First cut at a GUI framework for SANS applications. Modules should be put in the "perspectives" directory of their main application when using this framework. Documentation to come... 1- Version 0.1.5 - Release date: 4/21/2009 - Changes: * the Plugin.get_context_menu(graph) now takes a Graph object Dependencies: - svn:// - svn:// To-do list: - Clean up about box - Clean up the _find_plugins() function to allow user-defined directory - Modify the get_context_menu() function to allow a plug-in to recognize its own plots. - Provide a hook for a general file loader for the various data formats - Add group flag to allow groups of plots (and exclude other plots with same units to be plotted in the same Graph. [DONE] - If there is only one perspective, drop the perspective menu. - If there is only one panel in the Panel menu, drop the menu. - Make legend transparent - Make sure that when a plottable is sent a second time for update, that we replace the lables too! - Add help menu entry for each module - Put debug info in log file, because we can't access it from a py2exe executable - Allow the application to load perspectives by hand. Then the automatic loading is only for additionally installed plug-ins. - Fix the damned images directory folder... - Allow user to remove a plottable from a graph (from code!) - Allow perspectives to recognize their own plots and add context menu items. - Catch error when trying to show log of negative or zero plots... update status bar.