Release Notes ============= SANS Models version 0.4.3 Package name: sans.models 1- What's New in Version 0.4.3 - Release date: April 21, 2009 - C extension models now use new C++ classes that incorporate dispersity and averaging functionality. See for examples of how to use the new dispersion classes. # Create a model model= CylinderModel() # Create a dispersion model disp = GaussianDispersion() # Set the dispersion for a chosen parameter model.set_dispersion('radius', disp) # Set the parameters of the dispersion model model.dispersion['radius']['width'] = 5.0 model.dispersion['radius']['npts'] = 100 Version 0.4.3 -P(Q)*S(Q) added for P(Q)=cylinder, sphere, ellipsoid -Array dispersion (user defined) added Version 0.4.2 -4 Structure factors added Version 0.4.1 - Release date: 6/9/2008 - Modified non-shape models so that the 2D output is the 1D output for the length of Q Version 0.4.0 - Release date: 4/15/2008 - Added shape-independent models. Version 0.3.2: - Release date: 2/14/2008 - Added models to be used in magnetic analysis. 2- Downloading and Installing 2.1- System Requirements: - Python version >= 2.4 should be running on the system 2.2- Installing: - Get the code from svn:// - Execute the following: python install 3- Known Issues 3.1- All systems: - Q range validity of I(q) calculations. Our 1D models of I(q) use the function of the NCNR library for their IGOR package (Klein, 2006). That library uses a fast integration technique in some of its models (cylinders and ellipsoids). Integration is done using 76 points in the angle between the axis of the object and the q-vector, which translates in a larger inaccuracy at high q. Integratiing the 2D model I(q,phi) over all orientations of the object will not yield the exact same result as the NCNR calculation for q > 0.3 A-1. - Refactoring needs to be done to update the model base class. We should get rid of the useless arithmetics and store the parameters as class objects rather than values. This would eliminate the multitude of dictionaries needed to store all the various aspects of a parameter (limits, units, dispersity information). The C++ design it relies on is much cleaner in that respect, but it still depends on the old C computation. Those should be incorporated in the C++ classes. 3.2- Windows: - None 3.3- Linux: - None 4- Troubleshooting - None 5- Frequently Asked Questions - None 6- Other Resources - See: - See: - See: - See: