Release Notes ============= PrView 0.2 Package name: None 1- Version 0.2.2 - Release date: 7/8/2008 - Added option to normalize P(r) to 1, scale P_max to 1, or leave as is. - Fixed problem with changing the number of P(r) points. Version 0.2.1 - Release date: 7/04/2008 - Improved user interface. - Automated estimate of the number of terms. - I(q=0) and Rg are now outputs of the inversion. - Slit smearing has been added. - Constant background estimation. - Functionality to compare p(r) output with data from a file. - Functionality to change the number of p(r) points of the output dsitribution. Version 0.1.0 - Release date: 5/28/2008 - First version put together built on guiframe. 2- Downloading and Installing 2.1- System Requirements: - Python version >= 2.4 should be running on the system 2.2- Installing: - Get the code from svn:// - This application is also dependent on the following DANSE code: svn:// svn:// svn:// svn:// - The following modules are required: * matplotlib * numpy * scipy * wxpython 3- Known Issues 3.1- All systems: - None 3.2- Windows: - None 3.3- Linux: - None 4- Troubleshooting - None 5- Frequently Asked Questions - None 6- Other Resources - See: