#!/usr/bin/env python # # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # # Michael A.G. Aivazis # California Institute of Technology # (C) 1998-2005 All Rights Reserved # # # # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # if __name__ == "__main__": from SASsimulation import analmodelpy as analmodelpymodule from SASsimulation import iqPy from SASsimulation import geoshapespy print "copyright information:" print " ", analmodelpymodule.copyright() print print "module information:" print " file:", analmodelpymodule.__file__ print " doc:", analmodelpymodule.__doc__ print " contents:", dir(analmodelpymodule) a = geoshapespy.new_sphere(1.0) iq = iqPy.new_iq(10,0.001, 0.3) anal = analmodelpymodule.new_analmodel(a) analmodelpymodule.CalculateIQ(anal,iq) iqPy.OutputIQ(iq,"out.iq") # version __id__ = "$Id$" # End of file