""" DANSE/SANS file reader """ ############################################################################ #This software was developed by the University of Tennessee as part of the #Distributed Data Analysis of Neutron Scattering Experiments (DANSE) #project funded by the US National Science Foundation. #If you use DANSE applications to do scientific research that leads to #publication, we ask that you acknowledge the use of the software with the #following sentence: #This work benefited from DANSE software developed under NSF award DMR-0520547. #copyright 2008, University of Tennessee ############################################################################# import math import os import sys import numpy as np import logging from sas.sascalc.dataloader.data_info import Data2D, Detector from sas.sascalc.dataloader.manipulations import reader2D_converter logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Look for unit converter has_converter = True try: from sas.sascalc.data_util.nxsunit import Converter except: has_converter = False class Reader: """ Example data manipulation """ ## File type type_name = "DANSE" ## Wildcards type = ["DANSE files (*.sans)|*.sans"] ## Extension ext = ['.sans', '.SANS'] def read(self, filename=None): """ Open and read the data in a file @param file: path of the file """ read_it = False for item in self.ext: if filename.lower().find(item) >= 0: read_it = True if read_it: try: datafile = open(filename, 'r') except: raise RuntimeError,"danse_reader cannot open %s" % (filename) # defaults # wavelength in Angstrom wavelength = 10.0 # Distance in meter distance = 11.0 # Pixel number of center in x center_x = 65 # Pixel number of center in y center_y = 65 # Pixel size [mm] pixel = 5.0 # Size in x, in pixels size_x = 128 # Size in y, in pixels size_y = 128 # Format version fversion = 1.0 output = Data2D() output.filename = os.path.basename(filename) detector = Detector() output.detector.append(detector) output.data = np.zeros([size_x,size_y]) output.err_data = np.zeros([size_x, size_y]) data_conv_q = None data_conv_i = None if has_converter == True and output.Q_unit != '1/A': data_conv_q = Converter('1/A') # Test it data_conv_q(1.0, output.Q_unit) if has_converter == True and output.I_unit != '1/cm': data_conv_i = Converter('1/cm') # Test it data_conv_i(1.0, output.I_unit) read_on = True while read_on: line = datafile.readline() if line.find("DATA:") >= 0: read_on = False break toks = line.split(':') if toks[0] == "FORMATVERSION": fversion = float(toks[1]) if toks[0] == "WAVELENGTH": wavelength = float(toks[1]) elif toks[0] == "DISTANCE": distance = float(toks[1]) elif toks[0] == "CENTER_X": center_x = float(toks[1]) elif toks[0] == "CENTER_Y": center_y = float(toks[1]) elif toks[0] == "PIXELSIZE": pixel = float(toks[1]) elif toks[0] == "SIZE_X": size_x = int(toks[1]) elif toks[0] == "SIZE_Y": size_y = int(toks[1]) # Read the data data = [] error = [] if fversion == 1.0: data_str = datafile.readline() data = data_str.split(' ') else: read_on = True while read_on: data_str = datafile.readline() if len(data_str) == 0: read_on = False else: toks = data_str.split() try: val = float(toks[0]) err = float(toks[1]) if data_conv_i is not None: val = data_conv_i(val, units=output._yunit) err = data_conv_i(err, units=output._yunit) data.append(val) error.append(err) except: logger.info("Skipping line:%s,%s" %(data_str, sys.exc_value)) # Initialize x_vals = [] y_vals = [] ymin = None ymax = None xmin = None xmax = None # Qx and Qy vectors theta = pixel / distance / 100.0 stepq = 4.0 * math.pi / wavelength * math.sin(theta / 2.0) for i_x in range(size_x): theta = (i_x - center_x + 1) * pixel / distance / 100.0 qx = 4.0 * math.pi / wavelength * math.sin(theta / 2.0) if has_converter == True and output.Q_unit != '1/A': qx = data_conv_q(qx, units=output.Q_unit) x_vals.append(qx) if xmin == None or qx < xmin: xmin = qx if xmax == None or qx > xmax: xmax = qx ymin = None ymax = None for i_y in range(size_y): theta = (i_y - center_y + 1) * pixel / distance / 100.0 qy = 4.0 * math.pi / wavelength * math.sin(theta/2.0) if has_converter == True and output.Q_unit != '1/A': qy = data_conv_q(qy, units=output.Q_unit) y_vals.append(qy) if ymin == None or qy < ymin: ymin = qy if ymax == None or qy > ymax: ymax = qy # Store the data in the 2D array i_x = 0 i_y = -1 for i_pt in range(len(data)): try: value = float(data[i_pt]) except: # For version 1.0, the data were still # stored as strings at this point. msg = "Skipping entry (v1.0):%s,%s" % (str(data[i_pt]), sys.exc_value) logger.info(msg) # Get bin number if math.fmod(i_pt, size_x) == 0: i_x = 0 i_y += 1 else: i_x += 1 output.data[i_y][i_x] = value if fversion>1.0: output.err_data[i_y][i_x] = error[i_pt] # Store all data # Store wavelength if has_converter == True and output.source.wavelength_unit != 'A': conv = Converter('A') wavelength = conv(wavelength, units=output.source.wavelength_unit) output.source.wavelength = wavelength # Store distance if has_converter == True and detector.distance_unit != 'm': conv = Converter('m') distance = conv(distance, units=detector.distance_unit) detector.distance = distance # Store pixel size if has_converter == True and detector.pixel_size_unit != 'mm': conv = Converter('mm') pixel = conv(pixel, units=detector.pixel_size_unit) detector.pixel_size.x = pixel detector.pixel_size.y = pixel # Store beam center in distance units detector.beam_center.x = center_x * pixel detector.beam_center.y = center_y * pixel # Store limits of the image (2D array) xmin = xmin - stepq / 2.0 xmax = xmax + stepq / 2.0 ymin = ymin - stepq /2.0 ymax = ymax + stepq / 2.0 if has_converter == True and output.Q_unit != '1/A': xmin = data_conv_q(xmin, units=output.Q_unit) xmax = data_conv_q(xmax, units=output.Q_unit) ymin = data_conv_q(ymin, units=output.Q_unit) ymax = data_conv_q(ymax, units=output.Q_unit) output.xmin = xmin output.xmax = xmax output.ymin = ymin output.ymax = ymax # Store x and y axis bin centers output.x_bins = x_vals output.y_bins = y_vals # Units if data_conv_q is not None: output.xaxis("\\rm{Q_{x}}", output.Q_unit) output.yaxis("\\rm{Q_{y}}", output.Q_unit) else: output.xaxis("\\rm{Q_{x}}", 'A^{-1}') output.yaxis("\\rm{Q_{y}}", 'A^{-1}') if data_conv_i is not None: output.zaxis("\\rm{Intensity}", output.I_unit) else: output.zaxis("\\rm{Intensity}", "cm^{-1}") if not fversion >= 1.0: msg = "Danse_reader can't read this file %s" % filename raise ValueError, msg else: logger.info("Danse_reader Reading %s \n" % filename) # Store loading process information output.meta_data['loader'] = self.type_name output = reader2D_converter(output) return output return None