from PyQt5 import QtCore from PyQt5 import QtGui from PyQt5 import QtWidgets from sas.qtgui.Utilities.UI.PluginDefinitionUI import Ui_PluginDefinition # txtName # txtDescription # chkOverwrite # tblParams # tblParamsPD # txtFunction class PluginDefinition(QtWidgets.QDialog, Ui_PluginDefinition): """ Class describing the "simple" plugin editor. This is a simple series of widgets allowing for specifying model form and parameters. """ modelModified = QtCore.pyqtSignal() def __init__(self, parent=None): super(PluginDefinition, self).__init__(parent) self.setupUi(self) # globals self.initializeModel() # internal representation of the parameter list # {: (, )} self.parameter_dict = {} self.pd_parameter_dict = {} # Initialize signals self.addSignals() # Initialize widgets self.addWidgets() def addWidgets(self): """ Initialize various widgets in the dialog """ # Set the tooltip hint_function = "#Example:\n\n" hint_function += "if x <= 0:\n" hint_function += " y = A + B\n" hint_function += "else:\n" hint_function += " y = A + B * cos(2 * pi * x)\n" hint_function += "return y\n" self.txtFunction.setToolTip(hint_function) # Initial text in the function table text = \ """y = x return y """ self.txtFunction.insertPlainText(text) # Validators rx = QtCore.QRegExp("^[A-Za-z0-9_]*$") txt_validator = QtGui.QRegExpValidator(rx) self.txtName.setValidator(txt_validator) # Weird import location - workaround for a bug in Sphinx choking on # importing QSyntaxHighlighter # DO NOT MOVE TO TOP from sas.qtgui.Utilities.PythonSyntax import PythonHighlighter self.highlight = PythonHighlighter(self.txtFunction.document()) def initializeModel(self): """ Define the dictionary for internal data representation """ # Define the keys self.model = { 'filename':'', 'overwrite':False, 'description':'', 'parameters':{}, 'pd_parameters':{}, 'text':''} def addSignals(self): """ Define slots for widget signals """ self.txtName.editingFinished.connect(self.onPluginNameChanged) self.txtDescription.editingFinished.connect(self.onDescriptionChanged) self.tblParams.cellChanged.connect(self.onParamsChanged) self.tblParamsPD.cellChanged.connect(self.onParamsPDChanged) # QTextEdit doesn't have a signal for edit finish, so we respond to text changed. # Possibly a slight overkill. self.txtFunction.textChanged.connect(self.onFunctionChanged) self.chkOverwrite.toggled.connect(self.onOverwrite) def onPluginNameChanged(self): """ Respond to changes in plugin name """ self.model['filename'] = self.txtName.text() self.modelModified.emit() def onDescriptionChanged(self): """ Respond to changes in plugin description """ self.model['description'] = self.txtDescription.text() self.modelModified.emit() def onParamsChanged(self, row, column): """ Respond to changes in non-polydisperse parameter table """ param = value = None if self.tblParams.item(row, 0): param = self.tblParams.item(row, 0).data(0) if self.tblParams.item(row, 1): value = self.tblParams.item(row, 1).data(0) # If modified, just update the dict self.parameter_dict[row] = (param, value) self.model['parameters'] = self.parameter_dict # Check if the update was Value for last row. If so, add a new row if column == 1 and row == self.tblParams.rowCount()-1: # Add a row self.tblParams.insertRow(self.tblParams.rowCount()) self.modelModified.emit() def onParamsPDChanged(self, row, column): """ Respond to changes in non-polydisperse parameter table """ param = value = None if self.tblParamsPD.item(row, 0): param = self.tblParamsPD.item(row, 0).data(0) if self.tblParamsPD.item(row, 1): value = self.tblParamsPD.item(row, 1).data(0) # If modified, just update the dict self.pd_parameter_dict[row] = (param, value) self.model['pd_parameters'] = self.pd_parameter_dict # Check if the update was Value for last row. If so, add a new row if column == 1 and row == self.tblParamsPD.rowCount()-1: # Add a row self.tblParamsPD.insertRow(self.tblParamsPD.rowCount()) self.modelModified.emit() def onFunctionChanged(self): """ Respond to changes in function body """ # keep in mind that this is called every time the text changes. # mind the performance! self.model['text'] = self.txtFunction.toPlainText().lstrip().rstrip() self.modelModified.emit() def onOverwrite(self): """ Respond to change in file overwrite checkbox """ self.model['overwrite'] = self.chkOverwrite.isChecked() self.modelModified.emit() def getModel(self): """ Return the current plugin model """ return self.model