= SasView Code Camp-II = [[BR]] '''Where''' Code Camp-II will be held at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL), UK, home to ISIS & the Diamond Light Source. [[BR]] '''When''' The Camp will ''formally'' run from the morning of Monday 31 March until lunchtime on Sunday 6 April 2014 but, by prior arrangement, participants are welcome to ask to stay on into the following week. It is planned that there will be a 'meet-and-greet' over dinner on the evening of Sunday 30 March. [[BR]] '''Local Organiser' Dr Stephen King, mailto:stephen.king@stfc.ac.uk [[BR]] '''Cost''' There is no registration fee for the Camp. Participants will be responsible for their own travel, accommodation, and subsistence costs. [[BR]] '''Accommodation''' There is only limited accommodation in the immediate vicinity of RAL and so '''if participants ''do not'' wish to commute each day they are strongly encouraged to use the RAL Visitor Guesthouse''', [http://www.stfc.ac.uk/1442.aspx ''Ridgeway House'']. Ridgeway House Cancellation Policy Period Of Notice Per Person Group Bookings Up to 3 weeks No Fee 50% of Value 1 - 4 Days 75% of Rate 75% of Rate Less than 24 Hours 100% of Rate 100% of Rate ''PLEASE NOTE: As of December 3 2013, ISIS will now be in-cycle during the Camp. This means that once experiment scheduling takes place (probably from mid-January 2014) there will be fewer rooms available in Ridgeway House. Prospective participants are therefore strongly advised to book accommodation at Ridgeway House as soon as is practical.''