#!/usr/bin/env python """ Provide functionality for a C extension model WARNING: THIS FILE WAS GENERATED BY WRAPPERGENERATOR.PY DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE, MODIFY [INCLUDE_FILE] AND RE-RUN THE GENERATOR SCRIPT @author: Mathieu Doucet / UTK @contact: mathieu.doucet@nist.gov """ from sans.models.BaseComponent import BaseComponent from sans_extension.c_models import [CPYTHONCLASS] import copy class [PYTHONCLASS]([CPYTHONCLASS], BaseComponent): """ Class that evaluates a [PYTHONCLASS] model. This file was auto-generated from [INCLUDE_FILE]. Refer to that file and the structure it contains for details of the model. [DEFAULT_LIST] """ def __init__(self): """ Initialization """ # Initialize BaseComponent first, then sphere BaseComponent.__init__(self) [CPYTHONCLASS].__init__(self) ## Name of the model self.name = "[PYTHONCLASS]" self.description= """[DESCRIPTION]""" [PAR_DETAILS] def clone(self): """ Return a identical copy of self """ obj = [PYTHONCLASS]() obj.params = copy.deepcopy(self.params) return obj def run(self, x = 0.0): """ Evaluate the model @param x: input q, or [q,phi] @return: scattering function P(q) """ return [CPYTHONCLASS].run(self, x) def runXY(self, x = 0.0): """ Evaluate the model in cartesian coordinates @param x: input q, or [qx, qy] @return: scattering function P(q) """ return [CPYTHONCLASS].runXY(self, x) # End of file