= Easy Developer Setup Using Anaconda = == Step 1 - Install Anaconda == Download the latest '''64-Bit''' Python '''2.7''' Installer from http://continuum.io/downloads and run it. * The recommended destination folder is as good as any. If you deviate from this then it's probably worthwhile to make sure the path is short and contains no spaces. * At the Advanced Options screen, you need to consider whether or not you want to make Anaconda your default version of Python. Developers who do not work on multiple Python projects can just accept the defaults here. == Step 2 - Download !SasView and sasmodels from github == If you don't have installed go GIT section for instructions, otherwise simply run {{{ git clone https://github.com/SasView/sasview.git sasview git clone https://github.com/SasView/sasmodels.git sasmodels }}} == Step 3 - Install dependencies using yml files == Go to folder: {{{ sasview/build_tools/conda/ymls }}} and create conda enviroment using yml specific for your platform {{{ #Windows conda env create -f sasview-env-build_win.yml #Mac OSX conda env create -f sasview-env-build_osx.yml #Linux conda env create -f sasview-env-build_linux.yml }}} == Step 4 - activate conda enviroment == {{{ #Windows activate sasview #Mac OSX and Linux source activate sasview }}} == Step 4 - run !SasView == You should be ready to go now go to sasview directory and run {{{ #Windows python run.py #Mac OSX and Linux pythonw run.py }}} == Step 6 - Install Git (Optional) == === Git === Install Git for your platform by following instructions: {{{ https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git }}} When installing on Windows, it may be worthwhile to make sure "Use Git from the Windows Command Prompt" is selected, rather than "Use Git from Bash only". This way you can use git from the same command line as you will use Anaconda. Set up your credentials: {{{ git config --global user.name "John Doe" git config --global user.email johndoe@example.com }}}