################################################################################ #This software was developed by the University of Tennessee as part of the #Distributed Data Analysis of Neutron Scattering Experiments (DANSE) #project funded by the US National Science Foundation. # #See the license text in license.txt # #copyright 2008, University of Tennessee ################################################################################ import wx import sys from copy import deepcopy from sas.sasgui.guiframe.events import EVT_NEW_PLOT from sas.sasgui.guiframe.events import EVT_PLOT_QRANGE from sas.sasgui.guiframe.events import EVT_PLOT_LIM from sas.sasgui.guiframe.events import DeletePlotPanelEvent from sas.sasgui.guiframe.plugin_base import PluginBase from sas.sasgui.guiframe.dataFitting import Data1D from sas.sasgui.guiframe.dataFitting import Data2D from sas.sasgui.guiframe.gui_manager import MDIFrame DEFAULT_MENU_ITEM_LABEL = "No graph available" DEFAULT_MENU_ITEM_ID = wx.NewId() IS_WIN = True if sys.platform.count("win32") == 0: if int(str(wx.__version__).split('.')[0]) == 2: if int(str(wx.__version__).split('.')[1]) < 9: IS_WIN = False class Plugin(PluginBase): """ Plug-in class to be instantiated by the GUI manager """ def __init__(self): PluginBase.__init__(self, name="Plotting") ## Plot panels self.plot_panels = {} self._panel_on_focus = None self.menu_default_id = None # Plot menu self.menu = None def set_panel_on_focus(self, panel): """ """ self._panel_on_focus = panel def is_always_active(self): """ return True is this plugin is always active even if the user is switching between perspectives """ return True def populate_menu(self, parent): """ Create a 'Plot' menu to list the panels available for displaying :param id: next available unique ID for wx events :param parent: parent window """ return [] def get_panels(self, parent): """ Create and return a list of panel objects """ ## Save a reference to the parent self.parent = parent # Connect to plotting events self.parent.Bind(EVT_NEW_PLOT, self._on_plot_event) self.parent.Bind(EVT_PLOT_QRANGE, self._on_plot_qrange) self.parent.Bind(EVT_PLOT_LIM, self._on_plot_lim) # We have no initial panels for this plug-in return [] def _on_plot_qrange(self, event=None): """ On Qmin Qmax vertical line event """ if event is None: return if event.id in self.plot_panels.keys(): panel = self.plot_panels[event.id] elif event.group_id in self.plot_panels.keys(): panel = self.plot_panels[event.group_id] else: return panel.on_plot_qrange(event) def _on_plot_lim(self, event=None): if event is None: return if event.id in self.plot_panels.keys(): panel = self.plot_panels[event.id] elif event.group_id in self.plot_panels.keys(): panel = self.plot_panels[event.group_id] else: return if hasattr(event, 'xlim'): panel.subplot.set_xlim(event.xlim) if hasattr(event, 'ylim'): panel.subplot.set_ylim(event.ylim) def _on_show_panel(self, event): """show plug-in panel""" pass def remove_plot(self, group_id, id): """ remove plot of ID = id from a panel of group ID =group_id """ if group_id in self.plot_panels.keys(): panel = self.plot_panels[group_id] panel.remove_data_by_id(id=id) return True return False def clear_panel(self): """ Clear and Hide all plot panels, and remove them from menu """ for group_id in self.plot_panels.keys(): self.clear_panel_by_id(group_id) self.plot_panels = {} def clear_panel_by_id(self, group_id): """ clear the graph """ if group_id in self.plot_panels.keys(): panel = self.plot_panels[group_id] for plottable in panel.graph.plottables.keys(): self.remove_plot(group_id, plottable.id) panel.graph.reset() return True return False def hide_panel(self, group_id): """ hide panel with group ID = group_id """ # Not implemeted return False def create_panel_helper(self, new_panel, data, group_id, title=None): """ """ ## Set group ID if available ## Assign data properties to the new create panel new_panel.set_manager(self) new_panel.group_id = group_id if group_id not in data.list_group_id: data.list_group_id.append(group_id) if title is None: title = data.title new_panel.window_caption = title new_panel.window_name = data.title event_id = self.parent.popup_panel(new_panel) # Set UID to allow us to reference the panel later new_panel.uid = event_id # Ship the plottable to its panel wx.CallAfter(new_panel.plot_data, data) #new_panel.canvas.set_resizing(new_panel.resizing) self.plot_panels[new_panel.group_id] = new_panel def create_1d_panel(self, data, group_id): """ """ # Create a new plot panel if none was available if issubclass(data.__class__, Data1D): from Plotter1D import ModelPanel1D ## get the data representation label of the data to plot ## when even the user select "change scale" xtransform = data.xtransform ytransform = data.ytransform ## create a plotpanel for 1D Data win = MDIFrame(self.parent, None, 'None', (100, 200)) new_panel = ModelPanel1D(win, -1, xtransform=xtransform, ytransform=ytransform, style=wx.RAISED_BORDER) win.set_panel(new_panel) win.Show(False) new_panel.frame = win #win.Show(True) return new_panel msg = "1D Panel of group ID %s could not be created" % str(group_id) raise (ValueError, msg) def create_2d_panel(self, data, group_id): """ """ if issubclass(data.__class__, Data2D): ##Create a new plotpanel for 2D data from Plotter2D import ModelPanel2D scale = data.scale win = MDIFrame(self.parent, None, 'None', (200, 150)) win.Show(False) new_panel = ModelPanel2D(win, id=-1, data2d=data, scale=scale, style=wx.RAISED_BORDER) win.set_panel(new_panel) new_panel.frame = win return new_panel msg = "2D Panel of group ID %s could not be created" % str(group_id) raise (ValueError, msg) def update_panel(self, data, panel): """ update the graph of a given panel """ # Check whether we already have a graph with the same units # as the plottable we just received. _, x_unit = data.get_xaxis() _, y_unit = data.get_yaxis() flag_x = (panel.graph.prop["xunit"] is not None) and \ (panel.graph.prop["xunit"].strip() != "") and\ (x_unit != panel.graph.prop["xunit"]) and False flag_y = (panel.graph.prop["yunit"] is not None) and \ (panel.graph.prop["yunit"].strip() != "") and\ (y_unit != panel.graph.prop["yunit"]) and False if flag_x and flag_y: msg = "Cannot add %s" % str(data.name) msg += " to panel %s\n" % str(panel.window_caption) msg += "Please edit %s's units, labels" % str(data.name) raise (ValueError, msg) else: if panel.group_id not in data.list_group_id: data.list_group_id.append(panel.group_id) wx.CallAfter(panel.plot_data, data) def delete_panel(self, group_id): """ """ if group_id in self.plot_panels.keys(): panel = self.plot_panels[group_id] uid = panel.uid wx.PostEvent(self.parent, DeletePlotPanelEvent(name=panel.window_caption, caption=panel.window_caption)) del self.plot_panels[group_id] if uid in self.parent.plot_panels.keys(): del self.parent.plot_panels[uid] panel.frame.Destroy() return True return False def _on_plot_event(self, event): """ A new plottable is being shipped to the plotting plug-in. Check whether we have a panel to put in on, or create a new one :param event: EVT_NEW_PLOT event """ action_check = False if hasattr(event, 'action'): action_string = event.action.lower().strip() if action_string == 'check': action_check = True else: if action_string == 'update': # Update all existing plots of data with this ID for data in event.plots: for panel in self.plot_panels.values(): if data.id in panel.plots.keys(): plot_exists = True # Pass each panel it's own copy of the data # that's being updated, otherwise things like # colour and line thickness are unintentionally # synced across panels self.update_panel(deepcopy(data), panel) return group_id = event.group_id if group_id in self.plot_panels: #remove data from panel if action_string == 'remove': return self.remove_plot(group_id, event.id) if action_string == 'hide': return self.hide_panel(group_id) if action_string == 'delete': panel = self.plot_panels[group_id] uid = panel.uid return self.parent.delete_panel(uid) if action_string == "clear": return self.clear_panel_by_id(group_id) if not hasattr(event, 'plot'): return title = None if hasattr(event, 'title'): title = 'Graph' #event.title data = event.plot group_id = data.group_id if group_id in self.plot_panels.keys(): if action_check: # Check if the plot already exist. if it does, do nothing. if data.id in self.plot_panels[group_id].plots.keys(): return #update a panel graph panel = self.plot_panels[group_id] self.update_panel(data, panel) else: #create a new panel if issubclass(data.__class__, Data1D): new_panel = self.create_1d_panel(data, group_id) else: # Need to make the group_id consistent with 1D thus no if below if len(self.plot_panels.values()) > 0: for p_group_id in self.plot_panels.keys(): p_plot = self.plot_panels[p_group_id] if data.id in p_plot.plots.keys(): p_plot.plots[data.id] = data self.plot_panels[group_id] = p_plot if group_id != p_group_id: del self.plot_panels[p_group_id] if p_group_id in data.list_group_id: data.list_group_id.remove(p_group_id) if group_id not in data.list_group_id: data.list_group_id.append(group_id) p_plot.group_id = group_id return new_panel = self.create_2d_panel(data, group_id) self.create_panel_helper(new_panel, data, group_id, title) if hasattr(event, 'xlim'): new_panel.subplot.set_xlim(event.xlim) if hasattr(event, 'ylim'): new_panel.subplot.set_ylim(event.ylim) return