This fitting option enables to set a number of the constraints between the parameters of fitting(s). It requires one or more FitPages with a data and a model set for the fitting, and performs multiple fittings given by the FitPage(s).
Assuming some FitPages are already set up, check the checkboxes of the model_data rows to fit.
And click the 'Fit' button.
The results will return to each FitPages.
Note that the chi2/Npts returned is the sum of the chi2/Npts of each fits.
If one needs the chi2 value only for a page, click the 'Compute' button in the FitPage to recalculate.
Enter constraint in the text control next to constraint fit button.
Constraint should be of type model1 parameter name = f(model2 parameter name)for example, M0.radius=2*M1.radius.
Many constraints can be entered for a single fit.Each of them should be separated
by a newline charater or ";"
The easy setup can generate many constraint inputs easily when the selected two models are the same type.
Note that the chi2/Npts returned is the sum of the chi2/Npts of each fits.
If one needs the chi2 value only for one fit, click the 'Compute' button in the FitPage to recalculate.