# This program is public domain """ Configure plotter for plottools. This must be imported first in __init__.py for plottools. If your application uses matplotlib outside plottools, then please do the following at the start of your application: # Select matplotlib version and backend import sas.sasgui.plottools.config Note that plottools requires particular versions of matplotlib and a particular backend. As of this writing it is the WXAgg backend for matplotlib>=0.98. The plottools package uses pkg_resources if available to select the correct version of matplotlib. If you need multiple matplotlib versions in your path, be sure to use "easy_install -m" for all of them. If a version is installed without "-m" that does not meet the requirements, then pkg_resources.require() will fail, even if you have installed a suitable version with "-m". In this case you will need to fix up your site-packages directory, probably by removing site-packages/matplotlib and the associated egg file for that version, and reinstalling with "-m". You may also need to edit site-packages/easy-install.pth. """ import sys __all__ = [] #plot_version = "0.98" #plot_backend = "WXAgg" plot_backend = "Qt4Agg" # Sort out matplotlib version import matplotlib #try: # import pkg_resources # pkg_resources.require("matplotlib>=" + plot_version) #except: # from distutils.version import LooseVersion as Version # if Version(matplotlib.__version__) < Version(plot_version): # msg = "Matplotlib version must be %s or newer" % (plot_version, ) # raise ImportError(msg) # Sort out matplotlib backend #import matplotlib if 'matplotlib.backends' not in sys.modules: # if no backend yet, be sure to use the correct one matplotlib.use(plot_backend) elif matplotlib.get_backend() != plot_backend: # if a backend has already been selected, make sure it is the correct one. #raise ImportError("Matplotlib not using backend " + plot_backend) pass # set global plot style param = 'legend.handletextpad' if param not in matplotlib.rcParams: param = 'legend.handletextsep' matplotlib.rcParams[param] = 0.05 matplotlib.rcParams['legend.numpoints'] = 1 #matplotlib.rcParams['interactive'] = True # this should happen after initial matplotlib configuration #from .toolbar import NavigationToolBar #from matplotlib.backends import backend_wxagg #backend_wxagg.NavigationToolbar2WxAgg = NavigationToolBar # CRUFT: bumps and older uses wrong toolbar #backend_wxagg.NavigationToolbar2Wx = NavigationToolBar