= Official Build Machine Links = * [http://build.sasview.org/ Ubuntu and Windows builds] at UTK * [http://download.mantidproject.org/jenkins/view/All/job/sasview_snowleopard_32bit Mac OSX - snowleopard build] at ISIS = SansView Mac Build = The SansView dependencies currently installed on our OS X 10.6 build machine can be found on our [wiki:MacBuildDependencies Mac build dependencies] page. A detailed description of the Mac build process can be found here: [wiki:MacBuild Mac Build] = SansView Windows Build = The SansView dependencies currently installed on our Windows build machine can be found on our [wiki:WinBuildDependencies Windows build dependencies] page. A detailed description of the Windows build process can be found here: [wiki:WinBuild Win Build] Also a step by step description of building and setup a development environment can be found by going to http://danse.chem.utk.edu/daily_dev.html and on that page click on "Howto Add C Model" = The Developer's Corner = Memos, tools, "How to" tutorials, and other resources for developers can be found on these [wiki:DevNotes Developer Notes] pages = Code Camps = * Code Camp-I was held at NIST, 3-7 April 2013 * [wiki:CodeCampII Code Camp-II] was 30 March - 6th April 2014. See [wiki:CampIIProposal here] for details of how to register.