# # ChangeLog for sasmodels/generate.py in sasmodels # # Generated by Trac 1.0.1 # Apr 30, 2024 8:08:28 PM Fri, 20 Nov 2015 22:10:38 GMT Paul Kienzle [4eac427] * doc/make.bat (deleted) * sasmodels/generate.py (modified) fix doc build for units without special markup Thu, 05 Mar 2015 05:55:38 GMT Paul Kienzle [3c56da87] * extra/pylint.rc (modified) * extra/pylint_numpy.py (added) * extra/pylint_pyopencl.py (added) * extra/run-pylint.py (modified) * sasmodels/alignment.py (modified) * sasmodels/bumps_model.py (modified) * sasmodels/convert.py (modified) * sasmodels/core.py (modified) * sasmodels/generate.py (modified) * sasmodels/kernelcl.py (modified) * sasmodels/kerneldll.py (modified) * sasmodels/kernelpy.py (modified) * sasmodels/model_test.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/barbell.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/bcc.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/broad_peak.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/ellipsoid.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/fcc.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/gaussian_peak.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/hardsphere.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/lamellar.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/lamellarCaille.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/lamellarCailleHG.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/lamellarFFHG.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/lamellarPC.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/sphere.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/spherepy.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/stickyhardsphere.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/triaxial_ellipsoid.py (modified) * sasmodels/sasview_model.py (modified) * sasmodels/sesans.py (modified) * sasmodels/weights.py (modified) lint cleanup Tue, 03 Mar 2015 21:28:50 GMT Doucet, Mathieu [33e91b1] * sasmodels/generate.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/parallelepiped.py (modified) pylint fixes Fri, 27 Feb 2015 18:16:23 GMT Paul Kienzle [a5d0d00] * sasmodels/generate.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/barbell.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/bcc.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/broad_peak.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/capped_cylinder.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/core_shell_cylinder.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/cylinder.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/dab.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/ellipsoid.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/fcc.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/gaussian_peak.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/hardsphere.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/img/barbell_geometry.jpg (added) * sasmodels/models/img/bcc_1d.jpg (added) * sasmodels/models/img/bcc_2d.jpg (added) * sasmodels/models/img/bcc_lattice.jpg (added) * sasmodels/models/img/bcc_orientation.gif (added) * sasmodels/models/img/lamellarCaille_134.jpg (deleted) * sasmodels/models/img/lamellarCaille_139.PNG (deleted) * sasmodels/models/img/lamellarCaille_140.PNG (deleted) * sasmodels/models/img/lamellarCaille_1d.jpg (moved) * sasmodels/models/lamellar.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/lamellarCaille.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/lamellarCailleHG.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/lamellarFFHG.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/lamellarPC.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/parallelepiped.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/sphere.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/spherepy.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/stickyhardsphere.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/triaxial_ellipsoid.py (modified) doc fixups: add doc category to model def, convert equations to latex ... Sun, 22 Feb 2015 23:00:46 GMT Paul Kienzle [6137124] * sasmodels/generate.py (modified) * sasmodels/model_test.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/bcc.c (modified) * sasmodels/models/fcc.c (modified) fix opencl warnings that showed up on mac Sun, 22 Feb 2015 06:44:54 GMT pkienzle [f734e7d] * sasmodels/core.py (added) * sasmodels/direct_model.py (modified) * sasmodels/generate.py (modified) * sasmodels/kernel_template.c (added) * sasmodels/kernelcl.py (modified) * sasmodels/kerneldll.py (modified) * sasmodels/kernelpy.py (modified) * sasmodels/model_test.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/broad_peak.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/lamellarPC.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/lamellarPC_kernel.c (modified) restructure c code generation for maintainability; extend test harness ... Fri, 20 Feb 2015 14:38:00 GMT ajj [f1ecfa92] * sasmodels/bumps_model.py (modified) * sasmodels/generate.py (modified) * sasmodels/kernelcl.py (modified) towards fixing the 'models with no polydispersity' problem Fri, 20 Feb 2015 14:05:50 GMT ajj [2a74b99] * sasmodels/convert.py (modified) * sasmodels/generate.py (modified) fixing pow/powr/pown issue Fri, 20 Feb 2015 13:03:08 GMT ajj [3750279] * compare.py (modified) * compare_many.py (modified) * sasmodels/bumps_model.py (modified) * sasmodels/convert.py (modified) * sasmodels/generate.py (modified) * sasmodels/kerneldll.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/broad_peak.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/cylinder.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/dab.py (added) * sasmodels/models/img/dab_1d.jpg (added) * sasmodels/models/img/stickyhardsphere_228.PNG (added) * sasmodels/models/img/stickyhardsphere_229.PNG (added) * sasmodels/models/img/stickyhardsphere_230.jpg (added) * sasmodels/models/lamellarCailleHG.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/lamellarCailleHG_kernel.c (modified) * sasmodels/models/stickyhardsphere.py (added) Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/SasView/sasmodels Fri, 20 Feb 2015 10:33:18 GMT David Mannicke [99e6860] * sasmodels/convert.py (modified) * sasmodels/generate.py (modified) minor bug fixes Thu, 19 Feb 2015 15:50:16 GMT ajj [12076cf] * sasmodels/direct_model.py (added) * sasmodels/generate.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/broad_peak.py (added) * sasmodels/models/hardsphere.py (added) * sasmodels/models/img/hardSphere_223.PNG (added) * sasmodels/models/img/hardSphere_224.jpg (added) Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/SasView/sasmodels Thu, 19 Feb 2015 15:50:11 GMT ajj [51bfbeb] * sasmodels/generate.py (modified) fixing polydispersity for models without it Thu, 19 Feb 2015 15:44:33 GMT pkienzle [ae7b97b] * sasmodels/direct_model.py (added) * sasmodels/generate.py (modified) create a directly callable model without sasview or bumps parameters Thu, 19 Feb 2015 10:52:15 GMT pkienzle [ff58110] * sasmodels/generate.py (modified) allow source gen from command line Wed, 18 Feb 2015 16:08:57 GMT ajj [3271e20] * sasmodels/generate.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/fcc.c (added) * sasmodels/models/fcc.py (added) * sasmodels/sasview_model.py (modified) adding parameters to models for SasView compatibility Tue, 17 Feb 2015 00:41:55 GMT pkienzle [a503bfd] * compare.py (modified) * sasmodels/convert.py (modified) * sasmodels/generate.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/capped_cylinder.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/core_shell_cylinder.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/cylinder.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/ellipsoid.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/lamellar.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/sphere.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/spherepy.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/triaxial_ellipsoid.py (modified) move sasview->sasmodels conversion info to model definition Sun, 15 Feb 2015 21:07:00 GMT pkienzle [b3f6bc3] * sasmodels/dll.py (modified) * sasmodels/generate.py (modified) * sasmodels/gpu.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/spherepy.py (modified) * sasmodels/pykernel.py (added) support pure python model Iq/Iqxy Fri, 13 Feb 2015 22:20:52 GMT pkienzle [cb6ecf4] * doc/genmodel.py (modified) * sasmodels/dll.py (modified) * sasmodels/generate.py (moved) * sasmodels/gpu.py (modified) rename gen.py to generate.py for clarity