#!/usr/bin/env python """ Volume Canvas Simulation canvas for real-space simulation of SAS scattering intensity. The user can create an arrangement of basic shapes and estimate I(q) and I(q_x, q_y). Error estimates on the simulation are also available. Example: import sas.sascalc.realspace.VolumeCanvas as VolumeCanvas canvas = VolumeCanvas.VolumeCanvas() canvas.setParam('lores_density', 0.01) sphere = SphereDescriptor() handle = canvas.addObject(sphere) output, error = canvas.getIqError(q=0.1) output, error = canvas.getIq2DError(0.1, 0.1) or alternatively: iq = canvas.run(0.1) i2_2D = canvas.run([0.1, 1.57]) """ from sas.models.BaseComponent import BaseComponent from sas.sascalc.simulation.pointsmodelpy import pointsmodelpy from sas.sascalc.simulation.geoshapespy import geoshapespy import os.path, math class ShapeDescriptor: """ Class to hold the information about a shape The descriptor holds a dictionary of parameters. Note: if shape parameters are accessed directly from outside VolumeCanvas. The getPr method should be called before evaluating I(q). """ def __init__(self): """ Initialization """ ## Real space object self.shapeObject = None ## Parameters of the object self.params = {} self.params["center"] = [0, 0, 0] # Orientation are angular offsets in degrees with respect to X, Y, Z self.params["orientation"] = [0, 0, 0] # Default to lores shape self.params['is_lores'] = True self.params['order'] = 0 def create(self): """ Create an instance of the shape """ # Set center x0 = self.params["center"][0] y0 = self.params["center"][1] z0 = self.params["center"][2] geoshapespy.set_center(self.shapeObject, x0, y0, z0) # Set orientation x0 = self.params["orientation"][0] y0 = self.params["orientation"][1] z0 = self.params["orientation"][2] geoshapespy.set_orientation(self.shapeObject, x0, y0, z0) class SphereDescriptor(ShapeDescriptor): """ Descriptor for a sphere The parameters are: - radius [Angstroem] [default = 20 A] - Contrast [A-2] [default = 1 A-2] """ def __init__(self): """ Initialization """ ShapeDescriptor.__init__(self) # Default parameters self.params["type"] = "sphere" # Radius of the sphere self.params["radius"] = 20.0 # Constrast parameter self.params["contrast"] = 1.0 def create(self): """ Create an instance of the shape @return: instance of the shape """ self.shapeObject = geoshapespy.new_sphere(\ self.params["radius"]) ShapeDescriptor.create(self) return self.shapeObject class CylinderDescriptor(ShapeDescriptor): """ Descriptor for a cylinder Orientation: Default cylinder is along Y Parameters: - Length [default = 40 A] - Radius [default = 10 A] - Contrast [default = 1 A-2] """ def __init__(self): """ Initialization """ ShapeDescriptor.__init__(self) # Default parameters self.params["type"] = "cylinder" # Length of the cylinder self.params["length"] = 40.0 # Radius of the cylinder self.params["radius"] = 10.0 # Constrast parameter self.params["contrast"] = 1.0 def create(self): """ Create an instance of the shape @return: instance of the shape """ self.shapeObject = geoshapespy.new_cylinder(\ self.params["radius"], self.params["length"]) ShapeDescriptor.create(self) return self.shapeObject class EllipsoidDescriptor(ShapeDescriptor): """ Descriptor for an ellipsoid Parameters: - Radius_x along the x-axis [default = 30 A] - Radius_y along the y-axis [default = 20 A] - Radius_z along the z-axis [default = 10 A] - contrast [default = 1 A-2] """ def __init__(self): """ Initialization """ ShapeDescriptor.__init__(self) # Default parameters self.params["type"] = "ellipsoid" self.params["radius_x"] = 30.0 self.params["radius_y"] = 20.0 self.params["radius_z"] = 10.0 self.params["contrast"] = 1.0 def create(self): """ Create an instance of the shape @return: instance of the shape """ self.shapeObject = geoshapespy.new_ellipsoid(\ self.params["radius_x"], self.params["radius_y"], self.params["radius_z"]) ShapeDescriptor.create(self) return self.shapeObject class HelixDescriptor(ShapeDescriptor): """ Descriptor for an helix Parameters: -radius_helix: the radius of the helix [default = 10 A] -radius_tube: radius of the "tube" that forms the helix [default = 3 A] -pitch: distance between two consecutive turns of the helix [default = 34 A] -turns: number of turns of the helix [default = 3] -contrast: contrast parameter [default = 1 A-2] """ def __init__(self): """ Initialization """ ShapeDescriptor.__init__(self) # Default parameters self.params["type"] = "singlehelix" self.params["radius_helix"] = 10.0 self.params["radius_tube"] = 3.0 self.params["pitch"] = 34.0 self.params["turns"] = 3.0 self.params["contrast"] = 1.0 def create(self): """ Create an instance of the shape @return: instance of the shape """ self.shapeObject = geoshapespy.new_singlehelix(\ self.params["radius_helix"], self.params["radius_tube"], self.params["pitch"], self.params["turns"]) ShapeDescriptor.create(self) return self.shapeObject class PDBDescriptor(ShapeDescriptor): """ Descriptor for a PDB set of points Parameter: - file = name of the PDB file """ def __init__(self, filename): """ Initialization @param filename: name of the PDB file to load """ ShapeDescriptor.__init__(self) # Default parameters self.params["type"] = "pdb" self.params["file"] = filename self.params['is_lores'] = False def create(self): """ Create an instance of the shape @return: instance of the shape """ self.shapeObject = pointsmodelpy.new_pdbmodel() pointsmodelpy.pdbmodel_add(self.shapeObject, self.params['file']) #ShapeDescriptor.create(self) return self.shapeObject # Define a dictionary for the shape until we find # a better way to create them shape_dict = {'sphere':SphereDescriptor, 'cylinder':CylinderDescriptor, 'ellipsoid':EllipsoidDescriptor, 'singlehelix':HelixDescriptor} class VolumeCanvas(BaseComponent): """ Class representing an empty space volume to add geometrical object to. For 1D I(q) simulation, getPr() is called internally for the first call to getIq(). """ def __init__(self): """ Initialization """ BaseComponent.__init__(self) ## Maximum value of q reachable self.params['q_max'] = 0.1 self.params['lores_density'] = 0.1 self.params['scale'] = 1.0 self.params['background'] = 0.0 self.lores_model = pointsmodelpy.new_loresmodel(self.params['lores_density']) self.complex_model = pointsmodelpy.new_complexmodel() self.shapes = {} self.shapecount = 0 self.points = None self.npts = 0 self.hasPr = False def _model_changed(self): """ Reset internal data members to reflect the fact that the real-space model has changed """ self.hasPr = False self.points = None def addObject(self, shapeDesc, id = None): """ Adds a real-space object to the canvas. @param shapeDesc: object to add to the canvas [ShapeDescriptor] @param id: string handle for the object [string] [optional] @return: string handle for the object """ # If the handle is not provided, create one if id == None: id = shapeDesc.params["type"]+str(self.shapecount) # Self the order number shapeDesc.params['order'] = self.shapecount # Store the shape in a dictionary entry associated # with the handle self.shapes[id] = shapeDesc self.shapecount += 1 # model changed, need to recalculate P(r) self._model_changed() return id def add(self, shape, id = None): """ The intend of this method is to eventually be able to use it as a factory for the canvas and unify the simulation with the analytical solutions. For instance, if one adds a cylinder and it is the only shape on the canvas, the analytical solution could be called. If multiple shapes are involved, then simulation has to be performed. This function is deprecated, use addObject(). @param shape: name of the object to add to the canvas [string] @param id: string handle for the object [string] [optional] @return: string handle for the object """ # If the handle is not provided, create one if id == None: id = "shape"+str(self.shapecount) # shapeDesc = ShapeDescriptor(shape.lower()) if shape.lower() in shape_dict: shapeDesc = shape_dict[shape.lower()]() elif os.path.isfile(shape): # A valid filename was supplier, create a PDB object shapeDesc = PDBDescriptor(shape) else: raise ValueError("VolumeCanvas.add: Unknown shape %s" % shape) return self.addObject(shapeDesc, id) def delete(self, id): """ Delete a shape. The ID for the shape is required. @param id: string handle for the object [string] [optional] """ if id in self.shapes: del self.shapes[id] else: raise KeyError("VolumeCanvas.delete: could not find shape ID") # model changed, need to recalculate P(r) self._model_changed() def setParam(self, name, value): """ Function to set the value of a parameter. Both VolumeCanvas parameters and shape parameters are accessible. Note: if shape parameters are accessed directly from outside VolumeCanvas. The getPr method should be called before evaluating I(q). TODO: implemented a check method to protect against that. @param name: name of the parameter to change @param value: value to give the parameter """ # Lowercase for case insensitivity name = name.lower() # Look for shape access toks = name.split('.') # If a shape identifier was given, look the shape up # in the dictionary if len(toks): if toks[0] in self.shapes: # The shape was found, now look for the parameter if toks[1] in self.shapes[toks[0]].params: # The parameter was found, now change it self.shapes[toks[0]].params[toks[1]] = value self._model_changed() else: raise ValueError("Could not find parameter %s" % name) else: raise ValueError("Could not find shape %s" % toks[0]) else: # If we are not accessing the parameters of a # shape, see if the parameter is part of this object BaseComponent.setParam(self, name, value) self._model_changed() def getParam(self, name): """ @param name: name of the parameter to change """ #TODO: clean this up # Lowercase for case insensitivity name = name.lower() # Look for sub-model access toks = name.split('.') if len(toks) == 1: try: value = self.params[toks[0]] except KeyError: raise ValueError("VolumeCanvas.getParam: Could not find" " %s" % name) if isinstance(value, ShapeDescriptor): raise ValueError("VolumeCanvas.getParam: Cannot get parameter" " value.") else: return value elif len(toks) == 2: try: shapeinstance = self.shapes[toks[0]] except KeyError: raise ValueError("VolumeCanvas.getParam: Could not find " "%s" % name) if not toks[1] in shapeinstance.params: raise ValueError("VolumeCanvas.getParam: Could not find " "%s" % name) return shapeinstance.params[toks[1]] else: raise ValueError("VolumeCanvas.getParam: Could not find %s" % name) def getParamList(self, shapeid=None): """ return a full list of all available parameters from self.params.keys(). If a key in self.params is a instance of ShapeDescriptor, extend the return list to: [param1,param2,shapeid.param1,shapeid.param2.......] If shapeid is provided, return the list of parameters that belongs to that shape id only : [shapeid.param1, shapeid.param2...] """ param_list = [] if shapeid is None: for key1 in self.params: #value1 = self.params[key1] param_list.append(key1) for key2 in self.shapes: value2 = self.shapes[key2] header = key2 + '.' for key3 in value2.params: fullname = header + key3 param_list.append(fullname) else: if not shapeid in self.shapes: raise ValueError("VolumeCanvas: getParamList: Could not find " "%s" % shapeid) header = shapeid + '.' param_list = [header + param for param in self.shapes[shapeid].params] return param_list def getShapeList(self): """ Return a list of the shapes """ return self.shapes.keys() def _addSingleShape(self, shapeDesc): """ create shapeobject based on shapeDesc @param shapeDesc: shape description """ # Create the object model shapeDesc.create() if shapeDesc.params['is_lores']: # Add the shape to the lores_model pointsmodelpy.lores_add(self.lores_model, shapeDesc.shapeObject, shapeDesc.params['contrast']) def _createVolumeFromList(self): """ Create a new lores model with all the shapes in our internal list Whenever we change a parameter of a shape, we have to re-create the whole thing. Items with higher 'order' number take precedence for regions of space that are shared with other objects. Points in the overlapping region belonging to objects with lower 'order' will be ignored. Items are added in decreasing 'order' number. The item with the highest 'order' will be added *first*. [That conventions is prescribed by the realSpaceModeling module] """ # Create empty model self.lores_model = \ pointsmodelpy.new_loresmodel(self.params['lores_density']) # Create empty complex model self.complex_model = pointsmodelpy.new_complexmodel() # Order the object first obj_list = [] for shape in self.shapes: order = self.shapes[shape].params['order'] # find where to place it in the list stored = False for i in range(len(obj_list)): if obj_list[i][0] > order: obj_list.insert(i, [order, shape]) stored = True break if not stored: obj_list.append([order, shape]) # Add each shape len_list = len(obj_list) for i in range(len_list-1, -1, -1): shapedesc = self.shapes[obj_list[i][1]] self._addSingleShape(shapedesc) return 0 def getPr(self): """ Calculate P(r) from the objects on the canvas. This method should always be called after the shapes on the VolumeCanvas have changed. @return: calculation output flag """ # To find a complete example of the correct call order: # In LORES2, in actionclass.py, method CalculateAction._get_iq() # If there are not shapes, do nothing if len(self.shapes) == 0: self._model_changed() return 0 # generate space filling points from shape list self._createVolumeFromList() self.points = pointsmodelpy.new_point3dvec() pointsmodelpy.complexmodel_add(self.complex_model, self.lores_model, "LORES") for shape in self.shapes: if self.shapes[shape].params['is_lores'] == False: pointsmodelpy.complexmodel_add(self.complex_model, self.shapes[shape].shapeObject, "PDB") #pointsmodelpy.get_lorespoints(self.lores_model, self.points) self.npts = pointsmodelpy.get_complexpoints(self.complex_model, self.points) # expecting the rmax is a positive float or 0. The maximum distance. #rmax = pointsmodelpy.get_lores_pr(self.lores_model, self.points) rmax = pointsmodelpy.get_complex_pr(self.complex_model, self.points) self.hasPr = True return rmax def run(self, q = 0): """ Returns the value of I(q) for a given q-value @param q: q-value ([float] or [list]) ([A-1] or [[A-1], [rad]]) @return: I(q) [float] [cm-1] """ # Check for 1D q length if q.__class__.__name__ == 'int' \ or q.__class__.__name__ == 'float': return self.getIq(q) # Check for 2D q-value elif q.__class__.__name__ == 'list': # Compute (Qx, Qy) from (Q, phi) # Phi is in radian and Q-values are in A-1 qx = q[0]*math.cos(q[1]) qy = q[0]*math.sin(q[1]) return self.getIq2D(qx, qy) # Through an exception if it's not a # type we recognize else: raise ValueError("run(q): bad type for q") def runXY(self, q = 0): """ Standard run command for the canvas. Redirects to the correct method according to the input type. @param q: q-value [float] or [list] [A-1] @return: I(q) [float] [cm-1] """ # Check for 1D q length if q.__class__.__name__ == 'int' \ or q.__class__.__name__ == 'float': return self.getIq(q) # Check for 2D q-value elif q.__class__.__name__ == 'list': return self.getIq2D(q[0], q[1]) # Through an exception if it's not a # type we recognize else: raise ValueError("runXY(q): bad type for q") def _create_modelObject(self): """ Create the simulation model obejct from the list of shapes. This method needs to be called each time a parameter changes because of the way the underlying library was (badly) written. It is impossible to change a parameter, or remove a shape without having to refill the space points. TODO: improve that. """ # To find a complete example of the correct call order: # In LORES2, in actionclass.py, method CalculateAction._get_iq() # If there are not shapes, do nothing if len(self.shapes) == 0: self._model_changed() return 0 # generate space filling points from shape list self._createVolumeFromList() self.points = pointsmodelpy.new_point3dvec() pointsmodelpy.complexmodel_add(self.complex_model, self.lores_model, "LORES") for shape in self.shapes: if self.shapes[shape].params['is_lores'] == False: pointsmodelpy.complexmodel_add(self.complex_model, self.shapes[shape].shapeObject, "PDB") #pointsmodelpy.get_lorespoints(self.lores_model, self.points) self.npts = pointsmodelpy.get_complexpoints(self.complex_model, self.points) def getIq2D(self, qx, qy): """ Returns simulate I(q) for given q_x and q_y values. @param qx: q_x [A-1] @param qy: q_y [A-1] @return: I(q) [cm-1] """ # If this is the first simulation call, we need to generate the # space points if self.points == None: self._create_modelObject() # Protect against empty model if self.points == None: return 0 # Evalute I(q) norm = 1.0e8/self.params['lores_density']*self.params['scale'] return norm*pointsmodelpy.get_complex_iq_2D(self.complex_model, self.points, qx, qy)\ + self.params['background'] def write_pr(self, filename): """ Write P(r) to an output file @param filename: file name for P(r) output """ if self.hasPr == False: self.getPr() pointsmodelpy.outputPR(self.complex_model, filename) def getPrData(self): """ Write P(r) to an output file @param filename: file name for P(r) output """ if self.hasPr == False: self.getPr() return pointsmodelpy.get_pr(self.complex_model) def getIq(self, q): """ Returns the value of I(q) for a given q-value This method should remain internal to the class and the run() method should be used instead. @param q: q-value [float] @return: I(q) [float] """ if self.hasPr == False: self.getPr() # By dividing by the density instead of the actuall V/N, # we have an uncertainty of +-1 on N because the number # of points chosen for the simulation is int(density*volume). # Propagation of error gives: # delta(1/density^2) = 2*(1/density^2)/N # where N is stored in self.npts norm = 1.0e8/self.params['lores_density']*self.params['scale'] #return norm*pointsmodelpy.get_lores_i(self.lores_model, q) return norm*pointsmodelpy.get_complex_i(self.complex_model, q)\ + self.params['background'] def getError(self, q): """ Returns the error of I(q) for a given q-value @param q: q-value [float] @return: I(q) [float] """ if self.hasPr == False: self.getPr() # By dividing by the density instead of the actual V/N, # we have an uncertainty of +-1 on N because the number # of points chosen for the simulation is int(density*volume). # Propagation of error gives: # delta(1/density^2) = 2*(1/density^2)/N # where N is stored in self.npts norm = 1.0e8/self.params['lores_density']*self.params['scale'] #return norm*pointsmodelpy.get_lores_i(self.lores_model, q) return norm*pointsmodelpy.get_complex_i_error(self.complex_model, q)\ + self.params['background'] def getIqError(self, q): """ Return the simulated value along with its estimated error for a given q-value Propagation of errors is used to evaluate the uncertainty. @param q: q-value [float] @return: mean, error [float, float] """ val = self.getIq(q) # Simulation error (statistical) err = self.getError(q) # Error on V/N simerr = 2*val/self.npts return val, err+simerr def getIq2DError(self, qx, qy): """ Return the simulated value along with its estimated error for a given q-value Propagation of errors is used to evaluate the uncertainty. @param qx: qx-value [float] @param qy: qy-value [float] @return: mean, error [float, float] """ self._create_modelObject() norm = 1.0e8/self.params['lores_density']*self.params['scale'] val = norm*pointsmodelpy.get_complex_iq_2D(self.complex_model, self.points, qx, qy)\ + self.params['background'] # Simulation error (statistical) norm = 1.0e8/self.params['lores_density']*self.params['scale'] \ * math.pow(self.npts/self.params['lores_density'], 1.0/3.0)/self.npts err = norm*pointsmodelpy.get_complex_iq_2D_err(self.complex_model, self.points, qx, qy) # Error on V/N simerr = 2*val/self.npts # The error used for the position is over-simplified. # The actual error was empirically found to be about # an order of magnitude larger. return val, 10.0*err+simerr