# # ChangeLog for doc/genapi.py in sasmodels # # Generated by Trac 1.0.1 # Mar 12, 2025 3:06:22 PM Thu, 28 Sep 2017 20:40:23 GMT Paul Kienzle [706f466] * doc/genapi.py (modified) * sasmodels/special.py (modified) fix doc strings for python-based sas special functions Mon, 08 May 2017 06:16:09 GMT Paul Kienzle [2e66ef5] * doc/developer/calculator.rst (modified) * doc/developer/index.rst (modified) * doc/developer/overview.rst (added) * doc/genapi.py (modified) * doc/guide/index.rst (modified) * doc/guide/scripting.rst (added) * example/cylinder_eval.py (added) * example/model.py (modified) * sasmodels/core.py (modified) add a short scripting guide; start in on developer docs Sun, 07 May 2017 20:24:16 GMT Paul Kienzle [8ae8532] * .gitignore (modified) * doc/conf.py (modified) * doc/genapi.py (modified) * doc/gentoc.py (modified) * doc/guide/gpu/gpu_computations.rst (moved) * doc/guide/gpu/opencl_installation.rst (moved) * doc/guide/index.rst (modified) * doc/guide/intro.rst (added) * doc/guide/magnetism/mag_img/M_angles_pic.bmp (moved) * doc/guide/magnetism/mag_img/mag_vector.bmp (moved) * doc/guide/magnetism/magnetism.rst (moved) * doc/guide/refs.rst (moved) * doc/guide/sesans/SESANSinSASVIEW.pdf (moved) * doc/guide/sesans/sans_to_sesans.rst (added) * doc/guide/sesans/sesans_fitting.rst (moved) * doc/guide/sesans/sesans_img/HardSphereLineFitSasView.png (moved) * doc/guide/sesans/sesans_img/SphereLineFitSasView.png (moved) * doc/index.rst (modified) * doc/ref/index.rst (deleted) * doc/ref/intro.rst (deleted) * doc/ref/sesans/sans_to_sesans.rst (deleted) * sasmodels/rst2html.py (modified) doc reorg Thu, 14 Apr 2016 00:17:10 GMT Paul Kienzle [a5b8477] * doc/genapi.py (modified) * doc/genmodel.py (modified) * doc/gentoc.py (modified) * sasmodels/data.py (modified) * sasmodels/direct_model.py (modified) * sasmodels/generate.py (modified) * sasmodels/kernel.py (modified) * sasmodels/kernelcl.py (modified) * sasmodels/kerneldll.py (modified) * sasmodels/modelinfo.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/rpa.py (modified) update docs to work with the new ModelInfo/ParameterTable classes Wed, 21 Oct 2015 19:21:52 GMT Paul Kienzle [3d5c6f8] * doc/genapi.py (modified) update reference doc generator Wed, 03 Sep 2014 07:16:10 GMT Paul Kienzle [19dcb933] * README.rst (moved) * doc/Makefile (added) * doc/README.txt (added) * doc/_extensions/dollarmath.py (added) * doc/_extensions/numfig.py (added) * doc/conf.py (added) * doc/genapi.py (added) * doc/genmodel.py (added) * doc/guide/index.rst (added) * doc/index.rst (added) * doc/make.bat (added) * doc/models/cylinders.rst (added) * doc/models/ellipsoids.rst (added) * doc/models/index.rst (added) * doc/models/intro.rst (added) * doc/models/lamellae.rst (added) * doc/models/models.rst (added) * doc/models/refs.rst (added) * doc/models/shapes.rst (added) * doc/models/spheres.rst (added) * doc/rst_prolog (added) * sasmodels/__init__.py (modified) * sasmodels/gen.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/capped_cylinder.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/core_shell_cylinder.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/cylinder.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/cylinder_clone.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/ellipsoid.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/lamellar.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/sphere.py (modified) * sasmodels/models/triaxial_ellipsoid.py (modified) build docs for models