1 | import wx.lib.newevent |
2 | #send data to data manager |
3 | (NewStoreDataEvent, EVT_NEW_STORE_DATA) = wx.lib.newevent.NewEvent() |
4 | # send data to other perspectives |
5 | (NewLoadedDataEvent, EVT_NEW_LOADED_DATA) = wx.lib.newevent.NewEvent() |
6 | # plot data |
7 | (NewPlotEvent, EVT_NEW_PLOT) = wx.lib.newevent.NewEvent() |
8 | # print the messages on statusbar |
9 | (StatusEvent, EVT_STATUS) = wx.lib.newevent.NewEvent() |
10 | #create a panel slicer |
11 | (SlicerPanelEvent, EVT_SLICER_PANEL) = wx.lib.newevent.NewEvent() |
12 | #print update paramaters for panel slicer |
13 | (SlicerParamUpdateEvent, EVT_SLICER_PARS_UPDATE) = wx.lib.newevent.NewEvent() |
14 | #update the slicer from the panel |
15 | (SlicerParameterEvent, EVT_SLICER_PARS) = wx.lib.newevent.NewEvent() |
16 | #slicer event |
17 | (SlicerEvent, EVT_SLICER) = wx.lib.newevent.NewEvent() |
18 | # event containinG A DICTIONARY OF NAME and errors of selected data |
19 | (ErrorDataEvent, ERR_DATA) = wx.lib.newevent.NewEvent() |
20 | ## event that that destroy a page associate with Data1D removed from the graph |
21 | (RemoveDataEvent, EVT_REMOVE_DATA) = wx.lib.newevent.NewEvent() |
22 | ##event that allow to add more that to the same plot |
23 | (AddManyDataEvent, EVT_ADD_MANY_DATA) = wx.lib.newevent.NewEvent() |
24 | ##event for the panel on focus |
25 | (PanelOnFocusEvent, EVT_PANEL_ON_FOCUS) = wx.lib.newevent.NewEvent() |
26 | # event to update state of each perspectives after state file is loaded |
27 | (InvStateUpdateEvent, EVT_INVSTATE_UPDATE) = wx.lib.newevent.NewEvent() |
28 | (FitStateUpdateEvent, EVT_FITSTATE_UPDATE) = wx.lib.newevent.NewEvent() |