
Module to perform P(r) inversion. The module contains the Invertor class.


Bases: Cinvertor

Invertor class to perform P(r) inversion

The problem is solved by posing the problem as Ax = b, where x is the set of coefficients we are looking for.

Npts is the number of points.

In the following i refers to the ith base function coefficient. The matrix has its entries j in its first Npts rows set to

A[j][i] = (Fourier transformed base function for point j)

We them choose a number of r-points, n_r, to evaluate the second derivative of P(r) at. This is used as our regularization term. For a vector r of length n_r, the following n_r rows are set to

A[j+Npts][i] = (2nd derivative of P(r), d**2(P(r))/d(r)**2, evaluated at r[j])
The vector b has its first Npts entries set to
b[j] = (I(q) observed for point j)

The following n_r entries are set to zero.

The result is found by using scipy.linalg.basic.lstsq to invert the matrix and find the coefficients x.

Methods inherited from Cinvertor: - get_peaks(pars): returns the number of P(r) peaks - oscillations(pars): returns the oscillation parameters for the output P(r) - get_positive(pars): returns the fraction of P(r) that is above zero - get_pos_err(pars): returns the fraction of P(r) that is 1-sigma above zero


alias of type


x.__delattr__(‘name’) <==> del

__dict__ = <dictproxy object at 0x01CA22F0>

Return the value of an attribute


x.__getattribute__(‘name’) <==>


x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)

__module__ = ''
static __new__(S, ...) → a new object with type S, a subtype of T

helper for pickle


Overwrite the __reduce_ex__


x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)


Set the value of an attribute. Access the parent class methods for x, y, err, d_max, q_min, q_max and alpha


restore the state of invertor for pickle


x.__str__() <==> str(x)


list of weak references to the object (if defined)


Check q-value against user-defined range


Compute the inverse covariance matrix, defined as inv_cov = a_transposed x a. @param nfunc: number of base functions @param nr: number of r-points used when evaluating reg term. @param a: A array to fill @param inv_cov: inverse covariance array to be filled @return: 0


Returns A matrix and b vector for least square problem. @param nfunc: number of base functions @param nr: number of r-points used when evaluating reg term. @param a: A array to fill @param b: b vector to fill @return: 0


Compute the covariance matrix, defined as inv_cov = a_transposed x a. @param nfunc: number of base functions @param nr: number of r-points used when evaluating reg term. @param a: A array to fill @param inv_cov: inverse covariance array to be filled @return: 0

background = 0

Returns the value of the nth Fourier transofrmed base function @param args: c-parameters, n and q @return: nth Fourier transformed base function, evaluated at q

chi2 = 0

Return a clone of this instance

cov = None
elapsed = 0

Returns a reasonable guess for the regularization constant alpha

Parameters:nfunc – number of terms to use in the expansion.
Returns:alpha, message, elapsed

where alpha is the estimate for alpha, message is a message for the user, elapsed is the computation time


Returns a reasonable guess for the number of terms

Parameters:isquit_func – reference to thread function to call to check whether the computation needs to be stopped.
Returns:number of terms, alpha, message

Load the state of the Invertor from a file, to be able to generate P(r) from a set of parameters.

Parameters:path – path of the file to load

Gets the alpha parameter


Gets the maximum distance


Function to get the err data Takes an array of doubles as input. @return: number of entries found


Gets background flag


Gets the number of err points


Gets the number of x points


Gets the number of y points


Returns the number of peaks in the output P(r) distrubution for the given set of coefficients. @param args: c-parameters @return: number of P(r) peaks


Returns the fraction of P(r) that is 1 standard deviation above zero over the full range of r for the given set of coefficients. @param args: c-parameters @return: fraction of P(r) that is positive


Returns the fraction of P(r) that is positive over the full range of r for the given set of coefficients. @param args: c-parameters @return: fraction of P(r) that is positive


Function to call to evaluate P(r) with errors @param args: c-parameters and r @return: (P(r),dP(r))


Gets the maximum q


Gets the minimum q


Gets the slit height


Gets the slit width


Function to get the x data Takes an array of doubles as input. @return: number of entries found


Function to get the y data Takes an array of doubles as input. @return: number of entries found

info = {}

Perform inversion to P(r)

The problem is solved by posing the problem as Ax = b, where x is the set of coefficients we are looking for.

Npts is the number of points.

In the following i refers to the ith base function coefficient. The matrix has its entries j in its first Npts rows set to

A[i][j] = (Fourier transformed base function for point j)

We them choose a number of r-points, n_r, to evaluate the second derivative of P(r) at. This is used as our regularization term. For a vector r of length n_r, the following n_r rows are set to

A[i+Npts][j] = (2nd derivative of P(r), d**2(P(r))/d(r)**2, evaluated at r[j])
The vector b has its first Npts entries set to
b[j] = (I(q) observed for point j)

The following n_r entries are set to zero.

The result is found by using scipy.linalg.basic.lstsq to invert the matrix and find the coefficients x.

  • nfunc – number of base functions to use.
  • nr – number of r points to evaluate the 2nd derivative at for the reg. term.

c_out, c_cov - the coefficients with covariance matrix


Slower version of the P(r) inversion that uses scipy.optimize.leastsq.

This probably produce more reliable results, but is much slower. The minimization function is set to sum_i[ (I_obs(q_i) - I_theo(q_i))/err**2 ] + alpha * reg_term, where the reg_term is given by Svergun: it is the integral of the square of the first derivative of P(r), d(P(r))/dr, integrated over the full range of r.

  • nfunc – number of base functions to use.
  • nr – number of r points to evaluate the 2nd derivative at for the reg. term.

c_out, c_cov - the coefficients with covariance matrix


Function to call to evaluate the scattering intensity

Parameters:args – c-parameters, and q

Returns the value of I(q=0). @param args: c-parameters @return: I(q=0)


Function to call to evaluate the scattering intensity. The scattering intensity is slit-smeared. @param args: c-parameters, and q @return: I(q)


Check the validity of the stored data @return: Returns the number of points if it’s all good, -1 otherwise


The problem is solved by posing the problem as Ax = b, where x is the set of coefficients we are looking for.

Npts is the number of points.

In the following i refers to the ith base function coefficient. The matrix has its entries j in its first Npts rows set to

A[i][j] = (Fourier transformed base function for point j)

We them choose a number of r-points, n_r, to evaluate the second derivative of P(r) at. This is used as our regularization term. For a vector r of length n_r, the following n_r rows are set to

A[i+Npts][j] = (2nd derivative of P(r), d**2(P(r))/d(r)**2, evaluated at r[j])
The vector b has its first Npts entries set to
b[j] = (I(q) observed for point j)

The following n_r entries are set to zero.

The result is found by using scipy.linalg.basic.lstsq to invert the matrix and find the coefficients x.

  • nfunc – number of base functions to use.
  • nr – number of r points to evaluate the 2nd derivative at for the reg. term.

If the result does not allow us to compute the covariance matrix, a matrix filled with zeros will be returned.

nfunc = 10

Returns the value of the oscillation figure of merit for the given set of coefficients. For a sphere, the oscillation figure of merit is 1.1.

@param args: c-parameters @return: oscillation figure of merit
out = None

Function to call to evaluate P(r) @param args: c-parameters and r @return: P(r)


Returns the value of P(r) for a given r, and base function coefficients, with error.

  • c – base function coefficients
  • c_cov – covariance matrice of the base function coefficients
  • r – r-value to evaluate P(r) at



This is a direct fit to a given P(r). It assumes that the y data is set to some P(r) distribution that we are trying to reproduce with a set of base functions.

This method is provided as a test.


Function to call to evaluate the residuals for P(r) minimization (for testing purposes) @param args: input parameters @return: list of residuals


Function to call to evaluate the residuals for P(r) inversion @param args: input parameters @return: list of residuals


Returns the value of the radius of gyration Rg. @param args: c-parameters @return: Rg


Sets the alpha parameter


Sets the maximum distance


Function to set the err data Takes an array of doubles as input. @return: number of entries found


Sets background flag


Sets the maximum q


Sets the minimum q


Sets the slit height in units of q [A-1]


Sets the slit width in units of q [A-1]


Function to set the x data Takes an array of doubles as input. @return: number of entries found


Function to set the y data Takes an array of doubles as input. @return: number of entries found

suggested_alpha = 0

Save the state to a file that will be readable by SliceView.

  • path – path of the file to write
  • npts – number of P(r) points to be written

Provide general online help text Future work: extend this function to allow topic selection

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