Custom Query (73 matches)


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Milestone: SasView 5.0.0 (73 matches)

Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Owner
#1250 5.0 Can check boxes be removed next to structure_factor_mode etc ? new enhancement minor piotr
#1196 5.0 issue - Allow changing parameter values on theory FitPages after first compute new defect blocker
#1204 5.0 not giving same fit results as 4.2 assigned defect blocker piotr
#660 Add GUI triggers for compare, docview and user tests from the plugin editor. new defect minor
#435 Add a compute button to simultaneous/constrained fitting page new enhancement minor
#1019 Add an auto background estimate to the Invariant Perspective new defect major
#206 Allow for custom integration range in Invariant perspective new enhancement major
#933 Allow user to define order of models/fit pages for batch fitting assigned defect major wojciech
#1140 Batch Slicer requires plotting of all 2D data sets to use in batch assigned enhancement major krzywon
#911 Can correlation matrix be made visible for Levenberg Marquardt? new enhancement trivial pkienzle
#238 Data objects should be independent of gui new defect major
#1195 Default FitPage to 200 points on log scale new enhancement major
#1171 Expose volume calculation in SasModels new enhancement major pkienzle
#292 Fix batch fit page so that dropdown links to results of batch fitting new enhancement minor
#529 Fix help when using S*P in SasView GUI new enhancement major
#900 Frozen theories sent to perspectives not saved in projects new defect major
#1158 Inconsistent fuzzy or rough interfaces in fuzzy_sphere and core_shell_bicelle_elliptical_belt_rough new defect minor
#1150 Make Slicer Parameters box non-modal and add it to the Tools menu new defect major
#747 Make it easier to use the same fit set-up with different data sets new enhancement major
#374 Masking buttons are not obvious new enhancement major
#385 Might be useful to be able to alter number of points in PrView calculation new enhancement minor
#941 Move menu items from regular menus to perspective menus new defect major
#957 Namespace clash for sasgui if shipped as separate package new defect major piotr
#924 Need better feedback to user when fitting fails to converge new defect major
#942 Need to Refactor SimultaneousFitPage Class new defect trivial
#42 Need to add the report capability to simultaneous fitting new enhancement major
#295 Need to completely separate GUI from computational code assigned enhancement major richardh
#1147 Organise parameter table by model component new enhancement major tcbennun
#13 Plots should be linked to fits. new enhancement critical
#1259 Prefactor calculation when there are both P(Q) and S(Q) new enhancement minor yunliu
#1248 Problem with non latin characters in username assigned defect blocker piotr
#919 Projects should save transmission spectrum new defect minor
#40 Provide option to not plot residuals by default new enhancement major
#1135 QT GUI - complex constraints (master ticket) new defect blocker tcbennun
#526 Refactor SasView Category code new enhancement major
#414 Remove "standalone" option in gui_manager assigned enhancement major mathieu
#11 Save project should save plot state new enhancement major
#1017 Separate thread for OpenCL tests new defect major
#661 Should provide indication to user of valid bounds for q as well as other parameters new enhancement major
#946 Single configuration file new enhancement minor
#460 Upgrade Linearized Fits new enhancement major
#461 Visual fit range indicators are not aware of axis "scale" new defect major
#799 Warn users if they are asking DREAM for too many samples assigned enhancement major ajj
#949 Wildcard import new defect minor
#1042 add test for bsl file converter new defect minor
#1033 add tests for generic scattering calculator new defect minor
#407 constrained/simultaneous fit menu option GUI problem (both on Mac and PC) new defect major
#1031 copy dollar math sphinx extension from sasmodels when building docs new enhancement minor
#1016 custom models not included in saved projects new defect major
#879 default value and limits are ignored for muliplicity/variant models new defect minor
#573 error traceback unreadable new defect minor
#939 fit values and parameters should be captured in cansas1D xml new enhancement major
#1094 headless sasview fitting new enhancement major
#860 latex labels in graph menus new defect minor
#592 linearized models need to account for resolution smearing new enhancement major
#640 model not recalculated when enter pressed in min/max new defect minor
#1067 multiple scattering new enhancement major
#1041 multiplicity not included in copy/paste parameters new defect minor
#905 nD data sets opens new fit window if existing window is a different dimension new defect minor
#1161 new R_eff branch of sasmodels does not support VR new defect major
#1182 python old buffer interface deprecated in python 3 new defect minor
#1125 qt5 - MathJax not used in generated Sphinx docs new defect major
#1149 qt5 - Separate composition of mixture models in GUI new enhancement critical tcbennun
#1116 qt5 user level, changes to model tab assigned enhancement major tcbennun
#1097 re-enable enumerated choice parameters for models new defect minor
#1093 remote fitting service new enhancement major
#997 save points as file from graph loses precision new defect minor
#620 scroll wheel should scroll the fit page new defect minor
#558 set reasonable min/max on polydispersity values for fit new defect major
#846 set theory and data to same vmin/vmax when plotting 2D data new defect major
#880 show progress during opencl test assigned defect major wojciech
#671 use cleaner representation of resolution in save files new enhancement minor
#584 use embedded svg for saved html reports new enhancement minor
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.