== Package Licenses == - Python - PSF [https://docs.python.org/2/license.html] - wxPython (wxWidgets, wxWindows) - L-GPL with exception that user can do whatever on redistribute [http://www.wxwidgets.org/about/licence/] - matplot lib “uses BSD compatible code, and its license is based on the PSF license” - !SciPy - Free to do as we like as long as copyright is included [http://www.scipy.org/scipylib/license.html] - lxml - BSD - !NumPy - Free to do as we like as long as copyright is included [http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/license.html] - perodictables - Public Domain - !PyParsing - MIT license - Pisa - Apache License 2.0 see [http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html] - html5lib - Free to do as we like as long as copyright is included [https://github.com/html5lib/html5lib-python/blob/master/LICENSE] - reportlab - BSD - PIL - Python (MIT style) - setuptools - PSF or ZPL (Zope PL) - cansas schemas - Argonne license = free to use as we wish, must keep copyright notice (in dataloader/readers/schema/) - numerical ... - Henrik Vestermark License [http://hvks.com] - free for non-commercial use (used in models/c_extension/libigor/2Y_cpoly.cpp) - vcredist_x86: Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 redistributable - Free to package in deployment - Py2Exe - MIT style but no dlls are being packaged so not relevant - Py2App - PSF or MIT but probably not relevant since are not distributing any of its code (only code byte code from our code) == Licenses in sasview code == - Source Forge site: BSD - setup.py = PSF (Python Softwre Foundation) - data_utils/odict.py = BSD - DANSE stuff - Check on Caltech vs UTK license [http://danse.us/trac/all/wiki/license] - is there a UTK License? - Add at beginning the DMR and use of danse code (see danse license above)