[091eee64] | 1 | Release Notes |
| 2 | ============= |
| 3 | |
| 4 | .. note:: In Windows use [Alt]-[Cursor left] to return to the previous page |
| 5 | |
| 6 | .. toctree:: |
| 7 | :maxdepth: 1 |
| 8 | |
| 9 | Features |
| 10 | ======== |
| 11 | |
| 12 | New in Version 4.2.0 |
| 13 | -------------------- |
| 14 | This release heralds many improvements and a host of bug fixes, along with |
| 15 | some significant changes from previous versions. Further, as promised, it |
| 16 | marks the end of support for 32 bit operating systems and is only |
| 17 | available for 64 bit operating systems. |
| 18 | |
| 19 | With this version the change to the new model API and plugins infrastructure |
| 20 | begun with 4.0 is essentially complete (though extensions are in the works, |
| 21 | and more are likely, they should remain backwardly compatible with previous |
| 22 | versions of SasView). |
| 23 | |
| 24 | .. warning:: Old-style plugin models, including old sum|multiply models, continue |
| 25 | to be supported (i.e. SasView will run them) in 4.x, although our |
| 26 | automatic on-the-fly translation may not cope in all use cases (see |
| 27 | Known Issues below). However, this backward compatibility will be |
| 28 | removed in 5.0 and users are therefore strongly encouraged to |
| 29 | convert their custom models to the new API. |
| 30 | |
| 31 | Finally, the changes to orientation angles and orientational distribution |
| 32 | definitions are now also complete. |
| 33 | |
| 34 | Changes |
| 35 | ^^^^^^^ |
| 36 | * The infrastucture for calculating 2D patterns from 3D orientated objects |
| 37 | has been totally re-factored. It is now more accurate and consistent |
| 38 | across models. |
| 39 | * The way that SasView defines the orientation of anisometric and |
| 40 | aligned objects has been completely overhauled. It now differs from |
| 41 | previous versions. |
| 42 | * Plugin models, including sum|multiply models, have completely migrated |
| 43 | to the new infrastructure. NOTE that 3.x type models as well as early, |
| 44 | intermediate 4.x type models, including those generated by sum|multiply |
| 45 | will continue to be supported in 4.x but will likely no longer be |
| 46 | supported after the move to 5.0. Users are strongly encouraged to |
| 47 | migrate any custom models. |
| 48 | * The NeXus loader has been removed as it is superseded by the NXcanSAS |
| 49 | standard loader and SasView does not support the treatment of raw |
| 50 | data. |
| 51 | |
| 52 | Improvements |
| 53 | ^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| 54 | * The accuracy/speed of some numerical integrations have been improved. |
| 55 | * An orientation viewer tool has been introduced to assist in |
| 56 | understanding the new orientation framework. |
| 57 | * Problems with the computation of magnetic scattering from some |
| 58 | objects have been rectified. Some questions remain however. |
| 59 | * The known issue with the core_shell_parallelepiped model is now fixed. |
| 60 | * An error in the be_polyelectrolyte model was identified and rectified, but |
| 61 | the fix is yet to be validated. |
| 62 | * (Added post-release) An error with the reporting of the scale parameter |
| 63 | from the spinodal model was rectified. |
| 64 | * A number of issues and inconsistencies with the creation of |
| 65 | sum|multiply models have been rectified. |
| 66 | * A Boltzmann distribution has been added for polydispersity/orientational |
| 67 | distributions. |
| 68 | * Some batch slicing options have been introduced. |
| 69 | * Correlation function analysis now computes both the 1D and 3D functions. |
| 70 | * There are several data loading improvements. |
| 71 | * There are several improvements to Save/Load Project. |
| 72 | * The SasView version number now appears in Reports. |
| 73 | * The Release Notes are now available from the program Help menu. |
| 74 | * There have been numerous other bug fixes. |
| 75 | |
| 76 | Documentation |
| 77 | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| 78 | Several sections of the help documentation have undergone significant |
| 79 | checking and updating, particularly those relating to orientation, |
| 80 | magnetic scattering, and polydispersity distributions. |
| 81 | |
| 82 | Detailed advanced instructions for plugin writing and some scripting |
| 83 | instructions have also been added. |
| 84 | |
| 85 | Concerns about the intended versus implemented meaning of some parameters |
| 86 | in the bcc_paracrystal, fcc_paracrystal, and sc_paracrystal models have |
| 87 | been brought to our attention. These have yet to be resolved and so a |
| 88 | Warning has been placed on each of these models. Anyone who feels they |
| 89 | may have the requisite expertise to investigate these concerns is strongly |
| 90 | encouraged to contact the Developers! |
| 91 | |
| 92 | Other Work |
| 93 | ^^^^^^^^^^ |
| 94 | * A Third-Party initiative has recently succeeded in getting SasView to |
| 95 | run on Debian. More details at |
| 96 | http://trac.sasview.org/wiki/DevNotes/Projects/Debian |
| 97 | * With this release we have started to prepare for the inevitable move |
| 98 | to Python 3, which will occur with the release of 5.0 |
| 99 | * SasView 5.0 is currently in development. The two most significant |
| 100 | features of this version will be (i) a move away from the present |
| 101 | WxPython GUIs to new, completely rewritten, Qt5 GUIs, and |
| 102 | (ii)implementation of the Beta-approximation for S(Q). Subject to |
| 103 | resources, some limited access to the latter functionality may be |
| 104 | available in a future SasView 4.x release. |
| 105 | |
| 106 | Bug Fixes |
| 107 | ^^^^^^^^^ |
| 108 | * Fixes # 14: Loading a saved project is really really slow |
| 109 | * Fixes # 260: Box integration does not update when entering values in dialog |
| 110 | * Fixes # 446: Saving plot as PGF (not PDF!) format throws error |
| 111 | * Fixes # 467: Extend batch functionality to slicer |
| 112 | * Fixes # 489: ABS reader (NIST 1D) does not handle negative dx properly (USANS slit smearing) |
| 113 | * Fixes # 499: create sin(x)/x, 2*J1(x)/x and 3*j1(x)/x functions |
| 114 | * Fixes # 510: Build PDF documentation along with HTML |
| 115 | * Fixes # 525: Add GUI category defaults to models in sasmodels |
| 116 | * Fixes # 579: clean up sasview directory |
| 117 | * Fixes # 597: Need to document Combine Batch Fit |
| 118 | * Fixes # 645: GUI logic problem in Batch vs single fit mode |
| 119 | * Fixes # 648: Need to allow user input background value in Pr perspective |
| 120 | * Fixes # 685: Fix data upload to marketplace |
| 121 | * Fixes # 695: linear slope in onion model |
| 122 | * Fixes # 735: Review new Corfunc documentation |
| 123 | * Fixes # 741: Recalculate P(Q) and S(Q) components on model update. |
| 124 | * Fixes # 767: Sum/Product Models don't do what they should |
| 125 | * Fixes # 776: angular dispersity |
| 126 | * Fixes # 784: Add 3D integral to Correlation Function analysis |
| 127 | * Fixes # 786: core_shell_parallelepiped 1-D model is incorrect |
| 128 | * Fixes # 818: report button followed by save makes an empty pdf file??? |
| 129 | * Fixes # 830: Check compliance of loader against NXcanSAS-1.0 release |
| 130 | * Fixes # 838: Fix model download from marketplace |
| 131 | * Fixes # 848: can't save analysis when only one fit page |
| 132 | * Fixes # 849: Load Folder should ignore files starting with . |
| 133 | * Fixes # 852: More unit tests, especially for oriented or 2d models |
| 134 | * Fixes # 854: remove unnecessary sleep() in fitting perspective |
| 135 | * Fixes # 856: Reading SAS_OPENCL from custom_config sometimes raises an ERROR |
| 136 | * Fixes # 861: cannot defined a structure factor plugin |
| 137 | * Fixes # 864: New Model Editor (simple plugin editor) error parsing parameter line |
| 138 | * Fixes # 865: Plugin live discovery issues |
| 139 | * Fixes # 866: inform user when NaN is returned from compute |
| 140 | * Fixes # 869: fit page computation thread cleanup |
| 141 | * Fixes # 875: Possible weirdness with 1D NXcanSAS data |
| 142 | * Fixes # 876: Add check for HDF5 format in dataloader |
| 143 | * Fixes # 887: reorganize tree, separating the installed source from the build source |
| 144 | * Fixes # 889: Refactor dataloader error handling infrastructure |
| 145 | * Fixes # 890: use new orientation definition for asymmetric shapes |
| 146 | * Fixes # 891: update docs for oriented shapes with new orientation definition |
| 147 | * Fixes # 896: equations in core shell parallelepiped docs do not match code |
| 148 | * Fixes # 898: Image Viewer Tool file selector issue |
| 149 | * Fixes # 899: Igor Reader q calculation |
| 150 | * Fixes # 902: IgorReader Q calculation needs fixing/improving |
| 151 | * Fixes # 903: sasview - all non-gui tests should be converted to run in Python 3 |
| 152 | * Fixes # 906: polydispersity not showing up in tabulated results |
| 153 | * Fixes # 912: About box points to misleading contributors page on Github |
| 154 | * Fixes # 913: Need to add Diamond developer and logo in relevant places |
| 155 | * Fixes # 915: load project issues |
| 156 | * Fixes # 916: Proper Logging |
| 157 | * Fixes # 920: Logarithmic binning option in the slice viewer |
| 158 | * Fixes # 921: Improve developer communication methods |
| 159 | * Fixes # 922: Remove support for all data formats that are not in q space |
| 160 | * Fixes # 923: Add CI and trac integrations to Slack |
| 161 | * Fixes # 930: fitting help says chisq is normalized to number of points |
| 162 | * Fixes # 931: Allow admins to edit all models and upload data etc on marketplace |
| 163 | * Fixes # 932: Need to fix upload of data files to marketplace |
| 164 | * Fixes # 934: Slurp tutorial repo for tutorials |
| 165 | * Fixes # 935: Build new tutorials as PDF |
| 166 | * Fixes # 943: Deep copy error on setting model after data is selected |
| 167 | * Fixes # 950: Most of the readers don't close files properly. |
| 168 | * Fixes # 954: cross check dll/opencl/python polydispersity and orientation results |
| 169 | * Fixes # 956: Possible problem with new doc build process |
| 170 | * Fixes # 961: sasmodels tests should fail if the parameter name does not exist |
| 171 | * Fixes # 962: star polymer typo in docs |
| 172 | * Fixes # 966: Inconsistent chi2 reporting |
| 173 | * Fixes # 967: no uncertainties errors on fitting parameters |
| 174 | * Fixes # 969: About Box not picking up dls_logo.png |
| 175 | * Fixes # 970: ASCII loader doesn't handle ISIS 2D ASCII |
| 176 | * Fixes # 974: blacklist Intel HD 620/630 for double precision |
| 177 | * Fixes # 978: load project fails for pages which have not been defined |
| 178 | * Fixes # 983: Remove Nexus Loader |
| 179 | * Fixes # 984: PDF reports are not being properly generated on Windows |
| 180 | * Fixes # 985: Saving Project Fails |
| 181 | * Fixes # 986: Send to fitting overwrites theory page even if blank FitPage has focus |
| 182 | * Fixes # 990: utest_sasview.py giving different results than run_one.py |
| 183 | * Fixes # 993: Windows x64 versions not installing to correct folder |
| 184 | * Fixes # 994: Error changing fit engine |
| 185 | * Fixes # 995: OpenCL required on Linux even if turned off in GUI |
| 186 | * Fixes #1006: multiplicity models don't work with SQ |
| 187 | * Fixes #1007: spherical_sld model freezes SasView |
| 188 | * Fixes #1008: plugin model scaling not working? |
| 189 | * Fixes #1010: Win64 build script not creating working executable |
| 190 | * Fixes #1011: sld_test failing on ubuntu |
| 191 | * Fixes #1013: FileReaderBaseClass output[] not reset - same file loaded multiple times |
| 192 | * Fixes #1018: add Boltzmann distribution |
| 193 | * Fixes #1021: add PDF documentation to website and document in wiki release process |
| 194 | * Fixes #1024: Update version numbers in master |
| 195 | * Fixes #1025: Sum/multiply editor hangs |
| 196 | * Fixes #1030: volume normalization for hollow shapes is different from solvent-filled shapes |
| 197 | * Fixes #1032: convert C++ modules to C |
| 198 | * Fixes #1035: Order of combining P(Q) and S(Q) in Plugins seems to matter |
| 199 | * Fixes #1037: data loader crop not working? & all fits crashing |
| 200 | * Fixes #1043: problem compiling marketplace models |
| 201 | * Fixes #1044: Unable to upload c file to marketplace |
| 202 | * Fixes #1046: convert non builtin models in the marketplace to new API |
| 203 | * Fixes #1050: fix appveyor test for sasmodels win 64 python 3 |
| 204 | * Fixes #1052: Can't use a user-created plugin model in a plugin model |
| 205 | * Fixes #1054: Check plugin & orientation descriptions in full docs once SasModels PR #57 is merged |
| 206 | * Fixes #1057: phi rotation issue for elliptical cylinder |
| 207 | * Fixes #1060: incorrect default for rectangle dispersion |
| 208 | * Fixes #1062: win32 build not installing correctly |
| 209 | * Fixes #1064: "Fitting did not converge!!!" error with a Sum|Multi plugin model |
| 210 | * Fixes #1068: 2d data (from NG7) not loadiing - strange format? |
| 211 | * Fixes #1069: GUI problem when using polydispersity/orientation distributions |
| 212 | * Fixes #1070: Parameter error boxes should not be editable |
| 213 | * Fixes #1072: Orientation distributions seem to depend on initial angle |
| 214 | * Fixes #1079: Remove save button in report dialog on Mac |
| 215 | * Fixes #1081: GUI problem with new orientation distribution |
| 216 | * Fixes #1083: Magnetic models not being computed |
| 217 | * Fixes #1099: Erratic behaviour of Sum|Multi model in 4.1.2 |
| 218 | * Fixes #1101: Batch results page not displaying polydispersity values |
| 219 | * Fixes #1128: AutoPlot generation for model documentation does not include background |
| 220 | * Fixes #1131: OpencCl dialog does not open |
| 221 | * Fixes #1132: Slit Size Calculator Tool not working |
| 222 | * Fixes #1139: Missing Docs and Help for new Batch Slicing |
| 223 | * Fixes #1141: Intro to scripting.rst needs improvement |
| 224 | * Fixes #1142: Plugin framework is broken |
| 225 | * Fixes #1145: Update models in model marketplace to 4.2 when 4.2 is released. |
| 226 | * Fixes #1155: BE Polyelectrolyte errors |
| 227 | * Fixes #1160: fix VR for core_shell_cylinder, fractal_core_shell and hollow_cylinder |
| 228 | * Fixes #1163: Fix help note in sum of sum|multiply interface |
| 229 | * Fixes #1164: Sphinx doc build does not support superscript or substitution |
| 230 | * Fixes #1166: No longer able to report from multiple fit pages |
| 231 | * Fixes #1167: Clarify the documentation for the Spinodal Model |
| 232 | * Fixes #1173: more problems with math in plugins |
| 233 | * Fixes #1176: Make Release Notes/Known Issues available from Help in Menu Bar |
| 234 | * Fixes #1179: PDF Report should contain SasView Version Number |
| 235 | * Fixes #1183: Test from creating new model reset all parameters to default in all open FitPages |
| 236 | * Fixes #1188: fitpage hangs if change model while magnetism is on |
| 237 | * Fixes #1191: Correct erroneous Scale reported by Spinodal model |
| 238 | |
| 239 | **It is recommended that all users upgrade to this version, but your |
| 240 | attention is drawn to the Changes section above.** |
| 241 | |
| 242 | |
| 243 | New in Version 4.2.0-Beta |
| 244 | ------------------------- |
| 245 | This is a beta pre-release version of 4.2.0. A number of fixes and changes |
| 246 | have been made in the year since the previous release. Full release notes |
| 247 | will be compiled prior to the full release 4.2.0. |
| 248 | |
| 249 | Highlights are: |
| 250 | |
| 251 | * Infrastucture for calculating 2D patterns from 3D orientated objects |
| 252 | has now been totally refactored |
| 253 | * Plugins have completely migrated to the new infrastructure now, |
| 254 | including sum/multiply models |
| 255 | * Some batch slicing options have been introduced |
| 256 | * The known issue with the core_shell_parallelepiped is now fixed |
| 257 | * Several data loading improvements |
| 258 | * Several save Project improvements (though there are more to come) |
| 259 | * Numerous bug fixes |
| 260 | * Lots of documentation enhancement |
| 261 | |
| 262 | In the meantime please report any bugs or issues found while using this beta |
| 263 | |
| 264 | |
| 265 | New in Version 4.1.2 |
| 266 | -------------------- |
| 267 | This point release is a bug-fix release addressing: |
| 268 | |
| 269 | * Fixes #984: PDF Reports Generate Empty PDFs |
| 270 | * Fixes a path typo |
| 271 | * 64 bit and 32 bit Windows executables now available |
| 272 | |
| 273 | It is recommended that all users upgrade to this version |
| 274 | |
| 275 | |
| 276 | New in Version 4.1.1 |
| 277 | -------------------- |
| 278 | This point release is a bug-fix release addressing: |
| 279 | |
| 280 | * Fixes #948: Mathjax CDN is going away |
| 281 | * Fixes #938: Cannot read canSAS1D file output by SasView |
| 282 | * Fixes #960: Save project throws error if empty fit page |
| 283 | * Fixes #929: Problem deleting data in first fit page |
| 284 | * Fixes #918: Test folders not bundled with release |
| 285 | * Fixes an issue with the live discovery of plugin models |
| 286 | * Fixes an issue with the NXcanSAS data loader |
| 287 | * Updated tutorials for SasView 4.x.y |
| 288 | |
| 289 | |
| 290 | New in Version 4.1.0 |
| 291 | -------------------- |
| 292 | This incremental release brings a series of new features and improvements, |
| 293 | and a host of bug fixes. Of particular note are: |
| 294 | |
| 295 | Correlation Function Analysis (Corfunc) |
| 296 | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| 297 | This performs a correlation function analysis of one-dimensional SAXS/SANS data, |
| 298 | or generates a model-independent volume fraction profile from the SANS from an |
| 299 | adsorbed polymer/surfactant layer. |
| 300 | |
| 301 | A correlation function may be interpreted in terms of an imaginary rod moving |
| 302 | through the structure of the material. G1(R) is the probability that a rod of |
| 303 | length R moving through the material has equal electron/neutron scattering |
| 304 | length density at either end. Hence a frequently occurring spacing within a |
| 305 | structure manifests itself as a peak. |
| 306 | |
| 307 | A volume fraction profile \Phi(z) describes how the density of polymer |
| 308 | segments/surfactant molecules varies with distance from an (assumed locally flat) |
| 309 | interface. *This is not yet implemented*. |
| 310 | |
| 311 | Fitting of SESANS Data |
| 312 | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| 313 | Data from Spin-Echo SANS measurements can now be loaded and fitted. The data will |
| 314 | be plotted against the correct axes and models will automatically perform a Hankel |
| 315 | transform in order to calculate SESANS from a SANS model. |
| 316 | |
| 317 | Documentation |
| 318 | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| 319 | The documentation has undergone significant checking and updating. |
| 320 | |
| 321 | Improvements |
| 322 | ^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| 323 | * Correlation function (corfunc) analysis of 1D SAS data added from CCP13 |
| 324 | * File converter tool for multi-file single column data sets |
| 325 | * SESANS data loading and direct fitting using the Hankel transformation |
| 326 | * Saving and loading of simultaneous and constrained fits now supported |
| 327 | * Save states from SasView v3.x.y now loaded using sasmodel model names |
| 328 | * Saving and loading of projects with 2D fits now supported |
| 329 | * Loading a project removes all existing data, fits, and plots |
| 330 | * Structure factor and form factor can be plotted independently |
| 331 | * OpenCL is disabled by default and can be enabled through a fit menu |
| 332 | * Data and theory fields are now independently expandable |
| 333 | |
| 334 | Bug Fixes |
| 335 | ^^^^^^^^^ |
| 336 | * Fixes #667: Models computed multiple times on parameters changes |
| 337 | * Fixes #673: Custom models override built in models of same name |
| 338 | * Fixes #678: Hard crash when running complex models on GPU |
| 339 | * Fixes $774: Old style plugin models unloadable |
| 340 | * Fixes #789: stacked disk scale doesn't match cylinder model |
| 341 | * Fixes #792: core_shell_fractal uses wrong effective radius |
| 342 | * Fixes #800: Plot range reset on plot redraws |
| 343 | * Fixes #811 and #825: 2D smearing broken |
| 344 | * Fixes #815: Integer model parameter handling |
| 345 | * Fixes #824: Cannot apply sector averaging when no detector data present |
| 346 | * Fixes #830: Cansas HDF5 reader fully compliant with NXCanSAS v1.0 format |
| 347 | * Fixes #835: Fractal model breaks with negative Q values |
| 348 | * Fixes #843: Multilayer vesicle does not define effective radius |
| 349 | * Fixes #858: Hayter MSA S(Q) returns errors |
| 350 | * Numerous grammatical and contexual errors in documention |
| 351 | |
| 352 | |
| 353 | New in Version 4.0.1 |
| 354 | -------------------- |
| 355 | This release fixes the critical bug #750 in P(Q)xS(Q). Most damaging |
| 356 | it appears that the background term was being added to S(Q) prior to |
| 357 | multiplication by P(Q). |
| 358 | |
| 359 | |
| 360 | New in Version 4.0 |
| 361 | ------------------ |
| 362 | This release fixes the various bugs found during the alpha and beta testing |
| 363 | |
| 364 | Improvements |
| 365 | ^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| 366 | * Support for reading data files from Anton Paar Saxess instruments |
| 367 | * Adds documentation on how to write custom models in the new framework |
| 368 | |
| 369 | Bug Fixes |
| 370 | ^^^^^^^^^ |
| 371 | * Fixes #604: Pringle model questions |
| 372 | * Fixes #472: Reparameterize Teubner-Strey |
| 373 | * Fixes #530: Numerical instabilities in Teubner Strey model |
| 374 | * Fixes #658: ASCII reader very broken |
| 375 | |
| 376 | |
| 377 | New in Version 4.0 beta 1 |
| 378 | ------------------------- |
| 379 | This beta adds support for the magnetic and multilevel models of 3.1.2 |
| 380 | and along with a host of bug fixes found in the alpha. |
| 381 | |
| 382 | Model package changes and improvements |
| 383 | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| 384 | * All 3.1.2 models now available in new interface |
| 385 | * Old custom models should now still work |
| 386 | * Custom model editor now creates new style models |
| 387 | * Custom model editor supports better error checking |
| 388 | |
| 389 | .. note:: Old custom models should be converted to the new model format |
| 390 | which is now the same as the built-in models and offers much |
| 391 | better support. The old custom model format will be deprecated |
| 392 | in a future version. |
| 393 | |
| 394 | Documentation improvements |
| 395 | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| 396 | * Continued general cleanup |
| 397 | |
| 398 | Other improvements/additions |
| 399 | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| 400 | * Support for new canSAS 2D data files added |
| 401 | * Plot axes range can now be set manually as well as by zooming |
| 402 | * Plot annotations can now be moved around after being placed on plot. |
| 403 | * The active optimizer is now listed on the top of the fit panel. |
| 404 | * Linear fits now update qmin and max when the x scale limits are |
| 405 | changed. Also the plot range no longer resets after a fit. |
| 406 | |
| 407 | Bug fixes |
| 408 | ^^^^^^^^^ |
| 409 | * Fixes #511: Errors in linearized fits and clean up of interface |
| 410 | including Kratky representation |
| 411 | * Fixes #186: Data operation Tool now executes when something is |
| 412 | entered in the text box and does not wait for the user to hit enter |
| 413 | * Fixes #459: plot context menu bug |
| 414 | * Fixes #559: copy to clipboard in graph menu broken |
| 415 | * Fixes #466: cannot remove a linear fit from graph |
| 416 | * Numerous bugs introduced in the alpha |
| 417 | |
| 418 | |
| 419 | New in Version 4.0.0-alpha |
| 420 | -------------------------- |
| 421 | This alpha release brings a major overhaul of the model system. The new model |
| 422 | package allows rapid integration of custom models and access to polydispersity |
| 423 | without requiring a compiler. |
| 424 | |
| 425 | Model package changes and improvements |
| 426 | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| 427 | * Separation of GUI and calculations for future GUI enhancements |
| 428 | * Model interface moved to independent sasmodels package. |
| 429 | * Most models converted to new interface. |
| 430 | * Allows rapid integration of user-written models. |
| 431 | * OpenCL GPU utilization for faster fitting. |
| 432 | * Improved numerical integration of Bessel functions. |
| 433 | |
| 434 | SESANS integration and implementation |
| 435 | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| 436 | * Scripting interface added for analysis of SESANS data. |
| 437 | * Hankel transformation now accepts finite acceptance angles. |
| 438 | * 2D cosine transformation added for TOF SESANS analysis. |
| 439 | |
| 440 | Documentation improvements |
| 441 | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| 442 | * The documentation tree was restructured for a better end user experience. |
| 443 | * The documentation for each model was revamped and verified by at least |
| 444 | two people following the conversion of the model. |
| 445 | * Theoretical 1D (and 2D if applicable) scattering curves are auto-generated |
| 446 | and added to the model documentation for each model. |
| 447 | |
| 448 | Bug fixes |
| 449 | ^^^^^^^^^ |
| 450 | * Fixes #411: No stop button on simultaneous fit page |
| 451 | * Fixes #410: Error with raspberry model |
| 452 | * Fixes #364: Possible inconsistency in Poly_GausCoil model |
| 453 | * Fixes #439: Hayter Penfold MSA code needs checking |
| 454 | * Fixes #484: lammellerPC is precision limited |
| 455 | * Fixes #498: $HOME/.matplotlib conflicts |
| 456 | * Fixes #348: Control order in which fit parameters appear in the gui |
| 457 | * Fixes #456: Provide DREAM Results Panel with something to identify |
| 458 | data and age of results |
| 459 | * Fixes #556: Build script improvements for developers |
| 460 | |
| 461 | |
| 462 | New in Version 3.1.2 |
| 463 | -------------------- |
| 464 | This release is a major stability improvement, having fixed a serious bug |
| 465 | that came to light since release 3.1.1. All users should upgrade. |
| 466 | |
| 467 | * Fixes #468: broken remove constraint buttons in |
| 468 | simultaneous/constrained fitting panel |
| 469 | * Fixes #474: resulting from changes in 3.1.1 that had |
| 470 | introduced an error in the high-Q of slit-smeared models. |
| 471 | * Fixes #478: which would cause wx to run out of IDs and result |
| 472 | in SasView crashing even if left alone. |
| 473 | * Fixes #479: missing help button on simultaneous/constrained fit page |
| 474 | * Fixes #480: GUI resizing issues on simultaneous fit page |
| 475 | * Fixes #486: broken Report Results |
| 476 | * Fixes #488: redraw issues in fit page |
| 477 | |
| 478 | |
| 479 | New in Version 3.1.1 |
| 480 | -------------------- |
| 481 | Fixes #457 that prevented SasView from starting if the user was not |
| 482 | connected to the internet, or was behind a proxy server. |
| 483 | |
| 484 | |
| 485 | New in Version 3.1.0 |
| 486 | -------------------- |
| 487 | The documentation/help has had a complete overhaul including: |
| 488 | |
| 489 | * A completely new presentation interface (Sphinx). |
| 490 | * Proof reading! |
| 491 | * Updating for latest features. |
| 492 | * A Help (or sometimes ?) button has been added to every panel, and some |
| 493 | sub panels if appropriate, linking to the appropriate section in the |
| 494 | documentation. |
| 495 | * The model help has been split so that the Details button now brings up |
| 496 | a very short pop-up giving the equation being used while HELP goes to |
| 497 | the section in the full documentation describing the model. |
| 498 | * Extensive help has also been added for the new optimizer engine (see |
| 499 | below) including rules of thumb on how and when to choose a given |
| 500 | optimizer and what the parameters do. |
| 501 | |
| 502 | The optimizer engine has been completely replaced. The new optimizer |
| 503 | still defaults to the standard Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. However 4 |
| 504 | other optimizers are now also available. Each starts with a set of default |
| 505 | parameters which can be tuned. The DREAM optimizer takes the longest but |
| 506 | is the most powerful and yields rich information including full parameter |
| 507 | correlation and uncertainty plots. A results panel has been added to |
| 508 | accommodate this. The five new optimizers are: |
| 509 | |
| 510 | * A Levenberg-Marquardt optimizer |
| 511 | * A Quasi-Newton BFGS optimizer |
| 512 | * A Nelder-Mead Simplex optimizer |
| 513 | * A Differential Evolution optimizer |
| 514 | * A Monte Carlo optimizer (DREAM) |
| 515 | |
| 516 | New models were added: |
| 517 | |
| 518 | * MicelleSphCoreModel (currently residing in the Uncategorized category) |
| 519 | |
| 520 | Existing models were updated: |
| 521 | |
| 522 | * LamellarPS (bug in polydispersity integration fixed) |
| 523 | * RectangularPrismModel |
| 524 | * RectangularHollowPrismModel |
| 525 | * RectangularHollowPrismInfThinWallsModel |
| 526 | |
| 527 | Other work: |
| 528 | |
| 529 | * Infrastructure to allow SESANS data to be fit with models was added. This |
| 530 | will become available in a future release but can currently be used from |
| 531 | the command line with some caveats. |
| 532 | * A number of bugs were fixed including a thread crashing issue and an |
| 533 | incorrect slit smearing resolution calculation. |
| 534 | * Implemented much more robust error logging to enable much easier |
| 535 | debugging in general but particularly the debugging of issues reported by |
| 536 | SasView users. |
| 537 | * A number of infrastructure tasks under the hood to enhance maintainability |
| 538 | * Upgrade from Wx 2.8 to Wx 3.0.2 which allows several new features but |
| 539 | required significant additional rework as well. |
| 540 | * Fully implemented Sphinx to the build process to produce both better |
| 541 | user documentation and developer documentation. |
| 542 | * Restructuring of the code base to more unified nomenclature and structure |
| 543 | so that the source installation tree more closely matches the installer |
| 544 | version tree. |
| 545 | * Code cleanup (an ongoing task). |
| 546 | * Migration of the repository to github simplifying contributions from |
| 547 | non-project personnel through pull requests. |
| 548 | |
| 549 | |
| 550 | New in Version 3.0.0 |
| 551 | -------------------- |
| 552 | * The GUI look and feel has been refactored to be more familiar for |
| 553 | Windows users by using MDI frames. Graph windows are also now free- |
| 554 | floating. |
| 555 | * Five new models have been added: PringlesModel, CoreShellEllipsoidXTModel, |
| 556 | RectangularPrismModel, RectangularHollowPrismModel and |
| 557 | RectangularHollowPrismInfThinWallsModel. |
| 558 | * The data loader now supports ILL DAT data files and reads the full meta |
| 559 | information from canSAS file formats. |
| 560 | * Redefined convention for specifying angular parameters for anisotropic |
| 561 | models. |
| 562 | * A number of minor features have been added such as permitting a log |
| 563 | distribution of points when using a model to simulate data, and the |
| 564 | addition of a Kratky plot option to the linear plots. |
| 565 | * A number of bugs have also been fixed. |
| 566 | * Save Project and Save Analysis now work more reliably. |
| 567 | * BETA: Magnetic contrast supporting full polarization analysis has been |
| 568 | implemented for some spherical and cylindrical models. |
| 569 | * BETA: Two new tools have been added: |
| 570 | |
| 571 | * A generic scattering calculator which takes an atomic, magnetic or |
| 572 | SLD distribution in space and generates the appropriate 2D |
| 573 | scattering pattern. In some cases the orientationally averaged |
| 574 | (powder) 1D scattering can also be computed. Supported formats |
| 575 | include: SLD or text, PDB, and OMF magnetic moment distribution |
| 576 | file. |
| 577 | * An image viewer/converter for data in image format; this reads in |
| 578 | an image file and will attempt to convert the image pixels to |
| 579 | data. Supported formats include: TIFF, TIF, PNG, BMP, JPG. |
| 580 | |
| 581 | |
| 582 | New in Version 2.2.1 |
| 583 | -------------------- |
| 584 | * Minor patch to support CanSAS XML v1.1 file format |
| 585 | * Added DataInfo for data in the DataExplorer and plots |
| 586 | * Added Maximize/Restore button in the title bar of the graphs |
| 587 | * Added a hide button in the toolbar of the graph panel |
| 588 | * The 'x' button now deletes a graph |
| 589 | * Edit SUM Model from the menubar can now generate and save more than one sum model |
| 590 | * Reports can now be saved in pdf format on WIN and MAC |
| 591 | * Made significant improvements to the batch/grid panel and fixed several bugs |
| 592 | * Fixed a number of other minor bugs |
| 593 | |
| 594 | |
| 595 | New in Version 2.2.0 |
| 596 | -------------------- |
| 597 | * Application name changed to SasView |
| 598 | * New fully customizable Category Manager added for better management of |
| 599 | increasing number of models |
| 600 | * Improved the Grid Window functionality in the batch fitting mode |
| 601 | * Added a simpler Graph/Plot modification interface |
| 602 | * Added a new 'Data Operation' tool for addition, subtraction, multiplication, |
| 603 | division, of two data sets. |
| 604 | * The 'Sum Model' editor was extended and renamed 'Summation and Multiplication' |
| 605 | editor |
| 606 | * Added more plot symbols options for 1d plots |
| 607 | * Added improved trapping of compiling errors to the 'New model editor' |
| 608 | * Added some intelligent outputs (e.g., Rg, background, or rod diameter |
| 609 | depending on the choice of axis scale of the plot) to the linear fits |
| 610 | * Added more models |
| 611 | |
| 612 | |
| 613 | Feature set from previous versions |
| 614 | ----------------------------------- |
| 615 | Perspectives Available |
| 616 | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| 617 | * Invariant calculator: Calculates the invariant, volume fraction, and |
| 618 | specific surface area. |
| 619 | * P(r) inversion calculator: Indirect Fourier transformation method. |
| 620 | * Fitting: the tool used for modeling and fitting 1D and 2D data to |
| 621 | analytical model functions |
| 622 | * Tools: provides a number of useful supplementary tools such as SLD |
| 623 | calculation |
| 624 | |
| 625 | Fitting |
| 626 | ^^^^^^^ |
| 627 | * Includes a large number of model functions, both form factors and structure factors. |
| 628 | * Support P(Q)*S(Q) for form factors that flag they can be so multiplied. |
| 629 | * Supports Gaussian, lognormal, Shulz, rectangular and custom distribution |
| 630 | functions for models that need to include polydispersity or for orientational |
| 631 | distributions if appropriate. |
| 632 | * Anisotropic shapes and magnetic moment modeling in 2D allow for a non-uniform |
| 633 | distribution of orientations of a given axis leading to modeling and fitting |
| 634 | capabilities of non azimuthaly symmetric data. |
| 635 | * User can choose to weight fits or not. If using weights, the user can choose |
| 636 | the error bar on each point if provided in the file, the square root |
| 637 | of the intensity or the intensity itself. |
| 638 | * Instrumental resolution smearing of model or fits is provided with several |
| 639 | options: read the resolution/point fromt he file. Input a pinhole resolution |
| 640 | or a slit resolution. |
| 641 | * Users can define the Qrange (Qmin and Qmax) for both 1D and 2D data for |
| 642 | fitting and modeling, but not graphically. The range can be reset to the |
| 643 | defaults (limits of q in data set for a fit) with the reset button. |
| 644 | * A mask can be applied to 2D calculation and fitting. |
| 645 | * Normalized residual plots are provided with every fit. |
| 646 | * Model function help available through detail button or from the fitting panel. |
| 647 | * Simultaneous/(advanced)constrained fitting allows for fitting a single |
| 648 | data set or several different sets simultaneously with the application |
| 649 | of advanced constraints relating fit parameters to functions of other |
| 650 | parameters (including from a different set). For example thickness of |
| 651 | shell = sin(30) times the length. |
| 652 | * Models that are the sum of two other models can be easily generated through the |
| 653 | SUM Model menubar item. |
| 654 | * New Python models can be added on the fly by creating an appropriate Python |
| 655 | file in the model plugin directory. Two tools are provided to help: |
| 656 | An easy to use custom model editor allows the quick generation of new Python |
| 657 | models by supplying only the parameters and their default value (box 1) |
| 658 | and the mathematical function of the model (box 2) and generating the |
| 659 | necessary .py file. A separate advanced model editor provides a full Python |
| 660 | file editor. Either way once saved the model becomes immediately available |
| 661 | to the application. |
| 662 | * A batch fitting capability allows for the analysis of a series of data sets to |
| 663 | a single model and provides the results in a tabular form suitable for saving |
| 664 | or plotting the evolution of the fit parameters with error bars (from within |
| 665 | the application). |
| 666 | |
| 667 | Tools |
| 668 | ^^^^^ |
| 669 | * A scattering length density calculator,including some X-ray information |
| 670 | is provided. |
| 671 | * A density to vol. fraction converter is provided |
| 672 | * In application access to a Python shell/editor (PyCrust) is provided |
| 673 | * An instrument resolution calculator, including possible gravitational and |
| 674 | TOF effects is provided |
| 675 | * A slit size calculator optimized for Anton Paar Saxess is provided. |
| 676 | * A kiessig fringe thickness calculator is provided |
| 677 | |
| 678 | Plots and plot management |
| 679 | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| 680 | * A 3D graphing option (for 2d data/results) is provided with the view |
| 681 | controlled by the mouse |
| 682 | * 2D plots are shown with an intensity color bar. 2D Color map can be user |
| 683 | adjusted. |
| 684 | * Supports output of plot to a variety of graphic formats. Supported formats |
| 685 | include: png, eps, emf, jpg/jpeg, pdf, ps, tif/tiff, rawRGBbitmap(raw, rgba), |
| 686 | and scalable vector graphic (svg/svgz) |
| 687 | * Supports ouput of data in plot (1 or 2D) to limited data formats |
| 688 | * Multiple data sets can be loaded into a single graph for viewing (but a fit |
| 689 | plot can currently only have a single plot). |
| 690 | * Extensive context sensitive plot/fitting/manipulation options are available |
| 691 | through a right mouse click pop-up menu on plots. |
| 692 | |
| 693 | Data management |
| 694 | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| 695 | * Supports 2 + column 1D ASCII data, NIST 1D and 2D data, and canSAS data |
| 696 | via plug-in mechanism which can easily allow other readers as appropriate. |
| 697 | * 2D data is expected in Q space but for historical reasons accepts the |
| 698 | NIST 2D raw pixel format and will do conversion internally. |
| 699 | * The full data and metadata available to SasView is viewable in ASCII via |
| 700 | right clicking on a data set and choosing Data Info in the DataExplorer |
| 701 | or on the plots |
| 702 | * Supports loading a single file, multiple files, or a whole folder |
| 703 | * An optional Data Explorer is provided (default) which simplifies managing, |
| 704 | plotting, deleting, or setup for computation. Most functions however do |
| 705 | not require access to the explorer/manager and can be accessed through |
| 706 | right click menus and the toolbar. The data explorer can be re-started |
| 707 | from the menu bar. |
| 708 | |
| 709 | Data manipulation |
| 710 | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| 711 | * Support various 2D averaging methods : Circular, sectors, annular, |
| 712 | boxsum, boxQx and boxQy. |
| 713 | * A 2D data maks editor is provided |
| 714 | * 2D mask can be applied to the circular averaging. |
| 715 | |
| 716 | Miscellaneous features |
| 717 | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| 718 | * Limited reports can be generated in pdf format |
| 719 | * Provides multiprocessor support(Windows only) |
| 720 | * Limited startup customization currently includes default startup |
| 721 | data folder and choice of default starting with data manager |
| 722 | * Limited support for saving(opening) a SasView project or a SasView analysis |
| 723 | (subproject) is provided. |
| 724 | * SasView can be launched and loaded with a file of interesty by double-clicking |
| 725 | on that file (recognized extension) |
| 726 | * A data file or data folder can be passed to SasView when launched from |
| 727 | the command line. |
| 728 | * Limited bookmarking capability to later recall the results of a fit calculation |
| 729 | is provided. |
| 730 | * Extensive help is provided through context sensitive mouse roll-over, |
| 731 | information bar (at the bottom of the panel), the console menu, and |
| 732 | access to the help files in several different ways. |
| 733 | |
| 734 | |
| 735 | Downloading and Installing |
| 736 | ========================== |
| 737 | |
| 738 | .. note:: If you have a SasView installer (.EXE or .MSI), you do not need to |
| 739 | worry about any of the following. However, it is highly recommended |
| 740 | that any previous versions of SasView are uninstalled prior to |
| 741 | installing the new version UNLESS you are installing SasView to |
| 742 | versioned folders. |
| 743 | |
| 744 | .. note:: The easiest approach to setting up the proper environment to |
| 745 | build from source is to use Conda. Instructions for setting up |
| 746 | and using Conda can be found at http://trac.sasview.org/wiki/DevNotes/CondaDevSetup |
| 747 | |
| 748 | .. note:: Much more information is available at www.sasview.org under |
| 749 | links/downloads. In particular, look in the 'For Developers' section. |
| 750 | Also have a look at http://trac.sasview.org/ |
| 751 | |
| 752 | System Requirements |
| 753 | ------------------- |
| 754 | * Python version >= 2.5 and < 3.0 should be running on the system |
| 755 | * We currently use Python 2.7 |
| 756 | |
| 757 | Package Dependencies |
| 758 | -------------------- |
| 759 | * Ensure the required dependencies are installed |
| 760 | * For the latest list of dependencies see the appropriate yml file in |
| 761 | the SasView repo at sasview/build_tools/conda/ymls |
| 762 | |
| 763 | Installing from Source |
| 764 | ---------------------- |
| 765 | * Get the source code |
| 766 | * Create a folder to contain the source code; if working with |
| 767 | multiple versions you might want to use versioned folder names |
| 768 | like 'sasview-x.x.x' |
| 769 | * Open a command line window in the source code folder |
| 770 | * To get the CURRENT DEVELOPMENT VERSION from source control use |
| 771 | git clone https://github.com/SasView/sasview.git sasview |
| 772 | git clone https://github.com/Sasview/sasmodels.git sasmodels |
| 773 | git clone https://github.com/bumps/bumps.git bumps |
| 774 | * To get a SPECIFIC RELEASE VERSION from source control go to |
| 775 | https://github.com/SasView/sasview/releases |
| 776 | and download the required zip or tar.gz file. Unzip/untar it |
| 777 | to the source code folder. |
| 778 | |
| 779 | Building and Installing |
| 780 | ----------------------- |
| 781 | * To build the code |
| 782 | use 'python setup.py build' |
| 783 | * To build the documentation |
| 784 | use'python setup.py docs' |
| 785 | |
| 786 | Running SasView |
| 787 | --------------- |
| 788 | * use 'python run.py'; this runs from the source directories, so you |
| 789 | don't have to rebuild every time you make a change, unless you are |
| 790 | changing the C model files. |
| 791 | * if using Conda the above command will also build SasView, but you |
| 792 | must issue 'activate sasview' first. |
| 793 | |
| 794 | |
| 795 | Known Issues |
| 796 | ============ |
| 797 | |
| 798 | A full list of known bugs and feature requests by release version that |
| 799 | users may wish to be aware of can be viewed at http://trac.sasview.org/report/3 |
| 800 | |
| 801 | 4.2.0 - All systems |
| 802 | ------------------- |
| 803 | The refactoring of the plugin model architecture means that some issues |
| 804 | may be encountered if Save Project/Analysis files using plugin models |
| 805 | created in earlier versions of SasView are loaded in version 4.2.0. |
| 806 | |
| 807 | For example: |
| 808 | |
| 809 | * on loading an old project file an error window appears with the error |
| 810 | *This model state has missing or outdated information* or *dictionary changed size during iteration*. |
| 811 | |
| 812 | * if this occurs, try restarting SasView and reloading the project. |
| 813 | |
| 814 | * on loading an old project file all the FitPages and Graphs appear, but |
| 815 | only the SasView default model parameters appear in the FitPages. |
| 816 | |
| 817 | * this has happened because plugin model parameter names have changed. |
| 818 | There are two possible workarounds: |
| 819 | |
| 820 | * Install the version of SasView that the project was created in, |
| 821 | recreate the plugin in that version, then run 4.2.0 and re-load |
| 822 | the project. All being well, 4.2.0 will still compile the old |
| 823 | plugin. |
| 824 | |
| 825 | * If 4.2.0 cannot compile the old plugin, the more tedious solution |
| 826 | is to use a text editor to do global search & replace operations |
| 827 | to change all the parameter names in the project file by hand. The |
| 828 | quickest way to see the *existing* parameter names is simply to |
| 829 | scroll to the bottom of the project file. To see what the *new* |
| 830 | parameter names should be, simply create the equivalent plugin in |
| 831 | SasView 4.2.0. In most instances, what was *p1_parameter* will |
| 832 | become *A_parameter*, *p2_parameter* will become *B_parameter*, |
| 833 | and so on. |
| 834 | |
| 835 | 4.1.x- All systems |
| 836 | ------------------ |
| 837 | The conversion to sasmodels infrastructure is ongoing and should be |
| 838 | completed in the next release. In the meantime this leads to a few known |
| 839 | issues: |
| 840 | |
| 841 | * The way that orientation is defined is being refactored to address |
| 842 | long standing issues and comments. In release 4.1 however only models |
| 843 | with symmetry (e.g. a=b) have been converted to the new definitions. |
| 844 | The rest (a <> b <> c - e.g. parellelepiped) maintain the same |
| 845 | definition as before and will be converted in 4.2. Note that |
| 846 | orientational distribution also makes much more sense in the new |
| 847 | framework. The documentation should indicate which definition is being |
| 848 | used for a given model. |
| 849 | * The infrastructure currently handles internal conversion of old style |
| 850 | models so that user created models in previous versions should continue |
| 851 | to work for now. At some point in the future such support will go away. |
| 852 | Everyone is encouraged to convert to the new structure which should be |
| 853 | relatively straight forward and provides a number of benefits. |
| 854 | * In that vein, the distributed models and those generated by the new |
| 855 | plugin model editor are in the new format, however those generated by |
| 856 | sum|multiply models are the old style sum|multiply models. This should |
| 857 | also disappear in the near future |
| 858 | * The on the fly discovery of plugin models and changes thereto behave |
| 859 | inconsistently. If a change to a plugin model does not seem to |
| 860 | register, the Load Plugin Models (under fitting -> Plugin Model |
| 861 | Operations) can be used. However, after calling Load Plugin Models, the |
| 862 | active plugin will no longer be loaded (even though the GUI looks like |
| 863 | it is) unless it is a sum|multiply model which works properly. All |
| 864 | others will need to be recalled from the model dropdown menu to reload |
| 865 | the model into the calculation engine. While it might be annoying it |
| 866 | does not appear to prevent SasView from working.. |
| 867 | * The model code and documentation review is ongoing. At this time the |
| 868 | core shell parellelepiped is known to have the C shell effectively fixed |
| 869 | at 0 (noted in documentation) while the triaxial ellipsoid does not seem |
| 870 | to reproduce the limit of the oblate or prolate ellipsoid. If errors are |
| 871 | found and corrected, corrected versions will be uploaded to the |
| 872 | marketplace. |
| 873 | * (Added after Release 4.2.0) The scale parameter reported from the spinodal |
| 874 | model is the square root of the true value. |
| 875 | |
| 876 | 3.1- All systems |
| 877 | ---------------- |
| 878 | * The documentation window may take a few seconds to load the first time |
| 879 | it is called. Also, an internet connection is required before |
| 880 | equations will render properly. Until then they will show in their |
| 881 | original TeX format. |
| 882 | * If the documentation window remains stubbornly blank, try installing a |
| 883 | different browser and set that as your default browser. Issues have |
| 884 | been noted with Internet Explorer 11. |
| 885 | * Check for Updates may fail (with the status bar message ' Cannot |
| 886 | connect to the application server') if your internet connection uses |
| 887 | a proxy server. Tested resolutions for this are described on the |
| 888 | website FAQ. |
| 889 | * The copy and paste functions (^C, ^V) in the batch mode results grid |
| 890 | require two clicks: one to select the cell and a second to select the |
| 891 | contents of the cell. |
| 892 | * The tutorial has not yet been updated and is somewhat out of date |
| 893 | * Very old computers may struggle to run the 3.x and later releases |
| 894 | * Polydispersity on multiple parameters included in a simultaneous/ |
| 895 | constrained fit will likely not be correct |
| 896 | * Constrained/simultaneous fit page does not have a stop button |
| 897 | * Constrained/simultaneous fit do not accept min/max limits |
| 898 | * Save project does not store the state of all the windows |
| 899 | * Loading projects can be very slow |
| 900 | * Save Project only works once a data set has been associated with |
| 901 | a model. Error is reported on status bar. |
| 902 | * There is a numerical precision problem with the multishell model when |
| 903 | the inner radius gets large enough (ticket #288) |
| 904 | * The angular distribution angles are not clearly defined and may in |
| 905 | some cases lead to incorrect calculations(ticket #332) |
| 906 | |
| 907 | 3.1 - Windows |
| 908 | ------------- |
| 909 | * If installed to same directory as old version without first removing |
| 910 | the old version, the old desktop icon will remain but point to the |
| 911 | new exe version. Likewise all the start menu folders and items will |
| 912 | have the old name even though pointing to the new version. Usually |
| 913 | safest to uninstall old version prior to installing new version anyway. |
| 914 | |
| 915 | 3.1 - MAC |
| 916 | --------- |
| 917 | * Application normally starts up hidden. Click icon in Dock to view/use |
| 918 | application. |
| 919 | * Multiprocessing does not currently work on MAC OS |
| 920 | |
| 921 | 3.1 - Linux |
| 922 | ----------- |
| 923 | * Not well tested |
| 924 | |
| 925 | |
| 926 | SasView Website |
| 927 | =============== |
| 928 | http://www.sasview.org |
| 929 | |
| 930 | This main project site is the gateway to all information about the sasview |
| 931 | project. It includes information about the project, a FAQ page and links |
| 932 | to all developer and user information, tools and resources. |
| 933 | |
| 934 | |
| 935 | Frequently Asked Questions |
| 936 | ========================== |
| 937 | http://www.sasview.org/faq.html |
| 938 | |
| 939 | |
| 940 | Installer Download Website |
| 941 | ========================== |
| 942 | Latest release Version |
| 943 | https://github.com/SasView/sasview/releases |
| 944 | |
| 945 | Latest developer builds |
| 946 | https://jenkins.esss.dk/sasview/view/Master-Builds/ |