""" FitPanel class contains fields allowing to fit models and data """ import sys import datetime from PyQt5 import QtCore from PyQt5 import QtGui from PyQt5 import QtWidgets from bumps.dream.stats import var_stats, format_vars class ResultPanel(QtWidgets.QTabWidget): """ FitPanel class contains fields allowing to fit models and data :note: For Fit to be performed the user should check at least one parameter on fit Panel window. """ ## Internal name for the AUI manager window_name = "Result panel" windowClosedSignal = QtCore.pyqtSignal() def __init__(self, parent, manager=None, *args, **kwargs): """ """ super(ResultPanel, self).__init__(parent) self.manager = manager self.communicator = self.manager.communicator() self.setMinimumSize(400, 400) self.updateBumps() # patch bumps ## TEMPORARY ## # the following two imports will move to the top once # the monkeypatching is gone from bumps.gui.convergence_view import ConvergenceView from bumps.gui.uncertainty_view import UncertaintyView, CorrelationView, TraceView self.convergenceView = ConvergenceView() self.uncertaintyView = UncertaintyView() self.correlationView = CorrelationView() self.traceView = TraceView() self.show() def updateBumps(self): """ Monkeypatching bumps plot viewer to allow Qt """ from . import PlotView import bumps.gui sys.modules['bumps.gui.plot_view'] = PlotView def onPlotResults(self, results): # Clear up previous results for view in (self.convergenceView, self.correlationView, self.uncertaintyView, self.traceView): view.close() result = results[0][0] filename = result.data.sas_data.filename current_time = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%I:%M%p, %B %d, %Y") self.setWindowTitle(self.window_name + " - " + filename + " - " + current_time) if hasattr(result, 'convergence'): best, pop = result.convergence[:, 0], result.convergence[:, 1:] self.convergenceView.update(best, pop) self.addTab(self.convergenceView, "Convergence") self.convergenceView.show() else: self.convergenceView.close() if hasattr(result, 'uncertainty_state'): stats = var_stats(result.uncertainty_state.draw()) msg = format_vars(stats) self.correlationView.update(result.uncertainty_state) self.correlationView.show() self.addTab(self.correlationView, "Correlation") self.uncertaintyView.update((result.uncertainty_state, stats)) self.uncertaintyView.show() self.addTab(self.uncertaintyView, "Uncertainty") self.traceView.update(result.uncertainty_state) self.traceView.show() self.addTab(self.traceView, "Parameter Trace") else: for view in (self.correlationView, self.uncertaintyView, self.traceView): view.close() def closeEvent(self, event): """ Overwrite QDialog close method to allow for custom widget close """ # notify the parent so it hides this window self.windowClosedSignal.emit() event.ignore()