Bases: sans.guiframe.local_perspectives.plotting.BaseInteractor._BaseInteractor
BoxInteractor define a rectangle that return data1D average of Data2D in a rectangle area defined by -x, x ,y, -y
receive an event containing parameters values to reset the slicer
Parameters: | event – event of type SlicerParameterEvent with params as attribute |
Clear the slicer and all connected events related to this slicer
Clear old markers and interfaces.
Connect markers to callbacks
Return the step size in data coordinates for a small step in screen coordinates. If nudge is False (default) the step size is one pixel. If nudge is True, the step size is 0.2 pixels.
Store a copy of values of parameters of the slicer into a dictionary.
Return params: | the dictionary created |
Process move to a new position, making sure that the move is allowed.
Called after a dragging event. Post the slicer new parameters and creates a new Data1D corresponding to the new average
Prepare to move the artist. Calls save() to preserve the state for later restore().
Move the artist. Calls move() to update the state, or restore() if the mouse leaves the window.
Hilite the artist reporting the event, indicating that it is ready to receive a click.
Respond to keyboard events. Arrow keys move the widget. Escape restores it to the position before the last click.
Calls move() to update the state. Calls restore() on escape.
Restore the artist to the original colour when the cursor leaves.
post data averaging in Qx or Qy given new_slab type
Parameters: |
Restore the roughness for this layer.
Remember the roughness for this layer and the next so that we can restore on Esc.
Allow adding plot to the same panel
Parameters: | n – the number of layer |
Receive a dictionary and reset the slicer with values contained in the values of the dictionary.
Parameters: | params – a dictionary containing name of slicer parameters and values the user assigned to the slicer. |
Respond to changes in the model by recalculating the profiles and resetting the widgets.
Update the slicer and plot the resulting data
Bases: sans.guiframe.local_perspectives.plotting.boxSlicer.BoxInteractor
Average in Qx direction
receive an event containing parameters values to reset the slicer
Parameters: | event – event of type SlicerParameterEvent with params as attribute |
Post data creating by averaging in Qx direction
Clear the slicer and all connected events related to this slicer
Clear old markers and interfaces.
Connect markers to callbacks
Return the step size in data coordinates for a small step in screen coordinates. If nudge is False (default) the step size is one pixel. If nudge is True, the step size is 0.2 pixels.
Store a copy of values of parameters of the slicer into a dictionary.
Return params: | the dictionary created |
Process move to a new position, making sure that the move is allowed.
Called after a dragging event. Post the slicer new parameters and creates a new Data1D corresponding to the new average
Prepare to move the artist. Calls save() to preserve the state for later restore().
Move the artist. Calls move() to update the state, or restore() if the mouse leaves the window.
Hilite the artist reporting the event, indicating that it is ready to receive a click.
Respond to keyboard events. Arrow keys move the widget. Escape restores it to the position before the last click.
Calls move() to update the state. Calls restore() on escape.
Restore the artist to the original colour when the cursor leaves.
post data averaging in Qx or Qy given new_slab type
Parameters: |
Restore the roughness for this layer.
Remember the roughness for this layer and the next so that we can restore on Esc.
Allow adding plot to the same panel
Parameters: | n – the number of layer |
Receive a dictionary and reset the slicer with values contained in the values of the dictionary.
Parameters: | params – a dictionary containing name of slicer parameters and values the user assigned to the slicer. |
Respond to changes in the model by recalculating the profiles and resetting the widgets.
Update the slicer and plot the resulting data
Bases: sans.guiframe.local_perspectives.plotting.boxSlicer.BoxInteractor
Average in Qy direction
receive an event containing parameters values to reset the slicer
Parameters: | event – event of type SlicerParameterEvent with params as attribute |
Post data creating by averaging in Qy direction
Clear the slicer and all connected events related to this slicer
Clear old markers and interfaces.
Connect markers to callbacks
Return the step size in data coordinates for a small step in screen coordinates. If nudge is False (default) the step size is one pixel. If nudge is True, the step size is 0.2 pixels.
Store a copy of values of parameters of the slicer into a dictionary.
Return params: | the dictionary created |
Process move to a new position, making sure that the move is allowed.
Called after a dragging event. Post the slicer new parameters and creates a new Data1D corresponding to the new average
Prepare to move the artist. Calls save() to preserve the state for later restore().
Move the artist. Calls move() to update the state, or restore() if the mouse leaves the window.
Hilite the artist reporting the event, indicating that it is ready to receive a click.
Respond to keyboard events. Arrow keys move the widget. Escape restores it to the position before the last click.
Calls move() to update the state. Calls restore() on escape.
Restore the artist to the original colour when the cursor leaves.
post data averaging in Qx or Qy given new_slab type
Parameters: |
Restore the roughness for this layer.
Remember the roughness for this layer and the next so that we can restore on Esc.
Allow adding plot to the same panel
Parameters: | n – the number of layer |
Receive a dictionary and reset the slicer with values contained in the values of the dictionary.
Parameters: | params – a dictionary containing name of slicer parameters and values the user assigned to the slicer. |
Respond to changes in the model by recalculating the profiles and resetting the widgets.
Update the slicer and plot the resulting data
Bases: sans.guiframe.local_perspectives.plotting.BaseInteractor._BaseInteractor
Draw 2 Horizontal lines centered on (0,0) that can move on the x- direction and in opposite direction
Clear this slicer and its markers
Clear old markers and interfaces.
Connect markers to callbacks
Return the step size in data coordinates for a small step in screen coordinates. If nudge is False (default) the step size is one pixel. If nudge is True, the step size is 0.2 pixels.
Process move to a new position, making sure that the move is allowed.
Called after a dragging this edge and set self.has_move to False to specify the end of dragging motion
Prepare to move the artist. Calls save() to preserve the state for later restore().
Move the artist. Calls move() to update the state, or restore() if the mouse leaves the window.
Hilite the artist reporting the event, indicating that it is ready to receive a click.
Respond to keyboard events. Arrow keys move the widget. Escape restores it to the position before the last click.
Calls move() to update the state. Calls restore() on escape.
Restore the artist to the original colour when the cursor leaves.
Restore the roughness for this layer.
Remember the roughness for this layer and the next so that we can restore on Esc.
Allow adding plot to the same panel
Parameters: | n – the number of layer |
Draw the new roughness on the graph.
Parameters: |
Bases: sans.guiframe.local_perspectives.plotting.BaseInteractor._BaseInteractor
Select an annulus through a 2D plot
Clear this slicer and its markers
Clear old markers and interfaces.
Connect markers to callbacks
Return the step size in data coordinates for a small step in screen coordinates. If nudge is False (default) the step size is one pixel. If nudge is True, the step size is 0.2 pixels.
Process move to a new position, making sure that the move is allowed.
Called after a dragging this edge and set self.has_move to False to specify the end of dragging motion
Prepare to move the artist. Calls save() to preserve the state for later restore().
Move the artist. Calls move() to update the state, or restore() if the mouse leaves the window.
Hilite the artist reporting the event, indicating that it is ready to receive a click.
Respond to keyboard events. Arrow keys move the widget. Escape restores it to the position before the last click.
Calls move() to update the state. Calls restore() on escape.
Restore the artist to the original colour when the cursor leaves.
Restore the roughness for this layer.
Remember the roughness for this layer and the next so that we can restore on Esc.
Allow adding plot to the same panel
Parameters: | n – the number of layer |
Draw the new roughness on the graph.
Parameters: |