""" This is the base file reader class most file readers should inherit from. All generic functionality required for a file loader/reader is built into this class """ import os import logging import numpy as np from abc import abstractmethod from loader_exceptions import NoKnownLoaderException, FileContentsException,\ DataReaderException from data_info import Data1D, Data2D, DataInfo, plottable_1D, plottable_2D,\ combine_data_info_with_plottable logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class FileReader(object): # List of Data1D and Data2D objects to be sent back to data_loader output = [] # Current plottable_(1D/2D) object being loaded in current_dataset = None # Current DataInfo object being loaded in current_datainfo = None # String to describe the type of data this reader can load type_name = "ASCII" # Wildcards to display type = ["Text files (*.txt|*.TXT)"] # List of allowed extensions ext = ['.txt'] # Bypass extension check and try to load anyway allow_all = False # Able to import the unit converter has_converter = True # Open file handle f_open = None # Default value of zero _ZERO = 1e-16 def read(self, filepath): """ Basic file reader :param filepath: The full or relative path to a file to be loaded """ if os.path.isfile(filepath): basename, extension = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filepath)) # If the file type is not allowed, return nothing if extension in self.ext or self.allow_all: # Try to load the file, but raise an error if unable to. try: self.unit_converter() self.f_open = open(filepath, 'rb') self.get_file_contents() self.sort_one_d_data() except RuntimeError: # Reader specific errors # TODO: Give a specific error. pass except OSError as e: # If the file cannot be opened msg = "Unable to open file: {}\n".format(filepath) msg += e.message self.handle_error_message(msg) except Exception as e: # Handle any other generic error # TODO: raise or log? raise finally: if not self.f_open.closed: self.f_open.close() else: msg = "Unable to find file at: {}\n".format(filepath) msg += "Please check your file path and try again." self.handle_error_message(msg) # Return a list of parsed entries that data_loader can manage return self.output def handle_error_message(self, msg): """ Generic error handler to add an error to the current datainfo to propogate the error up the error chain. :param msg: Error message """ if isinstance(self.current_datainfo, DataInfo): self.current_datainfo.errors.append(msg) else: logger.warning(msg) def send_to_output(self): """ Helper that automatically combines the info and set and then appends it to output """ data_obj = combine_data_info_with_plottable(self.current_dataset, self.current_datainfo) self.output.append(data_obj) def unit_converter(self): """ Generic unit conversion import """ # Check whether we have a converter available self.has_converter = True try: from sas.sascalc.data_util.nxsunit import Converter except: self.has_converter = False def sort_one_d_data(self): """ Sort 1D data along the X axis for consistency """ final_list = [] for data in self.output: if isinstance(data, Data1D): ind = np.lexsort((data.y, data.x)) data.x = np.asarray([data.x[i] for i in ind]) data.y = np.asarray([data.y[i] for i in ind]) if data.dx is not None: data.dx = np.asarray([data.dx[i] for i in ind]) if data.dxl is not None: data.dxl = np.asarray([data.dxl[i] for i in ind]) if data.dxw is not None: data.dxw = np.asarray([data.dxw[i] for i in ind]) if data.dy is not None: data.dy = np.asarray([data.dy[i] for i in ind]) if data.lam is not None: data.lam = np.asarray([data.lam[i] for i in ind]) if data.dlam is not None: data.dlam = np.asarray([data.dlam[i] for i in ind]) final_list.append(data) self.output = final_list @staticmethod def splitline(line): """ Splits a line into pieces based on common delimeters :param line: A single line of text :return: list of values """ # Initial try for CSV (split on ,) toks = line.split(',') # Now try SCSV (split on ;) if len(toks) < 2: toks = line.split(';') # Now go for whitespace if len(toks) < 2: toks = line.split() return toks @abstractmethod def get_file_contents(self): """ All reader classes that inherit from FileReader must implement """ pass