1 | #!/usr/bin/env python |
2 | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- |
3 | |
4 | import sys |
5 | import math |
6 | from os.path import basename, dirname, join as joinpath |
7 | import glob |
8 | |
9 | import numpy as np |
10 | |
11 | ROOT = dirname(__file__) |
12 | sys.path.insert(0, ROOT) # Make sure sasmodels is first on the path |
13 | |
14 | |
15 | from sasmodels.bumps_model import Model, Experiment, plot_theory, tic |
16 | from sasmodels import core |
17 | from sasmodels import kerneldll |
18 | from sasmodels.convert import revert_model |
19 | kerneldll.ALLOW_SINGLE_PRECISION_DLLS = True |
20 | |
21 | # List of available models |
22 | MODELS = [basename(f)[:-3] |
23 | for f in sorted(glob.glob(joinpath(ROOT,"sasmodels","models","[a-zA-Z]*.py")))] |
24 | |
25 | |
26 | def sasview_model(model_definition, **pars): |
27 | """ |
28 | Load a sasview model given the model name. |
29 | """ |
30 | # convert model parameters from sasmodel form to sasview form |
31 | #print "old",sorted(pars.items()) |
32 | modelname, pars = revert_model(model_definition, pars) |
33 | #print "new",sorted(pars.items()) |
34 | sas = __import__('sas.models.'+modelname) |
35 | ModelClass = getattr(getattr(sas.models,modelname,None),modelname,None) |
36 | if ModelClass is None: |
37 | raise ValueError("could not find model %r in sas.models"%modelname) |
38 | model = ModelClass() |
39 | |
40 | for k,v in pars.items(): |
41 | if k.endswith("_pd"): |
42 | model.dispersion[k[:-3]]['width'] = v |
43 | elif k.endswith("_pd_n"): |
44 | model.dispersion[k[:-5]]['npts'] = v |
45 | elif k.endswith("_pd_nsigma"): |
46 | model.dispersion[k[:-10]]['nsigmas'] = v |
47 | elif k.endswith("_pd_type"): |
48 | model.dispersion[k[:-8]]['type'] = v |
49 | else: |
50 | model.setParam(k, v) |
51 | return model |
52 | |
53 | def randomize(p, v): |
54 | """ |
55 | Randomizing parameter. |
56 | |
57 | Guess the parameter type from name. |
58 | """ |
59 | if any(p.endswith(s) for s in ('_pd_n','_pd_nsigma','_pd_type')): |
60 | return v |
61 | elif any(s in p for s in ('theta','phi','psi')): |
62 | # orientation in [-180,180], orientation pd in [0,45] |
63 | if p.endswith('_pd'): |
64 | return 45*np.random.rand() |
65 | else: |
66 | return 360*np.random.rand() - 180 |
67 | elif 'sld' in p: |
68 | # sld in in [-0.5,10] |
69 | return 10.5*np.random.rand() - 0.5 |
70 | elif p.endswith('_pd'): |
71 | # length pd in [0,1] |
72 | return np.random.rand() |
73 | else: |
74 | # values from 0 to 2*x for all other parameters |
75 | return 2*np.random.rand()*(v if v != 0 else 1) |
76 | |
77 | def randomize_model(name, pars, seed=None): |
78 | if seed is None: |
79 | seed = np.random.randint(1e9) |
80 | np.random.seed(seed) |
81 | # Note: the sort guarantees order of calls to random number generator |
82 | pars = dict((p,randomize(p,v)) for p,v in sorted(pars.items())) |
83 | # The capped cylinder model has a constraint on its parameters |
84 | if name == 'capped_cylinder' and pars['cap_radius'] < pars['radius']: |
85 | pars['radius'],pars['cap_radius'] = pars['cap_radius'],pars['radius'] |
86 | return pars, seed |
87 | |
88 | def parlist(pars): |
89 | return "\n".join("%s: %s"%(p,v) for p,v in sorted(pars.items())) |
90 | |
91 | def suppress_pd(pars): |
92 | """ |
93 | Suppress theta_pd for now until the normalization is resolved. |
94 | |
95 | May also suppress complete polydispersity of the model to test |
96 | models more quickly. |
97 | """ |
98 | for p in pars: |
99 | if p.endswith("_pd"): pars[p] = 0 |
100 | |
101 | def eval_sasview(name, pars, data, Nevals=1): |
102 | from sas.models.qsmearing import smear_selection |
103 | model = sasview_model(name, **pars) |
104 | smearer = smear_selection(data, model=model) |
105 | value = None # silence the linter |
106 | toc = tic() |
107 | for _ in range(max(Nevals, 1)): # make sure there is at least one eval |
108 | if hasattr(data, 'qx_data'): |
109 | q = np.sqrt(data.qx_data**2 + data.qy_data**2) |
110 | index = ((~data.mask) & (~np.isnan(data.data)) |
111 | & (q >= data.qmin) & (q <= data.qmax)) |
112 | if smearer is not None: |
113 | smearer.model = model # because smear_selection has a bug |
114 | smearer.accuracy = data.accuracy |
115 | smearer.set_index(index) |
116 | value = smearer.get_value() |
117 | else: |
118 | value = model.evalDistribution([data.qx_data[index], data.qy_data[index]]) |
119 | else: |
120 | value = model.evalDistribution(data.x) |
121 | if smearer is not None: |
122 | value = smearer(value) |
123 | average_time = toc()*1000./Nevals |
124 | return value, average_time |
125 | |
126 | def eval_opencl(model_definition, pars, data, dtype='single', Nevals=1, cutoff=0.): |
127 | try: |
128 | model = core.load_model(model_definition, dtype=dtype, platform="ocl") |
129 | except Exception,exc: |
130 | print exc |
131 | print "... trying again with single precision" |
132 | model = core.load_model(model_definition, dtype='single', platform="ocl") |
133 | problem = Experiment(data, Model(model, **pars), cutoff=cutoff) |
134 | value = None # silence the linter |
135 | toc = tic() |
136 | for _ in range(max(Nevals, 1)): # force at least one eval |
137 | #pars['scale'] = np.random.rand() |
138 | problem.update() |
139 | value = problem.theory() |
140 | average_time = toc()*1000./Nevals |
141 | return value, average_time |
142 | |
143 | def eval_ctypes(model_definition, pars, data, dtype='double', Nevals=1, cutoff=0.): |
144 | model = core.load_model(model_definition, dtype=dtype, platform="dll") |
145 | problem = Experiment(data, Model(model, **pars), cutoff=cutoff) |
146 | value = None # silence the linter |
147 | toc = tic() |
148 | for _ in range(max(Nevals, 1)): # force at least one eval |
149 | problem.update() |
150 | value = problem.theory() |
151 | average_time = toc()*1000./Nevals |
152 | return value, average_time |
153 | |
154 | def make_data(qmax, is2D, Nq=128, resolution=0.0, accuracy='Low', view='log'): |
155 | if is2D: |
156 | from sasmodels.bumps_model import empty_data2D, set_beam_stop |
157 | data = empty_data2D(np.linspace(-qmax, qmax, Nq), resolution=resolution) |
158 | data.accuracy = accuracy |
159 | set_beam_stop(data, 0.004) |
160 | index = ~data.mask |
161 | else: |
162 | from sasmodels.bumps_model import empty_data1D |
163 | if view == 'log': |
164 | qmax = math.log10(qmax) |
165 | q = np.logspace(qmax-3, qmax, Nq) |
166 | else: |
167 | q = np.linspace(0.001*qmax, qmax, Nq) |
168 | data = empty_data1D(q, resolution=resolution) |
169 | index = slice(None, None) |
170 | return data, index |
171 | |
172 | def compare(name, pars, Ncpu, Nocl, opts, set_pars): |
173 | view = 'linear' if '-linear' in opts else 'log' if '-log' in opts else 'q4' if '-q4' in opts else 'log' |
174 | |
175 | opt_values = dict(split |
176 | for s in opts for split in ((s.split('='),)) |
177 | if len(split) == 2) |
178 | # Sort out data |
179 | qmax = 10.0 if '-exq' in opts else 1.0 if '-highq' in opts else 0.2 if '-midq' in opts else 0.05 |
180 | Nq = int(opt_values.get('-Nq', '128')) |
181 | res = float(opt_values.get('-res', '0')) |
182 | accuracy = opt_values.get('-accuracy', 'Low') |
183 | is2D = not "-1d" in opts |
184 | data, index = make_data(qmax, is2D, Nq, res, accuracy, view=view) |
185 | |
186 | |
187 | # modelling accuracy is determined by dtype and cutoff |
188 | dtype = 'double' if '-double' in opts else 'single' |
189 | cutoff = float(opt_values.get('-cutoff','1e-5')) |
190 | |
191 | # randomize parameters |
192 | pars.update(set_pars) |
193 | if '-random' in opts or '-random' in opt_values: |
194 | seed = int(opt_values['-random']) if '-random' in opt_values else None |
195 | pars, seed = randomize_model(name, pars, seed=seed) |
196 | print "Randomize using -random=%i"%seed |
197 | |
198 | # parameter selection |
199 | if '-mono' in opts: |
200 | suppress_pd(pars) |
201 | if '-pars' in opts: |
202 | print "pars",parlist(pars) |
203 | |
204 | model_definition = core.load_model_definition(name) |
205 | # OpenCl calculation |
206 | if Nocl > 0: |
207 | ocl, ocl_time = eval_opencl(model_definition, pars, data, |
208 | dtype=dtype, cutoff=cutoff, Nevals=Nocl) |
209 | print "opencl t=%.1f ms, intensity=%.0f"%(ocl_time, sum(ocl)) |
210 | #print max(ocl), min(ocl) |
211 | |
212 | # ctypes/sasview calculation |
213 | if Ncpu > 0 and "-ctypes" in opts: |
214 | cpu, cpu_time = eval_ctypes(model_definition, pars, data, |
215 | dtype=dtype, cutoff=cutoff, Nevals=Ncpu) |
216 | comp = "ctypes" |
217 | print "ctypes t=%.1f ms, intensity=%.0f"%(cpu_time, sum(cpu)) |
218 | elif Ncpu > 0: |
219 | cpu, cpu_time = eval_sasview(model_definition, pars, data, Ncpu) |
220 | comp = "sasview" |
221 | print "sasview t=%.1f ms, intensity=%.0f"%(cpu_time, sum(cpu)) |
222 | |
223 | # Compare, but only if computing both forms |
224 | if Nocl > 0 and Ncpu > 0: |
225 | #print "speedup %.2g"%(cpu_time/ocl_time) |
226 | #print "max |ocl/cpu|", max(abs(ocl/cpu)), "%.15g"%max(abs(ocl)), "%.15g"%max(abs(cpu)) |
227 | #cpu *= max(ocl/cpu) |
228 | resid = (ocl - cpu) |
229 | relerr = resid/cpu |
230 | #bad = (relerr>1e-4) |
231 | #print relerr[bad],cpu[bad],ocl[bad],data.qx_data[bad],data.qy_data[bad] |
232 | _print_stats("|ocl-%s|"%comp+(" "*(3+len(comp))), resid) |
233 | _print_stats("|(ocl-%s)/%s|"%(comp,comp), relerr) |
234 | |
235 | # Plot if requested |
236 | if '-noplot' in opts: return |
237 | import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
238 | if Ncpu > 0: |
239 | if Nocl > 0: plt.subplot(131) |
240 | plot_theory(data, cpu, view=view) |
241 | plt.title("%s t=%.1f ms"%(comp,cpu_time)) |
242 | cbar_title = "log I" |
243 | if Nocl > 0: |
244 | if Ncpu > 0: plt.subplot(132) |
245 | plot_theory(data, ocl, view=view) |
246 | plt.title("opencl t=%.1f ms"%ocl_time) |
247 | cbar_title = "log I" |
248 | if Ncpu > 0 and Nocl > 0: |
249 | plt.subplot(133) |
250 | if '-abs' in opts: |
251 | err,errstr,errview = resid, "abs err", "linear" |
252 | else: |
253 | err,errstr,errview = abs(relerr), "rel err", "log" |
254 | #err,errstr = ocl/cpu,"ratio" |
255 | plot_theory(data, err, view=errview) |
256 | plt.title("max %s = %.3g"%(errstr, max(abs(err)))) |
257 | cbar_title = errstr if errview=="linear" else "log "+errstr |
258 | if is2D: |
259 | h = plt.colorbar() |
260 | h.ax.set_title(cbar_title) |
261 | |
262 | if Ncpu > 0 and Nocl > 0 and '-hist' in opts: |
263 | plt.figure() |
264 | v = relerr |
265 | v[v==0] = 0.5*np.min(np.abs(v[v!=0])) |
266 | plt.hist(np.log10(np.abs(v)), normed=1, bins=50); |
267 | plt.xlabel('log10(err), err = | F(q) single - F(q) double| / | F(q) double |'); |
268 | plt.ylabel('P(err)') |
269 | plt.title('Comparison of single and double precision models for %s'%name) |
270 | |
271 | plt.show() |
272 | |
273 | def _print_stats(label, err): |
274 | sorted_err = np.sort(abs(err)) |
275 | p50 = int((len(err)-1)*0.50) |
276 | p98 = int((len(err)-1)*0.98) |
277 | data = [ |
278 | "max:%.3e"%sorted_err[-1], |
279 | "median:%.3e"%sorted_err[p50], |
280 | "98%%:%.3e"%sorted_err[p98], |
281 | "rms:%.3e"%np.sqrt(np.mean(err**2)), |
282 | "zero-offset:%+.3e"%np.mean(err), |
283 | ] |
284 | print label," ".join(data) |
285 | |
286 | |
287 | |
288 | # =========================================================================== |
289 | # |
290 | USAGE=""" |
291 | usage: compare.py model [Nopencl] [Nsasview] [options...] [key=val] |
292 | |
293 | Compare the speed and value for a model between the SasView original and the |
294 | OpenCL rewrite. |
295 | |
296 | model is the name of the model to compare (see below). |
297 | Nopencl is the number of times to run the OpenCL model (default=5) |
298 | Nsasview is the number of times to run the Sasview model (default=1) |
299 | |
300 | Options (* for default): |
301 | |
302 | -plot*/-noplot plots or suppress the plot of the model |
303 | -single*/-double uses double precision for comparison |
304 | -lowq*/-midq/-highq/-exq use q values up to 0.05, 0.2, 1.0, 10.0 |
305 | -Nq=128 sets the number of Q points in the data set |
306 | -1d/-2d* computes 1d or 2d data |
307 | -preset*/-random[=seed] preset or random parameters |
308 | -mono/-poly* force monodisperse/polydisperse |
309 | -ctypes/-sasview* whether cpu is tested using sasview or ctypes |
310 | -cutoff=1e-5* cutoff value for including a point in polydispersity |
311 | -pars/-nopars* prints the parameter set or not |
312 | -abs/-rel* plot relative or absolute error |
313 | -linear/-log/-q4 intensity scaling |
314 | -hist/-nohist* plot histogram of relative error |
315 | -res=0 sets the resolution width dQ/Q if calculating with resolution |
316 | -accuracy=Low resolution accuracy Low, Mid, High, Xhigh |
317 | |
318 | Key=value pairs allow you to set specific values to any of the model |
319 | parameters. |
320 | |
321 | Available models: |
322 | |
323 | %s |
324 | """ |
325 | |
326 | NAME_OPTIONS = set([ |
327 | 'plot','noplot', |
328 | 'single','double', |
329 | 'lowq','midq','highq','exq', |
330 | '2d','1d', |
331 | 'preset','random', |
332 | 'poly','mono', |
333 | 'sasview','ctypes', |
334 | 'nopars','pars', |
335 | 'rel','abs', |
336 | 'linear', 'log', 'q4', |
337 | 'hist','nohist', |
338 | ]) |
339 | VALUE_OPTIONS = [ |
340 | # Note: random is both a name option and a value option |
341 | 'cutoff', 'random', 'Nq', 'res', 'accuracy', |
342 | ] |
343 | |
344 | def get_demo_pars(name): |
345 | import sasmodels.models |
346 | __import__('sasmodels.models.'+name) |
347 | model = getattr(sasmodels.models, name) |
348 | pars = getattr(model, 'demo', None) |
349 | if pars is None: pars = dict((p[0],p[2]) for p in model.parameters) |
350 | return pars |
351 | |
352 | def main(): |
353 | opts = [arg for arg in sys.argv[1:] if arg.startswith('-')] |
354 | args = [arg for arg in sys.argv[1:] if not arg.startswith('-')] |
355 | models = "\n ".join("%-15s"%v for v in MODELS) |
356 | if len(args) == 0: |
357 | print(USAGE%models) |
358 | sys.exit(1) |
359 | if args[0] not in MODELS: |
360 | print "Model %r not available. Use one of:\n %s"%(args[0],models) |
361 | sys.exit(1) |
362 | |
363 | invalid = [o[1:] for o in opts |
364 | if o[1:] not in NAME_OPTIONS |
365 | and not any(o.startswith('-%s='%t) for t in VALUE_OPTIONS)] |
366 | if invalid: |
367 | print "Invalid options: %s"%(", ".join(invalid)) |
368 | sys.exit(1) |
369 | |
370 | # Get demo parameters from model definition, or use default parameters |
371 | # if model does not define demo parameters |
372 | name = args[0] |
373 | pars = get_demo_pars(name) |
374 | |
375 | Nopencl = int(args[1]) if len(args) > 1 else 5 |
376 | Nsasview = int(args[2]) if len(args) > 2 else 1 |
377 | |
378 | # Fill in default polydispersity parameters |
379 | pds = set(p.split('_pd')[0] for p in pars if p.endswith('_pd')) |
380 | for p in pds: |
381 | if p+"_pd_nsigma" not in pars: pars[p+"_pd_nsigma"] = 3 |
382 | if p+"_pd_type" not in pars: pars[p+"_pd_type"] = "gaussian" |
383 | |
384 | # Fill in parameters given on the command line |
385 | set_pars = {} |
386 | for arg in args[3:]: |
387 | k,v = arg.split('=') |
388 | if k not in pars: |
389 | # extract base name without distribution |
390 | s = set(p.split('_pd')[0] for p in pars) |
391 | print "%r invalid; parameters are: %s"%(k,", ".join(sorted(s))) |
392 | sys.exit(1) |
393 | set_pars[k] = float(v) if not v.endswith('type') else v |
394 | |
395 | compare(name, pars, Nsasview, Nopencl, opts, set_pars) |
396 | |
397 | if __name__ == "__main__": |
398 | main() |