source: sasmodels/sasmodels/ @ c036ddb

Last change on this file since c036ddb was d18d6dd, checked in by Paul Kienzle <pkienzle@…>, 7 years ago

set background to 0 before calculating resolution in direct_model so that multiple scattering calculator doesn't get confused

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2Class interface to the model calculator.
4Calling a model is somewhat non-trivial since the functions called depend
5on the data type.  For 1D data the *Iq* kernel needs to be called, for
62D data the *Iqxy* kernel needs to be called, and for SESANS data the
7*Iq* kernel needs to be called followed by a Hankel transform.  Before
8the kernel is called an appropriate *q* calculation vector needs to be
9constructed.  This is not the simple *q* vector where you have measured
10the data since the resolution calculation will require values beyond the
11range of the measured data.  After the calculation the resolution calculator
12must be called to return the predicted value for each measured data point.
14:class:`DirectModel` is a callable object that takes *parameter=value*
15keyword arguments and returns the appropriate theory values for the data.
17:class:`DataMixin` does the real work of interpreting the data and calling
18the model calculator.  This is used by :class:`DirectModel`, which uses
19direct parameter values and by :class:`bumps_model.Experiment` which wraps
20the parameter values in boxes so that the user can set fitting ranges, etc.
21on the individual parameters and send the model to the Bumps optimizers.
23from __future__ import print_function
25import numpy as np  # type: ignore
27# TODO: fix sesans module
28from . import sesans  # type: ignore
29from . import weights
30from . import resolution
31from . import resolution2d
32from .details import make_kernel_args, dispersion_mesh
34# pylint: disable=unused-import
36    from typing import Optional, Dict, Tuple
37except ImportError:
38    pass
40    from .data import Data
41    from .kernel import Kernel, KernelModel
42    from .modelinfo import Parameter, ParameterSet
43# pylint: enable=unused-import
45def call_kernel(calculator, pars, cutoff=0., mono=False):
46    # type: (Kernel, ParameterSet, float, bool) -> np.ndarray
47    """
48    Call *kernel* returned from *model.make_kernel* with parameters *pars*.
50    *cutoff* is the limiting value for the product of dispersion weights used
51    to perform the multidimensional dispersion calculation more quickly at a
52    slight cost to accuracy. The default value of *cutoff=0* integrates over
53    the entire dispersion cube.  Using *cutoff=1e-5* can be 50% faster, but
54    with an error of about 1%, which is usually less than the measurement
55    uncertainty.
57    *mono* is True if polydispersity should be set to none on all parameters.
58    """
59    mesh = get_mesh(, pars, dim=calculator.dim, mono=mono)
60    #print("pars", list(zip(*mesh))[0])
61    call_details, values, is_magnetic = make_kernel_args(calculator, mesh)
62    #print("values:", values)
63    return calculator(call_details, values, cutoff, is_magnetic)
65def call_ER(model_info, pars):
66    # type: (ModelInfo, ParameterSet) -> float
67    """
68    Call the model ER function using *values*.
70    *model_info* is either ** if you have a loaded model,
71    or ** if you have a model kernel prepared for evaluation.
72    """
73    if model_info.ER is None:
74        return 1.0
75    elif not model_info.parameters.form_volume_parameters:
76        # handle the case where ER is provided but model is not polydisperse
77        return model_info.ER()
78    else:
79        value, weight = _vol_pars(model_info, pars)
80        individual_radii = model_info.ER(*value)
81        return np.sum(weight*individual_radii) / np.sum(weight)
84def call_VR(model_info, pars):
85    # type: (ModelInfo, ParameterSet) -> float
86    """
87    Call the model VR function using *pars*.
89    *model_info* is either ** if you have a loaded model,
90    or ** if you have a model kernel prepared for evaluation.
91    """
92    if model_info.VR is None:
93        return 1.0
94    elif not model_info.parameters.form_volume_parameters:
95        # handle the case where ER is provided but model is not polydisperse
96        return model_info.VR()
97    else:
98        value, weight = _vol_pars(model_info, pars)
99        whole, part = model_info.VR(*value)
100        return np.sum(weight*part)/np.sum(weight*whole)
103def call_profile(model_info, **pars):
104    # type: (ModelInfo, ...) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, Tuple[str, str]]
105    """
106    Returns the profile *x, y, (xlabel, ylabel)* representing the model.
107    """
108    args = {}
109    for p in model_info.parameters.kernel_parameters:
110        if p.length > 1:
111            value = np.array([pars.get(, p.default)
112                              for j in range(1, p.length+1)])
113        else:
114            value = pars.get(, p.default)
115        args[] = value
116    x, y = model_info.profile(**args)
117    return x, y, model_info.profile_axes
119def get_mesh(model_info, values, dim='1d', mono=False):
120    # type: (ModelInfo, Dict[str, float], str, bool) -> List[Tuple[float, np.ndarray, np.ndarry]]
121    """
122    Retrieve the dispersity mesh described by the parameter set.
124    Returns a list of *(value, dispersity, weights)* with one tuple for each
125    parameter in the model call parameters.  Inactive parameters return the
126    default value with a weight of 1.0.
127    """
128    parameters = model_info.parameters
129    if mono:
130        active = lambda name: False
131    elif dim == '1d':
132        active = lambda name: name in parameters.pd_1d
133    elif dim == '2d':
134        active = lambda name: name in parameters.pd_2d
135    else:
136        active = lambda name: True
138    #print("pars",[ for p in parameters.call_parameters])
139    mesh = [_get_par_weights(p, values, active(
140            for p in parameters.call_parameters]
141    return mesh
144def _get_par_weights(parameter, values, active=True):
145    # type: (Parameter, Dict[str, float]) -> Tuple[float, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]
146    """
147    Generate the distribution for parameter *name* given the parameter values
148    in *pars*.
150    Uses "name", "name_pd", "name_pd_type", "name_pd_n", "name_pd_sigma"
151    from the *pars* dictionary for parameter value and parameter dispersion.
152    """
153    value = float(values.get(, parameter.default))
154    npts = values.get('_pd_n', 0)
155    width = values.get('_pd', 0.0)
156    relative = parameter.relative_pd
157    if npts == 0 or width == 0.0 or not active:
158        # Note: orientation parameters have the viewing angle as the parameter
159        # value and the jitter in the distribution, so be sure to set the
160        # empty pd for orientation parameters to 0.
161        pd = [value if relative or not parameter.polydisperse else 0.0], [1.0]
162    else:
163        limits = parameter.limits
164        disperser = values.get('_pd_type', 'gaussian')
165        nsigma = values.get('_pd_nsigma', 3.0)
166        pd = weights.get_weights(disperser, npts, width, nsigma,
167                                 value, limits, relative)
168    return value, pd[0], pd[1]
171def _vol_pars(model_info, values):
172    # type: (ModelInfo, ParameterSet) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]
173    vol_pars = [_get_par_weights(p, values)
174                for p in model_info.parameters.call_parameters
175                if p.type == 'volume']
176    #import pylab; pylab.plot(vol_pars[0][0],vol_pars[0][1]);
177    dispersity, weight = dispersion_mesh(model_info, vol_pars)
178    return dispersity, weight
181def _make_sesans_transform(data):
182    from sas.sascalc.data_util.nxsunit import Converter
184    # Pre-compute the Hankel matrix (H)
185    SElength = Converter(data._xunit)(data.x, "A")
187    theta_max = Converter("radians")(data.sample.zacceptance)[0]
188    q_max = 2 * np.pi / np.max(data.source.wavelength) * np.sin(theta_max)
189    zaccept = Converter("1/A")(q_max, "1/" + data.source.wavelength_unit),
191    Rmax = 10000000
192    hankel = sesans.SesansTransform(data.x, SElength,
193                                    data.source.wavelength,
194                                    zaccept, Rmax)
195    return hankel
198class DataMixin(object):
199    """
200    DataMixin captures the common aspects of evaluating a SAS model for a
201    particular data set, including calculating Iq and evaluating the
202    resolution function.  It is used in particular by :class:`DirectModel`,
203    which evaluates a SAS model parameters as key word arguments to the
204    calculator method, and by :class:`bumps_model.Experiment`, which wraps the
205    model and data for use with the Bumps fitting engine.  It is not
206    currently used by :class:`sasview_model.SasviewModel` since this will
207    require a number of changes to SasView before we can do it.
209    :meth:`_interpret_data` initializes the data structures necessary
210    to manage the calculations.  This sets attributes in the child class
211    such as *data_type* and *resolution*.
213    :meth:`_calc_theory` evaluates the model at the given control values.
215    :meth:`_set_data` sets the intensity data in the data object,
216    possibly with random noise added.  This is useful for simulating a
217    dataset with the results from :meth:`_calc_theory`.
218    """
219    def _interpret_data(self, data, model):
220        # type: (Data, KernelModel) -> None
221        # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
223        self._data = data
224        self._model = model
226        # interpret data
227        if hasattr(data, 'isSesans') and data.isSesans:
228            self.data_type = 'sesans'
229        elif hasattr(data, 'qx_data'):
230            self.data_type = 'Iqxy'
231        elif getattr(data, 'oriented', False):
232            self.data_type = 'Iq-oriented'
233        else:
234            self.data_type = 'Iq'
236        if self.data_type == 'sesans':
237            res = _make_sesans_transform(data)
238            index = slice(None, None)
239            if data.y is not None:
240                Iq, dIq = data.y, data.dy
241            else:
242                Iq, dIq = None, None
243            #self._theory = np.zeros_like(q)
244            q_vectors = [res.q_calc]
245        elif self.data_type == 'Iqxy':
246            #if not
247            #    raise ValueError("not 2D without orientation or magnetic parameters")
248            q = np.sqrt(data.qx_data**2 + data.qy_data**2)
249            qmin = getattr(data, 'qmin', 1e-16)
250            qmax = getattr(data, 'qmax', np.inf)
251            accuracy = getattr(data, 'accuracy', 'Low')
252            index = ~data.mask & (q >= qmin) & (q <= qmax)
253            if is not None:
254                index &= ~np.isnan(
255                Iq =[index]
256                dIq = data.err_data[index]
257            else:
258                Iq, dIq = None, None
259            res = resolution2d.Pinhole2D(data=data, index=index,
260                                         nsigma=3.0, accuracy=accuracy)
261            #self._theory = np.zeros_like(self.Iq)
262            q_vectors = res.q_calc
263        elif self.data_type == 'Iq':
264            index = (data.x >= data.qmin) & (data.x <= data.qmax)
265            if data.y is not None:
266                index &= ~np.isnan(data.y)
267                Iq = data.y[index]
268                dIq = data.dy[index]
269            else:
270                Iq, dIq = None, None
271            if getattr(data, 'dx', None) is not None:
272                q, dq = data.x[index], data.dx[index]
273                if (dq > 0).any():
274                    res = resolution.Pinhole1D(q, dq)
275                else:
276                    res = resolution.Perfect1D(q)
277            elif (getattr(data, 'dxl', None) is not None
278                  and getattr(data, 'dxw', None) is not None):
279                res = resolution.Slit1D(data.x[index],
280                                        qx_width=data.dxl[index],
281                                        qy_width=data.dxw[index])
282            else:
283                res = resolution.Perfect1D(data.x[index])
285            #self._theory = np.zeros_like(self.Iq)
286            q_vectors = [res.q_calc]
287        elif self.data_type == 'Iq-oriented':
288            index = (data.x >= data.qmin) & (data.x <= data.qmax)
289            if data.y is not None:
290                index &= ~np.isnan(data.y)
291                Iq = data.y[index]
292                dIq = data.dy[index]
293            else:
294                Iq, dIq = None, None
295            if (getattr(data, 'dxl', None) is None
296                    or getattr(data, 'dxw', None) is None):
297                raise ValueError("oriented sample with 1D data needs slit resolution")
299            res = resolution2d.Slit2D(data.x[index],
300                                      qx_width=data.dxw[index],
301                                      qy_width=data.dxl[index])
302            q_vectors = res.q_calc
303        else:
304            raise ValueError("Unknown data type") # never gets here
306        # Remember function inputs so we can delay loading the function and
307        # so we can save/restore state
308        self._kernel_inputs = q_vectors
309        self._kernel = None
310        self.Iq, self.dIq, self.index = Iq, dIq, index
311        self.resolution = res
313    def _set_data(self, Iq, noise=None):
314        # type: (np.ndarray, Optional[float]) -> None
315        # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
316        if noise is not None:
317            self.dIq = Iq*noise*0.01
318        dy = self.dIq
319        y = Iq + np.random.randn(*dy.shape) * dy
320        self.Iq = y
321        if self.data_type in ('Iq', 'Iq-oriented'):
322            if self._data.y is None:
323                self._data.y = np.empty(len(self._data.x), 'd')
324            if self._data.dy is None:
325                self._data.dy = np.empty(len(self._data.x), 'd')
326            self._data.dy[self.index] = dy
327            self._data.y[self.index] = y
328        elif self.data_type == 'Iqxy':
329            if is None:
330       = np.empty_like(self._data.qx_data, 'd')
331            if self._data.err_data is None:
332                self._data.err_data = np.empty_like(self._data.qx_data, 'd')
333  [self.index] = y
334            self._data.err_data[self.index] = dy
335        elif self.data_type == 'sesans':
336            if self._data.y is None:
337                self._data.y = np.empty(len(self._data.x), 'd')
338            self._data.y[self.index] = y
339        else:
340            raise ValueError("Unknown model")
342    def _calc_theory(self, pars, cutoff=0.0):
343        # type: (ParameterSet, float) -> np.ndarray
344        if self._kernel is None:
345            self._kernel = self._model.make_kernel(self._kernel_inputs)
347        # Need to pull background out of resolution for multiple scattering
348        background = pars.get('background', 0.)
349        pars = pars.copy()
350        pars['background'] = 0.
352        Iq_calc = call_kernel(self._kernel, pars, cutoff=cutoff)
353        # Storing the calculated Iq values so that they can be plotted.
354        # Only applies to oriented USANS data for now.
355        # TODO: extend plotting of calculate Iq to other measurement types
356        # TODO: refactor so we don't store the result in the model
357        self.Iq_calc = Iq_calc
358        result = self.resolution.apply(Iq_calc)
359        if hasattr(self.resolution, 'nx'):
360            self.Iq_calc = (
361                self.resolution.qx_calc, self.resolution.qy_calc,
362                np.reshape(Iq_calc, (self.resolution.ny, self.resolution.nx))
363            )
364        return result + background
367class DirectModel(DataMixin):
368    """
369    Create a calculator object for a model.
371    *data* is 1D SAS, 2D SAS or SESANS data
373    *model* is a model calculator return from :func:`generate.load_model`
375    *cutoff* is the polydispersity weight cutoff.
376    """
377    def __init__(self, data, model, cutoff=1e-5):
378        # type: (Data, KernelModel, float) -> None
379        self.model = model
380        self.cutoff = cutoff
381        # Note: _interpret_data defines the model attributes
382        self._interpret_data(data, model)
384    def __call__(self, **pars):
385        # type: (**float) -> np.ndarray
386        return self._calc_theory(pars, cutoff=self.cutoff)
388    def simulate_data(self, noise=None, **pars):
389        # type: (Optional[float], **float) -> None
390        """
391        Generate simulated data for the model.
392        """
393        Iq = self.__call__(**pars)
394        self._set_data(Iq, noise=noise)
396    def profile(self, **pars):
397        # type: (**float) -> None
398        """
399        Generate a plottable profile.
400        """
401        return call_profile(, **pars)
403def main():
404    # type: () -> None
405    """
406    Program to evaluate a particular model at a set of q values.
407    """
408    import sys
409    from .data import empty_data1D, empty_data2D
410    from .core import load_model_info, build_model
412    if len(sys.argv) < 3:
413        print("usage: python -m sasmodels.direct_model modelname (q|qx,qy) par=val ...")
414        sys.exit(1)
415    model_name = sys.argv[1]
416    call = sys.argv[2].upper()
417    if call != "ER_VR":
418        try:
419            values = [float(v) for v in call.split(',')]
420        except ValueError:
421            values = []
422        if len(values) == 1:
423            q, = values
424            data = empty_data1D([q])
425        elif len(values) == 2:
426            qx, qy = values
427            data = empty_data2D([qx], [qy])
428        else:
429            print("use q or qx,qy or ER or VR")
430            sys.exit(1)
431    else:
432        data = empty_data1D([0.001])  # Data not used in ER/VR
434    model_info = load_model_info(model_name)
435    model = build_model(model_info)
436    calculator = DirectModel(data, model)
437    pars = dict((k, (float(v) if not k.endswith("_pd_type") else v))
438                for pair in sys.argv[3:]
439                for k, v in [pair.split('=')])
440    if call == "ER_VR":
441        ER = call_ER(model_info, pars)
442        VR = call_VR(model_info, pars)
443        print(ER, VR)
444    else:
445        Iq = calculator(**pars)
446        print(Iq[0])
448if __name__ == "__main__":
449    main()
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