import time import sys import os import sas.sascalc.dataloader from lxml import etree from sas.sascalc.dataloader.readers.cansas_reader import Reader as CansasReader from sas.sascalc.dataloader.readers.cansas_reader import get_content from sas.sasgui.guiframe.utils import format_number from sas.sasgui.guiframe.gui_style import GUIFRAME_ID from sas.sasgui.guiframe.dataFitting import Data1D from sas.sascalc.dataloader.loader import Loader CORNODE_NAME = 'corfunc' CANSAS_NS = 'cansas1d/1.0' # The default state DEFAULT_STATE = { 'qmin_tcl': None, 'qmax1_tcl': None, 'qmax2_tcl': None, 'background_tcl': None } # List of output parameters, used by __str__ output_list = [ ['max', "Long Period (A): "], ['Lc', "Average Hard Block Thickness (A): "], ['dtr', "Average Interface Thickness (A): "], ['d0', "Average Core Thickness: "], ['A', "PolyDispersity: "], ['fill', "Filling Fraction: "] ] class CorfuncState(object): """ Stores information about the state of CorfuncPanel """ def __init__(self): # Inputs self.file = None = None self.qmin = None self.qmax = [0, 0] self.background = None self.outputs = {} self.saved_state = DEFAULT_STATE # Will be filled on panel init as number of states increases self.state_list = {} self.timestamp = time.time() # Raw Data self.q = None = None # TODO: Add extrapolated data and transformed data (when implemented) def __str__(self): """ Pretty print the state :return: A string representing the state """ state = "File: {}\n".format(self.file) state += "Timestamp: {}\n".format(self.timestamp) state += "Qmin: {}\n".format(str(self.qmin)) state += "Qmax: {}\n".format(str(self.qmax)) state += "Background: {}\n".format(str(self.background)) if self.outputs is None: return state state += "\nOutputs:\n" for output in output_list: key = output[0] name = output[1] state += "{}: {}\n".format(name, str(self.outputs[key])) return state def set_saved_state(self, name, value): """ Set a value in the current state. :param name: The name of the parameter to set :param value: The value to set the parameter to """ self.saved_state[name] = value if name == 'qmin_tcl': self.qmin = value elif name == 'qmax1_tcl': self.qmax[0] = value elif name == 'qmax2_tcl': self.qmax[1] = value elif name == 'background_tcl': self.background = value def toXML(self, filename='corfunc_state.cor', doc=None, entry_node=None): """ Writes the state of the CorfuncPanel panel to file, as XML. Compatible with standalone writing, or appending to an already existing XML document. In that case, the XML document is required. An optional entry node in the XML document may also be given. :param file: file to write to :param doc: XML document object [optional] :param entry_node: XML node within the XML document at which we will append the data [optional] :return: None if no doc is provided, modified XML document if doc!=None """ from xml.dom.minidom import getDOMImplementation top_element = None new_doc = None if doc is None: # Create a new XML document impl = getDOMImplementation() doc_type = impl.createDocumentType(CORNODE_NAME, "1.0", "1.0") new_doc = impl.createDocument(None, CORNODE_NAME, doc_type) top_element = new_doc.documentElement else: # Create a new element in the document provided top_element = doc.createElement(CORNODE_NAME) if entry_node is None: doc.documentElement.appendChild(top_element) else: entry_node.appendChild(top_element) new_doc = doc # Version attr = new_doc.createAttribute("version") attr.nodeValue = '1.0' top_element.setAttributeNode(attr) # Filename element = new_doc.createElement("filename") if self.file is not None and self.file != '': element.appendChild(new_doc.createTextNode(str(self.file))) else: element.appendChild(new_doc.createTextNode(str(filename))) top_element.appendChild(element) # Timestamp element = new_doc.createElement("timestamp") # Pretty printed format element.appendChild(new_doc.createTextNode(time.ctime(self.timestamp))) attr = new_doc.createAttribute("epoch") # Epoch value (used in self.fromXML) attr.nodeValue = str(self.timestamp) element.setAttributeNode(attr) top_element.appendChild(element) # Current state state = new_doc.createElement("state") top_element.appendChild(state) for name, value in self.saved_state.iteritems(): element = new_doc.createElement(name) element.appendChild(new_doc.createTextNode(str(value))) state.appendChild(element) # Output parameters output = new_doc.createElement("output") top_element.appendChild(output) for item in output_list: element = new_doc.createElement(item[0]) element.appendChild(new_doc.createTextNode(self.outputs[item[0]])) output.appendChild(element) # Save the file or return the original document with the state # data appended if doc is None: fd = open(filename, 'w') fd.write(new_doc.toprettyxml()) fd.close() return None else: return new_doc def fromXML(self, node): """ Load corfunc states from a file :param node: node of an XML document to read from (optional) """ if node.get('version') and node.get('version') == '1.0': # Parse filename entry = get_content('ns:filename', node) if entry is not None: self.file = entry.text.strip() # Parse timestamp entry = get_content('ns:timestamp', node) if entry is not None and entry.get('epoch'): try: self.timestamp = (entry.get('epoch')) except: msg = ("CorfuncState.fromXML: Could not read timestamp", "\n{}").format(sys.exc_value) logging.error(msg) # Parse current state entry = get_content('ns:state', node) if entry is not None: for item in DEFAULT_STATE.iterkeys(): input_field = get_content("ns:{}".format(item), entry) if input_field is not None: try: value = float(input_field.text.strip()) except: value = None self.set_saved_state(name=item, value=value) # Parse outputs entry = get_content('ns:output', node) if entry is not None: for item in output_list: parameter = get_content("ns:{}".format(item[0]), entry) if parameter is not None: self.outputs[item[0]] = parameter.text.strip() class Reader(CansasReader): """ Reads a CanSAS file containing the state of a CorfuncPanel """ type_name = "Corfunc" type = ["Invariant file (*.inv)|*.inv", "SASView file (*.svs)|*.svs"] ext = ['.cor', '.COR', '.svs', '.SVS'] def __init__(self, callback): self.callback = callback self.state = None def read(self, path): """ Load data and corfunc information frmo a CanSAS file. :param path: The file path to read from :return: Data1D object, a list of Data1D objects, or None :raise IOError: When the file can't be found :raise IOError: When the file is an invalid file type :raise ValueError: When the length of the data vectors are inconsistent """ output = [] if os.path.isfile(path): # Load file basename = os.path.basename(path) root, ext = os.path.splitext(basename) if not ext.lower() in self.ext: raise IOError, "{} is not a supported file type".format(ext) tree = etree.parse(path, parser=etree.ETCompatXMLParser()) root = tree.getroot() entry_list = root.xpath('/ns:SASroot/ns:SASentry', namespaces={'ns': CANSAS_NS}) for entry in entry_list: sas_entry, _ = self._parse_entry(entry) corstate = self._parse_state(entry) if corstate != None: sas_entry.meta_data['corstate'] = corstate sas_entry.filename = corstate.file output.append(sas_entry) else: # File not found msg = "{} is not a valid file path or doesn't exist".format(path) raise IOError, msg if len(output) == 0: return None elif len(output) == 1: self.callback(output[0].meta_data['corstate'], datainfo=output[0]) return output[0] else: return output def write(self, filename, datainfo=None, state=None): """ Write the content of a Data1D as a CanSAS file. : param filename: Name of the file to write : param datainfo: Data1D object : param state: CorfuncState object """ # Prepare datainfo if datainfo is None: datainfo = Data1D(x=[], y=[]) elif not issubclass(datainfo.__class__, Data1D): msg = ("The CanSAS writer expects a Data1D instance. {} was ", "provided").format(datainfo.__class__.__name__) raise RuntimeError, msg if datainfo.title is None or datainfo.title == '': datainfo.title = if datainfo.run_name == None or datainfo.run_name == '': = [str(] datainfo.run_name[0] = # Create the XMl doc doc, sasentry = self._to_xml_doc(datainfo) if state is not None: doc = state.toXML(doc=doc, entry_node=sasentry) # Write the XML doc to a file fd = open(filename, 'w') fd.write(doc.toprettyxml()) fd.close() def get_state(self): return self.state def _parse_state(self, entry): """ Read state data from an XML node :param entry: The XML node to read from :return: CorfuncState object """ state = None try: nodes = entry.xpath('ns:{}'.format(CORNODE_NAME), namespaces={'ns': CANSAS_NS}) if nodes != []: state = CorfuncState() state.fromXML(nodes[0]) except: msg = "XML document does not contain CorfuncState information\n{}" msg.format(sys.exc_value) return state