Release Notes ============= SANS Models version 0.4.0 Package name: sans.models 1- What's New in Version 0.4.0 - Release date: 4/15/2008 - Added shape-independent models. Version 0.3.2: - Release date: 2/14/2008 - Added models to be used in magnetic analysis. 2- Downloading and Installing 2.1- System Requirements: - Python version >= 2.4 should be running on the system 2.2- Installing: - Get the code from svn:// - Execute the following: python install 3- Known Issues 3.1- All systems: - Q range validity of I(q) calculations. Our 1D models of I(q) use the function of the NCNR library for their IGOR package (Klein, 2006). That library uses a fsat integration technique in some of its models (cylinders and ellipsoids). Integration is done using 76 points in the angle between the axis of the object and the q-vector, which translates in a larger inaccuracy at high q. Integratiing the 2D model I(q,phi) over all orientations of the object will not yield the exact same result as the NCNR calculation for q > 0.3 A-1. 3.2- Windows: - None 3.3- Linux: - None 4- Troubleshooting - None 5- Frequently Asked Questions - None 6- Other Resources - See: - See: - See: - See: