""" Corfunc perspective """ import wx import sys import logging import copy from sas.sasgui.guiframe.plugin_base import PluginBase from sas.sasgui.guiframe.gui_manager import MDIFrame from sas.sasgui.guiframe.events import StatusEvent from sas.sasgui.guiframe.events import NewPlotEvent from sas.sasgui.guiframe.events import PlotLimitEvent from sas.sasgui.guiframe.gui_style import GUIFRAME_ID from sas.sasgui.perspectives.corfunc.corfunc_panel import CorfuncPanel from sas.sasgui.guiframe.dataFitting import Data1D from sas.sasgui.perspectives.pr.pr_widgets import DataDialog from sas.sasgui.perspectives.corfunc.corfunc_state import Reader from sas.sascalc.dataloader.loader import Loader import sas.sascalc.dataloader from plot_labels import * class Plugin(PluginBase): """ This class defines the interface for a plugin class for a correlation function perspective """ def __init__(self): PluginBase.__init__(self, name="Correlation Function") logging.info("Correlation function plug-in started") self._always_active = True self.state_reader = Reader(self.set_state) self._extensions = '.cor' l = Loader() l.associate_file_reader('.cor', self.state_reader) def get_panels(self, parent): """ Define the GUI panels """ self.parent = parent self.frame = MDIFrame(self.parent, None, 'None', (100,200)) self.data_id = IQ_DATA_LABEL self.corfunc_panel = CorfuncPanel(parent=self.frame) self.frame.set_panel(self.corfunc_panel) self.corfunc_panel.set_manager(self) self._frame_set_helper() self.perspective.append(self.corfunc_panel.window_name) return [self.corfunc_panel] def get_context_menu(self, plotpanel=None): """ Get the context menu items available for Corfunc. :param plotpanel: A Plotter1D panel :return: a list of menu items with call-back function :note: if Data1D was generated from Theory1D the fitting option is not allowed """ graph = plotpanel.graph if graph.selected_plottable not in plotpanel.plots: return [] data = plotpanel.plots[graph.selected_plottable] if data.id == IQ_DATA_LABEL or data.id == IQ_EXTRAPOLATED_DATA_LABEL or data.id == TRANSFORM_LABEL: return [] item = plotpanel.plots[graph.selected_plottable] if item.__class__.__name__ is "Data2D": return [] elif item.__class__.__name__ is "Data1D": return [["Select data in corfunc", "Send this data to the correlation function perspective", self._on_select_data]] def set_state(self, state=None, datainfo=None): """ Callback for CorfuncState reader. Called when a .cor file is loaded """ self.corfunc_panel.set_state(state=state, data=datainfo) def set_data(self, data_list=None): """ Load the data that's been selected :param data_list: The data to load in """ if data_list is None: data_list = [] if len(data_list) >= 1: msg = "" if len(data_list) == 1: data = data_list[0] else: data_1d_list = [] data_2d_list = [] err_msg = "" for data in data_list: if data is not None: if issubclass(data.__class__, Data1D): data_1d_list.append(data) else: err_msg += "{} type {} \n".format(str(data.name), str(data.__class__)) data_2d_list.append(data) if len(data_2d_list) > 0: msg = "Corfunc doesn't support the following data types:\n" msg += err_msg if len(data_1d_list) == 0: msg += "No data recieved" wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg, info='error')) return elif len(data_list) > 1: msg = "Corfunc does not allow multiple data\n" msg += "Please select one.\n" dlg = DataDialog(data_list=data_1d_list, text=msg) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: data = dlg.get_data() else: data = None dlg.Destroy() if data is None: msg += "Corfunc recieved no data\n" wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg, info='error')) return if issubclass(data.__class__, Data1D): try: wx.PostEvent(self.parent, NewPlotEvent(action='remove', group_id=GROUP_ID_IQ_DATA, id=self.data_id)) self.data_id = data.id self.corfunc_panel.set_data(data) except: msg = "Corfunc set_data: " + str(sys.exc_value) wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg, info='error')) def delete_data(self, data): """ Delete the data from the perspective """ self.clear_data() self.corfunc_panel.set_data(None) def show_data(self, data, label, reset=False, active_ctrl=None): """ Show data read from a file :param data: The data to plot (Data1D) :param label: What to label the plot. Also used as the plot ID :param reset: If True, all other plottables will be cleared """ new_plot = Data1D(data.x, copy.deepcopy(data.y), dy=data.dy) group_id = "" if label == IQ_DATA_LABEL or label == IQ_EXTRAPOLATED_DATA_LABEL: new_plot.xaxis("\\rm{Q}", 'A^{-1}') new_plot.yaxis("\\rm{Intensity} ", "cm^{-1}") new_plot.y -= self.corfunc_panel.background group_id = GROUP_ID_IQ_DATA if label == IQ_EXTRAPOLATED_DATA_LABEL: # Show the extrapolation as a curve instead of points new_plot.symbol = GUIFRAME_ID.CURVE_SYMBOL_NUM elif label == TRANSFORM_LABEL: new_plot.xaxis("{x}", 'A') new_plot.yaxis("{\\Gamma}", '') group_id = GROUP_ID_TRANSFORM # Show the transformation as a curve instead of points new_plot.symbol = GUIFRAME_ID.CURVE_SYMBOL_NUM new_plot.id = label new_plot.name = label new_plot.group_id = group_id new_plot.interactive = True new_plot.title = group_id.replace('$', '').replace('\\', '') # Show data on a linear scale new_plot.xtransform = 'x' new_plot.ytransform = 'y' wx.PostEvent(self.parent, NewPlotEvent(plot=new_plot, title=new_plot.title, reset=reset)) if label == IQ_DATA_LABEL or label == IQ_EXTRAPOLATED_DATA_LABEL: wx.CallAfter(self.corfunc_panel.plot_qrange, active=active_ctrl, leftdown=True) if label == IQ_EXTRAPOLATED_DATA_LABEL: # Zoom in to the region we're interested in xlim = (min(self.corfunc_panel._extrapolated_data.x), self.corfunc_panel.qmax[1]*1.2) wx.CallAfter(wx.PostEvent, self.parent, PlotLimitEvent(id=IQ_DATA_LABEL, group_id=GROUP_ID_IQ_DATA, xlim=xlim)) def clear_data(self): wx.PostEvent(self.parent, NewPlotEvent(action='delete', group_id=GROUP_ID_TRANSFORM)) wx.PostEvent(self.parent, NewPlotEvent(action='clear', group_id=GROUP_ID_IQ_DATA)) def _on_select_data(self, event): panel = event.GetEventObject() if not panel.graph.selected_plottable in panel.plots: return data = panel.plots[panel.graph.selected_plottable] self.set_data([data])