################################################################################ The SasView (formerly SansView) software was developed by the University of Tennessee as part of the Distributed Data Analysis of Neutron Scattering Experiments (DANSE) project funded by the US National Science Foundation. See the license text in license.txt Copyright 2008, University of Tennessee ################################################################################ The set of routines that comprise this CORFUNC module were originally written in 1994 at the behest of Anthony (Tony) Ryan by Thomas (Tom) Nye whilst an undergraduate in Applied Mathematics at the University of Cambridge, and are based on the earlier work of Gert Strobl (Universität Freiburg) and co-workers in the 1980's. The polydispersity analysis was proposed later by Guy Eeckhaut (ICI). The original UNIX source was ported to the Windows environment (and given a Java GUI) as part of Collaborative Computational Project #13, funded by the UK Biotechnology & Biological Sciences Research Council and Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council, by CCP13 Post-Doctoral workers Richard Denny and Mark Shotton in 1999. The alternative Hilbert transform (volume fraction profile) analysis of Trevor Crowley (Salford University) and co-workers was suggested by Stephen (Steve) King (ISIS Facility). Its incorporation was started by CCP13 Post- Doctoral worker Matthew Rodman and finally implemented in 2004 by Steve King and Damian Flannery (ISIS Facility), with help from Richard Heenan (ISIS Facility). See the End User License Agreement in corfunc_eula.txt Copyright 2013, UK Science & Technology Facilities Council ################################################################################ CORFUNC performs correlation function analysis of one-dimensional SAXS or SANS patterns, or generates a model-independent volume fraction profile from a one-dimensional SANS pattern from an adsorbed layer of polymer or surfactant. ################################################################################