AboutUI 0 0 1107 449 Form :/about/angles_flat.png <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:18pt;">SasView</span></p></body></html> TextLabel :/about/utlogo.gif:/about/utlogo.gif 48 48 :/about/umd_logo.png:/about/umd_logo.png 48 48 :/about/nist_logo.png:/about/nist_logo.png 110 48 :/about/sns_logo.png:/about/sns_logo.png 64 48 :/about/isis_logo.png:/about/isis_logo.png 128 48 :/about/ess_logo.png:/about/ess_logo.png 48 48 :/about/ill_logo.png:/about/ill_logo.png 48 48 :/about/ansto_logo.png:/about/ansto_logo.png 175 48 Qt::Horizontal 593 20 0 0 OK TextLabel 0 0 Qt::Horizontal 0 0 <html><head/><body><p>This work originally developed as part of the DANSE project funded by the NSF under grant DMR-0520547, and currently maintained by NIST, UMD, ORNL, ISIS, ESS, ILL and last but not least ANSTO.</p></body></html> true