1. Thread 2. Find good defaults. Automate the inversion. -How do we estimate d_max? Guinier fit? -How do we estimate alpha? [partially done] Compute the residuals once and choose a value that brings the reg term up to a fraction of the residuals. 3. When fitting a plottable on a Graph with multiple plottables, remember the one the user chose [done] 4. What q-range do we need to make it work? What are the constraints? 5. Create handshake so that a plug-in can set context menu items to its own panels... 6. Return figure of merit values and suggest the values for d_max and alpha. 7. Show time estimate [done] 8. Plot the reg term alone to see what it looks like 9. Use data loader perspective/plug-in to load data/choose file 10. Common module for file reading and file choosing 11. Define limits of applicability 12. Return figures of merit 13. Errors on output constants [done] 14. Clean up the InversionDialog 15. Add online help for inputs and outputs (especially figures of merit) 16. Add help text to the interface (description of what we are minimizing, to explain alpha and nfunc).