import sys import unittest import webbrowser from PyQt4 import QtCore from PyQt4 import QtGui from mock import MagicMock # SV imports from sas.sascalc.dataloader.loader import Loader from sas.sasgui.guiframe.data_manager import DataManager # Tested module from GuiUtils import * class GuiUtilsTest(unittest.TestCase): '''Test the GUI Utilities methods''' def setUp(self): '''Empty''' pass def tearDown(self): '''Empty''' pass def testDefaults(self): """ Test all the global constants defined in the file. """ # Should probably test the constants in the file, # but this will done after trimming down GuiUtils # and retaining only necessary variables. pass def testGetAppDir(self): """ """ pass def testGetUserDirectory(self): """ Simple test of user directory getter """ home_dir = os.path.expanduser("~") self.assertIn(home_dir, get_user_directory()) def testCommunicate(self): """ Test the container class with signal definitions """ com = Communicate() # All defined signals list_of_signals = [ 'fileReadSignal', 'fileDataReceivedSignal', 'statusBarUpdateSignal', 'updatePerspectiveWithDataSignal', 'updateModelFromPerspectiveSignal', 'plotRequestedSignal', 'progressBarUpdateSignal', ] # Assure all signals are defined. for signal in list_of_signals: self.assertIn(signal, dir(com)) def testUpdateModelItem(self): """ Test the QModelItem update method """ test_item = QtGui.QStandardItem() test_list = ['aa','11'] update_data = QtCore.QVariant(test_list) name = "Black Sabbath" # update the item updateModelItem(test_item, update_data, name) # Make sure test_item got all data added self.assertEqual(test_item.child(0).text(), name) self.assertTrue(test_item.child(0).isCheckable()) list_from_item = test_item.child(0).child(0).data().toPyObject() self.assertIsInstance(list_from_item, list) self.assertEqual(str(list_from_item[0]), test_list[0]) self.assertEqual(str(list_from_item[1]), test_list[1]) def testPlotsFromCheckedItems(self): """ Test addition of a plottable to the model """ # Mockup data test_list0 = "FRIDAY" test_list1 = "SATURDAY" test_list2 = "MONDAY" # Main item ("file") checkbox_model = QtGui.QStandardItemModel() checkbox_item = QtGui.QStandardItem(True) checkbox_item.setCheckable(True) checkbox_item.setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.Checked) test_item0 = QtGui.QStandardItem() test_item0.setData(QtCore.QVariant(test_list0)) # Checked item 1 test_item1 = QtGui.QStandardItem(True) test_item1.setCheckable(True) test_item1.setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.Checked) object_item = QtGui.QStandardItem() object_item.setData(QtCore.QVariant(test_list1)) test_item1.setChild(0, object_item) checkbox_item.setChild(0, test_item0) checkbox_item.appendRow(test_item1) # Unchecked item 2 test_item2 = QtGui.QStandardItem(True) test_item2.setCheckable(True) test_item2.setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.Unchecked) object_item = QtGui.QStandardItem() object_item.setData(QtCore.QVariant(test_list2)) test_item2.setChild(0, object_item) checkbox_item.appendRow(test_item2) checkbox_model.appendRow(checkbox_item) # Pull out the "plottable" documents plot_list = plotsFromCheckedItems(checkbox_model) # Make sure only the checked data is present # FRIDAY IN self.assertIn(test_list0, plot_list) # SATURDAY IN self.assertIn(test_list1, plot_list) # MONDAY NOT IN self.assertNotIn(test_list2, plot_list) def testInfoFromData(self): """ Test Info element extraction from a plottable object """ loader = Loader() manager = DataManager() # get Data1D p_file="cyl_400_20.txt" output_object = loader.load(p_file) new_data = manager.create_gui_data(output_object, p_file) # Extract Info elements into a model item item = infoFromData(new_data) # Test the item and its children self.assertIsInstance(item, QtGui.QStandardItem) self.assertEqual(item.rowCount(), 5) self.assertEqual(item.text(), "Info") self.assertIn(p_file, item.child(0).text()) self.assertIn("Run", item.child(1).text()) self.assertIn("Data1D", item.child(2).text()) self.assertIn(p_file, item.child(3).text()) self.assertIn("Process",item.child(4).text()) def testOpenLink(self): """ Opening a link in the external browser """ good_url1 = r"" good_url2 = r"" good_url3 = r"" bad_url1 = "" bad_url2 = QtGui.QStandardItem() bad_url3 = r"poop;//**!bad@url" = MagicMock() openLink(good_url1) openLink(good_url2) openLink(good_url3) self.assertEqual(, 3) with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): openLink(bad_url1) with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): openLink(bad_url2) with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): openLink(bad_url3) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()