""" Unit tests for specific models @author: Mathieu Doucet / UTK """ from __future__ import print_function import unittest, math, time # Disable "missing docstring" complaint # pylint: disable-msg=C0111 # Disable "too many methods" complaint # pylint: disable-msg=R0904 # Disable "could be a function" complaint # pylint: disable-msg=R0201 from sasmodels.sasview_model import _make_standard_model EllipsoidModel = _make_standard_model('ellipsoid') SphereModel = _make_standard_model('sphere') CylinderModel = _make_standard_model('cylinder') CoreShellModel = _make_standard_model('core_shell_sphere') import sas.sascalc.realspace.VolumeCanvas as VolumeCanvas class TestRealSpaceModel(unittest.TestCase): """ Unit tests for sphere model """ def setUp(self): self.model = VolumeCanvas.VolumeCanvas() self.model.add('cylinder', 'cyl') self.model.add('sphere', 'sph') self.model.add('ellipsoid', 'elli') self.model.add('singlehelix', 'shelix') def testAdding(self): self.assertEqual('cyl', self.model.add('cylinder', 'cyl')) def testDeleting(self): self.model.add('ellipsoid','elli2') self.model.delete('elli2') self.assertTrue('elli2' not in self.model.getShapeList()) def testsetParam(self): self.model.setParam('q_max', 0.2) self.model.setParam('shelix.radius_helix', 12) def testgetParamList(self): #print self.model.getParamList() #print self.model.getParamList('shelix') pass def testPr_Iq(self): self.model.getPr() #print "pr is calculated", self.model.hasPr result = self.model.getIq(0.1) #print "I(0.1) is calculated: ", result class TestSphere(unittest.TestCase): """ Unit tests for sphere model """ def setUp(self): self.canvas = VolumeCanvas.VolumeCanvas() def testSetQmax(self): old_value = self.canvas.getParam('q_max') new_value = old_value + 0.1 self.canvas.setParam('q_max', new_value) self.assertEqual(self.canvas.getParam("Q_MAx"), new_value) def testSetDensity(self): self.canvas.setParam('lores_density', 0.1) handle = self.canvas.add('sphere') self.canvas.setParam("%s.radius" % handle, 5.0) vol = 4/3*math.pi*5*5*5 npts_1 = vol/0.1 value_1 = self.canvas.getIq(0.001) # Change density, the answer should be the same self.canvas.setParam('lores_density', 0.2) npts_2 = vol/0.2 value_2 = self.canvas.getIq(0.001) self.assertTrue( (value_1-value_2)/value_1 < 0.1) def testSetDensityTiming(self): """Testing change in computation time with density""" handle = self.canvas.add('sphere') self.canvas.setParam("%s.radius" % handle, 15.0) self.canvas.setParam('lores_density', 0.6) t_0 = time.time() self.canvas.getIq(0.001) t_1 = time.time()-t_0 # Change density, the answer should be the same self.canvas.setParam('lores_density', 0.1) t_0 = time.time() self.canvas.getIq(0.001) t_2 = time.time()-t_0 self.assertTrue( t_2 < t_1 and (t_1-t_2)/t_2 > 2) def testGetParamList(self): """ Test GetParamList on empty canvas""" self.assertTrue('lores_density' in self.canvas.getParamList()) handle = self.canvas.add('sphere') def testGetParamListWithShape(self): """ Test GetParamList on filled canvas""" self.canvas.add('sphere') self.assertTrue('lores_density' in self.canvas.getParamList()) def testAdd(self): handle = "s1" self.assertEqual(handle, self.canvas.add('sphere', handle)) #TODO: test for current list of shape self.assertEqual( [handle] , self.canvas.getShapeList()) def testSetRadius(self): handle = self.canvas.add('sphere') self.canvas.setParam("%s.radius" % handle, 24.0) self.assertEqual(self.canvas.getParam("%s.radius" % handle), 24.0) def testGetIq(self): """ Test the output of I(q) to the analytical solution If the normalization is wrong, we will have to fix it. getIq() should call getPr() behind the scenes so that the user doesnt have to do it if he doesn't need to. """ sphere = SphereModel() sphere.setParam('scale', 1.0) sphere.setParam('background', 0.0) sphere.setParam('sld', 1.0) sphere.setParam('sld_solvent', 0.0) sphere.setParam('radius', 10.0) handle = self.canvas.add('sphere') self.canvas.setParam('%s.radius' % handle, 10.0) self.canvas.setParam('%s.contrast' % handle, 1.0) sim_1 = self.canvas.getIq(0.001) ana_1 = sphere.run(0.001) sim_2 = self.canvas.getIq(0.01) ana_2 = sphere.run(0.01) # test the shape of the curve (calculate relative error # on the output and it should be compatible with zero # THIS WILL DEPEND ON THE NUMBER OF SPACE POINTS: # that why we need some error analysis. self.assertTrue( (sim_2*ana_1/sim_1 - ana_2)/ana_2 < 0.1) # test the absolute amplitude self.assertTrue( math.fabs(sim_2-ana_2)/ana_2 < 0.1) def testGetIq2(self): """ Test two different q values """ handle = self.canvas.add('sphere') self.canvas.setParam('%s.radius' % handle, 10.0) sim_1 = self.canvas.getIq(0.001) sim_2 = self.canvas.getIq(0.01) self.assertNotAlmostEqual(sim_2, sim_1, 3) def testGetIq_Identical(self): """ Test for identical model / no param change """ handle = self.canvas.add('sphere') self.canvas.setParam('%s.radius' % handle, 10.0) sim_1 = self.canvas.getIq(0.01) sim_2 = self.canvas.getIq(0.01) self.assertEqual(sim_2, sim_1) def testGetIq_Identical2(self): """ Test for identical model after a parameter change Should be different only of the space points are regenerated and the random seed is different """ handle = self.canvas.add('sphere') self.canvas.setParam('%s.radius' % handle, 10.0) self.canvas.setParam('lores_density', 0.1) sim_1 = self.canvas.getIq(0.01) # Try to fool the code by changing to a different value self.canvas.setParam('lores_density', 0.2) self.canvas.getIq(0.01) self.canvas.setParam('lores_density', 0.1) sim_2 = self.canvas.getIq(0.01) self.assertTrue((sim_2-sim_1)/sim_1<0.05) def testGetIq_time(self): """ Time profile """ handle = self.canvas.add('sphere') self.canvas.setParam('%s.radius' % handle, 15.0) self.canvas.setParam('lores_density', 0.1) t_0 = time.time() sim_1 = self.canvas.getIq(0.01) delta_1 = time.time()-t_0 self.canvas.setParam('lores_density', 0.1) t_0 = time.time() sim_2 = self.canvas.getIq(0.01) delta_2 = time.time()-t_0 self.assertTrue((delta_2-delta_1)/delta_1<0.05) def testGetPr(self): """Compare the output of P(r) to the theoretical value""" #TODO: find a way to compare you P(r) to the known # analytical value. pass def testLogic1(self): """ Test that the internal logic is set so that the user get the right output after changing a parameter """ handle = self.canvas.add('sphere') self.canvas.setParam('%s.radius' % handle, 10.0) result_1 = self.canvas.getIq(0.1) self.canvas.setParam('%s.radius' % handle, 20.0) result_2 = self.canvas.getIq(0.1) self.assertNotAlmostEqual(result_1, result_2, 2) class TestCanvas(unittest.TestCase): """ Unit tests for all shapes in canvas model """ def setUp(self): self.canvas = VolumeCanvas.VolumeCanvas() self.canvas.params['lores_density'] = 0.05 def testGetIq_cylinder(self): handle = self.canvas.add('cylinder','cyl') self.canvas.setParam('%s.radius' % handle, 15.0) self.canvas.setParam('%s.length' % handle, 50.0) self.assertEqual(50,self.canvas.getParam('%s.length'%handle)) result_1 = self.canvas.getIq(0.1) result_2 = self.canvas.getIq(0.1) self.assertEqual(result_1,result_2) self.canvas.delete(handle) handle2 = self.canvas.add('cylinder','cyl2') self.assertEqual(40,self.canvas.getParam('%s.length'%handle2)) result_3 = self.canvas.getIq(0.1) self.assertNotEqual(result_1, result_3) def testGetIq_ellipsoid(self): handle = self.canvas.add('ellipsoid','elli') self.canvas.setParam('%s.radius_x' % handle, 35) self.canvas.setParam('%s.radius_y' % handle, 20) self.canvas.setParam('%s.radius_z' % handle, 10) result_1 = self.canvas.getIq(0.1) result_2 = self.canvas.getIq(0.1) self.assertEqual(result_1,result_2) self.canvas.delete(handle) self.assertEqual(False,self.canvas.hasPr) handle2 = self.canvas.add('ellipsoid','elli2') result_3 = self.canvas.getIq(0.1) self.assertNotEqual(result_1, result_3) def testGetIq_singlehelix(self): handle = self.canvas.add('singlehelix','shelix') self.canvas.setParam('%s.radius_helix' % handle, 11) self.canvas.setParam('%s.radius_tube' % handle, 4) self.canvas.setParam('%s.pitch' % handle, 30) self.canvas.setParam('%s.turns' % handle, 3.2) result_1 = self.canvas.getIq(0.1) result_2 = self.canvas.getIq(0.1) self.assertEqual(result_1,result_2) self.canvas.delete(handle) self.assertEqual(False,self.canvas.hasPr) handle2 = self.canvas.add('singlehelix','shelix2') result_3 = self.canvas.getIq(0.1) self.assertNotEqual(result_1, result_3) class TestOrdering(unittest.TestCase): """ Unit tests for all shapes in canvas model """ def setUp(self): radius = 15 thickness = 5 core_vol = 4.0/3.0*math.pi*radius*radius*radius outer_radius = radius+thickness shell_vol = 4.0/3.0*math.pi*outer_radius*outer_radius*outer_radius - core_vol self.shell_sld = -1.0*core_vol/shell_vol self.canvas = VolumeCanvas.VolumeCanvas() self.canvas.params['lores_density'] = 0.1 # Core shell model sphere = CoreShellModel() sphere.setParam('scale', 1.0) sphere.setParam('background', 0.0) sphere.setParam('sld_core', 1.0) sphere.setParam('sld_shell', self.shell_sld) sphere.setParam('sld_solvent', 0.0) # Core radius sphere.setParam('radius', radius) # Shell thickness sphere.setParam('thickness', thickness) self.sphere = sphere self.radius = radius self.outer_radius = outer_radius def set_coreshell_on_canvas(self, order1=None, order2=None): handle = self.canvas.add('sphere') self.canvas.setParam('scale' , 1.0) self.canvas.setParam('background' , 0.0) self.canvas.setParam('%s.radius' % handle, self.outer_radius) self.canvas.setParam('%s.contrast' % handle, self.shell_sld) if order1 is not None: self.canvas.setParam('%s.order' % handle, order1) handle2 = self.canvas.add('sphere') self.canvas.setParam('%s.radius' % handle2, self.radius) self.canvas.setParam('%s.contrast' % handle2, 1.0) if order2 is not None: self.canvas.setParam('%s.order' % handle2, order2) def testDefaultOrder(self): self.set_coreshell_on_canvas() ana = self.sphere.run(0.05) val, err = self.canvas.getIqError(0.05) self.assertTrue(math.fabs(ana-val)<2.0*err) def testRightOrder(self): self.set_coreshell_on_canvas(3.0, 6.0) ana = self.sphere.run(0.05) val, err = self.canvas.getIqError(0.05) #print 'right', ana, val, err self.assertTrue(math.fabs(ana-val)/ana < 1.1) def testWrongOrder(self): self.set_coreshell_on_canvas(1, 0) sphere = SphereModel() sphere.setParam('scale', 1.0) sphere.setParam('background', 0.0) sphere.setParam('radius', self.outer_radius) sphere.setParam('sld', self.shell_sld) sphere.setParam('sld_solvent', 0.0) ana = sphere.run(0.05) val, err = self.canvas.getIqError(0.05) #print 'wrong', ana, val, err self.assertTrue(math.fabs(ana-val)/ana < 1.1) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()