
406                name, units = item.get_yaxis()
407                self.graph.yaxis("%s" % name,  "%s" % units)
[3d3a0e5]409            if ( self.yscales =="1/sqrt(y)" ):
[f193585]410                item.returnTransformationy(transform.toOneOverSqrtX,transform.errOneOverSqrtX )
[3d3a0e5]411                self.set_yscale("linear")
412                name, units = item.get_yaxis()
[f193585]413                item.check_data_PlottableY() 
[3d3a0e5]414                self.graph.yaxis("%s" %name,  "%s" % units)
[831149e]416            if ( self.yscales =="ln(y*x)"):
[f193585]417                item.returnTransformationy( transform.toLogXY,transform.errToLogXY)
[7a03e65]418                self.set_yscale("linear")
[3d3a0e5]419                yname, yunits = item.get_yaxis()
420                xname, xunits = item.get_xaxis()
[35891ce]421                self.graph.yaxis("Log %s%s" % (yname,xname),  "%s^{-1}%s^{-1}" % (yunits,xunits))
[8e44d51]423            if ( self.yscales =="ln(y*x^(2))"):
[f193585]424                item.returnTransformationy( transform.toLogYX2,transform.errToLogYX2)
[7a03e65]425                self.set_yscale("linear")
[3d3a0e5]426                yname, yunits = item.get_yaxis()
427                xname, xunits = item.get_xaxis()
[f193585]428                item.check_data_PlottableY() 
[35891ce]429                self.graph.yaxis("Log %s%s^{2}" % (yname,xname),  "%s^{-1}%s^{-2}" % (yunits,xunits))
431            if ( self.yscales =="ln(y*x^(4))"):
[f193585]432                item.returnTransformationy(transform.toLogYX4,transform.errToLogYX4)
[831149e]433                self.set_yscale("linear")
434                yname, yunits = item.get_yaxis()
435                xname, xunits = item.get_xaxis()
[35891ce]436                self.graph.yaxis("Log %s%s^{4}" % (yname,xname),  "%s^{-1}%s^{-4}" % (yunits,xunits))
438            if ( self.viewModel == "Guinier lny vs x^(2)"):
[f193585]439                item.returnTransformationx(transform.toX2,transform.errToX2)
[dfca3de]440                self.set_xscale('linear')
441                name, units = item.get_xaxis()
442                self.graph.xaxis("%s^{2}" % name,  "%s^{-2}" % units)
[f193585]443                item.returnTransformationy(transform.toLogX,transform.errToLogX )
[dfca3de]444                self.set_yscale("linear")
445                name, units = item.get_yaxis()
[46693050]446                self.graph.yaxis("$Log %s$" % name,  "%s^{-1}" % units)
[35891ce]448 = self.yscales+" vs " +self.xscales     
[52b1f77]449        self.prevXtrans = self.xscales
450        self.prevYtrans = self.yscales 
[f193585]451        item.transformView()
[52b1f77]452        self.graph.render(self)
453        self.subplot.figure.canvas.draw_idle()
[f193585]455    def onFitDisplay(self, plottable):
[e2914b1]456        """
457            Add a new plottable into the graph .In this case this plottable will be used
458            to fit some data
459            @param plottable: the plottable to plot
460        """
[46693050]461        #Add the data to fit
[52b1f77]463        self.graph.add(plottable)
464        self.graph.render(self)
[52b1f77]466        self.subplot.figure.canvas.draw_idle()
[7a03e65]467        self.graph.delete(plottable)
[2bf92f2]471class NoRepaintCanvas(FigureCanvasWxAgg):
472    """We subclass FigureCanvasWxAgg, overriding the _onPaint method, so that
473    the draw method is only called for the first two paint events. After that,
474    the canvas will only be redrawn when it is resized.
475    """
476    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
477        FigureCanvasWxAgg.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
478        self._drawn = 0
480    def _onPaint(self, evt):
481        """
482        Called when wxPaintEvt is generated
483        """
484        if not self._isRealized:
485            self.realize()
486        if self._drawn < 2:
487            self.draw(repaint = False)
488            self._drawn += 1
489        self.gui_repaint(drawDC=wx.PaintDC(self))
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.