== Building the Help Docs == The process for building the help docs has been steadily evolving as we transition from ''!SasView'' 3.x to ''!SasView'' 4.x. This is because in ''!SasView'' 4.x the help documentation for each model is no longer standalone but actually an integral part of the model file itself. This in turn means that the model help documentation is no longer part of ''!SasView'' per se, rather it is part of our new model library called ''sasmodels''. To build the model help docs: Open a command window and ''cd'' to \sasmodels\doc {{{ make html }}} or (optionally) {{{ make clean html }}} This should populate the \sasmodels\doc\_build folder with a html folder containing html doc files, and copy these and their images to ''!SasView''. Now ''cd'' to \sasview\docs\sphinx-docs {{{ python build_sphinx.py }}} This should populate the \sasview\docs\build folder with an html folder containing the integrated ''!SasView'' and ''sasmodels'' html doc files. To check, open the file /sasview/docs/sphinx-docs/build/html/index.html in a web browser. '''Note: At the present time (June 2016) the ''bumps'' optimiser help docs are not being integrated.'''