= Developer Setup for Windows (64-bit) = Make sure to download 64 bit packages! == Install MS Visual C Redistributable == Install MSVC++ for Python from [https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=44266] == Install Anaconda == Install Anaconda 64-bit Python 2.7 from [https://www.continuum.io/downloads] == Get !SasView == Install Git from [https://git-scm.com/download/win] {{{ git clone https://github.com/SasView/sasview.git git clone https://github.com/SasView/sasmodels.git }}} == Install Package Dependencies == {{{ conda install numpy scipy wxpython matplotlib pil lxml pillow pylint pyparsing sphinx reportlab pytest cffi decorator py pip install pyopencl xmlrunner unittest-xml-reporting xhtml2pdf html5lib pip install tinycc }}} The sphinx, bumps and periodictable Anaconda packages are not up to date. To install the latest versions, use pip as below: {{{ pip install sphinx==1.3.6 pip install bumps== pip install periodictable==1.3.0 }}} Notes: * If attempting to upgrade older versions of bumps and/or periodictable, first ''uninstall'' any versions already installed. {{{ pip uninstall bumps pip uninstall periodictable }}} You ''may'' need to issue these commands more than once to ensure that all previous versions are cleaned out. * The above does not install the latex environment needed to build PDF docs. * To build the windows installer you also need innosetup and py2exe. == Build !SasView == {{{ cd sasview python setup.py build }}} == Try the Build! == {{{ python run.py }}} == Building the Help Docs == The process for building the help docs has been steadily evolving. The latest instructions might be found [http://trac.sasview.org/wiki/BuildDocs here]