- In the fit tab, when I hit enter in a parameter box, it should update. Right now the only way to update is to click somewhere else. - When fitting data with a model, the plotted model should have a proper name, not "Fitness" - The constrained fit button should have a normal, fixed, size. - The close tab button should be inside the tab it closes, like the fit button. - If I load data, select if for fitting, then close the fit tab, I can't re-select it for fitting if all other fit tabs are closed and I'm looking at the simultaneous fitting tab. - Chi squared should be updated when model parameters are changed. - The parameters resulting from contraints should be updated on the fit panel. - Why is the data label "Loaded Data data"? Can't we use the name of the file? - Load the cyl_400_20.txt and cyl_400_40.txt files. Then add errors to each and perform simultaneous fit with M0.length=M1.length. The M0 model has bad result. M1 is fine. - When we start park everything freezes. That should be improved. - If I do a simultenous fit and don't enter a constraint, it complains on the status bar but still does something! If you complain, stop everything. - Write a message to the status bar when points are skipped after changing scale/transform